SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:
Content Patcher + Dialogue to reflect town growing.
+ Grandpa's Farm
Mod Update Menu 1.6.1-unofficial-2.dphill → 2.7.0 Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 → 1.3.0 Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 → 1.15.10
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | G:\sync\Stardew Valley 168 |
Log started: | 2025-03-25 02:50 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | no errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
AchtuurCore 1.3.3 | Achtuur | no errors | |
AimonsWitchSwampOverhaulPatches 2.2.5 | Aimon111 | no errors | |
Anniversary on Calendar 1.3.1 | greentodd | no errors | |
AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 | Super Aardvark | no errors | |
Aquarism 2.1.2 | DaLion | no errors | |
ArchaeologySkill 2.12.1 | moonslime | no errors | |
Auto Forager 3.7.1 | Jag3Dagster | no errors | |
Auto-Stack Bait & Ammo 2.1.0 | Jonathan Feenstra | no errors | |
AutoAnimalDoors 4.2.0 | Aaron Taggart | no errors | |
AutoGrab Truffles 1.1.1 | Frostiverse | no errors | |
Automate 2.3.3 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
AutomaticGates 2.5.4 | Rakiin aKa ScheKaa | no errors | |
Better Beehouses 2.1.3 | Tlitookilakin | no errors | |
Better Crafting 2.17.1 | Khloe Leclair | no errors | |
Better Friendship 1.1.3 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
Better Frog Control 1.0.3 | Malkavian | no errors | |
Better Honey Mead 1.1.0 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Better Junimos 3.1.0 | hawkfalcon,ceruleandeep | no errors | |
Better Ranching 2.0.5 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
Better Shipping Bin 1.4.7 | MindMeltMax | no errors | |
Better Truffles 1.0.5 | temisthem | no errors | |
Bigger Fridges 1.1.1 | Entoarox | no errors | |
BirbCore 1.1.0 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
Buildable Ginger Island Farm 1.0.10 | mouahrara | no errors | |
Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Button's Extra Trigger Action Stuff 2.13.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Call to build 1.2.0 | TheWarpriest | no errors | |
Chargeable Resource Tools 2.1.1 | DaLion | no errors | |
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.10.2 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Community Center Helper 1.6.7 | vgperson | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Additional Farm Cave 2.9.0
(+ 86 content packs)
+ (CP) Archaeology Skill 2.12.1 + (CP) Better Honey Mead 1.1.0 + (CP) Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo 1.1.2 + (CP) Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 + (CP) Craftable Qi Seasoning 1.0.0 + (CP) East Scarp 2.4.18 + (CP) Events Expansion 1.4.0 + (CP) Farming Level Affects Harvest 1.2.4 + (CP) Farming Level Affects Harvest - SVE 1.0.2 + (CP) FCF Bats and Shrooms 0.1.0 + (CP) Grapes of Ferngill 5.0.5 + (CP) I Fixed Him - Shane Dialogue Consistency 1.4.0 + (CP) Immersive Sandy 1.0.8 + (CP) Mini Obelisk 2.3.0 + (CP) MoreSpouseEvents 1.1.1 + (CP) No More Bowlegs 1.2.0 + (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.3.0 + (CP) Recycle Joja Cola 2.0.2 + (CP) Socializing Skill 2.1.1 + (CP) The Return of More Backpack Upgrades 1.0.2 + (CP) Upgraded Casks 1.8.10 + (CP) Vanilla Ores Extended 0.1.2 + (CP) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3 + (CP) Yagisan - Custom NPCs for NPC Map Locations 1.2.1 + (CP) Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.8.2 + (CP)Game Achievements: Thank you letters 3.5.0 + A Secret Forest Walk 1.0.6 + Adventurer's Guild Expanded for 1.6 2.2.3 + Alecto the Witch 1.1.13 + Always Raining in the Valley 1.0.7 + Book Subscription 1.2.4 + CakeyBunz Zinnia Retexture 1.1.0 + Calling from afar 1.0.2 + Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.7 + Clint Rewritten 1.2.3 + Craftable (and drinkable) Stardrop Tea 1.0.1 + Custom Gift Dialogue Utility testpack 1.3.0 + DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0 + Date Night Redux 2.2.2 + Dialogue to reflect town growing. 3.5.0 + Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 2.2.5 + Dry Bus Stop 1.0.0 + East Scarp NPCs 2.4.18 + Elliott Learns Politeness 1.3.0 + Extra Museum Space 1.1.4 + Fixed Luau Bridge 1.0.1 + Give the Mermaid Her Pendant Back! 1.4.0 + Grandpa's Farm 1.15.8 + Heart Event Helper - Icons (CP) 1.1.0 + Immersive Festival Dialogue 1.0.1 + Immersive Spouses 0.8.0 + Jas expansion 1.5.8 + Juliet, Jessie and Lodging House 1.5.6 + Kids Treehouse 1.6.2 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Indoor 1.4.0 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.4.0 + Lurking in the Dark 3.0.6 + Marnie Immersive 1.5.8 + Miihaus More Abigail Heart Events 1.4.0 + Miihaus More Haley Heart Events 1.5.3 + Miihaus More Penny Heart Events 2.4.2 + Miihaus Shane Event Expansion 1.0.4 + MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.2 + MoreBooks 1.1.10 + No More Duggy Holes - Mines Fix for Trypophobia 1.0.0 + No Surprise Crab 2.5.1 + NPC Mr Ginger 1.6.6 + Phone Calls Expanded SVE 1.0.3 + Radioactive ore in SC 1.0.0 + SamMarriageDialogueExpansion 1.2.0 + Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 + Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 + Seasonal Mariner To Mermaid 1.2.3 + Seasonal Mermaid's Pendants 1.0.0 + Seasonal Outfits - SVE 2.0.0 + Seasonal Outfits for Gabriel - Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.0 + Shortcuts in the Spiral Mine 1.1.0 + Spouse Portraits Reworked 4.0.1 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 + Unique Gift Dialogues Expanded 2.1.1 + Unique Winter Star 2.0.5 + Unique Winter Star SVE 2.1.0 + Upgrade Sprinklers 1.0.1 + Xiddav's Tilesheet 1.6.6 + ZZZ_MoreGreenhouses 2.0.2 |
+ Tikamin557
+ moonslime + NCarigon + 6480 + Spiderbuttons + AngelOfStars + LemurKat + nraittanna + Dyanosis + Dyanosis + aedenthorn + Stunky McDoo and Vee Bee + joiinks + beyondrecovery + Tikamin557 + FernandoFec + leroymilo + ApryllForever + Jibb + drbirbdev + platinummyr + CyanFire + PizzaTurtl + Tarniyar & Aeywoo + Yagisan + moonslime + sadnumbme + Airyn + SUPERT and Lorre + ZoeDoll + Hime Tarts + BerryBea + cakeybunz + Zilch + gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding) + Agent Lyoko + br93 + PurrplingCat + DaisyNiko + SUPERT, AgentLyoko + sadnumbme + Aimon111 + Br1ghtEy3s + Lemurkat + MidnightVoyager + RaffieJohn + Airyn + Dolphin Is Not a Fish + FlashShifter + bungus + tangeriney + someguy363 + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + Xiddav + Lumisteria + Lumisteria + 7thAxis + Lemurkat + Miihau + Miihau + Miihau + Miihau + MissCoriel + jeWel + chickensoulforthesoup + Sinmenon + Lemurkat + CursedTea (dialogue), Sneakabout (coding) + mistyspring + bananafishies + Poltergeister with assets by various artists + Poltergeister + JennaJuffuffles + Rosenbug + Poltergeister and Tanpoponoko + Kari and Tortart + JaneElliot + Hitme + FlashShifter + PrincessFelicie + Agent Lyoko + Agent Lyoko + OchoLinda + Xiddav + Celestia87 |
no errors | |
Custom Bush 1.5.2 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
Custom Cask Mod 1.6.3
+ (CCM) Upgraded Casks 1.8.10
(+ 1 content packs)
+ CyanFire
no errors | |
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ ARV- Maximum 1.0.7
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Hime Tarts
no errors | |
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.4 | datamancer | no errors | |
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 | Esca | no errors | |
Custom Tokens 1.6.2 | TheMightyAmondee | no errors | |
DaLionheart 2.1.8 | DaLion | no errors | |
Data Layers 1.20.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Destroyable Bushes 1.5.1 | Esca | no errors | |
Disable Joystick Chat 1.0.0 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
DPS Stat 1.1.0 | supercam19 | no errors | |
DynamicNightTime 1.3.16-beta | Sakorona | no errors | |
East Scarp C# 2.4.18 | atravita | no errors | |
Even Better Artisan Good Icons 1.6.6
+ Even Better Artisan Good Icons for SVE 1.5.0
(+ 1 content packs)
Haze1nuts, 58 and Cat
+ MidnightChord
no errors | |
Event Lookup 0.2.9 | shekurika | no errors | |
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Experience Bars 1.4.5 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
ExtraAnimalConfig 1.7.0 | selph | no errors | |
ExtraMachineConfig 1.14.0 | selph | no errors | |
Farm Cave Framework 0.3.7-unofficial-Sparky56p | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ (FTM) Additional Farm Cave 1.0.0
(+ 8 content packs)
+ (FTM) Grapes of Ferngill 5.0.5 + (FTM) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3 + Better Quarry Redux 1.1.3 + Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM 2.2.5 + Forage Settings East Scarp 2.4.18 + Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8 + Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 |
+ Tikamin557
+ Stunky McDoo and Vee Bee + Tarniyar & Aeywoo + Strobe + Aimon111 + Lemurkat + FlashShifter + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Faster Path Speed 1.3.1 | gaussfire | no errors | |
FauxCore 1.2.2 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
Fix Warp Greenhouses 1.0.0 | cpdncristiano | no errors | |
Friendship Totems 1.1.0 | ThisIsCad | no errors | |
Fruit Tree Tweaks 1.0.1 | chiccen | no errors | |
Garden Pot - Automate 1.1.1 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Garden Pot Options 2.0.3 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Harvest Seeds 0.2.3-unofficial.1-LikeFrogs | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Heart Event Helper 1.1.0 | bungus | no errors | |
Horse Overhaul 1.5.9 | Goldenrevolver | no errors | |
Iridium scythe ginger 1.0.0 | mistyspring | no errors | |
Item extensions 1.14.1 | mistyspring | no errors | |
ItsStardewTime 1.2.2-unofficial.1-CabooseSage | Caboose Sage | no errors | |
Json Assets 1.11.9 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Kokoro - Shockah's core mod 3.0.0 | Shockah | no errors | |
LadderLocator 1.5.2 | ChaosEnergy | no errors | |
Light Radius Mod 0.1.3 | irocendar | no errors | |
Like A Duck To Water Continued 0.4.5 | aedenthorn, tem696969696969 | no errors | |
LittleNPCs 2.1.0 | Candidus42 | 1 error | |
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Mail Framework Mod 1.19.0
+ (MFM) Additional Farm Cave 1.0.0
(+ 4 content packs)
+ (MFM) SpousesIncome 2.1.0 + (MFM) SpousesIncomeSVE 1.1.1 + Always Raining in the Valley MFM 1.0.7 |
+ Tikamin557
+ Kii + Astraios + Hime Tarts |
no errors | |
ManyEnchantments 1.0.5 | Stari | no errors | |
Mapping Extensions and Extra Properties (MEEP) 2.4.6 | DecidedlyHuman | no errors | |
Mineracoustics 1.1.3 | DaLion | no errors | |
Mini Bars 1.0.5 | Coldopa | no errors | |
Mod Update Menu 1.6.1-unofficial-2.dphill | Cat, Unofficial Update by dphill | no errors | |
More Books 1.1.10 | jeWel | no errors | |
More Sorting Options 1.0.9 | Chris Kau & Sean Nightingale | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 | Bouhm | no errors | |
Only fishes consume bait 0.2.0 | MercuryVN | no errors | |
Passable Crops 1.1.9 | NCarigon | no errors | |
PFMAutomate 1.5.0 | Digus | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Love 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Producer Framework Mod 1.9.7 | Digus | no errors | |
Relocate Buildings And Farm Animals 1.0.3 | mouahrara | no errors | |
Reset Terrain Features 1.0.3-unofficial.3-Lake1059 | MabelSyrup | no errors | |
RushOrders-Continued 1.2.3 | recon88 | no errors | |
SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Secret Note Framework 1.1.3 | ichortower | no errors | |
Seed Maker Quality 1.0.4 | Speshkitty | no errors | |
Self Serve 1.0.1 | NeverToxic | no errors | |
Serfdom 2.1.1 | DaLion | no errors | |
Shop Tile Framework 1.0.11 | Cherry | no errors | |
Show Item Quality (1.6 Unofficial) 1.1.3-unofficial.1-bungus | Jonqora & Bungus | no errors | |
Skip Intro 1.9.22 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 | DewMods | no errors | |
SkipGalaxyAuthentication 1.0.0 | yshdmt | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 | lestoph | no errors | |
SocializingSkill 2.1.1 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Special Power Utilities 2.3.3 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Springmyst 2.1.5 | DaLion | no errors | |
Stardew Progress 2.2.2 | seeinggreen | no errors | |
Stardew Travel Skill 1.4.0 | Achtuur | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 | FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
StardewHack 7.4.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
StardustCore 3.1.1 | Alpha_Omegasis | no errors | |
The Return of Custom Backpack Framework 1.0.1 | platinummyr | no errors | |
The Return of Immersive Scarecrows 1.0.7 | lucaskfreitas | no errors | |
The Return of Immersive Sprinklers 1.0.3 | lucaskfreitas | no errors | |
Tilled Soil Decay 7.4.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Train Station 2.2.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Ultimate Fertilizer 1.2.5 | fox_white25 | no errors | |
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 | MissCoriel | no errors | |
Upgraded Casks 1.8.10 | CyanFire | no errors | |
Visible Fish 0.4.2 | shekurika | no errors | |
Walk Of Life - Rebirth 1.2.10 | DaLion | no errors | |
Watering Grants XP, Crops Can Wither 1.2.0 | Goldenrevolver | no errors | |
WaterPetBowl 1.0.4 | A_Dude | no errors | |
Waterproof Items 1.0.3 | Esca | no errors | |
Wear More Rings 7.7.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Wildcat 1.0.1 | DaLion | no errors | |
World Maps 1.0.3 | shekurika | no errors | |
XP Display 2.0.4 | Shockah | no errors | |
Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.9.0 | moonslime | no errors |
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