SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:
CJB Item Spawner 2.3.3 → 2.5.2 Content Patcher + Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 → 1.14.1 GNMTokens 1.4.0 → 3.2.0 Infinite Money 1.0.0 → 1.0.1 LadderLocator 1.4.4 → 1.5.2 SkullCavernElevator 1.6.1 → 1.6.2 StardewHack 7.2.0 → 7.4.0 TimeSpeed 2.7.7 → 2.7.10 Unique Response Core 2.1.4 → 2.1.5
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-03-16 13:59 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | 2 errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | 4 errors | |
Automate 2.3.3 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Better Junimos 3.1.0 | hawkfalcon,ceruleandeep | no errors | |
CJB Item Spawner 2.3.3 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 2.3.1
(+ 4 content packs)
+ Child Age Up 2.0.1 + Frontier Farm 1.15.9 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 |
+ gizzymo (dialogue), paradigmnomad (coding)
+ Alizsabeth + FlashShifter + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Experience Bars 1.4.5 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.9
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.10 |
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Friends Forever 1.2.3 | Isaac S. | no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
GNMTokens 1.4.0 | Hana | no errors | |
Infinite Energy 1.1.0 | Error27 | no errors | |
Infinite Money 1.0.0 | Chunky | no errors | |
LadderLocator 1.4.4 | ChaosEnergy | no errors | |
LittleNPCs 2.1.0 | Candidus42 | no errors | |
Part of the Community 1.2.0 | Nikki864 and Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) | no errors | |
SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 | DewMods | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.1 | lestoph | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 | FlashShifter, Esca, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
StardewHack 7.2.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
TimeSpeed 2.7.7 | cantorsdust and Pathoschild | no errors |
[09:59:28 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home [09:59:28 INFO SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods [09:59:28 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-03-16T13:59:28 UTC [09:59:28 WARN SMAPI] The game's 'ContentHashes.json' content file doesn't exist, so SMAPI can't check if the game's content files are valid. [09:59:33 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch... [09:59:34 ERROR game] Game.Initialize() caught exception initializing XACT. FileNotFoundException: Content\XACT\FarmerSounds.xgs ---> DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\XACT\FarmerSounds.xgs'. at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Platform\TitleContainer.Desktop.cs:line 29 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\TitleContainer.cs:line 37 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\TitleContainer.cs:line 58 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.AudioEngine.OpenStream(String filePath, Boolean useMemoryStream) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Audio\Xact\AudioEngine.cs:line 61 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.AudioEngine..ctor(String settingsFile, TimeSpan lookAheadTime, String rendererId) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Audio\Xact\AudioEngine.cs:line 87 at StardewValley.Game1.InitializeSounds() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 2318 [09:59:34 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.2392912' [09:59:34 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata... [09:59:35 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods... [09:59:35 TRACE SMAPI] Automate (from Mods\Automate\Automate.dll, ID: Pathoschild.Automate, assembly version: 2.3.3)... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Better Junimos (from Mods\BetterJunimos\BetterJunimos.dll, ID: hawkfalcon.BetterJunimos, assembly version: 3.1.0)... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Failed loading PDB for 'BetterJunimos.dll'. Technical details: Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ModLoading/AssemblyLoader.cs:line 280 [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly BetterJunimos.dll. [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] LittleNPCs (from Mods\LittleNPCs\LittleNPCs.dll, ID: Candidus42.LittleNPCs, assembly version: 2.0.7)... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly LittleNPCs.dll. [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Child Age Up (from Mods\ChildAgeUp, ID: Alizsabeth.ChildAgeUp) [content pack]... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner (from Mods\CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll, ID: CJBok.ItemSpawner, assembly version: 2.3.3)... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote CJBItemSpawner.dll to fix FishPondReward.ItemId field... [09:59:36 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote CJBItemSpawner.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Experience Bars (from Mods\ExperienceBars\ExperienceBars.dll, ID: spacechase0.ExperienceBars, assembly version: 1.4.5)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly ExperienceBars.dll. [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods\GenericModConfigMenu\GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.12.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote GenericModConfigMenu.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawToolTip (added missing optional parameters)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Farm Type Manager (from Mods\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll. [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Friends Forever (from Mods\FriendsForever\FriendsForever.dll, ID: IsaacS.FriendsForever, assembly version: 1.0.7095.43007)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll for OS... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix Utility.getAllCharacters method... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix 32-bit architecture... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\Stardew Valley Expanded Code\StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.9)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll. [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Frontier Farm (from Mods\Frontier Farm\[CP] Frontier Farm, ID: flashshifter.FrontierFarm) [content pack]... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Frontier Farm Forage Locations (from Mods\Frontier Farm\[FTM] Frontier Farm, ID: FlashShifter.FrontierFarmFTM) [content pack]... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] GNMTokens (from Mods\GNMTokens\GNMTokens.dll, ID: Hana.GNMTokens, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Infinite Energy (from Mods\Infinite Energy\InfiniteEnergy.dll, ID: error27.infinite_energy, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Infinite Money (from Mods\InfiniteMoney\InfiniteMoney.dll, ID: chunky.InfiniteMoney, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] LadderLocator (from Mods\LadderLocator\LadderLocator.dll, ID: ChaosEnergy.LadderLocator, assembly version: 1.4.4)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote LadderLocator.dll to fix 32-bit architecture... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Part of the Community (from Mods\PartOfTheCommunity\PartOfTheCommunity.dll, ID: SpaceBaby.PartOfTheCommunity, assembly version: 1.1.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote PartOfTheCommunity.dll to fix Game1.getCharacterFromName method... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core (from Mods\ResponseCore\ResponseCore.dll, ID: misscoriel.UCRFix, assembly version: 1.1.10)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Broken code in ResponseCore.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.dialogueQuestionsAnswered (field returns NetStringHashSet, not NetIntList). [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] SAAT.API (from Mods\SAAT\SAAT.API\SAAT.API.dll, ID: ZeroMeters.SAAT.API, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Failed loading PDB for 'SAAT.API.dll'. Technical details: Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ModLoading/AssemblyLoader.cs:line 280 [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] SAAT.Mod (from Mods\SAAT\SAAT.Mod\SAAT.Mod.dll, ID: ZeroMeters.SAAT.Mod, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Failed loading PDB for 'SAAT.Mod.dll'. Technical details: Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ModLoading/AssemblyLoader.cs:line 280 [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] SkipFishingMinigame (from Mods\SkipFishingMinigameDotnet5\SkipFishingMinigame.dll, ID: DewMods.StardewValleyMods.SkipFishingMinigame, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator (from Mods\SkullCavernElevator\SkullCavernElevator.dll, ID: SkullCavernElevator, assembly version: 1.6.0)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SkullCavernElevator.dll to fix GameLocation.setMapTile method, GameLocation.setMapTileIndex method... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SkullCavernElevator.dll to fix Game1.enterMine (added missing optional parameters), Utility.findTile (added missing optional parameters)... [09:59:37 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll'... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] StardewHack (from Mods\StardewHack\StardewHack.dll, ID: bcmpinc.StardewHack, assembly version: 7.2.0)... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly StardewHack.dll. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] TimeSpeed (from Mods\TimeSpeed\TimeSpeed.dll, ID: cantorsdust.TimeSpeed, assembly version: 2.7.7)... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion (from Mods\[CP] Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion, ID: gizzymo.canonfriendlyexpansion) [content pack]... [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 24 mods: [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Automate 2.3.3 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Better Junimos 3.1.0 by hawkfalcon,ceruleandeep | Allow your Junimos (from Junimo huts) to automatically plant seeds, fertilize, and so much more! [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner 2.3.3 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner! [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Experience Bars 1.4.5 by spacechase0 | Shows experience bars in the top-left corner. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Friends Forever 1.2.3 by Isaac S. | Makes it so friendship levels never decay! [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it). [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] GNMTokens 1.4.0 by Hana | Provides Content Patcher Tokens for customizable pronouns and other language. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Infinite Energy 1.1.0 by Error27 | Everlasting energy package. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Infinite Money 1.0.0 by Chunky | Simple add money mod [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] LadderLocator 1.4.4 by ChaosEnergy | Finds ladders and ores in the mines. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] LittleNPCs 2.1.0 by Candidus42 | Turns your children into little NPCs. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Part of the Community 1.2.0 by Nikki864 and Brandon Marquis Markail Green (Space Baby) | Lets you increase friendship by supporting the community. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted by ZeroMeters | Audio API for SMAPI [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted by ZeroMeters | Custom Audio Loader & Management for SMAPI [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 by DewMods | When a fish bites, just hook the fish and skip the bobber bar minigame [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator 1.6.1 by lestoph | Elevator for the Skull Cavern [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod) [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 by FlashShifter, Esca, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] StardewHack 7.2.0 by bcmpinc | Transpilation library used by my other mods. Doesn't do much on its own. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] TimeSpeed 2.7.7 by cantorsdust and Pathoschild | Lets you control the flow of time in the game: speed it up, slow it down, or freeze it altogether. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 6 content packs: [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 2.3.1 by gizzymo (dialogue), paradigmnomad (coding) | for Content Patcher | Adds about 2600 new lines of dialogue across all 34 characters who have a heart level [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Child Age Up 2.0.1 by Alizsabeth | for Content Patcher | Child age up : Your children have grown up. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Frontier Farm 1.15.9 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | A massive custom farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.9 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | Frontier Farm FTM Data. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.10 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE! [09:59:38 ERROR SMAPI] Skipped mods [09:59:38 ERROR SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:59:38 ERROR SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game. [09:59:38 ERROR SMAPI] - Unique Response Core 2.1.4 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at [09:59:38 WARN SMAPI] Changed save serializer [09:59:38 WARN SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:59:38 WARN SMAPI] These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [09:59:38 WARN SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [09:59:38 WARN SMAPI] - SpaceCore [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] Patched game code [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - Better Junimos [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - Farm Type Manager [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - LittleNPCs [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - SpaceCore [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - Stardew Valley Expanded [09:59:38 INFO SMAPI] - StardewHack [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Direct console access [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] be logged by SMAPI. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] - Experience Bars [09:59:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods... [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI). [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI). [09:59:38 TRACE Better Junimos] Requested cache invalidation for 'Characters/Junimo'. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [09:59:38 TRACE Better Junimos] Requested cache invalidation for 'Characters/Junimo.'. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [09:59:38 TRACE Better Junimos] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [09:59:38 TRACE Better Junimos] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings.'. [09:59:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [09:59:39 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (BetterJunimos.BetterJunimosApi). [09:59:39 INFO LittleNPCs] Found content pack for LittleNPCs: Alizsabeth.ChildAgeUp [09:59:39 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I. [09:59:39 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ExperienceBars.Api). [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()". [09:59:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)". [09:59:39 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] Starting Installation Checker... [09:59:39 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe) [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of dependencies to check: 5 [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI... [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] SMAPI is loaded and up to date. [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher... [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date. [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)... [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date. [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded... [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded... [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of missing mods: 0 [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of out of date mods: 0 [09:59:39 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine! [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control. [09:59:39 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)". [09:59:39 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()". [09:59:40 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)". [09:59:41 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (SAAT.API.AudioManager). [09:59:41 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'. [09:59:42 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'. [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308 [09:59:42 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329 [09:59:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])! [09:59:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9) [09:59:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)! [09:59:44 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api). [09:59:44 INFO StardewHack] Loaded StardewHack library v7.2.0 using Harmony v2.2.2.0. [09:59:44 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready! [09:59:44 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts... [09:59:44 TRACE SMAPI] None found! [09:59:44 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates... [09:59:44 ERROR game] The game failed to launch: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: Failed loading asset 'Data\BigCraftables'. ---> Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: The content file was not found. ---> FileNotFoundException: Content\Data/BigCraftables.xnb ---> DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\Data\BigCraftables.xnb'. at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Platform\TitleContainer.Desktop.cs:line 29 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\TitleContainer.cs:line 37 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\TitleContainer.cs:line 58 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Content\ContentManager.cs:line 276 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Content\ContentManager.cs:line 289 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReadAsset[T](String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Content\ContentManager.cs:line 319 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.Load[T](String assetName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Content\ContentManager.cs:line 255 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.BaseContentManager.RawLoad[T](IAssetName assetName, Boolean useCache) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ContentManagers/BaseContentManager.cs:line 340 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.<>c__DisplayClass6_0`1.<LoadExact>b__0() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ContentManagers/GameContentManager.cs:line 127 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Utilities.ContextHash`1.Track[TResult](T key, Func`1 action) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/Utilities/ContextHash.cs:line 53 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.LoadExact[T](IAssetName assetName, Boolean useCache) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.BaseContentManager.LoadLocalized[T](IAssetName assetName, LanguageCode language, Boolean useCache) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ContentManagers/BaseContentManager.cs:line 154 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.BaseContentManager.Load[T](String assetName, LanguageCode language) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ContentManagers/BaseContentManager.cs:line 137 at StardewValley.DataLoader.Load[TAsset](LocalizedContentManager content, String assetName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\DataLoader.cs:line 594 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at StardewValley.DataLoader.Load[TAsset](LocalizedContentManager content, String assetName) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\DataLoader.cs:line 598 at StardewValley.Game1.GetLoadContentEnumerator()+MoveNext() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 2521 at StardewValley.Game1.LoadContent() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 2449 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SGame.LoadContent() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SGame.cs:line 149 at StardewValley.Game1.Instance_LoadContent() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 2422 at StardewValley.GameRunner.LoadContent() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\LocalMultiplayer.cs:line 799 at StardewValley.GameRunner.Initialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\LocalMultiplayer.cs:line 655 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 944 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 465 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.RunInteractively() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs:line 315 [09:59:44 INFO SMAPI] Game has ended. Press any key to exit. [09:59:47 TRACE SMAPI] SMAPI okay. [09:59:47 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates to 29 mods... [09:59:47 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods: Frontier Farm Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Infinite Money: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. SAAT.Mod: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] You can update 10 mods: [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.7: (you have 2.3.1) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2: (you have 2.3.3) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1: (you have 1.12.0) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] GNMTokens 3.2.0: (you have 1.4.0) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] Infinite Money 1.0.1: (you have 1.0.0) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] LadderLocator 1.5.2: (you have 1.4.4) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2: (you have 1.6.1) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] StardewHack 7.4.0: (you have 7.2.0) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] TimeSpeed 2.7.10: (you have 2.7.7) [09:59:47 ALERT SMAPI] Unique Response Core 2.1.5: (you have 2.1.4)view parsed log | download