SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24354 on Android Unix
SMAPI: v4.1.10.3 - 1735840167
Folder: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/abc.smapi.gameloader/files
Log started: 2025-02-20 23:56 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.15 build 24354 no errors
SMAPI v4.1.10.3 - 1735840167 Pathoschild 15 errors
Central Station 1.1.0 Pathoschild no errors
Chatter 1.3.1 Jboss no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 2.5.1 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Ani's Cute Floors 1.0.0
+ (CP) Ani's Cute Wallpapers 1.0.0
+ (CP) Custom Menu Background 1.2.0
+ (CP) Hapi's Pink Rabbit Merchant Cart 1.0.2
+ (CP) Laundry Machines 1.1.0
+ (CP) MBM Envelopes 0.2.1
+ (CP) My Melody Furniture 1.0.0
+ (CP) Valentine's Day Furniture 1.0.1
+ (CP) Zilch's MBM Envelopes 1.1.0
+ Animal Crossing Elephant Watering Can 1.0.0
+ Animal Crossing Fruits 1.1.0
+ Animated Nyapu's portrait Mod 0.4.0
+ BusRetexMod 2.0.0
+ Calling from afar 1.0.2
+ Central Station content 1.1.0
+ Content Patcher (FS) Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7
+ Fashion Sense Tokens for Mobility Valley 1.0.1
+ Firefly Torch 1.0.0
+ HxW Tilesheets 1.0.8
+ Jello's Vanilla-ish Wizard Config.ED 3.1.3
+ Monsoon's Umbrellas Starter Pack 1.0.0
+ More Content for Central Station 1.0.1
+ MoreBooks 1.1.10
+ Nyapu's Portraits inspired
+ Pastel Pink Lolita Interface 1.2.0
+ Piper - A Pierre Rewrite 2.0.7
+ Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17
+ Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped 1.8.55
+ Roses In The Sand 1.0.4
+ Script Font 1.1.0
+ Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0
+ Seasonal Outfits - SVE 2.0.0
+ Seasonal SVE Nyapu Portrait Retextures 3.1.0
+ Simple Foliage 2.1.2
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
+ Tachi's More Accurate Telephone Retexture 1.0.0
(+ 36 content packs)
+ GrannyAni
+ GrannyAni
+ herbivoor
+ luyepiaofeng
+ fireredlily
+ aedenthorn
+ otohimexoxo
+ AngelOfStars
+ Zilch
+ Mage/Centiwheatley
+ Chesemtet
+ OnTheRisk
+ AsakOhee
+ Zilch
+ Pathoschild
+ PeacefulEnd
+ sneaky_ham
+ orangeblossom
+ HimeTarts
+ Drawn by Jellonip
+ MonsoonSheep
+ OMEGAlinc
+ jeWel
+ Dong 1.6.9 by Nyapu
+ otohimexoxo
+ Holychurros & Stanloona420; Updated by Heliax
+ Rafseazz
+ Written by Jellonip, WerewolfMaster, haywrites, PaintedParrot
+ Nature
+ Poltergeister
+ Poltergeister and Tanpoponoko
+ Nyapu and AhCuteArt
+ Azrashar/itsanette (unofficial update by Morghoula and tophatta)
+ FlashShifter
+ PrblyTachi
no errors
Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 spacechase0 no errors
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Rafseazz
no errors
Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.2 aedenthorn no errors
Custom Tokens 1.6.1 TheMightyAmondee no errors
CustomTVChannel 1.11.0
+ Stardew News 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ yuhkall
no errors
Dynamic Reflections 3.0.0 PeacefulEnd no errors
Empty Watering Can Sounds 1.0.0 SirDigby no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 Cherry no errors
ExtraMachineConfig 1.13.1 selph 1 error
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Rafseazz
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Farmhouse visits 1.8.2 mistyspring no errors
Fashion Sense 7.0.0
+ (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0
+ (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0
+ (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0
+ (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0
+ (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0
+ (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0
+ Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0
+ Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1
+ HD clothes 1.0.0
+ Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7
+ RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0
(+ 13 content packs)
+ luoli
+ orangeblossom
+ chichistreams
+ Deer_zheng
+ ningqi
+ Yomi
+ billi
+ billi
+ blight
+ sneaky_ham
+ blight
+ PeacefulEnd
+ Jellonip
no errors
Furniture Machine 1.0.0 selph no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Horse Carriage Mod 2.0.0 AsakOhee no errors
Json Assets 1.11.9 spacechase0 no errors
Map Event Markers 0.2.3 irocendar no errors
Map Teleport 1.0.6 chiccen no errors
More Books 1.1.10 jeWel no errors
NPC Map Locations for Android 1.0.1 Priff13 no errors
PIF - Personal Rooms 1.4.3 DeLiXx no errors
Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 Rafseazz no errors
SayHi 0.0.2 season no errors
SpaceCore 1.27.0 spacechase0 no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
StardewNametags 1.0.4 tylergibbs2 no errors
UI Info Suite 2 for Android 1.1.1 Priff13 no errors
Umbrellas 1.0.0 MonsoonSheep no errors
Unlimited Storage 1.2.0 LeFauxMatt no errors
VirtualKeyboard 1.0.5 DoubleZ no errors
Where Are They 1.0.4 Capaldi12 no errors
<invalid content packs>
+ (FF) My Melody Furniture 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ otohimexoxo
no errors
[17:56:37 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI v4.1.10.3 - 1735840167 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24354 on Android Unix
[17:56:37 INFO  SMAPI] Launcher v1.1.4 - 1735840517
[17:56:37 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/abc.smapi.gameloader/files/Mods
[17:56:37 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-02-20T23:56:37 UTC
[17:56:37 TRACE SMAPI] On ApplyHarmonyPatchAll()..
[17:56:37 TRACE SMAPI] Done harmony.PatchAll()
[17:56:37 INFO  SMAPI] You enabled developer mode, so the console will be much more verbose. You can disable it by installing the non-developer version of SMAPI.
[17:56:37 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[17:56:38 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.2006646'
[17:56:38 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.2931740'
[17:56:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[17:56:38 ERROR SMAPI] Detected mod files directly inside the 'Mods' folder. These will be ignored. Each mod must have its own subfolder instead.
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]   Ignored loose files: About Language.txt, config.json, content.json, CustomSaveMod.dll, manifest.json
[17:56:38 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]    assets (from Mods/assets, ID: <unknown>)...
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json.
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]    i18n (from Mods/i18n, ID: <unknown>)...
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json.
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]    preview(Ԥ�� (from Mods/preview(Ԥ��, ID: <unknown>)...
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it's an empty folder.
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Current Location (from Mods/CurrentLocation/CurrentLocation.dll, ID: Vrakyas.CurrentLocation, assembly version: 1.5.4)...
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: marked 'assume broken' in SMAPI's internal compatibility list for versions up to 1.5.4: no reason given.
[17:56:38 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods/ContentPatcher/ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)...
[17:56:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcher.dll to fix Force.DeepCloner.DeepClonerExtensions type, Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcher.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcher.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:39 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense (from Mods/FashionSense/FashionSense.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense, assembly version: 7.0.1)...
[17:56:39 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FashionSense.dll for OS...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FashionSense.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FashionSense.dll.
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    < RURAL COMESTICS < (from Mods/Rural Outfitters/Rural Cosmetics, ID: ruralcosmetics) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    = RURAL OUTFITTERS = (from Mods/Rural Outfitters/Rural Outfitters, ID: ruraloutfitters) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    iPhone - MobilePhone Themes (from Mods/[MPC] iPhone, ID: kakikukaku.iPhoneTheme) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it requires mods which aren't installed (JoXW.MobilePhone, JoXW.MobilePhone).
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Central Station (from Mods/CentralStation/CentralStation/CentralStation.dll, ID: Pathoschild.CentralStation, assembly version: 1.1.0)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CentralStation.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CentralStation.dll to fix Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CentralStation.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void StardewValley.ICue::set_Volume(System.Single)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Central Station content (from Mods/CentralStation/[CP] CentralStation, ID: Pathoschild.CentralStation.Content) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    More Content for Central Station (from Mods/[CP] More Content for Central Station, ID: OMEGAlinc.CSExpanded) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    HxW Tilesheets (from Mods/[CP] HxW Tilesheets, ID: hxw.tilesheets) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Furniture Machine (from Mods/FurnitureMachine/FurnitureMachine.dll, ID: selph.FurnitureMachine, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FurnitureMachine.dll.
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    ExtraMachineConfig (from Mods/ExtraMachineConfig/ExtraMachineConfig.dll, ID: selph.ExtraMachineConfig, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExtraMachineConfig.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method, Object.ConsumeInventoryItem method...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ExtraMachineConfig.dll.
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Laundry Machines (from Mods/[CP] Laundry Machines, ID: FireRedLily.LaundryMachines) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner (from Mods/CJBItemSpawner/CJBItemSpawner.dll, ID: CJBok.ItemSpawner, assembly version: 2.5.1)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBItemSpawner.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method, ItemGrabMenu..ctor constructor, MenuWithInventory.get_heldItem method, MenuWithInventory.set_heldItem method...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBItemSpawner.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters), TextBox..ctor (added missing optional parameters), Utility.getTrashReclamationPrice (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.14.1)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote GenericModConfigMenu.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method, IClickableMenu.drawToolTip method, OptionsPage.options field...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote GenericModConfigMenu.dll to fix GameMenu.optionsTab (field => const)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote GenericModConfigMenu.dll to fix Game1.parseText (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters), OptionsButton..ctor (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote GenericModConfigMenu.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly GenericModConfigMenu.dll.
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI] Start GenericModConfigFix
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI] Patch ModEntry.OnRendered()
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI] Done GenericModConfigFix
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Valentine's Day Furniture (from Mods/[CP] Valentines Furniture, ID: AngelOfStars.ValentinesFurniture) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Nyapu's Portraits inspired by Dong (from Mods/[CP] Nyapu's Portraits(1.6.9), ID: Nyapu.Portraits) [content pack]...
[17:56:40 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations (from Mods/ContentPatcherAnimations/ContentPatcherAnimations.dll, ID: spacechase0.ContentPatcherAnimations, assembly version: 1.2.2)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcherAnimations.dll to fix BuildableGameLocation.buildings field, Building.input field, Building.output field, Chest.items field, Farmer.get_Items method, FarmerTeam.junimoChest field, FruitTree.fruitSeason field, Game1.get_locations method, Game1.playSound method, JunimoHut.output field, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCodeString method, OverlaidDictionary.get_Keys method, OverlaidDictionary.get_Pairs method, SpriteText.drawString method, StardewValley.Buildings.Mill type, StardewValley.ModDataDictionary type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/KeysCollection type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/KeysCollection/Enumerator type, StardewValley.Network.OverlaidDictionary/PairsCollection type, StardewValley.SpecialOrder type...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcherAnimations.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ContentPatcherAnimations.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly ContentPatcherAnimations.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Tachi's More Accurate Telephone Retexture (from Mods/[CP] Tachi's Telephone Retexture, ID: PrblyTachi.TelephoneRetexture) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Calling from afar (from Mods/Calling from afar, ID: Zilch.CallingfromAfar) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Roses In The Sand (from Mods/[CP] Roses In The Sand, ID: Nature.RITS) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Umbrellas (from Mods/Umbrellas/Umbrellas.dll, ID: MonsoonSheep.Umbrellas, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly Umbrellas.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Monsoon's Umbrellas Starter Pack (from Mods/[CP] Monsoon's Umbrellas Starter Pack, ID: MonsoonSheep.MonsoonsUmbrellasStarterPack) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    CustomTVChannel (from Mods/CustomTVChannel/customtvchannel.dll, ID: chieeri323.customtvchannel, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly Void_Life(C#).dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew News (from Mods/StardewNews, ID: yuhkall.thenews) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Map Teleport (from Mods/MapTeleport/MapTeleport.dll, ID: chiccen.MapTeleport, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MapTeleport.dll to fix Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MapTeleport.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations for Android (from Mods/NPCMapLocations_Android/NPCMapLocations_Android.dll, ID: Priff13.NPCMapLocations_Android, assembly version: 3.2.1)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote NPCMapLocations_Android.dll for OS...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Furniture Framework (from Mods/FurnitureFramework/FurnitureFramework.dll, ID: leroymilo.FurnitureFramework, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FurnitureFramework.dll to fix GameLocation.removeLightSource method...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FurnitureFramework.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in FurnitureFramework.dll: reference to StardewValley.ISoundBank.Exists (no such method).
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) My Melody Furniture (from Mods/My Melody Furniture/[CP] My Melody Furniture, ID: otohime.CP.MMF) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    (FF) My Melody Furniture (from Mods/My Melody Furniture/[FF] My Melody Furniture, ID: otohime.FF.MMF) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Ani's Cute Floors (from Mods/[CP] Ani's Cute Wallpapers and Floors/[CP] Ani's Cute Floors, ID: Ani.Cute_Floors) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Ani's Cute Wallpapers (from Mods/[CP] Ani's Cute Wallpapers and Floors/[CP] Ani's Cute Wallpapers, ID: Ani.Cute_Wallpapers) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Unlimited Storage (from Mods/UnlimitedStorage/UnlimitedStorage.dll, ID: furyx639.UnlimitedStorage, assembly version: 1.2.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UnlimitedStorage.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawToolTip method...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UnlimitedStorage.dll to fix TextBox..ctor (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UnlimitedStorage.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly UnlimitedStorage.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Map Event Markers (from Mods/MapEventMarkersMod/MapEventMarkersMod.dll, ID: irocendar.MapEventMarkers, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MapEventMarkersMod.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MapEventMarkersMod.dll to fix GameMenu.mapTab (field => const)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MapEventMarkersMod.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawHoverText (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    More Books (from Mods/MoreBooks/MoreBooks/MoreBooks.dll, ID: jeWel.MoreBooksCode, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    MoreBooks (from Mods/MoreBooks/[CP] MoreBooks, ID: jeWel.MoreBooks) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Horse Carriage Mod (from Mods/HorseCarriageMod/HorseCarriageMod.dll, ID: AsakOhee.HorseCarriageMod, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly HorseCarriageMod.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    BusRetexMod (from Mods/Retex, ID: AsakOhee.BusRetexMod) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Transport Framework (from Mods/Transport Framework/TransportFramework.dll, ID: mouahrara.TransportFramework, assembly version: 1.0.1)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TransportFramework.dll to fix Force.DeepCloner.DeepClonerExtensions type...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TransportFramework.dll to fix Farmer.couldInventoryAcceptThisItem (added missing optional parameters), Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly TransportFramework.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TransportFramework.dll: reference to StardewValley.ISoundBank.Exists (no such method).
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Empty Watering Can Sounds (from Mods/EmptyWateringCanSound/EmptyWateringCanSound.dll, ID: SirDigby.EmptyWateringCanSound, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly EmptyWateringCanSound.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars (from Mods/��֮��/[FS] ��֮����װ, ID: LuoLi.GuoRen) [content pack]...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility (from Mods/ExpandedPreconditionsUtility/ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll, ID: Cherry.ExpandedPreconditionsUtility, assembly version: 1.0.2)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll to fix Game1.getCharacterFromName method...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods/FarmTypeManager/FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FarmTypeManager.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FarmTypeManager.dll to fix Farmer.couldInventoryAcceptThisItem (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll.
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI] start FarmTypeManagerFix
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI] Start patching fix
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI] Applying Harmony patch "FarmTypeManagerFix": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[17:56:41 TRACE SMAPI] Applying Harmony patch "FarmTypeManagerFix": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] done FarmTypeManagerFix
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Start DisableQuickSave Fix..
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Disable Game1.saveWholeBackup
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Disable Game1.emergencyBackup()
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/Stardew Valley Expanded Code/StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.0)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method, Stats.specificMonstersKilled field...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Game1.parseText (added missing optional parameters), Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Boolean StardewValley.ICue::get_IsPitchBeingControlledByRPC(), Replace Method: System.Single StardewValley.ICue::get_Pitch(), Replace Method: System.Single StardewValley.ICue::get_Volume(), Replace Method: System.Void StardewValley.ICue::set_Pitch(System.Single), Replace Method: System.Void StardewValley.ICue::set_Volume(System.Single)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll.
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded/[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods/SpaceCore/SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote SpaceCore.dll to fix Force.DeepCloner.DeepClonerExtensions type, Game1.get_locations method, IClickableMenu.drawToolTip method, MenuWithInventory..ctor constructor, MenuWithInventory.get_heldItem method, MenuWithInventory.set_heldItem method, SaveGame.descriptionElementSerializer field, SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, SaveGame.legacyDescriptionElementSerializer field, SaveGame.locationSerializer field, SaveGame.serializer field, ShopMenu.tabButtons field, ShopMenu.UseCatalogueTabs method, ShopMenu.UseFurnitureCatalogueTabs method, ShopMenu.UseNoTabs method, StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu/ShopTabClickableTextureComponent type...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote SpaceCore.dll to fix GameMenu.skillsTab (field => const)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote SpaceCore.dll to fix Game1.parseText (added missing optional parameters), Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawHoverText (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote SpaceCore.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll' (rewritten)...
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Start SpaceCoreFix
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Disable GatherLocals()
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Done SpaceCoreFix
[17:56:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (from Mods/JsonAssets/JsonAssets.dll, ID: spacechase0.JsonAssets, assembly version: 1.11.9)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote JsonAssets.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote JsonAssets.dll to fix IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote JsonAssets.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly JsonAssets.dll.
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Companions (from Mods/CustomCompanions/CustomCompanions.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.CustomCompanions, assembly version: 5.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CustomCompanions.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomCompanions.dll.
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) (from Mods/Ridgeside Village/[CC] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVCC) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) (from Mods/Ridgeside Village/[FTM] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVFTM) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) (from Mods/Ridgeside Village/RidgesideVillage/RidgesideVillage.dll, ID: Rafseazz.RidgesideVillage, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote RidgesideVillage.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method, ItemGrabMenu..ctor constructor...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote RidgesideVillage.dll to fix DialogueBox..ctor (added missing optional parameters), Game1.parseText (added missing optional parameters), Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawHoverText (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly RidgesideVillage.dll.
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) (from Mods/Ridgeside Village/[CP] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVCP) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Piper - A Pierre Rewrite (from Mods/Piper - A Pierre Rewrite, ID: Heliax.PiperAPierreRewrite) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    SayHi (from Mods/SayHi/SayHi.dll, ID: season.SayHi, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SayHi.dll.
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense Mobility Valley (from Mods/Mobility Valley/FS Mobility Valley/[FS] Mobility Valley, ID: sneaky_ham.FSMobilityValley) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense Tokens for Mobility Valley (from Mods/Mobility Valley/FS Mobility Valley/[CP] Tokens, ID: sneaky_ham.FSMobilityValleyTokens) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories (from Mods/[FS] Sanrio Hats and Accessories, ID: chichistreams.sanrioclothing) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS] ��Ůʿ���, ID: ningqi5888) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS] ��ħŮ���, ID: ningqi4466) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS] ����ɯ�����ȷ�ɫ���, ID: ningqi7755) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS] ����ɯ�����Ⱥ�ɫ���, ID: ningqi7905) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS] ����ɯ��������ɫ���, ID: ningqi67678) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes (from Mods/[FS]ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes/[FS]ࣽ�֪�������, ID: ningqi0877) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses (from Mods/[FS] Orangeblossom's Sundresses, ID: ob7.sundress) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress (from Mods/[FS]Yomi's Cute Princess Dress, ID: Yomi.Cute.Princess.Dress) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    (FS) 鹿铮自创 (from Mods/[FS]¹İ�, ID: Deer_zheng1.0) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (FS) Hoods & Hoodies (from Mods/Hoods & Hoodies Pack/[CP] Hoods & Hoodies, ID: PeacefulEnd.ContentPatcherForHoodsAndHoodies) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Hoods & Hoodies (from Mods/Hoods & Hoodies Pack/[FS] Hoods & Hoodies, ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense.HoodsAndHoodies) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    VirtualKeyboard (from Mods/VirtualKeyboard/VirtualKeyboard.dll, ID: DoubleZ.VirtualKeyboard, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu (from Mods/CJBCheatsMenu/CJBCheatsMenu.dll, ID: CJBok.CheatsMenu, assembly version: 1.38.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBCheatsMenu.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBCheatsMenu.dll to fix Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawHoverText (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CJBCheatsMenu.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void StardewValley.Menus.OptionsElement::draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch,System.Int32,System.Int32,StardewValley.Menus.IClickableMenu)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Firefly Torch (from Mods/[CP] Firefly Torch, ID: fireflytorch.orangeblossom) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Simple Foliage (from Mods/[CP] Simple Foliage, ID: Az.Foliage) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Dynamic HDaccessory.blight (from Mods/[FS]belight's dynamic HD accessories, ID: DynamicHDaccessory.blight) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    HD clothes (from Mods/[FS]HD clothes, ID: HDclothes.blight) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Farmhouse visits (from Mods/FarmhouseVisits/FarmhouseVisits.dll, ID: mistyspring.farmhousevisits, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Script Font (from Mods/[CP] Script Font, ID: BBR.ScriptFont) [content pack]...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Dynamic Reflections (from Mods/DynamicReflections/DynamicReflections.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.DynamicReflections, assembly version: 3.0.0)...
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly DynamicReflections.dll.
[17:56:43 TRACE SMAPI]    PIF - Personal Rooms (from Mods/PersonalIndoorFarm/PersonalIndoorFarm.dll, ID: DLX.PIF, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote PersonalIndoorFarm.dll to fix Game1.get_locations method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote PersonalIndoorFarm.dll to fix Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters), IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PersonalIndoorFarm.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 for Android (from Mods/UIInfoSuite2_Android/UIInfoSuite2_Android.dll, ID: Priff13.UIInfoSuite2_Android, assembly version: 2.3.7)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UIInfoSuite2_Android.dll for OS...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UIInfoSuite2_Android.dll to fix InventoryPage..ctor constructor, OptionsPage..ctor constructor, SocialPage..ctor constructor...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote UIInfoSuite2_Android.dll to fix Replace Method: System.Void Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D::GetData<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color>(!!0[])...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly UIInfoSuite2_Android.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Hapi's Pink Rabbit Merchant Cart (from Mods/[CP] Hapi's Pink Rabbit Merchant Cart, ID: luyepiaofeng.HapiRabbitCart) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Mobile Phone (from Mods/MobilePhone/MobilePhone.dll, ID: aedenthorn.MobilePhone, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MobilePhone.dll to fix BuildableGameLocation.isThereABuildingUnderConstruction method, CarpenterMenu..ctor method, Character.getTileLocation method, Character.getTileX method, Character.getTileY method, Event..ctor method, Game1.drawDialogue method, Game1.getTrulyDarkTime method, Game1.playSound method, NetDirection.op_Implicit method, SoundEffect.FromStream method, SpriteText.drawStringHorizontallyCenteredAt method, field, Utility.isFestivalDay method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MobilePhone.dll to fix Farmer.catPerson (field => property), Game1.currentSeason (field => property)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MobilePhone.dll to fix DialogueBox..ctor (added missing optional parameters), Event.getActorByName (added missing optional parameters), Game1.warpFarmer (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MobilePhone.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in MobilePhone.dll: reference to StardewValley.BluePrint.daysToConstruct (no such field), reference to StardewValley.BluePrint.displayName (no such field), reference to StardewValley.Farmer.eventsSeen (field returns Netcode.NetStringHashSet, not Netcode.NetIntList), reference to StardewValley.Farmer.mailReceived (field returns Netcode.NetStringHashSet, not Netcode.NetStringList), reference to StardewValley.Game1.currentBillboard (no such field), reference to StardewValley.Game1.globalOutdoorLighting (no such field), reference to StardewValley.GameLocation.get_TemporarySprites (no such property), reference to StardewValley.GameLocation.lightGlows (field returns Netcode.NetVector2HashSet, not Netcode.NetList`2<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2,Netcode.NetVector2>), reference to StardewValley.Menus.CarpenterMenu.get_CurrentBlueprint (no such property).
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Custom Menu Background (from Mods/[CP] Custom Menu Background, ID: herbivoor.custommenubackground) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Chatter (from Mods/Chatter/Chatter.dll, ID: Jboss.Chatter, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote Chatter.dll to fix NPC.isBirthday method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote Chatter.dll to fix Game1.currentSeason (field => property)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Pastel Pink Lolita Interface (from Mods/Pastel Pink Lolita Interface/[CP] Pastel Pink Lolita Interface, ID: otohime.pinklolitainterface) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) MBM Envelopes (from Mods/[CP] MBM Envelopes, ID: aedenthorn.CPMBMEnvelopes) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Zilch's MBM Envelopes (from Mods/[CP] Zilch's MBM Envelopes, ID: Zilch.MBMenvelopes) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Mailbox Menu (from Mods/MailboxMenu/MailboxMenu.dll, ID: aedenthorn.MailboxMenu, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MailboxMenu.dll to fix Game1.playSound method, SpriteText.drawString method, SpriteText.drawStringWithScrollCenteredAt method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote MailboxMenu.dll to fix ClickableTextureComponent.draw (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MailboxMenu.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in MailboxMenu.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.mailReceived (field returns Netcode.NetStringHashSet, not Netcode.NetStringList).
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Where Are They (from Mods/WhereAreThey/WhereAreThey.dll, ID: Capaldi12.WhereAreThey, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote WhereAreThey.dll to fix FarmerRenderer.drawMiniPortrat (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    StardewNametags (from Mods/StardewNametags/StardewNametags.dll, ID: tylergibbs2.StardewNametags, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewNametags.dll to fix Character.getStandingX method, Character.getStandingY method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewNametags.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Mobile Calendar (from Mods/MobileCalendar/MobileCalendar.dll, ID: aedenthorn.MobileCalendar, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Love Bubbles (from Mods/LoveBubbles/LoveBubbles.dll, ID: LoveBubbles, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LoveBubbles.dll for OS...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LoveBubbles.dll to fix HUDMessage..ctor method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LoveBubbles.dll to fix Game1.currentLocation (field => property), Game1.pixelZoom (field => const), Game1.tileSize (field => const)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LoveBubbles.dll to fix SemanticVersion..ctor (added missing optional parameters)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LoveBubbles.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in LoveBubbles.dll: reference to StardewModdingAPI.Events.GraphicsEvents.add_OnPreRenderHudEvent (no such method), reference to StardewModdingAPI.Events.SaveEvents.add_AfterLoad (no such method), reference to StardewValley.AnimalHouse.animals (no such field), reference to StardewValley.Farm.animals (no such field), reference to StardewValley.FarmAnimal.currentProduce (field returns Netcode.NetString, not System.Int32), reference to StardewValley.FarmAnimal.toolUsedForHarvest (no such field), reference to StardewValley.FarmAnimal.wasPet (field returns Netcode.NetBool, not System.Boolean), reference to StardewValley.GameLocation.characters (field returns Netcode.NetCollection`1<StardewValley.NPC>, not System.Collections.Generic.List`1<StardewValley.NPC>), reference to StardewValley.GameLocation.isFarm (field returns Netcode.NetBool, not System.Boolean).
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'LoveBubbles.dll' (rewritten)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Animal Crossing Elephant Watering Can (from Mods/[CP] Animal Crossing Watering Can, ID: acnhcan) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Animal Crossing Fruits (from Mods/[CP] Animal Crossing Fruits, ID: Chesemtet.AnimalCrossingFruits) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Animated Nyapu's portrait Mod (from Mods/[CP-A] Animated Nyapu's Portrait Mod, ID: OnTheRisk.NyapuAnimatedPortrait) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters SVE (from Mods/[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteSpritesSVE) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Tokens (from Mods/CustomTokens/CustomTokens.dll, ID: TheMightyAmondee.CustomTokens, assembly version: 1.5.1)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomTokens.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Fixed Dialogue (from Mods/CustomFixedDialogue/CustomFixedDialogue.dll, ID: aedenthorn.CustomFixedDialogue, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CustomFixedDialogue.dll to fix Game1.getCharacterFromName method...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomFixedDialogue.dll.
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped (from Mods/Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamp/[CP] RRRR, ID: Jellonip.RRRR) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Jello's Vanilla-ish Wizard Config.ED (from Mods/[CP]Jello's Vanilla-ish Wizard Config Edition, ID: Jellonip.CMagnusPort) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    RRRR Magnus Earrings (from Mods/Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamp/[FS] Magnus Earrings, ID: Jellonip.FS.RRRR) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Outfits - SVE (from Mods/[CP] Seasonal Outfits - SVE, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalOutfitsSVE) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal SVE Nyapu Portrait Retextures (from Mods/[CP] Seasonal Outfits - SVE Nyapu-style, ID: AhCuteArt.Nyapu_SeasonalSVE) [content pack]...
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 36 mods:
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Central Station 1.1.0 by Pathoschild | Lets you travel to other mods' destinations by boat, bus, or train through the Central Station.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Chatter 1.3.1 by Jboss | Displays an indicator above NPCs you haven't interacted with today
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game cheats menu!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner 2.5.1 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner! & Support for android by NRTnarathip
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher Animations 1.2.4 by spacechase0 | Lets Content Patcher packs animate textures.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Companions 5.0.0 by PeacefulEnd | Framework for creating custom entities that can be spawned on maps or follow you around in Stardew Valley.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Fixed Dialogue 2.4.2 by aedenthorn | Custom fixed dialogue.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Tokens 1.6.1 by TheMightyAmondee | Provides some custom tokens for use with Content Patcher
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    CustomTVChannel 1.11.0 by chieeri323 | ...
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Dynamic Reflections 3.0.0 by PeacefulEnd | Dynamic water and surface reflections for Stardew Valley.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Empty Watering Can Sounds 1.0.0 by SirDigby | Adds a distinct sound when you use an empty watering can
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 by Cherry | A condition checking system designed for use by other mods, in the format of event preconditions
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    ExtraMachineConfig 1.13.1 by selph | Add extra functionalities to machine artisan recipes and other misc data structures.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Farmhouse visits 1.8.2 by mistyspring | Mod that allows villagers to visit you.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which adds hair animation and more into Stardew Valley.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Furniture Machine 1.0.0 by selph | Allow furniture to be used as machines.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Horse Carriage Mod 2.0.0 by AsakOhee | Modify the bus system to work with a horse carriage. Adjusts starting position, animations, and destination.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.11.9 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Map Event Markers 0.2.3 by irocendar | Marks pending player events on the map with question marks.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Map Teleport 1.0.6 by chiccen | Teleport by clicking on locations in the in-game map.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    More Books 1.1.10 by jeWel | This mod adds 16 new books and powers.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations for Android 1.0.1 by Priff13 | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking. Now modified for Android by Priff13. Based on NPCMapLocations version 3.2.1 by Bouhm.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    PIF - Personal Rooms 1.4.3 by DeLiXx | Framework for personal rooms
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | Ridgeside Village SMAPI and Harmony Component
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    SayHi 0.0.2 by season | Say Hi to villagers and animals around.(for SDV 1.6+)
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod)
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 by FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    StardewNametags 1.0.4 by tylergibbs2 | Nametags for players in Stardew Valley.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 for Android 1.1.1 by Priff13 | Adds a useful information to the user interface. Based on Cdaragorn's excellent UI Info Suite. Now modified for Andriod by Priff13. Based on UI Info Suite 2 v2.3.6
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Umbrellas 1.0.0 by MonsoonSheep | NPCs can carry umbrellas! You can make unique umbrellas for characters.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Unlimited Storage 1.2.0 by LeFauxMatt | Makes storages hold unlimited items.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    VirtualKeyboard 1.0.5 by DoubleZ | simple virtual keyboard
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Where Are They 1.0.4 by Capaldi12 | Displays location of every player in HUD.

[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 59 content packs:
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Ani's Cute Floors 1.0.0 by GrannyAni | for Content Patcher | Adds new cute floors using ContentPatcher!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Ani's Cute Wallpapers 1.0.0 by GrannyAni | for Content Patcher | Adds new cute wallpapers using ContentPatcher!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Custom Menu Background 1.2.0 by herbivoor | for Content Patcher | A completely customisable set of recolours (plus original addons) to all elements of the menu background. Over 20 million potential combinations!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Hapi's Pink Rabbit Merchant Cart 1.0.2 by luyepiaofeng | for Content Patcher | Replacement of merchant cart.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Laundry Machines 1.1.0 by fireredlily | for Content Patcher | Adds washing machine furniture items that provides one piece of clothing per day.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) MBM Envelopes 0.2.1 by aedenthorn | for Content Patcher | MBM Envelopes.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) My Melody Furniture 1.0.0 by otohimexoxo | for Content Patcher
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Valentine's Day Furniture 1.0.1 by AngelOfStars | for Content Patcher | Adds some Valentine's Day themed furniture to the game!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Zilch's MBM Envelopes 1.1.0 by Zilch | for Content Patcher | Adds custom envelopes for Mailbox Menu mod
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FF) My Melody Furniture 1.0.0 by otohimexoxo | for 
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli | for Fashion Sense | GuoRen Sea of Stars
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom | for Fashion Sense | Sundresses
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams | for Fashion Sense | Adds sanrio-inspired hats and hair accessories for fashion sense.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng | for Fashion Sense | 未经允许不许二传!!!!!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi | for Fashion Sense | These are six clothes from the black deacon
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi | for Fashion Sense | Converts Yomi skirts to FS.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi | for Fashion Sense | Adds makeup as accessories via Fashion Sense.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi | for Fashion Sense | Adds shirts, accessories, hats, and pants via fashion sense.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Animal Crossing Elephant Watering Can 1.0.0 by Mage/Centiwheatley | for Content Patcher | Animal Crossing watering can
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Animal Crossing Fruits 1.1.0 by Chesemtet | for Content Patcher | Edit some fruits sprites to make them look like Animal Crossing Fruits
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Animated Nyapu's portrait Mod 0.4.0 by OnTheRisk | for Content Patcher | Make the animtion for Nyapu's portrait mod
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    BusRetexMod 2.0.0 by AsakOhee | for Content Patcher | Modify the bus system to work with a horse carriage.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Calling from afar 1.0.2 by Zilch | for Content Patcher | Add incoming phone calls from parents.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Central Station content 1.1.0 by Pathoschild | for Content Patcher | Adds the base content for the Central Station mod.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher (FS) Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd | for Content Patcher | Modifies Fashion Sense Hoods & Hoodies pack for dynamic hood state swapping.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight | for Fashion Sense | Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham | for Fashion Sense | Fashion Sense pack for Mobility valley to allow for customization and sprite fixes.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense Tokens for Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham | for Content Patcher | Conditional Tokens for Fashion Sense.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Firefly Torch 1.0.0 by orangeblossom | for Content Patcher | ...cluster of fireflies...
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight | for Fashion Sense | HD clothes
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd | for Fashion Sense | Hoods, hoodies and related accessories.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    HxW Tilesheets 1.0.8 by HimeTarts | for Content Patcher | Adds custom tilesheets for mod authors to use.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Jello's Vanilla-ish Wizard Config.ED 3.1.3 by Drawn by Jellonip | for Content Patcher | A vanilla-ish portrait set for the Wizard. Compatible with RRRR. Modify Magnus' look with config options.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Monsoon's Umbrellas Starter Pack 1.0.0 by MonsoonSheep | for Content Patcher | Add some umbrellas for characters
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    More Content for Central Station 1.0.1 by OMEGAlinc | for Content Patcher | Adds more tourists to the Central Station and adds more books to the bookshelfs.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    MoreBooks 1.1.10 by jeWel | for Content Patcher | This mod adds 16 new books and powers.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Nyapu's Portraits inspired by Dong 1.6.9 by Nyapu | for Content Patcher | Replaces residents portraits.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Pastel Pink Lolita Interface 1.2.0 by otohimexoxo | for Content Patcher | makes the interface cute and pink
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Piper - A Pierre Rewrite 2.0.7 by Holychurros & Stanloona420; Updated by Heliax | for Content Patcher | Replaces Pierre with a new character named Piper
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Content Patcher | Adds Ridgeside Village to the game. A Stardew Valley Expansion mod.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Custom Companions | Custom Companions pack for Ridgeside Village.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Farm Type Manager | Adds forage and monsters to Ridgeside Village.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped 1.8.55 by Written by Jellonip, WerewolfMaster, haywrites, PaintedParrot | for Content Patcher | Revamped version of 'Romanceable Rasmodius' that adds many new events and dialogue for a full romance experience. Requires Stardew Valley Expanded.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Roses In The Sand 1.0.4 by Nature | for Content Patcher | An expansion and romance mod for the underappreciated desert rose Sandy
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip | for Fashion Sense | Adds in the two versions of Magnus' defencive earring gift to the farmer.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Script Font 1.1.0 by BBR | for Content Patcher | change in-game font
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 by Poltergeister | for Content Patcher | Makes the characters of Stardew Valley Expanded slightly cuter and gives them seasonal outfits.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Outfits - SVE 2.0.0 by Poltergeister and Tanpoponoko | for Content Patcher | Seasonal Outfits for Stardew Valley Expanded in the Vanilla style.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal SVE Nyapu Portrait Retextures 3.1.0 by Nyapu and AhCuteArt | for Content Patcher | Nyapu-style portrait replacement for Seasonal SVE Outfits (Vanilla).
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Simple Foliage 2.1.2 by Azrashar/itsanette (unofficial update by Morghoula and tophatta) | for Content Patcher | Decorative content pack to replace trees & bushes
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew News 1.0.0 by yuhkall | for CustomTVChannel | A mod that adds a news channel for the TV in the Stardew Region.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley.
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE!
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Tachi's More Accurate Telephone Retexture 1.0.0 by PrblyTachi | for Content Patcher | Makes the Aswering Machine Portrait more accurate to the sprite.

[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]    Skipped mods
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       These mods could not be added to your game.

[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Mobile Phone 3.2.2 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at

[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - assets because it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json.
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Current Location 1.5.4 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a newer version at or
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Furniture Framework 2.4.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - i18n because it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json.
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - iPhone - MobilePhone Themes 1.0.0 because it requires mods which aren't installed (JoXW.MobilePhone, JoXW.MobilePhone).
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Love Bubbles 1.2.0 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Mailbox Menu 0.3.3 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Mobile Calendar 0.3.1 because it needs the 'Mobile Phone' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - preview(Ԥ�� because it's an empty folder.
[17:56:44 ERROR SMAPI]       - Transport Framework 1.0.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at

[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Content Patcher Animations
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom Companions
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom Fixed Dialogue
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom Tokens
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - CustomTVChannel
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Dynamic Reflections
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Empty Watering Can Sounds
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - ExtraMachineConfig
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farm Type Manager
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Fashion Sense
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Furniture Machine
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Horse Carriage Mod
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Json Assets
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Map Teleport
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - PIF - Personal Rooms
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - SayHi
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Stardew Valley Expanded Code
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - StardewNametags
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - UI Info Suite 2 for Android
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Umbrellas
[17:56:44 INFO  SMAPI]       - Unlimited Storage

[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Direct console access
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not
[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       be logged by SMAPI.

[17:56:44 TRACE SMAPI]       - Generic Mod Config Menu

[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) My Melody Furniture
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Animal Crossing Elephant Watering Can
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - BusRetexMod
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - CustomTVChannel
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Fashion Sense Tokens for Mobility Valley
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - HD clothes
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Pastel Pink Lolita Interface
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Script Font
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Stardew News
[17:56:44 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Tachi's More Accurate Telephone Retexture

[17:56:45 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[17:56:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[17:56:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[17:56:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Selph.StardewMods.FurnitureMachine.FurnitureMachineApi).
[17:56:45 ERROR ExtraMachineConfig] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.)
 ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> InvalidOperationException: Could not find entry point for CraftingPage_clickCraftingRecipe_Transpiler - Current state is invalid
   at HarmonyLib.CodeMatcher.ThrowIfInvalid(String explanation)
   at HarmonyLib.CodeMatcher.ThrowIfNotMatch(String explanation, CodeMatch[] matches)
   at Selph.StardewMods.ExtraMachineConfig.CraftingHarmonyPatcher.CraftingPage_clickCraftingRecipe_Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InterpretedInvoke_Method(Object obj, IntPtr* args)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeDirectByRefWithFewArgs(Object obj, Span`1 copyOfArgs, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeDirectByRefWithFewArgs(Object obj, Span`1 copyOfArgs, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithOneArg(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
   at HarmonyLib.CodeTranspiler.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<GetResult>b__0(MethodInfo transpiler)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Reflection.MethodInfo, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ForEach(Action`1 action)
   at HarmonyLib.CodeTranspiler.GetResult(ILGenerator generator, MethodBase method)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodBodyReader.FinalizeILCodes(Emitter emitter, List`1 transpilers, List`1 endLabels, Boolean& hasReturnCode, Boolean& methodEndsInDeadCode)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodCopier.Finalize(Emitter emitter, List`1 endLabels, Boolean& hasReturnCode, Boolean& methodEndsInDeadCode)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement(Dictionary`2& finalInstructions)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch()
   at HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch(MethodBase original, HarmonyMethod prefix, HarmonyMethod postfix, HarmonyMethod transpiler, HarmonyMethod finalizer)
   at Selph.StardewMods.ExtraMachineConfig.CraftingHarmonyPatcher.ApplyPatches(Harmony harmony)
   at Selph.StardewMods.ExtraMachineConfig.ModEntry.Entry(IModHelper helper)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Mobile.AndroidModLoaderManager.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<TryStartModEntry>b__0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__281_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at StardewModdingAPI.Mobile.AndroidModLoaderManager.TryStartModEntry(IMod mod)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase)
[17:56:45 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Selph.StardewMods.ExtraMachineConfig.ExtraMachineConfigApi).
[17:56:45 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I.
[17:56:45 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu_OpenModConfig'.
[17:56:45 TRACE Unlimited Storage] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/BigCraftables'.
[17:56:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[17:56:45 INFO  Unlimited Storage] Config Initialized
             BigChestMenu: True
          EnableScrolling: True
             EnableSearch: True
               ShowArrows: True
               EnabledIds: 130,165,216,232,248,256,275,BigChest,BigStoneChest

[17:56:45 INFO  Unlimited Storage] Applying Patches
[17:56:46 INFO  Horse Carriage Mod] Mod successfully loaded!
[17:56:46 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker).
[17:56:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster".
[17:56:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster".
[17:56:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)".
[17:56:46 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Starting Installation Checker...
[17:56:46 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe)
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of dependencies to check: 5
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI...
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] SMAPI is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher...
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)...
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of missing mods: 0
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of out of date mods: 0
[17:56:46 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine!
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomFishPondColors": postfixing SDV method "FishPond.doFishSpecificWaterColoring()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Try fix TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection_ApplyPatch
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "Sve_TXMLMapFacingDir_warpFarmer": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int, bool)".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()".
[17:56:46 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)".
[17:56:46 TRACE SMAPI] call GatherLocals() for android
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'.
[17:56:46 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'.
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void setupRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])!
[17:56:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first newobj for ClickableTextureComponent in Void setupRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (5)
[17:56:48 WARN  SpaceCore] GetLoadEnumeratorMethods: Found 5 transpiler targets, expected 4
[17:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] 	<getLoadEnumerator>b__4 Void <getLoadEnumerator>b__4()
[17:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] 	<getLoadEnumerator>b__1 Void <getLoadEnumerator>b__1()
[17:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] 	MoveNext Boolean MoveNext()
[17:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] 	<FindSaveGames>g__TryReadSaveInfo|64_2 StardewValley.Farmer <FindSaveGames>g__TryReadSaveInfo|64_2(System.String, System.Exception ByRef, <>c__DisplayClass64_1 ByRef)
[17:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] 	<FindSaveGames>g__TryReadSaveData|64_3 StardewValley.Farmer <FindSaveGames>g__TryReadSaveData|64_3(System.String, System.Exception ByRef, <>c__DisplayClass64_1 ByRef)
[17:56:48 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api).
[17:56:48 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[17:56:48 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (CustomCompanions.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of dependencies to check: 5
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI...
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SMAPI is out of date: False
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SMAPI is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher...
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Content Patcher: Local version (2.5.3) is older than required version (2.0.0): False
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking SpaceCore...
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SpaceCore: Local version (1.27.0) is older than required version (1.19.0): False
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SpaceCore is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Custom Companions...
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Custom Companions: Local version (5.0.0) is older than required version (4.1.1): False
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Custom Companions is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)...
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Farm Type Manager (FTM): Local version (1.24.0) is older than required version (1.17.0): False
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of missing mods: 0
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of out of date mods: 0
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Animations".
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Backgrounds".
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Dateables.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "GameMenu_ChangeTab_PostFix.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Rings.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch from "SummitFarm".
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch from "TreasureItems".
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "UntimedSO" prefixing SDV method.
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Not patching GetProtraitForRequester because platform is Android
[17:56:48 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Music".
[17:56:49 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Started with menu key P.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (DynamicReflections.Framework.Interfaces.Internal.Api).
[17:56:49 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'DLX.PIF_VoidSealBuffTrigger'.
[17:56:49 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'DLX.PIF_SpaceTimeBuffTrigger'.
[17:56:49 TRACE Custom Tokens] Initialising harmony patches...
[17:56:49 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unlimited Storage edited Data/BigCraftables.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/BigCraftables.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Objects.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] PIF - Personal Rooms edited Data/Objects.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Crops.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Characters.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Pants.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Pants.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Shirts.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Shirts.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Tools.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Weapons.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Achievements.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/FarmAnimals.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/FloorsAndPaths.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/FruitTrees.
[17:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Locations.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/LocationContexts.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Pets.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/NPCGiftTastes.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/CraftingRecipes.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/CookingRecipes.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/JukeboxTracks.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Furniture.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] PIF - Personal Rooms edited Data/Furniture.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Boots.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Boots.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/hats.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/hats.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Mannequins.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Trinkets.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/AdditionalWallpaperFlooring.
[17:56:50 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Strings/Tools.
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Strings/Weapons.
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/Dungeons'.
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Starting load cueModificationData...
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/AudioChanges.
[17:56:51 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/AdditionalLanguages.
[17:56:51 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu.
[17:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense created dynamic content pack 'FS - Local Pack' (unique ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense.LocalPack, path: FashionSense/Framework/Assets/Local Pack).
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) GuoRen's Sea of Stars 1.0.0 by luoli
[17:56:51 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Fashion Sense Mobility Valley
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Fashion Sense Mobility Valley
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Fashion Sense Mobility Valley
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:51 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Fashion Sense Mobility Valley
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: Fashion Sense Mobility Valley 1.0.1 by sneaky_ham
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Sanrio Hats and Hair Accessories 1.0.0 by chichistreams
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)ningqi's Black Deacon's Clothes 1.0.0 by ningqi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Orangeblossom's Sundresses 1.0.0 by orangeblossom
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS)Yomi's Cute Princess Dress 1.0.0 by Yomi
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) 鹿铮自创
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) 鹿铮自创 5.5.0 by Deer_zheng
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack Hoods & Hoodies
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Hoods & Hoodies
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Hoods & Hoodies
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Hoods & Hoodies
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack Hoods & Hoodies
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: Hoods & Hoodies 1.0.7 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:52 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:52 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack Dynamic HDaccessory.blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: Dynamic HDaccessory.blight 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hair.HairContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:53 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack HD clothes
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: HD clothes 1.0.0 by blight
[17:56:54 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack RRRR Magnus Earrings
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: RRRR Magnus Earrings 1.0.0 by Jellonip
[17:56:54 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[17:56:54 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.0 by PeacefulEnd
[17:56:54 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324
[17:56:54 TRACE CustomTVChannel] Reading content pack: Stardew News 1.0.0 from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/abc.smapi.gameloader/files/Mods/StardewNews
[17:56:54 TRACE CustomTVChannel] Patching StardewValley.Objects.TV.checkForAction
[17:56:54 TRACE CustomTVChannel] Patching StardewValley.Objects.TV.selectChannel
[17:56:54 TRACE CustomTVChannel] Patching StardewValley.Objects.TV.proceedToNextScene
[17:56:54 TRACE Map Teleport] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Map Teleport] Map Teleport locations loaded successfully!
[17:56:54 TRACE Map Teleport] Data validation: passed!
[17:56:54 TRACE NPC Map Locations for Android] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Unlimited Storage] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Strings/BigCraftables.
[17:56:54 TRACE Map Event Markers] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE More Books] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 TRACE More Books] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Empty Watering Can Sounds] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] SirDigby.EmptyWateringCanSound (registering for SirDigby.EmptyWateringCanSound) is using deprecated code (AddNumberOption(IManifest mod, Func<int> getValue, Action<int> setValue, Func<string> name = null, Func<string> tooltip = null, int? min = null, int? max = null, int? interval = null, string fieldId = null)) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM).
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU).
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA).
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP).
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF).
[17:56:54 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API not found: Item Extensions.
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/TriggerActions.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/VirtualCurrencyData'.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/WearableData'.
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData'.
[17:56:54 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[17:56:54 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[17:56:54 TRACE Custom Companions] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[17:56:54 DEBUG Custom Companions] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.JsonAssets.
[17:56:54 TRACE Custom Companions] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 DEBUG Custom Companions] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[17:56:54 DEBUG Custom Companions] Loading companions from pack: Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.BrownChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.BrownCow' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.FarmKiwi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.MistFox' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.MistFoxRing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.RingSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.SpiritFox' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.SpiritFoxRing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WanderingChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WhiteChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WhiteCow' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack).
[17:56:54 TRACE Custom Companions] No summoning rings available from Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component), this may be intended
[17:56:54 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:54 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[17:56:54 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE game] Registered event command: RSVShowImage
[17:56:54 TRACE game] Registered event command: RSVStopShowImage
[17:56:54 TRACE game] Registered precondition: rsvRidingHorse
[17:56:54 TRACE SayHi] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Farmhouse visits] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Dynamic Reflections] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 DEBUG Dynamic Reflections] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu.
[17:56:54 TRACE PIF - Personal Rooms] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE UI Info Suite 2 for Android] Registered Sound: Priff13.UIInfoSuite2_Android.sounds.LevelUp
[17:56:54 TRACE UI Info Suite 2 for Android] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 INFO  UI Info Suite 2 for Android] Loaded API for mod spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu
[17:56:54 DEBUG Chatter] Successfully loaded offsets for NPCs
[17:56:54 INFO  Chatter] Custom indicator does not exist
[17:56:54 DEBUG Chatter] Default birthday indicator exists
[17:56:54 INFO  Chatter] Custom birthday indicator does not exist
[17:56:54 TRACE Chatter] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Where Are They] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE StardewNametags] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[17:56:54 TRACE Custom Tokens] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Farm Type Manager added a custom token with prefix 'Esca.FarmTypeManager/': NumberOfMonsters.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] More Books added 24 custom tokens with prefix 'jeWel.MoreBooksCode/': ConfigBombBookRead, ConfigCarpenterCatalogueRead, ConfigDaggerBookRead, ConfigEnableAttackBook, ConfigEnableBombBook, ConfigEnableCarpenterCatalogue, ConfigEnableDaggerBook, ConfigEnableFishingLevelBook, ConfigEnableGarbageCanBook, ConfigEnableGodBook, ConfigEnableGreenTeaBook, ConfigEnableImmunityBook, ConfigEnableLewisBook, ConfigEnableLuckBook, ConfigEnableMagneticBook, ConfigEnableMilkBook, ConfigEnableOreCatalogue, ConfigEnableRiceBook, ConfigEnableSpeedBook, ConfigGreenTeaBookRead, ConfigLewisBookRead, ConfigMilkBookRead, ConfigOreCatalogueRead, ConfigRiceBookRead.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Custom Companions added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.CustomCompanions/': Companions.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Fashion Sense added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.FashionSense/': Appearance.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) added 22 custom tokens with prefix 'Rafseazz.RidgesideVillage/': BryleWeeklyVisitDays, Celebrant, CelebrantDisplayName, EasyIntroduction, EnableBetterBusStop, EnableOtherNPCsInCableCar, EnableRidgesideMusic, EnableTouristNPCs, ExpandedFestivalMaps, FoxbloomDay, FoxbloomSpawned, IreneTraveling, PoleAtBackwoods, ProgressiveStory, RepeatCableCarCutscene, RSVInstallDay, RSVNPCSAttendFestivals, SeasonalRSVMap, ShirtNameFromId, ShowVillagersOnMap, SpouseGender, ZayneWeeklyVisitDays.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added 36 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.JsonAssets/': BigCraftableId, BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, BigCraftableSpriteX, BigCraftableSpriteY, BootsId, BootsSpriteTilesheet, BootsSpriteX, BootsSpriteY, CropId, CropSpriteTilesheet, CropSpriteX, CropSpriteY, FruitTreeId, FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, FruitTreeSpriteX, FruitTreeSpriteY, HatId, HatSpriteTilesheet, HatSpriteX, HatSpriteY, ObjectId, ObjectSpriteTilesheet, ObjectSpriteX, ObjectSpriteY, PantsId, PantsSpriteTilesheet, PantsSpriteX, PantsSpriteY, ShirtsId, ShirtsSpriteTilesheet, ShirtsSpriteX, ShirtsSpriteY, WeaponId, WeaponSpriteTilesheet, WeaponSpriteX, WeaponSpriteY.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked.
[17:56:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Custom Tokens added 20 custom tokens with prefix 'TheMightyAmondee.CustomTokens/': AnniversaryDay, AnniversarySeason, Child, DeathCount, DeathCountMarried, DeathCountMarriedPK, DeathCountPK, DeepestMineLevel, DeepestNormalMineLevel, DeepestSkullCavernMineLevel, DeepestVolcanoFloor, MineLevel, PassOutCount, QuestIDsCompleted, QuestsCompleted, SOCompleted, SOCompleted, SOIDsCompleted, VolcanoFloor, YearsMarried.
[17:56:55 INFO  Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.

Affected content packs:
- (CP) Custom Menu Background
- (CP) MBM Envelopes
- (CP) Zilch's MBM Envelopes
- Animal Crossing Elephant Watering Can
- Animal Crossing Fruits
- BusRetexMod
- Content Patcher (FS) Hoods & Hoodies
- Script Font

For mod authors, see how to update a mod:
[17:56:55 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'.
[17:56:55 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Shirts.
[17:56:55 TRACE SMAPI] Horse Carriage Mod edited Data/Shirts.
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