SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on Unix
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley
Log started: 2025-02-04 20:30 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.15 build 24356 2 errors
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.1
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
(+ 1 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 1 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Pony Weight Loss Program 1.0.0 BadNetCode no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Simple Crop Label 6.0.2 TheMusketeer no errors
SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 DewMods no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
[21:30:32 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Unix
[21:30:32 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods
[21:30:32 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-02-04T20:30:32 UTC
[21:30:36 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[21:30:37 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.3599438'
[21:30:37 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[21:30:37 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[21:30:37 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods/ContentPatcher/ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.1)...
[21:30:37 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.14.1)...
[21:30:37 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly GenericModConfigMenu.dll.
[21:30:37 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods/FarmTypeManager/FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)...
[21:30:37 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll.
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods/SaveBackup/SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/Stardew Valley Expanded Code/StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.0)...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Stats.specificMonstersKilled field...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll.
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Simple Crop Label (from Mods/SimpleCropLabel/SimpleCropLabel.dll, ID: SimpleCropLabel, assembly version: 0.0.0)...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    SkipFishingMinigame (from Mods/SkipFishingMinigameDotnet5/SkipFishingMinigame.dll, ID: DewMods.StardewValleyMods.SkipFishingMinigame, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods/ConsoleCommands/ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Pony Weight Loss Program (from Mods/PonyWeightLossProgram/PonyWeightLossProgram.dll, ID: BadNetCode.PonyWeightLossProgram, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 9 mods:
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.5.1 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Pony Weight Loss Program 1.0.0 by BadNetCode | Allows horses to pass vertically through single tile openings
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Simple Crop Label 6.0.2 by TheMusketeer | Identify crops and trees on farm
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    SkipFishingMinigame 0.7.4 by DewMods | When a fish bites, just hook the fish and skip the bobber bar minigame
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 by FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game

[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 2 content packs:
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley.
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE!

[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farm Type Manager
[21:30:38 INFO  SMAPI]       - Stardew Valley Expanded Code

[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Direct console access
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]       These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]       be logged by SMAPI.

[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]       - Generic Mod Config Menu

[21:30:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[21:30:38 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu_OpenModConfig'.
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)".
[21:30:38 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Starting Installation Checker...
[21:30:38 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe)
[21:30:38 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of dependencies to check: 5
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI...
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] SMAPI is loaded and up to date.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher...
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)...
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of missing mods: 0
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of out of date mods: 0
[21:30:38 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine!
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control.
[21:30:38 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomFishPondColors": postfixing SDV method "FishPond.doFishSpecificWaterColoring()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()".
[21:30:38 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)".
[21:30:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[21:30:38 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[21:30:39 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[21:30:39 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:02.2151654'
[21:30:39 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[21:30:39 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[21:30:39 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[21:30:39 ERROR game] Error initializing the Galaxy API.
TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE' threw an exception.
 ---> TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SWIGExceptionHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'GalaxyCSharpGlue' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libGalaxyCSharpGlue: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper.SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_GalaxyInstance(ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate, ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate, ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate, ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate, ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate, ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate, ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate, ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate, ExceptionDelegate systemExceptionDelegate)
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..ctor()
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.new_InitParams__SWIG_3(String jarg1, String jarg2, String jarg3)
   at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamHelper.Initialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\1\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamHelper.cs:line 90
[21:30:39 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM).
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU).
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA).
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP).
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF).
[21:30:39 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API not found: Item Extensions.
[21:30:39 TRACE Simple Crop Label] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:30:39 TRACE SkipFishingMinigame] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:30:39 TRACE Content Patcher] Farm Type Manager added a custom token with prefix 'Esca.FarmTypeManager/': NumberOfMonsters.
[21:30:39 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'.
[21:30:39 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[21:30:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 9 mods...
[21:30:40 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Code: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
[21:30:40 TRACE SMAPI]    All mods up to date.
[21:30:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:30:41 TRACE game] Successfully loaded ContentHashes.json containing 3560 file(s);
[21:30:41 TRACE game] EnsureManifestInitialized() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.0057881'
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/BigCraftables (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Crops (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Weapons (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Buildings (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FruitTrees (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/LocationContexts (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CraftingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CookingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/JukeboxTracks (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AudioChanges (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 19 asset names (Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/Cursors, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles).
Propagated 19 core assets (Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/Cursors, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles).
[21:30:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'.
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations).
Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Locations).
[21:30:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:30:41 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP
[21:30:41 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[21:30:41 ERROR game] Galaxy SignInSteam failed with an exception:
TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance' threw an exception.
 ---> TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'CustomExceptionHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'GalaxyCSharpGlue' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libGalaxyCSharpGlue: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper.CustomExceptionRegisterCallback(CustomExceptionDelegate customCallback)
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper..ctor()
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.User()
   at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamHelper.onEncryptedAppTicketResponse(EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t response, Boolean ioFailure) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\1\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamHelper.cs:line 251
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'.
[21:30:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:48 Width:1920 Height:1032}
[21:30:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack).
[21:30:44 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame
[21:30:44 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing...
[21:30:44 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.
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