SMAPI log parser

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Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.4.2 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
SMAPI: 3.0.1
Folder: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2019-12-08 06:04 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.4.2 no errors
SMAPI 3.0.1 Pathoschild no errors
Advanced Location Loader 1.5.1 Entoarox no errors
Aggressive Acorns 1.2.3-beta Phrasefable no errors
Animal Patting 1.0.4 DiddyP no errors
Another Hunger Mod 1.1.0 spacechase0 no errors
Anything Ponds 1.0.0 MouseyPounds no errors
AutoAnimalDoors 2.3.0 Aaron Taggart no errors
Automate 1.14.0 Pathoschild no errors
Better Artisan Good Icons 1.5.0
+ PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.2.0
+ PPJA Farmer to Florist Icon Pack 1.0.0
(+ 2 content packs)
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets & Kildarien
no errors
Better Fruit Trees 2.6.1-unofficial.1-Strobe Cat no errors
Better Garden Pots 1.6.0 Cat no errors
Better Panning 1.0.4 AairTheGreat no errors
Better Ranching 1.7.3-unofficial.1-minervamaga Urbanyeti no errors
Better Shop Menu 1.1.3 spacechase0 no errors
Carry Chest 1.3.0 spacechase0 no errors
Casks Everywhere 1.1.0 Cat no errors
catGifts 1.1.6-unofficial.1-Strobe skuldomg no errors
Chests Anywhere 1.17.1 Pathoschild no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.21.0 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 1.11.5 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.9.4 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Climates of Ferngill 1.5.4 Sakorona no errors
Console Commands 3.0.1 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 1.10.1
+ [CP] Froststar11's Fairy Spring Farm Cave 1.0.0
+ [CP] Medieval Buildings TEST 1.0.0
+ [CP]Yellog's wood fence 1.4.0
+ A Toned Down Stardew Valley 4.1.3
+ Ace Buildings Expanded Tilesheets 1.1.0
+ Ace Farms Expanded Forest Rudo86 BIG 7.8.6
+ Ace Farms Expanded Hill-Top 7.8.6
+ Ace Farms Expanded Island Paradise Alt 7.8.6
+ Ace Farms Expanded Tilesheets 7.8.9
+ Ace Farms Expanded Wilderness Rudo86's Wife 7.8.6
+ Ace Pet Bedding for Expanded Farms 7.8.6
+ Ace's House and Cabin 3.2.0
+ Ali's Flower Grass - CP Conversion 1.0.2
+ Always Rice 1.0.0
+ Animal_Loader 1.5.0
+ Antique TV Sets 1.0.0
+ Blossoming Trees 1.1.0
+ Butch Leah 1.0.0
+ Craftable Mushroom Boxes 1.4.2
+ Cute Boots 1.0.0
+ Cute Valley - Pink 1.4.0
+ Cuter Coops and Better Barns 1.0.0
+ Doki Doki Dialogue - Alex 2.1.0
+ Doki Doki Dialogue - Elliott 3.1.0
+ Doki Doki Dialogue - Sam 3.1.1
+ Doki Doki Dialogue - Sebastian 2.1.1
+ Eemie's Cute Long Hairstyles for Content Patcher 2.0.1
+ Elliott - Expanded Marriage Dialogue 1.0.0
+ Elliott Dialogue Expansion (Doki Compatible) 1.0.0
+ Fippsie's Animated Lamp Posts 1.0.3
+ Flirtier Alex Dialogue Overhaul for Content Patcher 1.2 1.2.0
+ Fruits & Veggies Legacy for Content Patcher 1.0.2
+ Kitty Slimes 1.0.0
+ Leah Dialogue Expansion for Content Patcher 1.0.1
+ Legendary Fish Ponds 1.0.0
+ Lumisteria Toddlers 3.1.0
+ MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 3.0.0
+ More Fish 4.0.0
+ Nicer Villagers Flirty Bachelors for ContentPatcher 1.1.0
+ Penny Expanded Marriage Dialogue 1.0.3
+ Pookachus_Smaller_Snappy_Greenhouse 2.0.1
+ Romanceable Rasmodius 1.1.0
+ Sebastian Expansion Mod 1.0.9
+ Shardust's Flooring 5.0.0
+ Starblue Valley 1.1.0
+ Starblue Valley Grass 1.1.0
+ Starfruits Regrow 1.1.0
+ Suitcase Record Player 1.1.0
+ Sweet Talking Seb for ContentPatcher 1.0.0
+ Unique Jealousy Responses 1.2.1
+ Useful Sweet Gem Berries 1.0.0
+ Vintage Interface 2.0 (CP) 2.0.0
(+ 52 content packs)
+ froststar11
+ sonreirblah
+ Yellog
+ LavenderLight and minervamaga
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ Acerbicon
+ minervamaga and strawberrymilk95
+ Cherry
+ NordKitten
+ Medinaquirin
+ Lita
+ ashbrass
+ foggywizard
+ VanillaRiin
+ Rosalie
+ DaisyNiko
+ alistairweekend
+ alistairweekend
+ alistairweekend
+ alistairweekend
+ eemiestardew and minervamaga
+ sabreene
+ sabreene
+ Fippsie
+ Wumbuzz
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ hisameartwork
+ farmerjack
+ MouseyPounds
+ Lumisteria
+ MissCoriel
+ HisameArtWork&TrentXV
+ Kagurahime
+ catacoon
+ Pookachu
+ WerewolfMaster, haywrites
+ Mal
+ Shardust
+ Lita
+ Lita
+ Strobe
+ Medinaquirin
+ Kagurahime
+ minervamaga
+ SilentDeath06
+ ManaKirel
no errors
Content Patcher Animations 1.1.4 spacechase0 no errors
Cooking Skill 1.1.5 spacechase0 no errors
Crop Transplant Mod 1.1.4-beta Digus no errors
Custom Critters 1.2.7-unofficial.1-slamerz spacechase0 no errors
Custom Farming Automate Bridge 2.12.7 Platonymous no errors
Custom Farming Redux 2.12.9-unofficial.1-minervamaga
+ Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR) 2.0.6
+ Clark's Perfume Maker (for CFR) 1.0.1-unofficial.1-minervamaga
+ Coffee Maker 1.0.0
+ Drink More Water - Get Water 1.3.0
+ EnchantingTablee (for CFR) 1.5.3
+ Examples for Custom Farming Redux 1.0.0
+ FabergeBench (for CFR) 1.5.3
+ Farmer to Florist (for CFR) 2.0.0
+ Goldfish Bowl and Koi Tan 1.0.1
+ Indoor Beehouse 2.0.0
+ JewelCraftingMachines (for CFR) 1.5.3
+ Manure Machines 1.0.0
+ New Machines 2.0.0
+ NMBC Scarecrows 1.1.1-unofficial.1-Dragonwrath
+ The Pumpkin King (CFR pack) 1.1.1-unofficial.1-minervamaga
(+ 15 content packs)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ wilsonch3451
+ Medinaquirin
+ Warilized
+ Undare
+ Platonymous
+ Undare
+ Kildarien (Original assets) + SpringsSong (conversion to JsonAssets)
+ TrentXV&HisameArtwork
+ Slammy
+ Undare
+ TrentXV
+ TrentXV
+ MelNoelle
+ kirbster87
no errors
Custom Furniture 0.10.5-unofficial.1-mouse
+ Barfy's Home Decor 1.4.0
+ Custom Furniture Secret Base Furniture 1.0.0
+ Hanging Dried Flowers 1.0.1
+ Holiday Event Furniture 1.1.1-unofficial.1-mouse
+ meme1234bunny's Pokemon Dolls 1.1.0
+ Mioudew's Elegant Victorian Furniture for Custom Furniture 1.0.0
+ Modern Gothic Interior 1.1.0
+ New Windows 1.2.5
+ Pet Displays 1.0.0
+ Witch Furniture 1.0.0
+ Yellog's Dark Brown and Cream Furniture 1.0.0
+ Yoyo's Graveyard Stuff 1.0.0
(+ 12 content packs)
+ barfyscorpion and sylveonne
+ vamoosi
+ eemiestardew and xbukimina
+ NotOnLand
+ Conversion by Moragaine
+ Mioudew and Froststar11
+ coldazrael
+ WatchfulTigerlily
+ HopeWasHere
+ SpottedDotted
+ yewon11 and Froststar11
+ yoyohayli
no errors
Custom Furniture Anywhere 0.10.4 Platonymous no errors
Customize Anywhere 1.1.3 Cherry no errors
Debug Mode 1.11.0 Pathoschild no errors
Dynamic Night Time 1.3.0 Sakorona no errors
Entoarox Framework 2.4.11 Entoarox no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.8.0 Esca no errors
Faster Paths 1.3.7 Entoarox no errors
Festival of the Mundane 1.1.1 MouseyPounds and Mr. Podunkian no errors
Food Buff Stacking 1.0.0 thejcannon no errors
Furniture Anywhere 1.1.8 Entoarox no errors
Giant Crop Ring 1.4.0 Cat no errors
Gift Taste Helper 2.9.1 tstaples (aka catman) no errors
Harvest With Scythe 2.3.0 bcmpinc no errors
HelpWantedQuestFixes 1.2.0 Pokeytax no errors
Horse Whistle 1.2.3-unofficial.2-pathoschild icepuente no errors
Json Assets 1.5.1
+ Animal Pack 2.0.0
+ Aquilegia's Sweet Tooth 1.4.0
+ Artisan Valley Animal Pack 2.0.0
+ Artisan Valley Machine Goods 2.0.6
+ Bonster's Advanced Recipes 1.1.0
+ Bonster's Fruits and Veggies 2.0.0
+ Bonster's Recipes 1.1.0
+ Bonster's Trees 2.0.0
+ Cannabis Kit for JsonAssets 1.7.1
+ Cute Shirts For JsonAssets 1.0.0
+ Drink more Water 1.3.1
+ Eemie's Crops 1.3.1
+ Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets 1.5.3
+ Even More Recipes for JsonAssets 1.5.3
+ Fantasy Crops 1.4.2
+ Farmer to Florist 2.0.1
+ Festival of the Mundane Hat Pack 1.1.1
+ Fresh Meat 2.0.2
+ Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets 2.0.4
+ JA Witchy Decorations 1.0.0
+ Jewelcraft 1.3.0
+ Lumisteria Small Fruit Trees for Json Assets 1.0.1
+ Manure Pack for Bulls 1.0.0
+ Milkshakes 1.0.0
+ Missy's Shirts for JsonAssets 1.0.0
+ Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets 1.6.2
+ More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets 1.9.1
+ More Trees for JsonAssets 1.6.2
+ New Fish Recipes 1.0.1
+ New Shirts For JsonAssets 1.0.0
+ New Skirts for JsonAssets 1.0.0
+ Starbrew Valley: A Collection of Alcoholic Drinks and Recipes 1.3.2
(+ 32 content packs)
+ Trent XV
+ Aquilegia/AquilegiaStardew
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Bonster
+ Bonster
+ Bonster
+ Bonster
+ PPJA & taintedwheat
+ Tacodevourer (original) Ritsunesan (conversion)
+ Warilized
+ Eemiestardew and minervamaga
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ ParadigmNomad - Port & MizuJakkaru - Sprites
+ Kildarien (Original assets) + SpringsSong (conversion to JsonAssets)
+ MouseyPounds, Mr. Podunkian, and mouse
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ ManaKirel, saambell, and geminia
+ Undare
+ Lumisteria
+ TrentXV
+ ApollosNight
+ MissyDiabolical (original) PPJA (conversion)
+ ParadigmNomad & Eemie (Port) & Mizu (Sprites)
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ TrentXV and Hisame Artworks
+ Alicedafox (original) Ritsunesan (conversion)
+ Alicedafox (original) Ritsunesan (conversion)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
no errors
Lookup Anything 1.23.0 Pathoschild no errors
Loved Labels 2.2.1-unofficial.3-pathoschild Advize & Jinxiewinxie no errors
Lunar Disturbances 1.1.0 Sakorona no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.5.1
+ [MFM] Even More Recipes 1.0.0
+ [MFM] Farmer to Florist 1.1.0
+ [MFM] Fresh Meat 1.0.0
+ [MFM] Fruits and Veggies 1.0.1
+ [MFM] Mizu's Flowers 1.0.0
+ [MFM] More Trees 1.0.1
+ [MFM] Starbrew Valley 1.0.1
(+ 7 content packs)
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
no errors
More Animals 3.0.4 Entoarox, see credits.txt for texture authors no errors
Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety 3.0.6-unofficial
+ [BFAV] Riazaia's Boar 1.0.1
+ Bears in the Barn 1.0.1
+ BFAV Bulls 2.0.0
+ BFAV Crows 1.0.0
+ BFAV_Frogs 1.0.2
+ Raccoon 1.1.3
+ Trent's BFAV Animals 2.0.0
+ Warthog BFAV 1.0.0
(+ 8 content packs)
+ Riazaia/Fippsie
+ MouseyPounds and MS_Paintdra
+ Trent XV
+ stardewforest
+ sapphicursa
+ Trent XV
+ Trent
+ Fellowclown
no errors
Part of the Community 1.1.6-unofficial.1-beta-minervamaga Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) no errors
Pet Interaction 1.1.1 jahangmar no errors
Pond Painter 1.0.0 MouseyPounds no errors
PumpkinKing 1.1.1-unofficial.1-minervamaga KirbyLink no errors
PyTK 1.12.14-unofficial.1-minervamaga Platonymous 1 error
Range Display 2.7.0 Cat no errors
SauvignonInStardew 1.9.1-unofficial.5-BigBhole69 Jesse no errors
Save Backup 3.0.1 SMAPI no errors
Sentar 1.4.2 BrasileiroTop no errors
SpaceCore 1.3.1 spacechase0 no errors
StardewHack 2.3.0 bcmpinc no errors
Tainted Cellar 1.1.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild Jinxiewinxie for TaintedWheat no errors
TMXLoader 1.10.6
+ [TMX] Fippsie's Birdhouse 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Lumisteria's Farmer's Stands 1.0.2
+ [TMX] Lumisteria's Garden Decorations 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Animated Decorative Statues 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Animated Fountain 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Animated Zen Fountain 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Fantasy Tree 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Garden Decorations 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Seasonal Gazebo 1.0.1
+ [TMX] Seasonal Wedding Arch 1.0.0
+ [TMX] Stardew Brewery 0.1.0
+ Farmer's Market 1.0.0
+ Looking for Love Spouse Rooms 1.0.0
+ Pet House Buildables for TMXL 1.1.0
(+ 14 content packs)
+ Fippsie
+ Lumisteria
+ Lumisteria
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Tanpoponoko (Original Art) ParadigmNomad (Conversion)
+ Cylon
+ minervamaga
+ foggywizard and sivolobwho
+ minervamaga and various
no errors
Tractor Mod 4.9.0 Pathoschild no errors
Tree Transplant 1.0.9 James Stine no errors
UI Info Suite 1.8.4 Cdaragorn no errors
Wear More Rings 2.2.0 bcmpinc no errors
WorkingFireplace 1.5.0 jahangmar no errors
ZoomLevelKeybind 1.1.2 GuiNoya no errors
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.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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