SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:
Alternative Textures + AT Friendly Statue
+ AT Moe Alpaca
Better Ranching 2.0.4 → 2.0.5 Content Patcher + (CP) Friendable Mr.Qi
+ Alternate Apples Portraits
+ Juliet, Jessie and Lodging House
+ PC's Rattan Furniture
+ Seasonal Cute Characters
+ Star Fragments Forage, Furniture & Weapons
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 → 1.3.0 Sable's Labels 1.1.3 → 1.1.4
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-03-09 07:22 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | 2 errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | 6 errors | |
(CJP) Four Seasons Farm 1.0.1 | Juanpa98ar | no errors | |
(CJP) Stardew Valley United Extras 1.0.5 | Juanpa98ar | no errors | |
*SorryLabCore* 1.0.5 | YunHikari | no errors | |
A Bonafide Special Blue Chicken 3.0.0 | rikai | no errors | |
Advanced Save Backup 1.12.1 | Alpha_Omegasis | no errors | |
AimonsMoreLivelySewerOverhaulPatches 2.0.9 | Aimon111 | no errors | |
AimonsWitchSwampOverhaulPatches 2.2.4 | Aimon111 | no errors | |
All Professions 1.5.7 | cantorsdust and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Alternative Textures 8.0.0
+ (AT) Better Chickens for 1.6 1.0.0
(+ 26 content packs)
+ (AT) CC Unique Horses 2.0.0 + (AT) CC Unusual Goats 1.0.0 + (AT) Erin's Coop Animals 1.0.1 + (AT) Farm Animal Facelift 1.3.0 + (AT) H&W Wisteria's Boutique Furniture 1.0.0 + (AT) Medieval Themed Sheds - Earthy 2.1.0 + (AT) Nostalgic Old Furniture Collection 1.3.1 + (AT) ragdollnoelle's Conversion of K's Barn Animals 1.0.1 + (AT) Shyzie's String Lights 1.0.3 + (AT) Skeleton Cats 1.0.0 + (AT) Slime Potions 3.5.0 + (AT) Soft's Void Chick for 1.6 1.0.0 + (AT) Spouse Portraits Reworked - Vanilla Unique 3.0.0 + (AT) SVE Spouse Portraits Reworked - Vanilla All 3.0.0 + (AT) TurmionKala's Rabbits for 1.6 1.0.0 + Alex's Sprite Edit - Pigs (AT) 1.1.0 + AT Friendly Statue 1.0.0 + AT Moe Alpaca 1.1.0 + AT_Brayflox_Farmhouse 1.0.0 + b0rszcz's witchy decor 1.0.0 + Greenhouse Set 1.0.1 + H&W Ripley's Country Kitchen Mini Fridge for AT 1.1.0 + Hanging Flower Baskets 1.0.0 + Quaint Living - Flower Garden Variety 1.1.1 + Soren's Botanical Wallpaper for AT 1.0.0 |
+ SeaSea
+ cajcbell + cajcbell + ErinMhidni + siamece + HimeTarts & wildflourmods + Shyzie + Stardust + ragdollnoelle/Kwillow/daedreamexe + Shyzie + shucklebucket + GlacialGalaxies + Soft & SeaSea + Hitme + Hitme + SeaSea + Alexsir94 + taiyou and Airyn + Schamarchs + madishartte + b0rszcz + orangeblossom + HimeTarts and Wildflourmods + skellady + PlatinumCats + egelska |
no errors | |
Auto Break Geode 1.3.0 | weizinai | no errors | |
AutoAnimalDoors 4.2.0 | Aaron Taggart | no errors | |
Better Beehouses 2.1.3 | Tlitookilakin | no errors | |
Better Chests 2.18.6 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
Better Crafting 2.17.0 | Khloe Leclair | no errors | |
Better Frog Control 1.0.3 | Malkavian | no errors | |
Better Honey Mead 1.1.0 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Better Junimos 3.1.0 | hawkfalcon,ceruleandeep | no errors | |
Better Pigs 2.0.4 | MindMeltMax | no errors | |
Better Ranching 2.0.4 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
Better Truffles 1.0.5 | temisthem | no errors | |
Bigger Fridges 1.1.1 | Entoarox | no errors | |
BirbCore 1.1.0 | drbirbdev | no errors | |
Buff Framework 0.6.1-unofficial.10-mouahrara | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Bus Locations (1.6 fix | Sean) 1.2.2-unofficial.1-Xytronix by nanzington | no errors | |
Bush Bloom Mod 1.2.4 | NCarigon | no errors | |
Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Button's Extra Trigger Action Stuff 2.13.1 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Calcifer 0.1.0 | sophie | no errors | |
Cauldron 2.1.0 | Kedi and sophie | no errors | |
Chests Anywhere 1.26.1 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CJP) Stardew Valley United 1.0.5
(+ 251 content packs)
+ (CP) Alpacas 2.2.0 + (CP) Asters Festival Kotatsu 1.2.0 + (CP) Atelier Cauldron English Translation Pack 2.0.0 + (CP) Better Chickens Shop icon edit ONLY 1.0.0 + (CP) Better Honey Mead 1.1.0 + (CP) Bigger Easter Eggs 1.0.0 + (CP) Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo 1.1.2 + (CP) Button's Extra Books 3.2.1 + (CP) Chocobo Valley 1.0.3 + (CP) Custom NPC Paintings 1.2.0 + (CP) CV Naturalistic Variants Pack 1.0.1 + (CP) DAILY SHIRTS SET ver.2 1.0.0 + (CP) Delloti's Flower Retexture 1.0.0 + (CP) Demo Dog 1.1.1 + (CP) East Scarp 2.4.18 + (CP) Events Expansion 1.4.0 + (CP) Farming Level Affects Harvest 1.2.4 + (CP) Four Seasons Farm 1.0.1 + (CP) Friendable Mr.Qi 1.0.1 + (CP) H&W Bakery Cafe Furniture 1.0.2 + (CP) H&W Boutique Bakery Furniture 1.0.1 + (CP) H&W Decorative Plants Furniture Set 1.0.2 + (CP) H&W Fairy Fountains 2.0.1 + (CP) H&W Farmers Market Bakery Set 1.0.3 + (CP) H&W Farmers Market Core Set 2.2.0 + (CP) H&W Grandma's Pantry Furniture Set 1.0.1 + (CP) H&W Plant Lovers Furniture 1.0.2 + (CP) H&W Ripley's Country Kitchen Buildable Version 1.1.0 + (CP) H&W Ripley's Country Kitchen Replacement 1.1.0 + (CP) H&W Romantic Furniture Set 2.0.3 + (CP) Hat Mouse and Friends 1.2.2 + (CP) Hololive Catalogue 1.1.0 + (CP) HXW Farmers Market Wildflour Set 1.0.2 + (CP) I Fixed Him - Shane Dialogue Consistency 1.4.0 + (CP) Immersive Sandy 1.0.8 + (CP) Iridium Recolors 2.1.1 + (CP) juminos Trinkets 1.1.2 + (CP) Magical Valley (Cursors) 1.0.2 + (CP) Magical Valley (Interface) 1.0.1 + (CP) Mo's Fairy Berry 2.0.3 + (CP) Molamole's Flooring 1.0.2 + (CP) Molamole's Wallpaper 1.0.2 + (CP) Molamole's Wood Frame Wallpaper 1.0.2 + (CP) Mutant Rings 1.0.9 + (CP) Nano's Garden Style Craftables 1.2.0 + (CP) Neighborly Grandpa's Shed 2.0.0 + (CP) Orangeblossom's 500 kudos milestone gift 1.0.0 + (CP) Orangeblossom's Furniture Catalogue 1.0.2 + (CP) Patch Vanilla Tweaks Better Honey Mead 1.0.0 + (CP) Please, Remember My Birthday 1.1.0 + (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.3.0 + (CP) Sebastian's Sprites + (CP) Shyzie's String Lights 1.0.3 + (CP) Slime Potion Brewing 3.5.0 + (CP) Soft's Void Egg & Mayo Retexture for 1.6 1.0.0 + (CP) Spooky Void Chickens 1.1.0 + (CP) Suguru Geto NPC 3.0.0 + (CP) Tea's Mimic Shipping Bin 1.2.0 + (CP) The Fishmonger NPC 1.3.9 + (CP) TurmionKala's Rabbits Shop Icon Edit ONLY 1.0.0 + (CP) Vanilla Tweaks - Iridium Recolors Patch 1.0.0 + (CP) Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.8.2 + (CP)Nano's Decorative Tree Furniture 1.0.0 + (NPC) Rodney O'Brien 3.1.2 + (Si) Sebastian's Frog Sanctuary 1.0.0 + A More Interesting (Updated) Sam 1.1.2 + Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul 2.0.9 + Aimon's Tidy Cozy Cellar 2.0.4 + AkiSatoruPortraits 1.1.2 + AkiSuguruPortraits 1.0.0 + Alchemistry 1.3.1 + Alchemistry (Bush Bloom Mod) 1.3.1 + Alecto the Witch 1.1.13 + Alien fairy trinket 1.0.0 + Alternate Apples Portraits 1.0.0 + Always Raining in the Valley 1.0.7 + Animated Furniture and Stuff 1.2.0 + Artisan Goods Keep Quality 1.4.7 + Barn and Coop 1.0.5 + Baubles 1.0.6 + Better Void Chicken Products 1.0.0 + Big Harvey Dialogue Expansion/Revamp 1.0.0 + Biscuit the Puppy 1.9.3 + Bomb Generators Redux 1.0.3 + Boothill NPC mod + BrianOvaltine Phoenix Expansion 2.1.2 + Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.6 + CaskMaster 1.1.0 + Cheaper (Big) Chests 1.1.0 + ChosoJJkNPC 2.1.5 + Community Center 1.3.1 + Cornucopia - Artisan Machines 1.0.9 + Cornucopia - More Crops 1.5.6 + Cornucopia - More Flowers 1.5.4 + Cottage Core Walls And Floors 1.0.0 + Crop Regrowth and Perennial Crops 1.5.3 + Cute Bobbers 1.1.0 + cyberzkull's Sebastian Portraits 1.6.0 + DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.11.0 + Dating Haley 1.0.8 + Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 2.2.4 + Donkeys 2.4.0 + DSHi Artifacts Retexture 1.1.0 + DSHi Fish Retexture 1.2.0 + DSHi Food Retexture 1.3.1 + DSHi Minerals Retexture 1.3.0 + DSHi Shipping Items Retexture 1.4.0 + DSHi Special Items Retexture 1.0.0 + Earthy Interiors 1.2.2 + Earthy Recolour 1.4.4 + East Scarp Animals Retouched 1.0.2 + East Scarp NPCs 2.4.18 + Eggtosis 1.0.0 + Elegant Furniture 1.1.0 + Eli & Dylan 1.2.4 + ElianNPC 1.2.2 + Elle's Cuter Barn Animals 1.0.1 + Elle's Cuter Cats 1.0.0 + Elle's Cuter Coop Animals 1.0.2 + Elle's Cuter Trinkets 1.0.1 + Emus as Barn nimals 2.5.0 + Enchanted Chickens 1.0.0 + Even More Dialogue - Elliott 1.0.0 + Even More Dialogue - Sam 1.1.2 + Family 1.0.0 + farmerjack's Dialogue Expansions 0.1.0 + Fishing Made Easy Suite 6.2.7 + Flavored Meads 1.1.2 + Flower Dance Acceptance Responses (Legacy) 1.3.1 + Friendships Affect Prices 1.4.7 + Furniture recolor 1.6.0 + Giant Rabbit 1.2.0 + Giant Sheds Variant-A 0.1.2 + Goose 1.4.0 + Grandpa's Cane 0.2.0 + Green Grove Furniture 1.0.2 + Growable Forage and Crop Bushes 1.4.7 + Gwens_paths 1.1.0 + Hearty Haley 1.0.1 + HxW Tea Conservatory 1.0.1 + HxW Tilesheets 1.0.9 + Ice Cream Cows 1.2.8 + Immersive Characters - Shane 3.0.4 + Immersive Children 1.4.0 + Immersive Family 2.2.6 + Immersive Festival Dialogue 1.0.1 + Immersive Unique Children Talk 4.0.0 + Integrated Minecarts (CP Component) 4.5.12 + Jas expansion 1.5.8 + Jello's Vanilla-ish Wizard Event.ED 3.1.3 + Jorts and Jean - Custom NPCs 1.5.4 + Jujutsu Cats 1.0.0 + Juliet, Jessie and Lodging House 1.5.5 + Junimo Glades 1.0.5 + Krobus Dialogue Mod for SVE 2.0.1 + Krobus Marriage Dialogue Mod - SVE 2.0.2 + Lance Expanded 1.8.0 + Lasting CTs Pack 1.1.0 + Lavril - East Scarp NPC (King's Raid) 2.2.0 + LegendaryFishPonds 1.0.2 + Livestock Guardian Dogs 1.0.0 + Lnh's Super Farm 1.1.2 + Lucikiel - Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE) Compatibility 2.1.0 + Lucikiel Mobile Phone Greetings 2.0.0 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Indoor 1.4.0 + Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.4.0 + Lune FarmHouse 2.0.5 + Lung Dragons 3.1.0 + Lurking in the Dark 3.0.6 + Marnie Immersive 1.5.8 + Medieval_buildings 2.2.0 + Mediterranean Wizard Structures 1.0.0 + Metalcore Goes Cottagecore 1.0.0 + Miihaus Leah Event Expansion 1.0.1 + Miihaus More Abigail Heart Events 1.4.0 + Miihaus More Haley Heart Events 1.5.3 + Miihaus More Penny Heart Events 2.4.2 + Miihaus Shane Event Expansion 1.0.4 + Miru's Dwarf Portraits and Characters 1.1.0 + Miru's Krobus Portraits and Characters 1.1.0 + MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.2 + More Animal 1.0.0 + More Specific Gift Reaction - Dialogue Expansion English 2.0.4 + Mouse Friends in the Forest 1.2.0 + NanamiJJkNPC 1.1.5 + Nora The Herpetologist 2.0.3 + NPC Jasper 1.8.4 + NPC Mr Ginger 1.6.6 + OSlySLy's Sebastian Dialogue Edit 1.0.3 + patches 1.27.0 + PC's Rattan Furniture 1.1.0 + Peehell's Big Silo 1.2.5 + Piper - A Pierre Rewrite 2.0.7 + PlatinumCats' Paintings 1.1.0 + Polished Penny 1.2.0 + Pookachus Insane Greenhouse 3.0.0 + Quaint Living - Flower Garden 2 1.1.2 + Radioactive Statue 1.0.0 + Red-Crowned Crane Barn Animals 1.1.0 + ReSlime 1.2.0 + Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17 + Ridgeside Village Mobile Phone Greetings 2.0.1 + Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits 1.1.3 + Robin Sells Machines 1.2.1 + Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped 1.8.55 + Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture 1.0.0 + SatoruGojoNPC 2.0.5 + Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.0 + Seasonal Cute Characters ES 1.0.3 + Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 + Seasonal Maru Revised 1.0.3 + Seasonal Rat Leo Redesigns 1.1.2 + Sebastian Expansion Mod 1.0.9 + Simple Foliage 2.1.2 + Slightly Older Harvey 1.0.0 + Slimedew Rancher 1.0.0 + Smallcopper's Banner Recolour 1.0.0 + Solstice Winter Star 2.0.2 + Star Fragments Forage, Furniture & Weapons 1.0.0 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 + Stardew Valley Gift of Gab 2024 1.1.0 + Strange Machines Revisited 1.2.0 + Sukuna Kids Retexture 1.0.4 + SukunaNPC 1.2.1 + SVE Trees Recolored 1.0.1 + Sword & Sorcery (CP) 2.2.5 + TDIT - Portraits for Vendors 1.9.3 + The Last Smoluanu: A Dwarf Expansion 1.1.4 + TheVoid_QI 1.0.0 + Too Many Swatches II 1.1.0 + True Love Valley - A Romance Dialogue Expansion Pack 0.6.0 + UCR SVE Unique Courtship Dialogue For Lance 1.0.0 + Unique Gift Dialogues Expanded 2.1.1 + Unique Winter Star 2.0.5 + Unique Winter Star RSV 2.0.1 + Unique Winter Star SVE 2.1.0 + Unlikely Friends 1.0.0 + Vanilla Tweaks - Caves 1.1.0 + Vanilla Tweaks - Farming 1.2.0 + Vanilla Tweaks - Warrior 1.1.0 + Vegas' Item Compatibility Patch 3.1.0 + Vintage Chic Floors 1.1.0 + Vintage Chic Wallpapers 1.1.0 + Wedding Reception Portraits for RSV 1.0.1 + Wildflour's Atelier Goods 1.0.2 + Yet another dog mod (vanilla replacer) 2.1.0 + Z_Haley Ever After 1.40.0 + z1 Maggs Immersive Alex (X)Spicy or Sweet 1.0.5 + z2 Maggs Immersive Sam (X)Spicy or Sweet 2.1.1 + z3 Maggs Immersive Sebastian (X)Spicy or Sweet 3.2.5 |
+ Juanpa98ar
+ birdb + Asterisk555 + wildflourmods and kedi + SeaSea + NCarigon + Emissaryofwind + 6480 + Spiderbuttons + Kitsutsune + AvalonMFX + Kitsutsune + delloti + delloti + chibi + LemurKat + nraittanna + Dyanosis + Juanpa98ar + AngelOfStars + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and Wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + HimeTarts and Wildflourmods + HimeTarts and Wildflourmods + Doragoun + takdelife + HimeTarts and wildflourmods + joiinks + beyondrecovery + 6480 + juminos + H+Reenna + H+Reenna + EnbyMo + Molamole + Molamole + Molamole + ApryllForever + Nano_NotRobot + cajcbell + orangeblossom + orangeblossom + Vivelox + nraittanna + ApryllForever + Macchiato 2.1.0 by Macchiato + Shyzie + GlacialGalaxies + SeaSea & Soft + selph + kryptonimus + Teaiscoldagain + VoidWitchCult + SeaSea + 6480 + moonslime + Nano_NotRobot + TheFrenchDodo + SiTheGreat + NostalgicPoet + Aimon111 + Aimon111 + AkiNoKage + AkiNoKage + Morghoula + Morghoula + ZoeDoll + katashis + Furbling + Hime Tarts + Gervig91 ~zBGEdit/CPA2SC + voiddreams + Lu.B17 + appleseed + pplpvtr + romanzz + thatotterthing + GustavoSouza1997 + Rumi 1.1.5 by rumisalami + BrianOvaltine and MythicPhoenix + gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding) + UncleArya + weissnicht01 + OurpleKay + LemurKat + Cornucopia + Cornucopia + Cornucopia + DatGrayFox + Strobe + kiwisprinkle + cyberzkull + DaisyNiko + Kabulla + Aimon111 + birdb + 드쉬(DSHi) + 드쉬(DSHi) + 드쉬(DSHi) + 드쉬(DSHi) + 드쉬(DSHi) + 드쉬(DSHi) + DaisyNiko + DaisyNiko + Airyn + Lemurkat + Imbion + orangeblossom + Tenebrous Nova + Silverinnia + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Ilucie + InaylaLinyah + OSlySLy + OSlySLy + Br1ghtEy3s + farmerjack + Ericlegacy + selph + Agent Lyoko + weissnicht01 + IdaIda + Luzze + sameerxxe + birdb + Limecat86 + skellady + Cornucopia + Gweniaczek + tottlesfarm + HimeTarts & WildflourMods + HimeTarts + KayeDeeS + tenthousandcats + xiaoleiwen + xiaoleiwen + tangeriney + xiaoleiwen & Shaklin + Jibb + Lemurkat + Drawn by Jellonip + tiakall + hanbweh + Lemurkat + Sharogg + MelindaC + MelindaC + Aviroen + LenneDalben + Arknir27 + Memegician + CC + Lnh + Arknir27 + ShatteredEffect + Lumisteria + Lumisteria + Lu.B17 + stormdrakon + 7thAxis + Lemurkat + Gweniaczek + Latteholn + ottersqueaks + Miihau + Miihau + Miihau + Miihau + Miihau + Miru + Miru + MissCoriel + Lu.B17 + uhfeldspar + Dolphin Is Not a Fish + OurpleKay + Bagi + Lemurkat + Lemurkat + OSlySLy + Fellowclown + PlatinumCats + Peehell + Holychurros & Stanloona420; Updated by Heliax + PlatinumCats + tottlesfarm + Pookachu + PlatinumCats + Wizadroid + Unamazement + Dasple + Rafseazz + ShatteredEffect + Rafseazz + TaisceRayne + Written by Jellonip, WerewolfMaster, haywrites, PaintedParrot + Cursedcure + Cursedcure + Poltergeister with assets by various artists + Poltergeister + Poltergeister + megabytebunny + rathash3115 + Mal + Azrashar/itsanette (unofficial update by Morghoula and tophatta) + kultmania + stormdrakon + smallcopper + Airyn + Airyn + FlashShifter + SunnyBird + mrtaiyou and Solariaze + Lborjeo + Lborjeo + Morghoula + DestyNova + Dolphin Is Not a Fish + Lemurkat + TheVoid + orangeblossom + linenpants + Bri + PrincessFelicie + Agent Lyoko + Agent Lyoko + Agent Lyoko + NostalgicPoet + Tai & Airyn + Tai & Airyn + Tai & Airyn + VegasOctober + orangeblossom + orangeblossom + cptnmatruz + wildflourmods + spacesheepcaptain + RacingRabbit + MaggPlays + MaggPlays + MaggPlays |
no errors | |
Cross-Mod Compatibility Tokens 1.1.2 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
CueSwap 1.0.0 | mushymato | no errors | |
Custom Bush 1.5.2 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ (CC) The Ferret Squad 1.3.6
(+ 6 content packs)
+ ARV- Maximum 1.0.7 + CustomCompanionVoid 2.2.0 + Eli & Dylan- Soot 1.2.4 + MGC - Pets 1.0.0 + Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 |
+ VoidWitchCult
+ Hime Tarts + Arknir27 + Tenebrous Nova + ottersqueaks + Rafseazz |
no errors | |
Custom Crystalarium Mod 1.5.1 | Digus | no errors | |
Custom Farm Loader 2.2.1 | DeLiXx | no errors | |
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.4 | datamancer | no errors | |
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 | Esca | no errors | |
Custom NPC Paintings 1.2.0 | AvalonMFX | no errors | |
Custom Spouse Patio Redux 0.3.6-unofficial.1-FlyingTNT | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Custom Tokens 1.6.1 | TheMightyAmondee | no errors | |
Data Layers 1.20.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
DefaultSkinReplace 1.1.0 | bungus | no errors | |
Destroyable Bushes 1.5.1 | Esca | no errors | |
East Scarp C# 2.4.18 | atravita | no errors | |
Easy Crane Game 1.7.0 | Dragoon23 | no errors | |
Eli and Dylan Code 1.2.4 | atravita | no errors | |
Even Better Artisan Good Icons 1.6.4
+ Even Better Artisan Good Icons for CMC 1.1.0
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Even Better Artisan Good Icons for CMF 1.0.0 |
Haze1nuts, 58 and Cat
+ PlepArts
+ PlepArts |
no errors | |
Event Lookup 0.2.9 | shekurika | no errors | |
Event Repeater 6.5.9 | MissCoriel | no errors | |
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Expanded Storage 3.3.0 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
Extended Qi Gem and Golden Walnut Display 1.0.0 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
ExtraAnimalConfig 1.7.0 | selph | no errors | |
ExtraMachineConfig 1.13.1 | selph | no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ (FTM) Alchemistry - Distand Lands 1.3.1
(+ 14 content packs)
+ (FTM) Alchemistry - SVE 1.3.1 + (FTM) Alchemistry - Vanilla 1.3.1 + (FTM) Wildflour's Atelier Goods 1.0.2 + Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM 2.0.9 + BaublesFTM 1.0.6 + Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM 2.2.4 + Farm United Resources 1.0.0 + Forage Settings East Scarp 2.4.18 + Four Seasons Farm Resources 1.0.0 + Lnh's Super Farm Forage 1.1.2 + Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17 + Star Fragments (FTM) 1.0.0 + Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 |
+ Morghoula
+ Morghoula + Morghoula + wildflourmods + Aimon111 + appleseed + Aimon111 + Juanpa98ar + Lemurkat + Juanpa98ar + Lnh + Rafseazz + Airyn + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Farmhouse Fixes 1.8.3 | CyanFire | no errors | |
Fashion Sense 7.0.1
+ (FS) GoblinHours Elf Ears for Fashion Sense 1.4.0
(+ 24 content packs)
+ (FS) Lune's Moth Wings 1.0.0 + (FS) MIA Nanachi Relic Hat Cute 1.0.0 + (FS) Orange Hats 1.0.0 + (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 + (FS) SailorStyles 1.0.3 + < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 + = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 + Arkneru's Cutie Hats 1.0.0 + CinnaMiku Hair for Fashion Sense 1.0.0 + Dawn's Florist Gown 1.1.0 + Kyuya's hats pack 1.0.1 + Luny's Animated Cozy Scarf 1.1.0 + Luny's Cozy Simple Shawl 1.1.5 + Luny's Farm Dress 1.3.0 + Luny's Head Scarf 1.0.0 + Luny's Salon 1.3.0 + Luny's Salon - Short Hairstyles 1.1.0 + Retext Lance Expanded Earrings 1.0.0 + RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 + SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 + Yeon Yi's Hair Bows 4.1.0 + Yeon Yi's Hair Bows 2 2.0.0 + Yomi's Golden Princess Hairstyle 1.0.0 |
+ GoblinHours
+ mushlune + takdelife + KaileyStardew + orangeblossom + bblueberry, conversion by Iceprincess98 + billi + billi + Arkneru + Lalaleise + Luny + Kyuya + Luny + Luny + Luny + Luny + Luny + Luny + Jellonip + Jellonip + gedian + Yeon Yi + Yeon Yi + Yomi and Koruyateka |
no errors | |
FauxCore 1.2.2 | LeFauxMatt | no errors | |
FishPondColors 1.0.2 | ButterBear | no errors | |
Forage Crops 1.0.0 | Kronosta | no errors | |
Furniture Adjustment 0.3.0 | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Furniture Framework 2.4.1
+ Powdermelon Furniture Pack for Furniture Framework 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Scotty3001
no errors | |
Furniture Placement Tweaks 0.1.1 | aedenthorn | no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Grass Growth 7.1.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Happy Home Designer 2.3.0 | tlitookilakin | no errors | |
Hats on Pets Plus 1.0.4 | Syma | no errors | |
Horse Overhaul 1.5.9 | Goldenrevolver | no errors | |
Integrated Minecarts (SMAPI Component) 4.5.12 | Jibb | no errors | |
Item extensions 1.14.1 | mistyspring | no errors | |
Json Assets 1.11.9
(+ 3 content packs)
+ (JA) DL HATS SET 0.1.0 + (JA) Green ink suit 1.0.0 |
+ delloti
+ delloti + FengAYi |
no errors | |
Let's Move It 0.6.9 | Exblosis | no errors | |
Like A Duck To Water Continued 0.4.5 | aedenthorn, tem696969696969 | no errors | |
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Lucky Rabbit's Foot (Rebooted) 1.1.2 | Chelsea Bingiel and Locked15 | no errors | |
Mail Framework Mod 1.18.0
+ (MFM) Chocobo Valley 1.0.3
(+ 3 content packs)
+ Always Raining in the Valley MFM 1.0.7 + Romantic epistles 1.5.4 |
+ Kitsutsune
+ Hime Tarts + Ryaoton Kaku |
no errors | |
Mail Services Mod 1.6.1 | Digus | no errors | |
Mapping Extensions and Extra Properties (MEEP) 2.4.6 | DecidedlyHuman | no errors | |
MergeFertilizer 2.1.2 | TianXiaobai | no errors | |
MixedSeedMod 1.0.6 | nein | no errors | |
Mobile Phone Continued 4.1.4
+ Rodney O'Brien Mobile Phone Reminisce 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
JoXW, aedenthorn
+ TheFrenchDodo
no errors | |
Multi Yield Crops 1.0.4 | Cherry | no errors | |
Mutant Rings 1.0.9 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Non Destructive NPCs - 1.6 Unofficial update 1.6.0 | Madara Uchiha - IamSaulC | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 | Bouhm | no errors | |
NPC Tokens 1.0.2 | siliconmodding | no errors | |
Perfection Exclusions 1.0.0 | rokugin | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Love 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PositivePredictor 0.0.14 | season | no errors | |
Producer Framework Mod 1.9.7 | Digus | no errors | |
PyTK Lite 1.24.0 | Platonymous | no errors | |
QuestDelay 1.0.3 | BadNetCode | no errors | |
Reciprocate 1.1.1 | YunHikari | no errors | |
Reset Terrain Features 1.0.3-unofficial.3-Lake1059 | MabelSyrup | no errors | |
Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 | Rafseazz | no errors | |
SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted | ZeroMeters | no errors | |
Sable's Labels 1.1.3 | SableDnah | no errors | |
Save Anywhere Redux 3.3.0 | Open Source | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Schedule Viewer 3.5.0 | BinaryLip | no errors | |
Seed Maker Quality 1.0.4 | Speshkitty | no errors | |
ShareExperience 0.0.6 | season | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 | lestoph | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Special Power Utilities 2.3.2 | Spiderbuttons | no errors | |
Spooky Void Chickens 1.1.0 | selph | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 | FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
StardewHack 7.4.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Sword and Sorcery (SMAPI Component) 2.2.5 | KittyCatCasey, EnderTedi, 7thAxis | no errors | |
Tater Toss - Throw Your Loved Ones 1.2.0 | ichortower | no errors | |
TDIT - Dialogue Box for Mariner 2.0.0 | KediDili [Commissioned by Dolphin Is Not a Fish] | no errors | |
The Return of Immersive Scarecrows 1.0.7 | lucaskfreitas | no errors | |
TimeSpeed 2.7.10 | cantorsdust and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Tractor Mod 4.22.1 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Train Station 2.2.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Tree Spread 7.1.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
TrinketTinker 1.5.7 | mushymato | no errors | |
Unique Children Talk 2.7.0 | Shaklin | no errors | |
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 | MissCoriel | no errors | |
Unlockable Bundles 3.7.3 | DeLiXx | no errors | |
Visible Fish 0.4.2 | shekurika | no errors | |
Waterproof Items 1.0.3 | Esca | no errors | |
Wear More Rings 7.7.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Yet Another Cooking Skill 1.9.0 | moonslime | no errors |
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