SMAPI log parser

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Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on ‏‏Microsoft Windows 10 Home
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2025-01-16 13:55 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.6.15 build 24356 3 errors
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild 34 errors
CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.10.2 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Community Center Helper 1.6.6 vgperson no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.1
+ (CP) Gabriel Ultrakill NPC 1.1.2
+ (CP) Make Gil Real 1.1.0
+ (CP) Make Marlon Real 1.3.0
+ (CP) Marnie Deserves Better 1.0.1
+ (CP) The Fishmonger NPC 1.3.8
+ Alecto the Witch 1.1.12
+ Annetta portraits and vanilla style 1.0.7
+ AnnettaNPC 6.5.5
+ Azalea's Place 2.1.0
+ Beatrice 1.0.0
+ Biscuit the Puppy 1.9.2
+ CapeOreNodes 0.1.0
+ Custom Spouse Nicknames 1.0.0
+ Customisable Heart Relationship Icon 1.0.3
+ DustyNPC 1.0.16
+ Eirenel's Krobus CP 1.0.1
+ Forest Farm of Secrets and Mysteries 1.4.0
+ Fourteen Heart Events for All 1.3.4
+ Friendship Rabbit Foot Events 1.0.1
+ George & Evelyn Developed 1.1.0
+ Hippo's Cliffside Falls Farm Cave for 1.6 1.0.0
+ Immersive Characters - Shane 3.0.4
+ Immersive Spouses 0.8.0
+ Jorts and Jean - Custom NPCs 1.5.3
+ Lavril - East Scarp NPC (King's Raid) 2.2.0
+ Leilani 1.4.1
+ Less Corrupt Lewis - Lenny's Prank 1.0.2
+ Lucikiel - New Custom NPC Mod (King's Raid) 2.1.0
+ Mineral Town Fish 1.0.6
+ Mineral Town NPCs 1.0.6
+ NPC Jasper 1.8.3
+ NPC Mandalorian - Maps 2.0.0
+ NPC Mandalorian - NPCs 2.0.0
+ OrbOfTheTidesCP 6.5.5
+ Ranger Taro - Custom NPC 2.1.0
+ ReMapping 1.1.3
+ Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17
+ Robin & Demetrius's Better Bed Discussion 1.1.2
+ Sebastian Expansion Mod 1.0.9
+ Sebastian Post Flower Dance Apology 1.2.0
+ Slightly Cuter Characters - Hot Pam 1.5.0
+ Sorren Original NPC 1.2.0
+ The Stray Catfe Update
+ YoungMarnie 1.1.0
(+ 44 content packs)
+ ritzygen
+ WerewolfMaster
+ WerewolfMaster
+ IllogicalMoodSwing
+ VoidWitchCult
+ ZoeDoll
+ Arony/DreamyGloom/Luan125gui
+ Arony/DreamyGloom
+ CC
+ attonbomb
+ thatotterthing
+ Arony/DreamyGloom
+ Jonqora
+ Airyn
+ Endwyr
+ Eirenel
+ DaisyNiko
+ Airyn & Nicole
+ Airyn
+ Cakeguru
+ acearohippo and wildflourmods
+ tenthousandcats
+ someguy363
+ tiakall
+ Arknir27
+ ZoeDoll
+ Airyn
+ Arknir27
+ Mineral Town Architects
+ Mineral Town Architects
+ Lemurkat
+ BexTX
+ BexTX
+ DreamyGloom
+ CC
+ Vlgor
+ Rafseazz
+ Airyn
+ Mal
+ KristinTheRed
+ SeanFletchr
+ annachibi
+ ch20youk - CP 1.0.2 by Sierra Schedin (aka alistairweekend) and ch20youk (aka moetrash)
+ BlueStarkiller
67 errors
Custom Bush 1.4.1 LeFauxMatt no errors
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ (CC) The Ferret Squad 1.3.6
+ ARV- Maximum 1.0.7
+ CustomCompanionVoid 2.2.0
+ Eli & Dylan- Soot 1.2.3
+ Mineral Town Custom Companions 1.0.6
+ Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17
(+ 6 content packs)
+ VoidWitchCult
+ Hime Tarts
+ Arknir27
+ Tenebrous Nova
+ Mineral Town Architects
+ Rafseazz
no errors
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.2 aedenthorn no errors
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 Esca no errors
Custom Tokens 1.6.1 TheMightyAmondee no errors
Destroyable Bushes 1.5.1 Esca no errors
Dynamic Reflections 3.0.0 PeacefulEnd no errors
Eli and Dylan Code 1.2.3 atravita no errors
Esca's Modding Plugins 1.5.1 Esca no errors
Event Lookup 0.2.9 shekurika no errors
Event Repeater 6.5.9 MissCoriel no errors
Expanded Storage 3.2.2 LeFauxMatt no errors
ExtraMachineConfig 1.12.2 selph no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Forage Settings Fairy Pool 1.4.0
+ Mineral Town - Forage Settings 1.0.6
+ Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17
(+ 3 content packs)
+ Lemurkat
+ Mineral Town Architects
+ Rafseazz
no errors
Fashion Sense 7.0.1 PeacefulEnd no errors
Fast Animations 1.13.6 Pathoschild no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
GMCM Options 1.6.0 Jamie Taylor no errors
Happy Home Designer 2.3.0 tlitookilakin no errors
Item extensions 1.11.1 mistyspring no errors
Json Assets 1.11.9
+ George & Evelyn Developed Assets 1.1.0
+ Mineral Town - JSON Assets 1.0.6
(+ 2 content packs)
+ CakeGuru
+ Mineral Town Architects
no errors
Lasting Conversation Topics 0.3.0 sophie no errors
Lookup Anything 1.47.0 Pathoschild no errors
Machine Control Panel 1.3.0 mushymato no errors
Machine Terrain Framework 1.8.4 selph no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.18.0
+ (MFM) George & Evelyn Developed 1.1.0
+ Always Raining in the Valley MFM 1.0.7
+ MFM for Mineral Town 1.0.6
(+ 3 content packs)
+ CakeGuru
+ Hime Tarts
+ Mineral Town Architects
no errors
Mail Services Mod 1.6.1 Digus no errors
Mailbox Menu Continued 0.3.7 aedenthorn, tem696969696969 no errors
Make Gil Real SMAPI 1.0.2 WerewolfMaster no errors
Map Editor Extended 1.1.1 aedenthorn no errors
Map Teleport 1.0.3 chiccen no errors
Mapping Extensions and Extra Properties (MEEP) 2.4.5 DecidedlyHuman no errors
Movement Speed 7.3.0 bcmpinc no errors
Non Destructive NPCs - 1.6 Unofficial update 1.6.0 Madara Uchiha - IamSaulC no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
NPC Tokens 1.0.2 siliconmodding no errors
Pick Your Enchantment 1.2.0 focustense no errors
PIF - Personal Rooms 1.3.0 DeLiXx no errors
Portraiture 1.12.1-alpha.20240304 Platonymous no errors
Producer Framework Mod 1.9.6 Digus no errors
PyTK Lite 1.24.0 Platonymous no errors
Range Highlight 4.2.1 Jamie Taylor no errors
Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 Rafseazz no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
SiDRectFix 1.0.6 mushymato no errors
Solid Foundations 3.0.0 PeacefulEnd no errors
SpaceCore 1.27.0 spacechase0 no errors
Special Power Utilities 2.3.0 Spiderbuttons 1 error
Spouses' Island 4.5.2 mistyspring no errors
SpritesInDetail 0.5.0
+ (SID) Gabriel Ultrakill Sprites 1.0.0
+ Wandering Mothman SiD Component 1.0.6
(+ 2 content packs)
+ ritzygen
+ Aviroen
no errors
Stack Everything Redux 1.1.2 thimadera no errors
StardewHack 7.4.0 bcmpinc no errors
StardewUI 0.5.0 focustense no errors
StardustCore 3.1.1 Alpha_Omegasis no errors
<invalid content packs>
+ Mineral Town - Shop Tile Framework 1.0.6
+ The Stray Catfe Update
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Mineral Town Architects
+ ch20youk - STF 1.0.2 by Sierra Schedin (aka alistairweekend) and ch20youk (aka moetrash)
no errors
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.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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