SMAPI log parser

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Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: G:\sync\Stardew Valley 168
Log started: 2025-03-25 02:50 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.6.15 build 24356 no errors
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild no errors
AchtuurCore 1.3.3 Achtuur no errors
AimonsWitchSwampOverhaulPatches 2.2.5 Aimon111 no errors
Anniversary on Calendar 1.3.1 greentodd no errors
AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 Super Aardvark no errors
Aquarism 2.1.2 DaLion no errors
ArchaeologySkill 2.12.1 moonslime no errors
Auto Forager 3.7.1 Jag3Dagster no errors
Auto-Stack Bait & Ammo 2.1.0 Jonathan Feenstra no errors
AutoAnimalDoors 4.2.0 Aaron Taggart no errors
AutoGrab Truffles 1.1.1 Frostiverse no errors
Automate 2.3.3 Pathoschild no errors
AutomaticGates 2.5.4 Rakiin aKa ScheKaa no errors
Better Beehouses 2.1.3 Tlitookilakin no errors
Better Crafting 2.17.1 Khloe Leclair no errors
Better Friendship 1.1.3 Urbanyeti no errors
Better Frog Control 1.0.3 Malkavian no errors
Better Honey Mead 1.1.0 NCarigon no errors
Better Junimos 3.1.0 hawkfalcon,ceruleandeep no errors
Better Ranching 2.0.5 Urbanyeti no errors
Better Shipping Bin 1.4.7 MindMeltMax no errors
Better Truffles 1.0.5 temisthem no errors
Bigger Fridges 1.1.1 Entoarox no errors
BirbCore 1.1.0 drbirbdev no errors
Buildable Ginger Island Farm 1.0.10 mouahrara no errors
Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 Spiderbuttons no errors
Button's Extra Trigger Action Stuff 2.13.1 Spiderbuttons no errors
Call to build 1.2.0 TheWarpriest no errors
Chargeable Resource Tools 2.1.1 DaLion no errors
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.10.2 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Community Center Helper 1.6.7 vgperson no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Additional Farm Cave 2.9.0
+ (CP) Archaeology Skill 2.12.1
+ (CP) Better Honey Mead 1.1.0
+ (CP) Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo 1.1.2
+ (CP) Button's Extra Books 3.2.1
+ (CP) Craftable Qi Seasoning 1.0.0
+ (CP) East Scarp 2.4.18
+ (CP) Events Expansion 1.4.0
+ (CP) Farming Level Affects Harvest 1.2.4
+ (CP) Farming Level Affects Harvest - SVE 1.0.2
+ (CP) FCF Bats and Shrooms 0.1.0
+ (CP) Grapes of Ferngill 5.0.5
+ (CP) I Fixed Him - Shane Dialogue Consistency 1.4.0
+ (CP) Immersive Sandy 1.0.8
+ (CP) Mini Obelisk 2.3.0
+ (CP) MoreSpouseEvents 1.1.1
+ (CP) No More Bowlegs 1.2.0
+ (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.3.0
+ (CP) Recycle Joja Cola 2.0.2
+ (CP) Socializing Skill 2.1.1
+ (CP) The Return of More Backpack Upgrades 1.0.2
+ (CP) Upgraded Casks 1.8.10
+ (CP) Vanilla Ores Extended 0.1.2
+ (CP) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3
+ (CP) Yagisan - Custom NPCs for NPC Map Locations 1.2.1
+ (CP) Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.8.2
+ (CP)Game Achievements: Thank you letters 3.5.0
+ A Secret Forest Walk 1.0.6
+ Adventurer's Guild Expanded for 1.6 2.2.3
+ Alecto the Witch 1.1.13
+ Always Raining in the Valley 1.0.7
+ Book Subscription 1.2.4
+ CakeyBunz Zinnia Retexture 1.1.0
+ Calling from afar 1.0.2
+ Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.7
+ Clint Rewritten 1.2.3
+ Craftable (and drinkable) Stardrop Tea 1.0.1
+ Custom Gift Dialogue Utility testpack 1.3.0
+ DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0
+ Date Night Redux 2.2.2
+ Dialogue to reflect town growing. 3.5.0
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 2.2.5
+ Dry Bus Stop 1.0.0
+ East Scarp NPCs 2.4.18
+ Elliott Learns Politeness 1.3.0
+ Extra Museum Space 1.1.4
+ Fixed Luau Bridge 1.0.1
+ Give the Mermaid Her Pendant Back! 1.4.0
+ Grandpa's Farm 1.15.8
+ Heart Event Helper - Icons (CP) 1.1.0
+ Immersive Festival Dialogue 1.0.1
+ Immersive Spouses 0.8.0
+ Jas expansion 1.5.8
+ Juliet, Jessie and Lodging House 1.5.6
+ Kids Treehouse 1.6.2
+ Lumisteria Tilesheets - Indoor 1.4.0
+ Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.4.0
+ Lurking in the Dark 3.0.6
+ Marnie Immersive 1.5.8
+ Miihaus More Abigail Heart Events 1.4.0
+ Miihaus More Haley Heart Events 1.5.3
+ Miihaus More Penny Heart Events 2.4.2
+ Miihaus Shane Event Expansion 1.0.4
+ MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.2
+ MoreBooks 1.1.10
+ No More Duggy Holes - Mines Fix for Trypophobia 1.0.0
+ No Surprise Crab 2.5.1
+ NPC Mr Ginger 1.6.6
+ Phone Calls Expanded SVE 1.0.3
+ Radioactive ore in SC 1.0.0
+ SamMarriageDialogueExpansion 1.2.0
+ Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1
+ Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0
+ Seasonal Mariner To Mermaid 1.2.3
+ Seasonal Mermaid's Pendants 1.0.0
+ Seasonal Outfits - SVE 2.0.0
+ Seasonal Outfits for Gabriel - Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.0
+ Shortcuts in the Spiral Mine 1.1.0
+ Spouse Portraits Reworked 4.0.1
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
+ Unique Gift Dialogues Expanded 2.1.1
+ Unique Winter Star 2.0.5
+ Unique Winter Star SVE 2.1.0
+ Upgrade Sprinklers 1.0.1
+ Xiddav's Tilesheet 1.6.6
+ ZZZ_MoreGreenhouses 2.0.2
(+ 86 content packs)
+ Tikamin557
+ moonslime
+ NCarigon
+ 6480
+ Spiderbuttons
+ AngelOfStars
+ LemurKat
+ nraittanna
+ Dyanosis
+ Dyanosis
+ aedenthorn
+ Stunky McDoo and Vee Bee
+ joiinks
+ beyondrecovery
+ Tikamin557
+ FernandoFec
+ leroymilo
+ ApryllForever
+ Jibb
+ drbirbdev
+ platinummyr
+ CyanFire
+ PizzaTurtl
+ Tarniyar & Aeywoo
+ Yagisan
+ moonslime
+ sadnumbme
+ Airyn
+ SUPERT and Lorre
+ ZoeDoll
+ Hime Tarts
+ BerryBea
+ cakeybunz
+ Zilch
+ gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding)
+ Agent Lyoko
+ br93
+ PurrplingCat
+ DaisyNiko
+ SUPERT, AgentLyoko
+ sadnumbme
+ Aimon111
+ Br1ghtEy3s
+ Lemurkat
+ MidnightVoyager
+ RaffieJohn
+ Airyn
+ Dolphin Is Not a Fish
+ FlashShifter
+ bungus
+ tangeriney
+ someguy363
+ Lemurkat
+ Lemurkat
+ Xiddav
+ Lumisteria
+ Lumisteria
+ 7thAxis
+ Lemurkat
+ Miihau
+ Miihau
+ Miihau
+ Miihau
+ MissCoriel
+ jeWel
+ chickensoulforthesoup
+ Sinmenon
+ Lemurkat
+ CursedTea (dialogue), Sneakabout (coding)
+ mistyspring
+ bananafishies
+ Poltergeister with assets by various artists
+ Poltergeister
+ JennaJuffuffles
+ Rosenbug
+ Poltergeister and Tanpoponoko
+ Kari and Tortart
+ JaneElliot
+ Hitme
+ FlashShifter
+ PrincessFelicie
+ Agent Lyoko
+ Agent Lyoko
+ OchoLinda
+ Xiddav
+ Celestia87
no errors
Custom Bush 1.5.2 LeFauxMatt no errors
Custom Cask Mod 1.6.3
+ (CCM) Upgraded Casks 1.8.10
(+ 1 content packs)
+ CyanFire
no errors
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ ARV- Maximum 1.0.7
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Hime Tarts
no errors
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.4 datamancer no errors
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 Esca no errors
Custom Tokens 1.6.2 TheMightyAmondee no errors
DaLionheart 2.1.8 DaLion no errors
Data Layers 1.20.0 Pathoschild no errors
Destroyable Bushes 1.5.1 Esca no errors
Disable Joystick Chat 1.0.0 Spiderbuttons no errors
DPS Stat 1.1.0 supercam19 no errors
DynamicNightTime 1.3.16-beta Sakorona no errors
East Scarp C# 2.4.18 atravita no errors
Even Better Artisan Good Icons 1.6.6
+ Even Better Artisan Good Icons for SVE 1.5.0
(+ 1 content packs)
Haze1nuts, 58 and Cat
+ MidnightChord
no errors
Event Lookup 0.2.9 shekurika no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 Cherry no errors
Experience Bars 1.4.5 spacechase0 no errors
ExtraAnimalConfig 1.7.0 selph no errors
ExtraMachineConfig 1.14.0 selph no errors
Farm Cave Framework 0.3.7-unofficial-Sparky56p aedenthorn no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ (FTM) Additional Farm Cave 1.0.0
+ (FTM) Grapes of Ferngill 5.0.5
+ (FTM) Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3
+ Better Quarry Redux 1.1.3
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM 2.2.5
+ Forage Settings East Scarp 2.4.18
+ Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 8 content packs)
+ Tikamin557
+ Stunky McDoo and Vee Bee
+ Tarniyar & Aeywoo
+ Strobe
+ Aimon111
+ Lemurkat
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Faster Path Speed 1.3.1 gaussfire no errors
FauxCore 1.2.2 LeFauxMatt no errors
Fix Warp Greenhouses 1.0.0 cpdncristiano no errors
Friendship Totems 1.1.0 ThisIsCad no errors
Fruit Tree Tweaks 1.0.1 chiccen no errors
Garden Pot - Automate 1.1.1 NCarigon no errors
Garden Pot Options 2.0.3 NCarigon no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Harvest Seeds 0.2.3-unofficial.1-LikeFrogs aedenthorn no errors
Heart Event Helper 1.1.0 bungus no errors
Horse Overhaul 1.5.9 Goldenrevolver no errors
Iridium scythe ginger 1.0.0 mistyspring no errors
Item extensions 1.14.1 mistyspring no errors
ItsStardewTime 1.2.2-unofficial.1-CabooseSage Caboose Sage no errors
Json Assets 1.11.9 spacechase0 no errors
Kokoro - Shockah's core mod 3.0.0 Shockah no errors
LadderLocator 1.5.2 ChaosEnergy no errors
Light Radius Mod 0.1.3 irocendar no errors
Like A Duck To Water Continued 0.4.5 aedenthorn, tem696969696969 no errors
LittleNPCs 2.1.0 Candidus42 1 error
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 Pathoschild no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.19.0
+ (MFM) Additional Farm Cave 1.0.0
+ (MFM) SpousesIncome 2.1.0
+ (MFM) SpousesIncomeSVE 1.1.1
+ Always Raining in the Valley MFM 1.0.7
(+ 4 content packs)
+ Tikamin557
+ Kii
+ Astraios
+ Hime Tarts
no errors
ManyEnchantments 1.0.5 Stari no errors
Mapping Extensions and Extra Properties (MEEP) 2.4.6 DecidedlyHuman no errors
Mineracoustics 1.1.3 DaLion no errors
Mini Bars 1.0.5 Coldopa no errors
Mod Update Menu 1.6.1-unofficial-2.dphill Cat, Unofficial Update by dphill no errors
More Books 1.1.10 jeWel no errors
More Sorting Options 1.0.9 Chris Kau & Sean Nightingale no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
Only fishes consume bait 0.2.0 MercuryVN no errors
Passable Crops 1.1.9 NCarigon no errors
PFMAutomate 1.5.0 Digus no errors
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 ApryllForever no errors
Polyamory Sweet Love 1.3.0 ApryllForever no errors
Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.3.0 ApryllForever no errors
PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.3.0 ApryllForever no errors
PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.3.0 ApryllForever no errors
Producer Framework Mod 1.9.7 Digus no errors
Relocate Buildings And Farm Animals 1.0.3 mouahrara no errors
Reset Terrain Features 1.0.3-unofficial.3-Lake1059 MabelSyrup no errors
RushOrders-Continued 1.2.3 recon88 no errors
SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted ZeroMeters no errors
SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted ZeroMeters no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Secret Note Framework 1.1.3 ichortower no errors
Seed Maker Quality 1.0.4 Speshkitty no errors
Self Serve 1.0.1 NeverToxic no errors
Serfdom 2.1.1 DaLion no errors
Shop Tile Framework 1.0.11 Cherry no errors
Show Item Quality (1.6 Unofficial) 1.1.3-unofficial.1-bungus Jonqora & Bungus no errors
Skip Intro 1.9.22 Pathoschild no errors
SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 DewMods no errors
SkipGalaxyAuthentication 1.0.0 yshdmt no errors
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 lestoph no errors
SocializingSkill 2.1.1 drbirbdev no errors
SpaceCore 1.27.0 spacechase0 no errors
Special Power Utilities 2.3.3 Spiderbuttons no errors
Springmyst 2.1.5 DaLion no errors
Stardew Progress 2.2.2 seeinggreen no errors
Stardew Travel Skill 1.4.0 Achtuur no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
StardewHack 7.4.0 bcmpinc no errors
StardustCore 3.1.1 Alpha_Omegasis no errors
The Return of Custom Backpack Framework 1.0.1 platinummyr no errors
The Return of Immersive Scarecrows 1.0.7 lucaskfreitas no errors
The Return of Immersive Sprinklers 1.0.3 lucaskfreitas no errors
Tilled Soil Decay 7.4.0 bcmpinc no errors
Train Station 2.2.0 Cherry no errors
Ultimate Fertilizer 1.2.5 fox_white25 no errors
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 MissCoriel no errors
Upgraded Casks 1.8.10 CyanFire no errors
Visible Fish 0.4.2 shekurika no errors
Walk Of Life - Rebirth 1.2.10 DaLion no errors
Watering Grants XP, Crops Can Wither 1.2.0 Goldenrevolver no errors
WaterPetBowl 1.0.4 A_Dude no errors
Waterproof Items 1.0.3 Esca no errors
Wear More Rings 7.7.0 bcmpinc no errors
Wildcat 1.0.1 DaLion no errors
World Maps 1.0.3 shekurika no errors
XP Display 2.0.4 Shockah no errors
Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.9.0 moonslime no errors
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.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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