SMAPI log parser

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Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2025-03-13 20:17 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.6.15 build 24356 no errors
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild 5 errors
AutoAnimalDoors 4.2.0 Aaron Taggart no errors
Automate 2.3.3 Pathoschild no errors
AutomaticGates 2.5.4 Rakiin aKa ScheKaa no errors
Better Crafting 2.17.1 Khloe Leclair no errors
Bigger Backpack 7.3.0 spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc no errors
Calcifer 0.1.0 sophie no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) H&W Winery Furniture Set 1.0.0
+ (CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.6.4
+ Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.6
+ DSHi Special Items Retexture 1.0.0
+ Earthy Recolour 1.4.4
+ Elle's New Barn Animals 1.1.3
+ Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.3.5
+ H&W Custom Winery Building 1.0.2
+ Hojichas' Walls and Floors 1.1.0
+ Industrial Furniture Set 1.8.0
+ Industrial Kitchen Interior 1.7.0
+ Lumisteria Toddlers 4.0.0
+ Medieval_Craftables 2.5.0
+ No More Bowlegs 1.1.0
+ Rustic Country Walls and Floors 1.1.0
+ Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1
+ Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2 1.5.0
+ Skell's Flowery Tools 1.1.0
+ Skell's Flowery Weapons 1.1.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
(+ 20 content packs)
+ HimeTarts and Wildflourmods
+ Maraluna & Mae
+ gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding)
+ 드쉬(DSHi)
+ DaisyNiko
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ HimeTarts & WildflourMods
+ hojichas
+ DustBeauty
+ DustBeauty
+ Lumisteria
+ Gweniaczek
+ Chrysanthe
+ DustBeauty
+ Poltergeister with assets by various artists
+ DustBeauty
+ skellady
+ skellady
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Convenient Inventory 1.5.6 gaussfire no errors
Deep Woods 4.0.1-alpha Max Vollmer no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 1 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Gift Taste Helper Continued x2 1.2.5 JoXW, Isi0, tstaples (aka catman) no errors
GNMTokens 3.2.0 Hana no errors
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 Pathoschild no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
Safe Scythe 1.0.0 Tesserex no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Skip Intro 1.9.22 Pathoschild no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
StardewHack 7.4.0 bcmpinc no errors
Tractor Mod 4.22.1 Pathoschild no errors
Filter messages:
.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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