SMAPI log parser

Suggested fixes

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.5.6 (build 22018) on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
SMAPI: 3.18.6
Folder: B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2024-03-27 20:25 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.5.6 (build 22018) no errors
SMAPI 3.18.6 Pathoschild 4 errors
(DW)SeasonalObelisk 2.11.0 Sandman53 no errors
Advanced Loot Framework 0.4.1 aedenthorn no errors
Alternative Textures 6.10.4
+ (AT) Modular Flowers 1.0.0
+ Greenhouse Set 1.0.0
+ Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures 1.0.2
+ Seasonal Open Windows 1.1.0
(+ 4 content packs)
+ FourLeafClo
+ orangeblossom
+ cometkins and wildflourmods
+ orangeblossom
no errors
AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 Super Aardvark no errors
Automate 1.28.7 Pathoschild no errors
Better Artisan Good Icons 1.5.0
+ (BAGI) Winter Crops 1.0.1
(+ 1 content packs)
+ bluechicken
no errors
Better Ranching 1.9.2 Urbanyeti no errors
Better Signs 2.0.0 Steve Baker no errors
Bigger Backpack 6.0.0 spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc no errors
Buff Framework 0.6.0 aedenthorn no errors
Chests Anywhere 1.22.10 Pathoschild no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.33.5 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 2.3.1 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.9.17 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Console Commands 3.18.6 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 1.30.4
+ (CP) Fairy And Fairy Bushes 2.0.0
+ (CP) Seasonal Paths 1.0.0
+ Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.15
+ Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul 1.0.4
+ AlberoFungino 1.0.0
+ Alecto the Witch 1.1.8
+ Bathroom After 2nd Houseupgrade 1.4.0
+ Coii's Basic Shirts Pack 1.4.0
+ Coii's Hats Pack 1.4.0
+ Cute Long hairstyles 1.0.0
+ Cuter Emotes 1.0.0
+ DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.9.1
+ DCBurger's High Res Portrait Mod 1.5.2
+ Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack 1.0.0
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 1.0.8
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp OverhaulBF 1.0.0
+ Eemie's Animal Replacements for ContentPatcher 1.0.0
+ Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables 1.0.0
+ Eemie's Victorian Buildings for CP 2.0.0
+ EemieMailBox 1.0.0
+ Elle's Old Barn Animals 1.1.1
+ Elle's Old Coop Animals 1.1.2
+ Fancier Galaxy Sword 1.1.0
+ Firefly Torch 1.0.0
+ Grandpa's Farm 1.14.19
+ Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.4.0
+ Hot Spring Farmcave 1.2.0
+ Kitty Slimes 1.0.0
+ KittyScarecrowReplacements 1.0.0
+ Lnh's Leisure Barn 1.0.0
+ Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.3.0
+ lunakatt's DCBurger Style Portraits for SVE 1.0.1
+ Magical Witchy Kitchen 1.0.2
+ Mi's Fireplace for ContentPatcher 1.0.0
+ Nice Inventory Farmer Background 1.0.0
+ Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.4.0
+ Paint Horse Replacer 1.0.0
+ Penny Expanded Patch for SVE 1.0.0
+ Ragdoll Cat Replacements for Content Patcher 1.0.0
+ Seasonal Tub o Flowers 1.0.1
+ Serpentwined's Spooky Gothic Furniture 1.0.0
+ Serra 1.0.1
+ Shining Minerals and Gems 2.0.0
+ Slobbery's DCBurger Style Portraits 1.0.0
+ Starblue Valley 1.5.1
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24
+ Yomi's Cute Tools 1.0.0
+ Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle 1.0.0
(+ 48 content packs)
+ Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by)
+ Billy0815
+ Aimon111
+ Kana
+ ZoeDoll
+ DevilBro
+ Coii
+ Coii
+ Eemie
+ Lunightmare
+ DaisyNiko
+ DCBurger
+ Aimon111
+ Aimon111
+ Aimon111
+ Eemiestardew
+ Eemie
+ eemiestardew and minervamaga
+ EemieStardew
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Niko
+ orangeblossom
+ FlashShifter
+ misatse1019
+ DustBeauty
+ hisameartwork
+ Jinxiewinxie
+ Lnh
+ Lumisteria
+ lunakatt
+ wildflourmods
+ Mi
+ Lunightmare
+ Maraluna
+ WildSpirits
+ Wolvenlight, edits by TL13
+ peroxidewren
+ MouseyPounds
+ Serpentwined
+ Kana
+ Syum
+ Slobbery
+ Lita
+ FlashShifter
+ Yomi
+ Yomi
no errors
Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 spacechase0 no errors
Crops Anytime Anywhere 1.4.7 Pathoschild no errors
Custom Cask Mod 1.5.0 Digus no errors
Custom Critters 1.3.3 spacechase0 no errors
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.5.0 Esca no errors
Deep Woods 3.1.0-beta Max Vollmer no errors
Dynamic Game Assets 1.4.4 spacechase0 no errors
Error Handler 3.18.6 SMAPI no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.1 Cherry no errors
ExpandedFridge 3.0.2 Uwazouri no errors
Extra Map Layers 0.3.10 aedenthorn no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.16.2
+ (PFM) Better Quarry Redux 1.0.0
+ Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM 1.0.0
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM 1.0.0
+ Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.14.19
+ Star Fragments (FTM) 1.0.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations 1.14.24
(+ 6 content packs)
+ Strobe
+ Aimon111
+ Aimon111
+ FlashShifter
+ Airyn
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Fashion Sense 5.8.1
+ (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0
+ (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0
+ (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0
+ (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0
+ (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0
+ (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0
+ (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0
+ (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0
+ (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0
+ (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0
+ (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0
+ (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0
+ (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0
+ (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0
+ (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0
+ (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0
+ Bright eyes 1.0.0
+ Charminging eyes 1.0.0
+ Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0
+ HD clothes 1.0.0
+ Lashes mask 1.0.0
+ Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0
+ Phoenix eyes 1.0.0
+ Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0
+ Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0
+ RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0
+ Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0
+ SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0
+ Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0
(+ 33 content packs)
+ psoymilk
+ Luoli
+ luoli
+ Luoli
+ Luoli
+ Luoli
+ luoli
+ luoli
+ luoli
+ milocoolguy06
+ MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
+ Kailey
+ Wabi
+ Wabi
+ Wabi
+ Kailey
+ WS78
+ Yomi
+ Yomi
+ Yomi
+ mio
+ mio
+ blight
+ blight
+ mio
+ luosyue
+ mio
+ Seyph & Solariaze
+ Rino
+ RoseDryad
+ Shardust
+ gedian
+ Alexilyn
no errors
Fishing Chests Expanded 0.4.2 aedenthorn no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.11.2 spacechase0 no errors
Gradient Hair Colors 1.1.0 spacechase0 no errors
Json Assets 1.10.14
+ (JA) Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.2
+ (JA) Expanded Casks - Normal 1.1.0
+ (JA) Fairy Bushes and Scarecrows 2.0.0
+ (JA) Flowery Fences 2.0.0
+ (JA) rabbit and cat 1.0.0
+ (JA) Winter Crops 1.1.3
+ (JA)xiaowan love eye mask 1.0.0
+ (JA)Yako's 26 Accessories 1.0.1
+ (JA)Yomi's Cute HD Headwear 1.0.0
+ (JA)Yomi's sisters flower dress 1.0.0
+ Bonster's Fruits and Veggies 2.5.0
+ Bonster's Trees 2.5.0
+ Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0
+ Chocolate Crops 1.0.0
+ Devilish Horns 1.0.1
+ Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA 1.0.0
+ Fruit Buns Recipes 1.0.0
+ Halloween Crops Bundle 1.0.0
+ Hojoo's Fruit Trees 1.0.0
+ Hojoo's Recipes 1.0.0
+ Lolly Crops 1.0.0
+ Mythical Flowers 1.0.0
+ New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24
+ Nightmare's Additional Weaponry for JsonAssets 1.0.0
+ Pink Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0
+ Pink Chocolate Crop 1.0.0
+ Simple Little Berries 1.0.0
+ Star Fragments (JA) 1.0.0
+ Stardew Vineyard 2.4.0
+ Valentine's crops 1.0.0
+ Witchy Looks 1.1.0
(+ 31 content packs)
+ Epsilon
+ Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by)
+ Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by)
+ luosyue
+ bluechicken
+ xiaowan
+ keui
+ Yomi
+ Yomi
+ Bonster
+ Bonster
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Aimon111
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Hojoo
+ Hojoo
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ FlashShifter
+ zcsnightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Lunightmare
+ Airyn
+ Amburr
+ Lunightmare
+ Alexilyn
no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.15.0 Digus no errors
Non Destructive NPCs 1.0.0 Madara Uchiha no errors
NPC Map Locations 2.11.5 Bouhm no errors
Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety 3.2.4-unofficial.kelvinrosa-mouseypounds-elbe Paritee no errors
PFMAutomate 1.4.2 Digus no errors
Portraiture 1.11.8 Platonymous no errors
Producer Framework Mod 1.7.4
+ (PFM) Expanded Casks 1.1.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Epsilon
no errors
Profit Calculator 1.0.4 6135 no errors
PyTK Lite 1.24.0 Platonymous no errors
SAAT.API 1.1.2 ZeroMeters no errors
SAAT.Mod 1.1.2
+ Adventurer's Guild Expanded Music 1.0.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Music 1.14.24
(+ 2 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Save Backup 3.18.6 SMAPI no errors
Shop Tile Framework 1.0.9
+ Expanded Shop Inventories 1.2.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - Shop Tile Framework 1.14.24
(+ 2 content packs)
+ peudepeu
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Skip Intro 1.9.15 Pathoschild no errors
SkipFishingMinigame 0.5.5 DewMods no errors
SpaceCore 1.17.2 spacechase0 no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24 FlashShifter, Esca, and super-aardvark no errors
StardewHack 6.0.0 bcmpinc no errors
StardewMapTeleport 1.0.0 moddem no errors
Tractor Mod 4.16.6 Pathoschild no errors
TreasureChestsExpanded 0.3.0 aedenthorn no errors
[15:25:36 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 3.18.6 with Stardew Valley 1.5.6 (build 22018) on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
[15:25:36 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
[15:25:36 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2024-03-27T20:25:36 UTC
[15:25:37 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[15:25:37 TRACE game] NoFpsCap: This feature is not available
[15:25:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[15:25:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[15:25:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Advanced Loot Framework (from Mods\AdvancedLootFramework\AdvancedLootFramework.dll)...
[15:25:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly AdvancedLootFramework.dll.
[15:25:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility (from Mods\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll for OS...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (from Mods\JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly JsonAssets.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Dynamic Game Assets (from Mods\DynamicGameAssets\DynamicGameAssets.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly DynamicGameAssets.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods\GenericModConfigMenu\GenericModConfigMenu.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Alternative Textures (from Mods\AlternativeTextures\AlternativeTextures.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly AlternativeTextures.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    AntiSocial NPCs (from Mods\AntiSocialNPCs\AntiSocialNPCs.dll)...
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly AntiSocialNPCs.dll.
[15:25:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Automate (from Mods\Automate\Automate.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Artisan Good Icons (from Mods\BetterArtisanGoodIcons\BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll for OS...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll (rewritten)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (from Mods\BetterFarmAnimalVariety\BetterFarmAnimalVariety.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote Paritee.StardewValley.Core.dll for OS...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading Paritee.StardewValley.Core.dll (rewritten)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote BetterFarmAnimalVariety.dll for OS...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote BetterFarmAnimalVariety.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BetterFarmAnimalVariety.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading BetterFarmAnimalVariety.dll (rewritten)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Ranching (from Mods\BetterRanching\BetterRanching.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Signs (from Mods\BetterSigns\BetterSigns.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'BetterSigns.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 293
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BetterSigns.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    StardewHack (from Mods\StardewHack\StardewHack.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewHack.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Bigger Backpack (from Mods\BiggerBackpack\BiggerBackpack.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BiggerBackpack.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Bonster's Fruits and Veggies (from Mods\Bonster's Fruit & Veggies) [content pack]...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Bonster's Trees (from Mods\Bonster's Trees) [content pack]...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Buff Framework (from Mods\BuffFramework\BuffFramework.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BuffFramework.dll.
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere (from Mods\ChestsAnywhere\ChestsAnywhere.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu (from Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll)...
[15:25:40 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner (from Mods\CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Show Item Sell Price (from Mods\CJBShowItemSellPrice\CJBShowItemSellPrice.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations (from Mods\ContentPatcherAnimations\ContentPatcherAnimations.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ContentPatcherAnimations.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Bathroom After 2nd Houseupgrade (from Mods\CP_BathroomAfter2ndHouseUpgrade) [content pack]...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Paint Horse Replacer (from Mods\CP_WildSpiritsHorsePaint) [content pack]...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Crops Anytime Anywhere (from Mods\CropsAnytimeAnywhere\CropsAnytimeAnywhere.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CropsAnytimeAnywhere.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod (from Mods\MailFrameworkMod\MailFrameworkMod.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MailFrameworkMod.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Cask Mod (from Mods\CustomCaskMod\CustomCaskMod.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomCaskMod.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Critters (from Mods\CustomCritters\CustomCritters.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions (from Mods\CustomNPCExclusions\CustomNPCExclusions.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomNPCExclusions.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    PyTK Lite (from Mods\C_PyTKLite\PyTKLite.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PyTKLite.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Deep Woods (from Mods\DeepWoodsMod\DeepWoodsMod.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading DeepWoodsMod.dll...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Error Handler (from Mods\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ErrorHandler.dll.
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    ExpandedFridge (from Mods\ExpandedFridge\ExpandedFridge.dll)...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedFridge.dll for OS...
[15:25:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Extra Map Layers (from Mods\ExtraMapLayers\ExtraMapLayers.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ExtraMapLayers.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense (from Mods\FashionSense\FashionSense.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FashionSense.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Fishing Chests Expanded (from Mods\FishingChestsExpanded\FishingChestsExpanded.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FishingChestsExpanded.dll for OS...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FishingChestsExpanded.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FishingChestsExpanded.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Gradient Hair Colors (from Mods\GradientHairColors\GradientHairColors.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    KittyScarecrowReplacements (from Mods\KittyScarecrowReplacements) [content pack]...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Lnh's Leisure Barn (from Mods\Lnh's Leisure Barn) [content pack]...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Non Destructive NPCs (from Mods\NonDestructiveNPCs\NonDestructiveNPCs.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote NonDestructiveNPCs.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly NonDestructiveNPCs.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations (from Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Producer Framework Mod (from Mods\ProducerFrameworkMod\ProducerFrameworkMod.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ProducerFrameworkMod.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    PFMAutomate (from Mods\PFMAutomate\PFMAutomate.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote PFMAutomate.dll for OS...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote PFMAutomate.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PFMAutomate.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Portraiture (from Mods\Portraiture\Portraiture.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly Portraiture.dll.
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Profit Calculator (from Mods\ProfitCalculator\ProfitCalculator.dll)...
[15:25:42 TRACE SMAPI]    SAAT.API (from Mods\SAAT\SAAT.API\SAAT.API.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    SAAT.Mod (from Mods\SAAT\SAAT.Mod\SAAT.Mod.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Shop Tile Framework (from Mods\ShopTileFramework\ShopTileFramework.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ShopTileFramework.dll for OS...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ShopTileFramework.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ShopTileFramework.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ShopTileFramework.dll.
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    SkipFishingMinigame (from Mods\SkipFishingMinigameDotnet5\SkipFishingMinigame.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Skip Intro (from Mods\SkipIntro\SkipIntro.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    StardewMapTeleport (from Mods\StardewMapTeleport\StardewMapTeleport.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\StardewValleyExpanded\StardewValleyExpanded.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly AntiSocial.dll.
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading AntiSocial.dll...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll.
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading StardewValleyExpanded.dll...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Tractor Mod (from Mods\TractorMod\TractorMod.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    TreasureChestsExpanded (from Mods\TreasureChestsExpanded\TreasureChestsExpanded.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TreasureChestsExpanded.dll for OS...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TreasureChestsExpanded.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly TreasureChestsExpanded.dll.
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Greenhouse Set (from Mods\[AT] Greenhouse Set) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures (from Mods\[AT] Magical Furniture) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (AT) Modular Flowers (from Mods\[AT] Modular Flowers) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Open Windows (from Mods\[AT] Seasonal Open Windows) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (BAGI) Winter Crops (from Mods\[BAGI] Winter Crops) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Starblue Valley (from Mods\[CP] Starblue Valley) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\[JA] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations (from Mods\[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Music (from Mods\[SAAT] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Shop Tile Framework (from Mods\[STF] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    DaisyNiko's Tilesheets (from Mods\[CP] DaisyNiko's Tilesheets) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul (from Mods\[CP] Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp OverhaulBF (from Mods\[BF] Ginger Tincture buff Content Pack) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) Adventurer's Guild Expanded (from Mods\[JA] Adventurer's Guild Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Adventurer's Guild Expanded Music (from Mods\[SAAT] Adventurer's Guild Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations (from Mods\[FTM] Grandpa's Farm) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm (from Mods\[CP] Grandpa's Farm) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Adventurer's Guild Expanded (from Mods\[CP] Adventurer's Guild Expanded) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul (from Mods\[CP] Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    AlberoFungino (from Mods\[CP] AlberoFungino) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Fairy And Fairy Bushes (from Mods\[CP] Beehouse Replacer) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Coii's Basic Shirts Pack (from Mods\[CP] Coii's Basic Shirts Pack) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Coii's Hats Pack (from Mods\[CP] Coii's Hats Pack) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Cute Long hairstyles (from Mods\[CP] Cute long hairstyles) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables (from Mods\[CP] Darker Wood and Gold Craftables) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    DCBurger's High Res Portrait Mod (from Mods\[CP] DCBurger's High Res Portraits) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Eemie's Animal Replacements for ContentPatcher (from Mods\[CP] Eemie Animal Collection) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Eemie's Victorian Buildings for CP (from Mods\[CP] Eemie's Victorian Buildings) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Old Barn Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Old Barn Animals) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Old Coop Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Old Coop Animals) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Fancier Galaxy Sword (from Mods\[CP] Fancier Galaxy Sword) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Firefly Torch (from Mods\[CP] Firefly Torch) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Hats Won't Mess Up Hair (from Mods\[CP] Hats Won't Mess Up Hair) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Hot Spring Farmcave (from Mods\[CP] Hot Spring Farmcave) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Kitty Slimes (from Mods\[CP] Kitty Slimes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor (from Mods\[CP] Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    lunakatt's DCBurger Style Portraits for SVE (from Mods\[CP] lunakatt's DCBurger style portraits for SVE) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Magical Witchy Kitchen (from Mods\[CP] Magical Kitchen) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Mi's Fireplace for ContentPatcher (from Mods\[CP] Mis Fireplace) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Overgrown Flowery Interface (from Mods\[CP] Overgrown Flowery Interface v.1.4) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Penny Expanded Patch for SVE (from Mods\[CP] Penny Expanded for SVE) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ragdoll Cat Replacements for Content Patcher (from Mods\[CP] Ragdoll Cats Replacements) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Seasonal Paths (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Paths by Billy0815) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Tub o Flowers (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Tub o Flowers) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Serra (from Mods\[CP] Serra) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Shining Minerals and Gems (from Mods\[CP] Shinning Minerals and Gems) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Slobbery's DCBurger Style Portraits (from Mods\[CP] Slobbery's DCBurger style portraits) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Serpentwined's Spooky Gothic Furniture (from Mods\[CP] Spooky Wallpapers and Floorings) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Yomi's Cute Tools (from Mods\[CP] Yomi's Cute Tools) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle (from Mods\[CP] Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack (from Mods\[CP]GoblinZic Content Pack) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    EemieMailBox (from Mods\[CP]_EemieMailBox) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (DW)SeasonalObelisk (from Mods\[DW]SeasonalObelisk\SeasonalObelisk.dll)...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Bright eyes (from Mods\[FS] Bright eyes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Charminging eyes (from Mods\[FS] Charming eyes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Fae Wing Set (from Mods\[FS] Fae Wing Set) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Lashes mask (from Mods\[FS] Lashes mask) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing (from Mods\[FS] Luo Li's clothing) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 (from Mods\[FS] Luo Li's clothing6) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 (from Mods\[FS] Luo Li's clothing7) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 (from Mods\[FS] Luo Li's top and skirt 30) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 (from Mods\[FS] Luo Li's top and skirt 31) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Milo's better beanies (from Mods\[FS] Milo's better beanies) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Missy's Shirts (from Mods\[FS] Missy's Shirts) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Phoenix eyes (from Mods\[FS] Phoenix eyes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ragnarok Online Hats (from Mods\[FS] Ragnarok Online Hats) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Rino's Suits patch ff14 (from Mods\[FS] Rino's suits patch ff14) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories (from Mods\[FS] RoseDryad's Fairy Wings And Accessories) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Seasonal Hats (from Mods\[FS] Seasonal Hats) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense (from Mods\[FS] Shardust's Hairstyles) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Simple farmer dresses (from Mods\[FS] Simple farmer dresses) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) The Coquette Collection (from Mods\[FS] The Coquette Collection) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe (from Mods\[FS] Wabi's Wardrobe) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Witch Hats (from Mods\[FS] Witch Hats) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Witchy Rustic Looks (from Mods\[FS] Witchy Rustic Looks) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack (from Mods\[FS] WS78 Wedding Pack) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 (from Mods\[FS] 洛离的头发2) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 (from Mods\[FS] 洛离的头发3) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 (from Mods\[FS] 洛离的头发5) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Dynamic HDaccessory.blight (from Mods\[FS]belight's dynamic HD accessories) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    HD clothes (from Mods\[FS]HD clothes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Luoxue clothing design (from Mods\[FS]Luoxue clothing design) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 (from Mods\[FS]Yomi's Cute Dress3) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes (from Mods\[FS]Yomi's New Year's Clothes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress (from Mods\[FS]Yomi's retro colored dress) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM (from Mods\[FTM] Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (PFM) Better Quarry Redux (from Mods\[FTM] Better Quarry Redux) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM (from Mods\[FTM] Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Star Fragments (JA) (from Mods\[JA] Star Fragments) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Star Fragments (FTM) (from Mods\[FTM] Star Fragments) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Witchy Looks (from Mods\[JA] Alexilyn's Witchy Looks) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA (from Mods\[JA] Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) Expanded Casks - Normal (from Mods\[JA] Expanded Casks - Normal) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) Fairy Bushes and Scarecrows (from Mods\[JA] Fairy Bushes & Scarecrows) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) Flowery Fences (from Mods\[JA] Flowery Fences) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Hojoo's Fruit Trees (from Mods\[JA] Hojoo's Fruit Trees) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Hojoo's Recipes (from Mods\[JA] Hojoo's Recipes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Nightmare's Additional Weaponry for JsonAssets (from Mods\[JA] Nightmare's Additional Weaponry) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) rabbit and cat (from Mods\[JA] rabbit and cat) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Vineyard (from Mods\[JA] Stardew Vineyard) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA) Winter Crops (from Mods\[JA] Winter Crops) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA)Yomi's Cute HD Headwear (from Mods\[JA]Yomi's Cute HD Headwear) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA)Yomi's sisters flower dress (from Mods\[JA]Yomi's sisters flower dress) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA)xiaowan love eye mask (from Mods\[JA]小碗爱心眼罩) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Chocolate Bonbon Recipes (from Mods\[LN] Chocolate Bonbons Recipes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Chocolate Crops (from Mods\[LN] Chocolate Crops) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Cuter Emotes (from Mods\[LN] Cuter Emotes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Devilish Horns (from Mods\[LN] Devilish Horns) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Fruit Buns Recipes (from Mods\[LN] Fruit Buns Recipes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Halloween Crops Bundle (from Mods\[LN] Halloween Crops Bundle~) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Lolly Crops (from Mods\[LN] Lolly Crops) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Mythical Flowers (from Mods\[LN] Myth Flowers) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Nice Inventory Farmer Background (from Mods\[LN] Nice Inventory Farmer Background) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Pink Chocolate Bonbon Recipes (from Mods\[LN] Pink Chocolate Bonbons Recipes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Pink Chocolate Crop (from Mods\[LN] Pink Chocolate Crop) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Simple Little Berries (from Mods\[LN] Simple And Tiny Berries) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Tiny Berries for bushes (from Mods\[LN] Tiny Berries for bushes) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it requires mods which aren't installed (NCarigon.BushBloomMod).
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Valentine's crops (from Mods\[LN] Valentine Crops) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Alecto the Witch (from Mods\[NPC] Alecto) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (PFM) Expanded Casks (from Mods\[PFM] Expanded Casks) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Shop Inventories (from Mods\[STF] Expanded Shop Inventories) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    SongYan'hair pack (from Mods\松烟发型包) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (JA)Yako's 26 Accessories (from Mods\[JA]Yako's 26 Accessories) [content pack]...
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 54 mods:
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (DW)SeasonalObelisk 2.11.0 by Sandman53 | Makes the Obelisk seasonal.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Advanced Loot Framework 0.4.1 by aedenthorn | Advanced loot framework.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Alternative Textures 6.10.4 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which allows the usage of different textures for placeable items in Stardew Valley.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 by Super Aardvark | Allows modders to create NPCs that the player can't befriend.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Automate 1.28.7 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Artisan Good Icons 1.5.0 by Cat | Makes jelly, pickles, wine, juice, and honey icons be based on the fruit, vegetable, or flower used to make them.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Ranching 1.9.2 by Urbanyeti | Prevents failed milk/shear attempts and displays when animals can be milked/sheared and petted.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Signs 2.0.0 by Steve Baker | Prevents overwriting displayItems on Signs
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Bigger Backpack 6.0.0 by spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc | Adds another backpack size.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Buff Framework 0.6.0 by aedenthorn | Buff Framework.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere 1.22.10 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organize them your way.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu 1.33.5 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game cheats menu!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner 2.3.1 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.9.17 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Show item sell price in your inventory!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 3.18.6 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 1.30.4 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 by spacechase0 | Lets Content Patcher packs animate textures.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Crops Anytime Anywhere 1.4.7 by Pathoschild | Lets you grow crops in any season and location (configurable).
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Cask Mod 1.5.0 by Digus | Adds ways to customize the casks.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Critters 1.3.3 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom critters to the world.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions 1.5.0 by Esca | Allows modders to exclude custom NPCs from quests and events via Content Patcher.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Deep Woods 3.1.0-beta by Max Vollmer | Adds an explorable forest to the secret woods. How deep does it go?
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Dynamic Game Assets 1.4.4 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Error Handler 3.18.6 by SMAPI | Handles some common vanilla errors to log more useful info or avoid breaking the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.1 by Cherry | A condition checking system designed for use by other mods, in the format of event preconditions
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    ExpandedFridge 3.0.2 by Uwazouri | Hide mini fridges and access them from the house fridge.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Extra Map Layers 0.3.10 by aedenthorn | Draws additional layers from map files.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.16.2 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense 5.8.1 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which adds hair animation and more into Stardew Valley.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Fishing Chests Expanded 0.4.2 by aedenthorn | Expands the pool of rewards from fishing chests.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.11.2 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Gradient Hair Colors 1.1.0 by spacechase0 | ...
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.10.14 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod 1.15.0 by Digus | Utility classes to send mail in the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Non Destructive NPCs 1.0.0 by Madara Uchiha | NPCs no longer destroy placed objects in their paths. They would instead pass through them.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 2.11.5 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety 3.2.4-unofficial.kelvinrosa-mouseypounds-elbe by Paritee | Raise more variety of animals on your farm without replacing existing livestock
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    PFMAutomate 1.4.2 by Digus | Integrate Producer Framework Mod to Automate
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Portraiture 1.11.8 by Platonymous | Helper Mod for Portraits.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Producer Framework Mod 1.7.4 by Digus | Framework to add rules to produce objects or change the vanilla rules.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Profit Calculator 1.0.4 by 6135 | Adds a Profit Calculator to your game!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    PyTK Lite 1.24.0 by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit (Lite Version)
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    SAAT.API 1.1.2 by ZeroMeters | Audio API for SMAPI
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    SAAT.Mod 1.1.2 by ZeroMeters | Custom Audio Loader & Management for SMAPI
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 3.18.6 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Shop Tile Framework 1.0.9 by Cherry | Define new shops as custom tile properties
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Skip Intro 1.9.15 by Pathoschild | Skips the game's loading intro.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    SkipFishingMinigame 0.5.5 by DewMods | When a fish bites, just hook the fish and skip the bobber bar minigame
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.17.2 by spacechase0 | A framework mod used by some of my other mods.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24 by FlashShifter, Esca, and super-aardvark | Adds coded elements to the game
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    StardewHack 6.0.0 by bcmpinc | Transpilation library used by my other mods. Doesn't do much on its own.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    StardewMapTeleport 1.0.0 by moddem | Yet another cool mod.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Tractor Mod 4.16.6 by Pathoschild | Lets you buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    TreasureChestsExpanded 0.3.0 by aedenthorn | Expands the pool of rewards from treasure chests in the Skull Cave.

[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 128 content packs:
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (AT) Modular Flowers 1.0.0 by FourLeafClo | for Alternative Textures | Adds flowers that can be placed manually
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (BAGI) Winter Crops 1.0.1 by bluechicken | for Better Artisan Good Icons | Resprites artisan goods
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Fairy And Fairy Bushes 2.0.0 by Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by) | for Content Patcher | Makes the bee house into a bag of fairy rose flowers for Content Patcher. Toggleable.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Seasonal Paths 1.0.0 by Billy0815 | for Content Patcher | A Unofficial CP version of Paths file from Seasonal Custom Farm Buildings Mod
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk | for Fashion Sense | Adds multiple fairy wings for FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli | for Fashion Sense | 洛离的服装.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli | for Fashion Sense | 洛离的服装6.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli | for Fashion Sense | 洛离的服装7.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | 除本人QQ群以及N网以外上传的地方均为倒卖和二传,请认准洛离.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06 | for Fashion Sense | A Fashion Sense content pack that adds (a few) new beanies to the game.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98 | for Fashion Sense | Missy's Shirts
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey | for Fashion Sense | Adds seasonal hats (Originally by Beans and Maea) for FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi | for Fashion Sense | Adds simple dresses for the farmer.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi | for Fashion Sense | Angelic clothes for your farmer
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi | for Fashion Sense | Adds clothing for FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey | for Fashion Sense | Adds witch hats (Originally by 7yrsofbadluck) for FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78 | for Fashion Sense | A series of wedding inspired outfits for the Fashion Sense framework.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Fashion Sense | Converts Yomi skirts to FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Fashion Sense | Converts Yomi Clothes to FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Fashion Sense | Converts Yomi skirts to FS.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.2 by SUPERT | for Json Assets | Adds new items for the Adventurer's Guild Expanded mod.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) Expanded Casks - Normal 1.1.0 by Epsilon | for Json Assets | Expanded casks which take multiple inputs and age more types of product.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) Fairy Bushes and Scarecrows 2.0.0 by Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by) | for Json Assets | Adds 4 new scarecrows and 2 decorative flower pots for JsonAssets.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) Flowery Fences 2.0.0 by Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by) | for Json Assets | Adds 2 new fences for JsonAssets.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) rabbit and cat 1.0.0 by luosyue | for Json Assets | rabbit and cat
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA) Winter Crops 1.1.3 by bluechicken | for Json Assets | Adds Winter themed crops and etc
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA)xiaowan love eye mask 1.0.0 by xiaowan | for Json Assets | 5种颜色
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA)Yako's 26 Accessories 1.0.1 by keui | for Json Assets | Accessories by Yako
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA)Yomi's Cute HD Headwear 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Json Assets | Adds to farmer's headwear.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (JA)Yomi's sisters flower dress 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Json Assets | Adds to farmer's Dress.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (PFM) Better Quarry Redux 1.0.0 by Strobe | for Farm Type Manager | Improves the quarry.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    (PFM) Expanded Casks 1.1.0 by Epsilon | for Producer Framework Mod | Adds casks which take multiple inputs and age more types of product.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.15 by SUPERT | for Content Patcher | An expansion for the adventurer's guild complete with quests, story events, new romanceable NPCs and the ability to befriend and recruit a friendly monster to live on your farm!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Adventurer's Guild Expanded Music 1.0.0 by SUPERT | for SAAT.Mod | Adds Custom Music to the Adventurer's Guild Expansion.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul 1.0.4 by Aimon111 | for Content Patcher | A more lively vanilla Sewers map overhaul - new map and secrets to explore!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM 1.0.0 by Aimon111 | for Farm Type Manager | Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    AlberoFungino 1.0.0 by Kana | for Content Patcher | Sostituisce l'albero fungino
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Alecto the Witch 1.1.8 by ZoeDoll | for Content Patcher | Alecto the Witch, a custom NPC
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Bathroom After 2nd Houseupgrade 1.4.0 by DevilBro | for Content Patcher | Unofficial ContentPatcher conversion for XNB Mod which adds bathroom below farmhouse bedroom after second upgrade.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Bonster's Fruits and Veggies 2.5.0 by Bonster | for Json Assets | New Fruits and Veggies for Stardew Valley
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Bonster's Trees 2.5.0 by Bonster | for Json Assets | New Trees JsonAssets
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio | for Fashion Sense | Bright eyes
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio | for Fashion Sense | charming eyes
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Let's bake some bonbons!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Chocolate Crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Three new crops: White chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Coii's Basic Shirts Pack 1.4.0 by Coii | for Content Patcher | Replaces to farmer's shirts.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Coii's Hats Pack 1.4.0 by Coii | for Content Patcher | Replaces to farmer's hats.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Cute Long hairstyles 1.0.0 by Eemie | for Content Patcher | Adds more cute hairstyles.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Cuter Emotes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Content Patcher | Let's make emotes cuter!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    DaisyNiko's Tilesheets 1.9.1 by DaisyNiko | for Content Patcher
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    DCBurger's High Res Portrait Mod 1.5.2 by DCBurger | for Content Patcher | 69 high-resolution portraits for all villagers
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Devilish Horns 1.0.1 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Use your demon horns!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack 1.0.0 by Aimon111 | for Content Patcher | Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA 1.0.0 by Aimon111 | for Json Assets | Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA pack
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 1.0.8 by Aimon111 | for Content Patcher | A more lively Witch Swamp map overhaul - new NPC, quests, items, fish, forage and more!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM 1.0.0 by Aimon111 | for Farm Type Manager | Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp OverhaulBF 1.0.0 by Aimon111 | for Content Patcher | Distant Lands - Witch Swamp OverhaulBF
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight | for Fashion Sense | Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Eemie's Animal Replacements for ContentPatcher 1.0.0 by Eemiestardew | for Content Patcher | A collection of Eemie's Squirrels, Deer, Turkies, and Birds to Content Patcher.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables 1.0.0 by Eemie | for Content Patcher | Darkens the wood and adds gold trim to craftable items.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Eemie's Victorian Buildings for CP 2.0.0 by eemiestardew and minervamaga | for Content Patcher | A conversion of Eemie's Victorian Buildings
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    EemieMailBox 1.0.0 by EemieStardew | for Content Patcher | ContentPatcher wrapper for modified XNB Mod which changes your mailbox.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Old Barn Animals 1.1.1 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your barn animals!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Old Coop Animals 1.1.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your coop animals!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Shop Inventories 1.2.0 by peudepeu | for Shop Tile Framework | Tweaked shop inventories
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Fancier Galaxy Sword 1.1.0 by Niko | for Content Patcher | Replaces the Galaxy Sword with a flasher, slightly less purple version.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Firefly Torch 1.0.0 by orangeblossom | for Content Patcher | ...cluster of fireflies...
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Fruit Buns Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | This mod adds six new recipes to make fruit buns!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm 1.14.19 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | The recommended farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.14.19 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | A farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Greenhouse Set 1.0.0 by orangeblossom | for Alternative Textures | greenhouse for your home.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Halloween Crops Bundle 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Adds some cool new crops halloween themed!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.4.0 by misatse1019 | for Content Patcher | Hats won't mess up your hair anymore.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight | for Fashion Sense | HD clothes
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Hojoo's Fruit Trees 1.0.0 by Hojoo | for Json Assets | Adds loquat trees, lychee trees, and sapote trees to Pierre's shop.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Hojoo's Recipes 1.0.0 by Hojoo | for Json Assets | Adds more recipes to buy at the Saloon.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Hot Spring Farmcave 1.2.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Hot spring farmcave with waterfalls and hot spring.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Kitty Slimes 1.0.0 by hisameartwork | for Content Patcher | Kitty cat slime retexture mod.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    KittyScarecrowReplacements 1.0.0 by Jinxiewinxie | for Content Patcher | Unofficial conversion of Jinxiewinxie's Kitty Scarecrow Replacement for ContentPatcher.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio | for Fashion Sense | lashes mask
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Lnh's Leisure Barn 1.0.0 by Lnh | for Content Patcher
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Lolly Crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Adds two new crops to plant lollipops~
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.3.0 by Lumisteria | for Content Patcher | Custom Tilesheets for other mods to use. Don't include the tilesheets in your mod.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    lunakatt's DCBurger Style Portraits for SVE 1.0.1 by lunakatt | for Content Patcher | Portraits for Stardew Valley Expanded NPCs in the style of DCBurger's Portrait Mod.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue | for Fashion Sense | Luoxue clothing design.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures 1.0.2 by cometkins and wildflourmods | for Alternative Textures | AT pack of unreleased cometkins witchy furniture
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Magical Witchy Kitchen 1.0.2 by wildflourmods | for Content Patcher | Cometkins Inspired Magical Kitchen for Farmhouse and Island House
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Mi's Fireplace for ContentPatcher 1.0.0 by Mi | for Content Patcher | Mi's Fireplaces are now compatible with Content Patcher
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Mythical Flowers 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Eight new cute flower crops!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24 by FlashShifter | for Json Assets | Adds new fish, objects, weapons, crops, and decorations.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Nice Inventory Farmer Background 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Content Patcher | Get a nice background for the inventory farmer's image!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Nightmare's Additional Weaponry for JsonAssets 1.0.0 by zcsnightmare | for Json Assets | Adds 63 additional weapons via JsonAssets.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.4.0 by Maraluna | for Content Patcher | Fresh vines, dreamy petals and floral romance on your interface.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Paint Horse Replacer 1.0.0 by WildSpirits | for Content Patcher | Replaces horse into a Paint horse.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Penny Expanded Patch for SVE 1.0.0 by Wolvenlight, edits by TL13 | for Content Patcher | Makes the 3 heart event work better with the edits made by SVE. No more invisible Gunther and Penny walking through bookshelves
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio | for Fashion Sense | Phoenix eyes
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Pink Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | ST valentine's version~!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Pink Chocolate Crop 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | A new crop of pink chocolate!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Ragdoll Cat Replacements for Content Patcher 1.0.0 by peroxidewren | for Content Patcher | A collection of ragdoll cat replacements for Content Patcher
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze | for Fashion Sense | Adds additional Ragnarok Online Hats via Fashion Sense.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino | for Fashion Sense | Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad | for Fashion Sense | Adds fairy wings & accessories for the player using Fashion Sense.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Open Windows 1.1.0 by orangeblossom | for Alternative Textures | open windows that change with the season. at version.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Tub o Flowers 1.0.1 by MouseyPounds | for Content Patcher | ContentPatcher mod changing the Tub o' Flowers to have different flowers in every season
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Serpentwined's Spooky Gothic Furniture 1.0.0 by Serpentwined | for Content Patcher | New wallpapers and floors replacements that add a spooky touch to your farmhouse!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Serra 1.0.1 by Kana | for Content Patcher | Cambia l'interno della serra.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust | for Fashion Sense | Hairstyles for the Fashion Sense framework.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Shining Minerals and Gems 2.0.0 by Syum | for Content Patcher | Replacement for minerals and gems. It's more shinning and a little bit bigger than before.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Simple Little Berries 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Adds new tiny berries!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Slobbery's DCBurger Style Portraits 1.0.0 by Slobbery | for Content Patcher | DCBurgerStylePortraits
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian | for Fashion Sense | .
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Star Fragments (FTM) 1.0.0 by Airyn | for Farm Type Manager | Adds star fragments as forage.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Star Fragments (JA) 1.0.0 by Airyn | for Json Assets | Adds star fragments as forage.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Starblue Valley 1.5.1 by Lita | for Content Patcher
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Shop Tile Framework 1.14.24 by FlashShifter | for Shop Tile Framework | Adds vendors to Stardew Valley Expanded.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations 1.14.24 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Music 1.14.24 by FlashShifter | for SAAT.Mod | Adds soundtracks to the game
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Vineyard 2.4.0 by Amburr | for Json Assets | Adds in several new grape types to expand your vineyard!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Valentine's crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare | for Json Assets | Crops inspired in Valentine's day and love!
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Witchy Looks 1.1.0 by Alexilyn | for Json Assets | Some victorian and rustic witch looks.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn | for Fashion Sense | Some victorian and rustic Witch looks for Fashion Sence
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Yomi's Cute Tools 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Content Patcher | Retextures the tools.
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Content Patcher | Retextures the tools.

[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI] Found 102 mods with warnings:
[15:25:43 ERROR SMAPI]    Skipped mods
[15:25:43 ERROR SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[15:25:43 ERROR SMAPI]       These mods could not be added to your game.

[15:25:43 ERROR SMAPI]       - Tiny Berries for bushes 1.0.0 because it requires mods which aren't installed (NCarigon.BushBloomMod).

[15:25:43 WARN  SMAPI]    Changed save serializer
[15:25:43 WARN  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[15:25:43 WARN  SMAPI]       These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if
[15:25:43 WARN  SMAPI]       you uninstall these mods.

[15:25:43 WARN  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore

[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Advanced Loot Framework
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Alternative Textures
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - AntiSocial NPCs
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Artisan Good Icons
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Signs
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Bigger Backpack
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Buff Framework
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Content Patcher Animations
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Crops Anytime Anywhere
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom Cask Mod
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom NPC Exclusions
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Dynamic Game Assets
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Extra Map Layers
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farm Type Manager
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Fashion Sense
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Fishing Chests Expanded
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Json Assets
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Mail Framework Mod
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Non Destructive NPCs
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - PFMAutomate
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Portraiture
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Producer Framework Mod
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - PyTK Lite
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Shop Tile Framework
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Stardew Valley Expanded
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - StardewHack
[15:25:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - TreasureChestsExpanded

[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (AT) Modular Flowers
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (BAGI) Winter Crops
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Seasonal Paths
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (DW)SeasonalObelisk
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA) Expanded Casks - Normal
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA) rabbit and cat
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA)xiaowan love eye mask
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA)Yako's 26 Accessories
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA)Yomi's Cute HD Headwear
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (JA)Yomi's sisters flower dress
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (PFM) Expanded Casks
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Aimon's More Lively Sewer Overhaul FTM
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - AlberoFungino
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Bright eyes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Charminging eyes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Chocolate Bonbon Recipes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Chocolate Crops
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Coii's Basic Shirts Pack
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Coii's Hats Pack
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Cute Long hairstyles
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Cuter Emotes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Devilish Horns
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul FTM
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Distant Lands - Witch Swamp OverhaulBF
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Eemie's Animal Replacements for ContentPatcher
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - EemieMailBox
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Fruit Buns Recipes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Gradient Hair Colors
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Halloween Crops Bundle
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - HD clothes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Kitty Slimes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - KittyScarecrowReplacements
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Lashes mask
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Lolly Crops
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - lunakatt's DCBurger Style Portraits for SVE
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Mi's Fireplace for ContentPatcher
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Mythical Flowers
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Nice Inventory Farmer Background
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Nightmare's Additional Weaponry for JsonAssets
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Paint Horse Replacer
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Phoenix eyes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Pink Chocolate Bonbon Recipes
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Pink Chocolate Crop
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Ragdoll Cat Replacements for Content Patcher
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Serra
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Simple Little Berries
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Slobbery's DCBurger Style Portraits
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - StardewMapTeleport
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Valentine's crops
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Yomi's Cute Tools
[15:25:43 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle

[15:25:44 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[15:25:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (AdvancedLootFramework.AdvancedLootFrameworkApi).
[15:25:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[15:25:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])!
[15:25:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9)
[15:25:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(Int32)!
[15:25:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api).
[15:25:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.ConditionsChecker).
[15:25:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found object information reference in Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32), editing IL now
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found object sorting, replacing with ours
[15:25:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(Int32)!
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found the object information get call, redirecting...
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found the object information get call, redirecting...
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found object information reference in Void eatObject(StardewValley.Object, Boolean), editing IL now
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found object information reference in Void doneEating(), editing IL now
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found the object information get call, redirecting...
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found the object information get call, redirecting...
[15:25:45 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found parentSheetIndex reference in Void parseItems(System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[StardewValley.Item]), editing IL now
[15:25:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (DynamicGameAssets.Api).
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (AlternativeTextures.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[15:25:46 DEBUG AntiSocial NPCs] AntiSocial Mod performing stand-alone setup.
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching getRandomTownNPC...
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Adding call to RemoveAntiSocialNPCs at index 3
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching loadQuestInfo...
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Adding call to RemoveAntiSocialNPCs at index 45
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI).
[15:25:46 TRACE Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety] Applying Harmony patches...
[15:25:46 TRACE Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety] ... done patching.
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Api.BetterFarmAnimalVariety).
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (BetterRanching.BetterRanchingApi).
[15:25:46 TRACE Better Signs] Started stebaker92.bettersigns from folder: B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\BetterSigns
[15:25:46 INFO  StardewHack] Loaded StardewHack library v6.0.0 using Harmony v2.2.2.0.
[15:25:46 DEBUG Bigger Backpack] Applying bytecode patches for spacechase0.BiggerBackpack.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch JunimoNoteMenu_setUpMenu to Void setUpMenu(Int32, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Boolean[]]) in StardewValley.Menus.JunimoNoteMenu.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShippingMenu_ctor to Void .ctor(highlightThisItem, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.MenuWithInventory.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_drawCurrency to Void drawCurrency(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_ctor to Void .ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[StardewValley.ISalable], Int32, System.String, System.Func`4[StardewValley.ISalable,StardewValley.Farmer,System.Int32,System.Boolean], System.Func`2[StardewValley.ISalable,System.Boolean], System.String) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch CraftingPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[StardewValley.Objects.Chest]) in StardewValley.Menus.CraftingPage.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_answerDialogueAction to Boolean answerDialogueAction(System.String, System.String[]) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SpecialItem_getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp to StardewValley.TemporaryAnimatedSprite getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2) in StardewValley.Objects.SpecialItem.
[15:25:46 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SeedShop_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Locations.SeedShop.
[15:25:46 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Found object information reference in Void doneEating(), editing IL now
[15:25:46 TRACE Buff Framework] Transpiling Buff.addBuff
[15:25:46 TRACE Buff Framework] adding check for custom glow rate
[15:25:46 TRACE Buff Framework] Transpiling Buff.removeBuff
[15:25:46 TRACE Buff Framework] adding check for custom glow rate
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (BuffFramework.BuffFrameworkAPI).
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.ChestsAnywhere.Framework.ChestsAnywhereApi).
[15:25:46 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Started with menu key P.
[15:25:46 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I.
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (MailFrameworkMod.Api.MailFrameworkModApi).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] Loading critter content packs...
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'cranber.fireflies' (unique ID: c1f7763d5bbc4583ab3071ab11be4c81, path: CustomCritters\Critters\cranber.fireflies).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] cranber.fireflies
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'eemie.bee' (unique ID: 0976a642f3ca4710a24425db98081d5f, path: CustomCritters\Critters\eemie.bee).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] eemie.bee
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'yoseiri.fastfairy' (unique ID: 341d67b9b59e42cc9c37cedc7652c016, path: CustomCritters\Critters\yoseiri.fastfairy).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] yoseiri.fastfairy
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'yoseiri.slowfairy' (unique ID: 9247074c8cb04b96ad64ff851203bd39, path: CustomCritters\Critters\yoseiri.slowfairy).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] yoseiri.slowfairy
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'yoseiri.slowfairy1' (unique ID: 9aa455427e6245a88214111252509182, path: CustomCritters\Critters\yoseiri.slowfairy1).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] yoseiri.slowfairy1
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Critters created dynamic content pack 'yoseiri.slowfairy2' (unique ID: cebcf89ed0fb44d5b652bf79b601428d, path: CustomCritters\Critters\yoseiri.slowfairy2).
[15:25:46 INFO  Custom Critters] yoseiri.slowfairy2
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ItemDeliveryQuest": postfixing SDV method "ItemDeliveryQuest.GetValidTargetList()".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_SocializeQuest": postfixing SDV method "SocializeQuest.loadQuestInfo()".
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching loadQuestInfo...
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Adding call to RemoveAntiSocialNPCs at index 45
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_WinterStarGifts": transpiling SDV method "Event.setUpPlayerControlSequence(string)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_WinterStarGifts": transpiling SDV method "LetterViewerMenu(string, string, bool)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ShopDialog": prefixing SDV method "Game1.UpdateShopPlayerItemInventory(string, HashSet<NPC>)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.SetupIslandSchedules()".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.CanVisitIslandToday(NPC)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PerfectionFriendship": transpiling SDV method "Utility.getMaxedFriendshipPercent(Farmer)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieInvitation": transpiling SDV method "NPC.tryToReceiveActiveObject(Farmer)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Greetings": prefixing SDV method "NPC.sayHiTo(Character)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_BirthdayCalendar": transpiling SDV constructor "Billboard(bool)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Fix_NullSoldItems": prefixing SDV method "Game1.UpdateShopPlayerItemInventory(string, HashSet<NPC>)".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Fix_NullRandomNPCs": postfixing SDV method "Utility.getRandomTownNPC()".
[15:25:46 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Fix_NullRandomNPCs": postfixing SDV method "Utility.getRandomTownNPC(Random)".
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching getRandomTownNPC...
[15:25:46 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Adding call to RemoveAntiSocialNPCs at index 3
[15:25:46 INFO  PyTK Lite] Using PyTK Lite
[15:25:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (DeepWoodsMod.API.Impl.DeepWoodsAPI).
[15:25:47 TRACE ExpandedFridge] Manager created
[15:25:47 TRACE Extra Map Layers] Transpiling Layer_DrawNormal
[15:25:47 TRACE Extra Map Layers] switching equals to startswith for layer id
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition".
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": transpiling SDV method "GameLocation.isTemp".
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[15:25:47 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[15:25:47 TRACE Fashion Sense] Patched BAGI.DrawWhenHeldPatch successfully via ObjectPatch
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ProducerFrameworkMod.Api.ProducerFrameworkModApi).
[15:25:47 DEBUG Profit Calculator] Helpers initialized
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ProfitCalculator.ModApi).
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SAAT.API.AudioManager).
[15:25:47 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] Adding Content Packs...
[15:25:47 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] Loading: Stardew Valley Expanded - Shop Tile Framework by FlashShifter | 1.14.24 | Adds vendors to Stardew Valley Expanded.
[15:25:47 INFO  Shop Tile Framework] Loading: Expanded Shop Inventories by peudepeu | 1.2.0 | Tweaked shop inventories
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ShopTileFramework.API.STFApi).
[15:25:47 DEBUG Stardew Valley Expanded] AntiSocial Mod loaded.  Skipping ad hoc setup.
[15:25:47 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded] Starting Installation Checker...
[15:25:47 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe)
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of dependencies to check: 15
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] SMAPI is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Expanded Preconditions Utility...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Expanded Preconditions Utility is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking SpaceCore...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] SpaceCore is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Extra Map Layers...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Extra Map Layers is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking JsonAssets...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] JsonAssets is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Shop Tile Framework...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Shop Tile Framework is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Custom NPC Exclusions...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Custom NPC Exclusions is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking SAAT - Audio API and Toolkit...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] SAAT - Audio API and Toolkit is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [JA] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [JA] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [SAAT] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [SAAT] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [STF] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [STF] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of missing mods: 0
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of out of date mods: 0
[15:25:47 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine!
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_GetFishingLocation": postfixing SDV method "GameLocation.getFishingLocation()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomFishPondColors": postfixing SDV method "FishPond.doFishSpecificWaterColoring()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ActionProperties": postfixing SDV method "GameLocation.performAction(string, Farmer, Location)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CatStatue": postfixing SDV method "Object.DayUpdate(GameLocation)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()".
[15:25:47 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)".
[15:25:47 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts...
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI]    None found!
[15:25:47 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[15:25:47 TRACE Save Backup] Backed up to B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\save-backups\2024-03-27 - SMAPI 3.18.6 with Stardew Valley
[15:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods edited Data/NPCGiftTastes.
[15:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Dynamic Game Assets edited Data/ObjectInformation.
[15:25:48 ALERT SMAPI] You can update SMAPI to 4.0.2:
[15:25:48 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 180 mods...
[15:25:48 TRACE SpaceCore] PyTK is installed, but we couldn't notify it about serializer changes. PyTK serialization might not work correctly.
Technical details: couldn't fetch its mod instance.
[15:25:48 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[15:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2
[15:25:48 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[15:25:48 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[15:25:49 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Better Artisan Good Icons uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.Content.ModSource.Load[T](String path)
   at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.Content.ContentSourceManager.TryLoadTextureProvider(IContentSource contentSource, String imagePath, List`1 source, ArtisanGood good, IMonitor monitor, ArtisanGoodTextureProvider& provider)
   at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.Content.ContentSourceManager.TryLoadContentSource(TextureDataContentSource contentSource, IMonitor monitor)+MoveNext()
   at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.Content.ContentSourceManager.GetTextureProviders(IModHelper helper, IMonitor monitor)+MoveNext()
   at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.ArtisanGoodsManager.Init(IModHelper helper, IMonitor monitor)
   at BetterArtisanGoodIcons.BetterArtisanGoodIconsMod.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety uses deprecated code (IContentHelper.AssetEditors) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.SetUpAssetEditors(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.OnEntry(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety uses deprecated code (IContentHelper.AssetLoaders) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.SetUpAssetLoaders(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.OnEntry(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.SetUpAssetLoaders(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Events.LoadMod.OnEntry(ModEntry mod)
   at BetterFarmAnimalVariety.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded uses deprecated code (IContentHelper.AssetLoaders) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at StardewValleyExpanded.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 WARN  SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:25:49 DEBUG SMAPI]    at StardewValleyExpanded.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Detecting common issues...
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cached assets for new editors & loaders...
[15:25:49 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI]    changed: Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (added 3), Stardew Valley Expanded (added 1).
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[15:25:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   (FS) Missy's Shirts: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   (FS) Simple farmer dresses: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   (JA) Adventurer's Guild Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Adventurer's Guild Expanded Music: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   Eemie's Victorian Buildings for CP: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   Extra Map Layers: The CurseForge mod with ID '868841' has no valid versions.
   Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   SAAT.Mod: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Star Fragments (FTM): The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Star Fragments (JA): Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - Shop Tile Framework: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Music: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.

[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI] You can update 33 mods:
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Alternative Textures 7.2.5: (you have 6.10.4)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Automate 2.0.3: (you have 1.28.7)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Better Ranching 2.0.1: (you have 1.9.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Bigger Backpack 7.1.0: (you have 6.0.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere 1.23.1: (you have 1.22.10)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu 1.35.0: (you have 1.33.5)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner 2.3.3: (you have 2.3.1)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.9.18: (you have 1.9.17)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.0.2: (you have 1.30.4)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Crops Anytime Anywhere 1.4.9: (you have 1.4.7)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Custom Cask Mod 1.6.0: (you have 1.5.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0: (you have 1.5.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul 2.0.2: (you have 1.0.8)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.17.1: (you have 1.16.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Fashion Sense 6.0.2: (you have 5.8.1)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0: (you have 1.11.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm 1.14.34: (you have 1.14.19)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0: (you have 1.4.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.11.3: (you have 1.10.14)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Lnh's Leisure Barn 1.1.1: (you have 1.0.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Lumisteria Tilesheets - Outdoor 1.4.0: (you have 1.3.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod 1.16.0: (you have 1.15.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 3.0.1: (you have 2.11.5)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.6.1: (you have 1.4.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Penny Expanded Patch for SVE 1.1.0: (you have 1.0.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Producer Framework Mod 1.8.0: (you have 1.7.4)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted: (you have 1.1.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted: (you have 1.1.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Skip Intro 1.9.16: (you have 1.9.15)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.20.2: (you have 1.17.2)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.35: (you have 1.14.24)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    StardewHack 7.2.0: (you have 6.0.0)
[15:25:49 ALERT SMAPI]    Tractor Mod 4.17.2: (you have 4.16.6)
[15:25:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:49 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[15:25:49 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:49 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[15:25:49 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:49 TRACE Dynamic Game Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.JsonAssets.
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] Accessed mod-provided API (DynamicGameAssets.Api) for Dynamic Game Assets.
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.DynamicGameAssets.
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Loading textures from pack: Greenhouse Set 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] [Greenhouse Set] finished loading in 0.05 seconds
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Loading textures from pack: Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures 1.0.2 by cometkins and wildflourmods
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] [Magical Furniture for Alternative Textures] finished loading in 0.21 seconds
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Loading textures from pack: (AT) Modular Flowers 1.0.0 by FourLeafClo
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] [(AT) Modular Flowers] finished loading in 0.04 seconds
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Loading textures from pack: Seasonal Open Windows 1.1.0 by orangeblossom
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] [Seasonal Open Windows] finished loading in 0.05 seconds
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] Finished loading all content packs in 0.35 seconds
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Finished loading Alternative Textures content packs
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'PaintBucket'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'Scissors'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'SprayCan'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'Catalogue'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'PaintBrush_Empty'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'PaintBrush_Filled'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/PaintBucket'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/Scissors'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/SprayCan'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/PaintBrush_Empty'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/PaintBrush_Filled'.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Alternative Textures loaded asset 'AlternativeTextures/Tools/Catalogue'.
[15:25:49 TRACE Alternative Textures] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 DEBUG Alternative Textures] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu.
[15:25:49 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures (registering for PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures) is using deprecated code (RegisterLabel) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[15:25:49 TRACE Automate] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety] Data/FarmAnimals:
White Chicken: 1/3/176/174/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/4/7/null/641/800/White Chicken/Coop
Brown Chicken: 1/3/180/182/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/7/4/null/641/800/Brown Chicken/Coop
Blue Chicken: 1/3/176/174/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/7/4/null/641/800/Blue Chicken/Coop
Void Chicken: 1/3/305/305/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/4/4/null/641/800/Void Chicken/Coop
Golden Chicken: 1/3/928/928/cluck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/7/4/null/641/800/Golden Chicken/Coop
Duck: 2/5/442/444/Duck/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/3/8/null/642/1200/Duck/Coop
Rabbit: 4/6/440/446/rabbit/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/10/5/null/643/8000/Rabbit/Coop
Dinosaur: 7/0/107/-1/none/8/32/48/32/8/32/48/32/0/false/Coop/16/16/16/16/1/8/null/644/1000/Dinosaur/Coop
White Cow: 1/5/184/186/cow/36/64/64/64/36/64/64/64/1/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/15/5/Milk Pail/639/1500/White Cow/Barn
Brown Cow: 1/5/184/186/cow/36/64/64/64/36/64/64/64/1/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/15/5/Milk Pail/639/1500/Brown Cow/Barn
Goat: 2/5/436/438/goat/24/64/84/64/24/64/84/64/1/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/10/5/Milk Pail/644/4000/Goat/Barn
Pig: 1/10/430/-1/pig/24/64/84/64/24/64/84/64/1/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/20/5/null/640/16000/Pig/Barn
Hog: 1/5/640/-1/pig/24/64/84/64/24/64/84/64/2/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/20/5/null/640/1500/Hog/Barn
Sheep: 3/4/440/-1/sheep/24/64/84/64/24/64/84/64/1/true/Barn/32/32/32/32/15/5/Shears/644/8000/Sheep/Barn
Ostrich: 7/7/289/-1/Ostrich/24/64/84/64/24/64/84/64/0/false/Barn/32/32/32/32/15/5/null/644/16000/Ostrich/Barn
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety edited Data/FarmAnimals.
[15:25:49 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods edited Data/Blueprints.
[15:25:49 TRACE Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety] Cannot register animals with More Animals: Entoarox.MoreAnimals API not found
[15:25:49 TRACE Better Ranching] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE Buff Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE Chests Anywhere] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:49 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (DynamicGameAssets.Api) for Dynamic Game Assets.
[15:25:49 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[15:25:50 TRACE SMAPI] Dynamic Game Assets edited Data/ObjectInformation.
[15:25:50 TRACE Custom Cask Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (MailFrameworkMod.Api.MailFrameworkModApi) for Mail Framework Mod.
[15:25:50 TRACE Custom Cask Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:50 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] DIGUS.CustomCaskMod (registering for DIGUS.CustomCaskMod) is using deprecated code (RegisterModConfig) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[15:25:50 TRACE Extra Map Layers] device type StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Rendering.SDisplayDevice
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM).
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU).
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (DynamicGameAssets.Api) for Dynamic Game Assets.
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA).
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP).
[15:25:50 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF).
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Bright eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Bright eyes
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Charminging eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Charminging eyes
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Fae Wing Set 1.0.0 by psoymilk
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Fae Wing Set
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Lashes mask 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Lashes mask
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing6 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing6
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) LuoLi's clothing7 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) LuoLi's clothing7
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2 1.0.0 by Luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set2
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli Happy Skirt Set3
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Milo's better beanies 1.1.0 by milocoolguy06
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Milo's better beanies
[15:25:50 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:50 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Missy's Shirts 1.0.0 by MissyDiabolical, conversion by Iceprincess98
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Missy's Shirts
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Phoenix eyes 1.0.0 by mio
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Phoenix eyes
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Ragnarok Online Hats 1.0.0 by Seyph & Solariaze
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Ragnarok Online Hats
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Rino's Suits patch ff14 1.0.0 by Rino
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Rino's Suits patch ff14
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories 1.2.0 by RoseDryad
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack RoseDryad's Fairy Wings & Accessories
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Seasonal Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Seasonal Hats
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense 3.5.0 by Shardust
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Shardust's Hairstyles for Fashion Sense
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Simple farmer dresses
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Simple farmer dresses
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Simple farmer dresses
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Simple farmer dresses
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Simple farmer dresses 1.3.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Simple farmer dresses
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) The Coquette Collection
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) The Coquette Collection
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) The Coquette Collection 1.2.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) The Coquette Collection
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 1.7.0 by Wabi
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe
[15:25:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Witch Hats 1.0.0 by Kailey
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Witch Hats
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Witchy Rustic Looks
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Witchy Rustic Looks
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Witchy Rustic Looks 1.0.0 by Alexilyn
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Witchy Rustic Looks
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) WS78 Wedding Pack 1.2.0 by WS78
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack3
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5 1.0.0 by luoli
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Luoli's FS Hair Pack5
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[15:25:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[15:25:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Luoxue clothing design 1.0.0 by luosyue
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Luoxue clothing design
[15:25:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Dress3
[15:25:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's New Year's Clothes
[15:25:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's retro colored dress
[15:25:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: SongYan'hair pack 1.0.0 by gedian
[15:25:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack SongYan'hair pack
[15:25:54 TRACE Fishing Chests Expanded] Accessed mod-provided API (AdvancedLootFramework.AdvancedLootFrameworkApi) for Advanced Loot Framework.
[15:25:54 DEBUG Fishing Chests Expanded] loaded AdvancedLootFramework API
[15:25:54 TRACE Fishing Chests Expanded] Got 308 possible treasures
[15:25:54 TRACE Gradient Hair Colors] Accessed mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api) for Fashion Sense.
[15:25:54 TRACE Producer Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (PFM) Expanded Casks 1.1.0 from B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PFM] Expanded Casks
[15:25:54 TRACE SMAPI] Dynamic Game Assets edited Data/ObjectInformation.
[15:25:54 WARN  Producer Framework Mod] The ProducerName property can't be null or empty. This rule will be ignored.
[15:25:54 TRACE PFMAutomate] Accessed mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI) for Automate.
[15:25:54 TRACE Automate] Adding automation factory: PFMAutomate.Automate.ProducerFrameworkAutomationFactory, PFMAutomate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[15:25:54 TRACE Profit Calculator] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:54 TRACE SAAT.Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (SAAT.API.AudioManager) for SAAT.API.
[15:25:54 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[15:25:54 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[15:25:54 TRACE Shop Tile Framework] Accessed mod-provided API (BetterFarmAnimalVariety.Framework.Api.BetterFarmAnimalVariety) for Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety.
[15:25:54 TRACE Skip Intro] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:54 TRACE Tractor Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:25:54 TRACE TreasureChestsExpanded] Accessed mod-provided API (AdvancedLootFramework.AdvancedLootFrameworkApi) for Advanced Loot Framework.
[15:25:54 DEBUG TreasureChestsExpanded] loaded AdvancedLootFramework API
[15:25:54 TRACE TreasureChestsExpanded] Got 308 possible treasures
[15:25:55 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[15:25:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Alternative Textures added 2 custom tokens with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures/': Textures, Tools.
[15:25:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Fashion Sense added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.FashionSense/': Appearance.
[15:25:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added 25 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.JsonAssets/': BigCraftableId, BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, BigCraftableSpriteX, BigCraftableSpriteY, ClothingId, CropId, CropSpriteTilesheet, CropSpriteX, CropSpriteY, FruitTreeId, FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, FruitTreeSpriteX, FruitTreeSpriteY, HatId, HatSpriteTilesheet, HatSpriteX, HatSpriteY, ObjectId, ObjectSpriteTilesheet, ObjectSpriteX, ObjectSpriteY, WeaponId, WeaponSpriteTilesheet, WeaponSpriteX, WeaponSpriteY.
[15:25:55 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 2 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent.
[15:25:57 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Old Barn Animals' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Old Coop Animals' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Firefly Torch' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Shining Minerals and Gems' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'KittyScarecrowReplacements' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Fairy And Fairy Bushes' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'TileSheets/fruitTrees' (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/shirts' (for the 'Coii's Basic Shirts Pack' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/hats' (for the 'Coii's Hats Pack' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/daybg (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/daybg (for the 'Nice Inventory Farmer Background' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/nightbg (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/nightbg (for the 'Nice Inventory Farmer Background' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/MenuTiles' (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTiles (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTilesUncolored (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Grandpa's Farm' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Old Barn Animals' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Old Coop Animals' content pack).
[15:25:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Firefly Torch' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Alecto the Witch' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/ControllerMaps (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods edited Data/NPCGiftTastes.
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Adventurer's Guild Expanded' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Distant Lands - Goblin NPC Content Pack' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Alecto the Witch' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'TileSheets/emotes' (for the 'Cuter Emotes' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/emotes (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/BuffsIcons (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/ObjectContextTags (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/ObjectContextTags (for the 'Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/hairstyles' (for the 'Cute Long hairstyles' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furniture (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'LooseSprites/font_bold' (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_bold (for the 'DaisyNiko's Tilesheets' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_bold (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_colored (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/weapons (for the 'Fancier Galaxy Sword' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/weapons (for the 'Yomi's Cute Tools-sickle' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Minigames/TitleButtons' (for the 'Starblue Valley' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[15:26:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 26 asset names (Characters/Farmer/hairstyles, Characters/Farmer/hats, Characters/Farmer/shirts, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/ObjectContextTags, Data/weapons, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList, Maps/Festivals, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/Craftables, TileSheets/emotes, TileSheets/fruitTrees, TileSheets/furniture, TileSheets/weapons).
Propagated 23 core assets (Characters/Farmer/hairstyles, Characters/Farmer/hats, Characters/Farmer/shirts, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/ObjectContextTags, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/Craftables, TileSheets/emotes, TileSheets/fruitTrees, TileSheets/furniture, TileSheets/weapons).
[15:26:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Lnh.LeisureBarn
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Lita.StarblueValley
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of DaisyNiko.Tilesheets
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Aimon111.WitchSwampOverhaulCP
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of flashshifter.GrandpasFarm
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of supert.adventureguildexpanded
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Aimon111.MoreLivelySewerOverhaul
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Yoseiri.FairyAndFairyBushesforCP
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Coii.Hats
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of DCBurger.DCBurgersHighResPortraitMod
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of eemie.animalcollection
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of minervamaga.CP.EemieVictorianBuildings
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.OldBarnAnimals
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.OldCoopAnimals
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Niko.FancierGalaxySword
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of lunakatt.lunakattsDCBurgerStylePortraitsforSVE
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of wildflour.magicalkitchenCP
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Mi.FireplaceCP
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Maraluna.OvergrownFloweryInterface
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of peroxidewren.ragdollcats
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of MouseyPounds.SeasonalTubOFlowers
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Syum.MineralsAndGems
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Slobbery.SlobberysDCBurgerStylePortraits
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Serpentwined.wallsnfloors
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Yomi.Cute.Tools
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of PC.InvNiceBG
[15:26:00 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of ZoeDoll.NPCAlecto
[15:26:00 INFO  Json Assets] Loading content packs...
[15:26:00 INFO  Json Assets] 	Bonster's Fruits and Veggies 2.5.0 by Bonster - New Fruits and Veggies for Stardew Valley
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Benne Sesame Seed:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Black Bean Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blackcurrant Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blue Corn Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Candy Roaster Squash Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cardamom Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chayote Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cloudberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cowpea Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cranberry Bean Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Green Chile Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Lingonberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Maypop Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Nasturtium Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Oats Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Peppercorn Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Prickly Pear Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Red Currant Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rose Hip Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Roselle Hibiscus Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Salsify Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Scotch Bonnet Pepper Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Summer Squash Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sunchoke Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for White Alpine Strawberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:00 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for White Currant Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:00 INFO  Json Assets] 	Bonster's Trees 2.5.0 by Bonster - New Trees JsonAssets
[15:26:00 INFO  Json Assets] 	New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.24 by FlashShifter - Adds new fish, objects, weapons, crops, and decorations.
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Ancient Ferns Seed:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Fungus Seed:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Joja Berry Starter:
        New season requirements: z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Joja Veggie Seeds:
        New season requirements: z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Stalk Seed:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Shrub Seed:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Void Seed:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Slime Seed:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) Adventurer's Guild Expanded 1.0.2 by SUPERT - Adds new items for the Adventurer's Guild Expanded mod.
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Zinnia Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Star Fragments (JA) 1.0.0 by Airyn - Adds star fragments as forage.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Witchy Looks 1.1.0 by Alexilyn - Some victorian and rustic witch looks.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA 1.0.0 by Aimon111 - Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhau JA pack
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Vile Ancient Fruit Seeds:
        New season requirements: z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Void Mint Seeds:
        New season requirements: z winter
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) Expanded Casks - Normal 1.1.0 by Epsilon - Expanded casks which take multiple inputs and age more types of product.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) Fairy Bushes and Scarecrows 2.0.0 by Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by) - Adds 4 new scarecrows and 2 decorative flower pots for JsonAssets.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) Flowery Fences 2.0.0 by Yoseiri (original), Paradigmnomad (updated by) - Adds 2 new fences for JsonAssets.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Hojoo's Fruit Trees 1.0.0 by Hojoo - Adds loquat trees, lychee trees, and sapote trees to Pierre's shop.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Hojoo's Recipes 1.0.0 by Hojoo - Adds more recipes to buy at the Saloon.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Nightmare's Additional Weaponry for JsonAssets 1.0.0 by zcsnightmare - Adds 63 additional weapons via JsonAssets.
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) rabbit and cat 1.0.0 by luosyue - rabbit and cat
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	Stardew Vineyard 2.4.0 by Amburr - Adds in several new grape types to expand your vineyard!
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Albariño Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cabernet Sauvignon Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chardonnay Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Gewürztraminer Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Grenache Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Grüner Veltliner Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Ice Grape Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Merlot Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Moscato Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Muscadine Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Nebbiolo Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pinot Grigio Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pinot Noir Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Riesling Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sangiovese Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sauvignon Blanc Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Schiava Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Syrah Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Viognier Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for White Zinfandel Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Zinfandel Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:01 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA) Winter Crops 1.1.3 by bluechicken - Adds Winter themed crops and etc
[15:26:01 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Brussel Sprout Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Nettle Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA)Yomi's Cute HD Headwear 1.0.0 by Yomi - Adds to farmer's headwear.
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA)Yomi's sisters flower dress 1.0.0 by Yomi - Adds to farmer's Dress.
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA)xiaowan love eye mask 1.0.0 by xiaowan - 5种颜色
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Let's bake some bonbons!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Chocolate Crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Three new crops: White chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Devilish Horns 1.0.1 by Lunightmare - Use your demon horns!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Fruit Buns Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - This mod adds six new recipes to make fruit buns!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Halloween Crops Bundle 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Adds some cool new crops halloween themed!
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Candy Corn Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Candy Eye Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Devil's Blood (Candy Sour Liquid):
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Ghost Bait:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for ???:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sour pop Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Witchy Moon Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Lolly Crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Adds two new crops to plant lollipops~
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Mythical Flowers 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Eight new cute flower crops!
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Orange Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Purple Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pink Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for White Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Green Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Red Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blue Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Iced Mythical Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Pink Chocolate Bonbon Recipes 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - ST valentine's version~!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Pink Chocolate Crop 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - A new crop of pink chocolate!
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Simple Little Berries 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Adds new tiny berries!
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blue Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Green Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pink Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Purple Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Red Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Yellow Berries Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	Valentine's crops 1.0.0 by Lunightmare - Crops inspired in Valentine's day and love!
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Dovey Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Esteem Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Heart Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Lovey Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Soft Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Super Rose Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[15:26:02 INFO  Json Assets] 	(JA)Yako's 26 Accessories 1.0.1 by keui - Accessories by Yako
[15:26:02 TRACE Json Assets] Event: ItemsRegistered
[15:26:02 WARN  SMAPI] Producer Framework Mod uses deprecated code (IModHelper.Content) and will break in the next major SMAPI update.
[15:26:02 DEBUG SMAPI]    at ProducerFrameworkMod.Controllers.ProducerController.AddProducersConfig(List`1 producersConfig, String modUniqueId)
   at ProducerFrameworkMod.DataLoader.LoadContentPack(IContentPack contentPack, EventArgs e)
   at ProducerFrameworkMod.DataLoader.LoadContentPacks(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args)
[15:26:02 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success
[15:26:02 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in
[15:26:02 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on
[15:26:02 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'.
[15:26:02 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[15:26:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[15:26:07 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame
[15:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing...
[15:26:07 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.
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