SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.3 build 24087 on Unix
SMAPI: 4.0.4
Folder: /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley
Log started: 2024-04-03 22:43 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.3 build 24087 15 errors
SMAPI 4.0.4 Pathoschild no errors
Anniversary on Calendar 1.2.5 greentodd 1 error
AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 Super Aardvark no errors
AutoGate 1.3.3 Teban100 no errors
BetterFestivalNotifications 1.1.0 drbirbdev no errors
BirbCore 1.0.2 drbirbdev no errors
Console Commands 4.0.4 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.0.2
+ (CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom 1.1.0
+ (CP) Hippie Trailer Trader 1.4.0
+ (CP) Kelly's Flower Dance Attire 1.3.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian 4.0.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Craftables 4.0.3
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint 4.0.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah 4.0.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis 4.0.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey 4.0.0
+ (CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam 4.0.0
+ (CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures 1.2.0
+ (CP) Please, Remember My Birthday 1.0.7
+ (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.0.1
+ Abigail Welsh-Spanish Wedding Dress 1.1.5
+ Add Berry Seasons to Calendar 1.1.0
+ Alex Jewish Wedding Suit 1.1.5
+ Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends 1.0.0
+ Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 2.2.0
+ Clint Rewritten 1.2.0
+ Divorce Dialogue Overhaul 1.0.1
+ Don't Date Relatives 1.0.1
+ DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah 3.0.0
+ Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event 1.0.0
+ Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle 1.0.1
+ Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia 1.1.1
+ Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt 1.1.5
+ Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress 1.1.5
+ EmilyEdit 1.5.6
+ Emyn's Alternate Festivals 1.1.0
+ Family Approval 1.0.2
+ Haley Russian Wedding Dress 1.1.5
+ Harvey Hungarian Wedding Suit 1.1.5
+ Immersive Festival Dialogue 1.0.1
+ Immersive Spouses 0.5.0
+ Jodi's Hair Fix 1.3.0
+ Junimo Woods - All Season 1.1.0
+ Kent Does The Dishes 1.2.0
+ Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit 1.2.1
+ KuPu NDC Elliot 0.0.1
+ KuPu NDC Shane 0.0.1
+ Leah Polish Wedding Outfits 1.1.5
+ LoveLetters 1.0.0
+ Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress 1.1.5
+ MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.1
+ Mx. Qi 1.0.0
+ Penny Irish Wedding Dress 1.1.5
+ Plump Abigail Mod 1.0.0
+ Professional Morris 1.1.1
+ Romanced NPCs in CC Ceremony 1.3.1
+ Sam Norwegian Wedding Suit 1.1.5
+ Saph's New Introductions 1.0.5
+ Sebastian Dutch-Romanian or Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfits 1.1.5
+ Shane Georgian Wedding Suit 1.1.5
+ Shane's New Job
+ Short-Nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement 1.0.0
+ Spouses React To Player Death 1.1.0
+ sqbr's Dialogue Edits 1.0.0
+ Tolerable Demetrius 1.0.0
+ Tolerable Pierre 1.0.0
+ Unique Jealousy Responses 1.3.0
+ Unique Winter Star 2.0.0
(+ 61 content packs)
+ Asterisk555
+ birdb, JazzMinK
+ kelly2892
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ Elaho
+ Inmognito
+ Elaho
+ MissMarlot
+ gizzymo (dialogue), paradigmnomad (coding)
+ Agent Lyoko
+ kettuluv
+ Airyn
+ DSV Team
+ Pebble
+ Elaho
+ Elaho
+ Elaho
+ Elaho
+ daftpatience
+ Emyn
+ Airyn
+ Elaho
+ Elaho
+ tangeriney
+ someguy363
+ Maelchi
+ Draylon
+ sqbr
+ Airyn
+ KuroPurple
+ KuroPurple
+ Elaho
+ applesauce
+ Elaho
+ MissCoriel
+ Isi
+ Elaho
+ Dizor
+ Airyn
+ cptnmatruz
+ Elaho
+ sapphicsaph
+ Elaho
+ Elaho
+ Ran 1.1.0 by Ran
+ StardewSpoonie
+ CasualInvidia
+ sqbr
+ DaisyNiko
+ Lavender
+ minervamaga
+ Agent Lyoko
no errors
Custom Farm Loader 2.0.7 DeLiXx no errors
Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 Esca no errors
Customize Wedding Attire 2.1.0 violetlizabet no errors
Easy Farm Switcher 2.0.1 DeLiXx no errors
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 Cherry no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 spacechase0 no errors
Hugs and Kisses Continued 2.0.0 JoXW, aedenthorn no errors
Json Assets 1.11.4 spacechase0 no errors
Kelly's Flower Dancing 1.3.0 kelly2892 no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.16.1
+ (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail 4.0.3
+ (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail 4.0.3
+ (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail 4.0.3
+ (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail 4.0.3
(+ 4 content packs)
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
+ nraittanna
no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.0.1 Bouhm no errors
NPC Map Locations Extra Config 1.0.0 trashcan9 1 error
OmniSwing 0.1.2 Alejandro Akbal no errors
Platonic Relationships 1.4.7-alpha.20240225 Cherry no errors
Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 1.4.0-unofficial-Lake1059 MabelSyrup no errors
SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted ZeroMeters no errors
SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted ZeroMeters no errors
Save Backup 4.0.4 SMAPI no errors
SpaceCore 1.21.2 spacechase0 no errors
SpritesInDetail 0.5.0 BleakCodex no errors
Unique Response Core 2.1.4 MissCoriel no errors
[18:43:55 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 4.0.4 with Stardew Valley 1.6.3 build 24087 on Unix
[18:43:55 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods
[18:43:55 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2024-04-03T22:43:55 UTC
[18:43:59 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[18:44:00 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[18:44:00 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[18:44:00 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods/[0] CORES/ContentPatcher/ContentPatcher.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress (from Mods/[CP] Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility (from Mods/[0] CORES/ExpandedPreconditionsUtility/ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods/[0] CORES/SpaceCore/SpaceCore.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    SAAT.API (from Mods/[0] CORES/SAAT/SAAT.API/SAAT.API.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    SAAT.Mod (from Mods/[0] CORES/SAAT/SAAT.Mod/SAAT.Mod.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods/[0] CORES/GenericModConfigMenu/GenericModConfigMenu.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'GenericModConfigMenu.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods/[0] CORES/SaveBackup/SaveBackup.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    AntiSocial NPCs (from Mods/[0] CORES/AntiSocialNPCs/AntiSocialNPCs.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly AntiSocialNPCs.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod (from Mods/[0] CORES/MailFrameworkMod/MailFrameworkMod.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly MailFrameworkMod.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    SpritesInDetail (from Mods/[0] CORES/SpritesInDetail/SpritesInDetail.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpritesInDetail.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Unique Response Core (from Mods/[0] CORES/ResponseCore/ResponseCore.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (from Mods/[0] CORES/JsonAssets/JsonAssets.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'JsonAssets.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly JsonAssets.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions (from Mods/[0] CORES/CustomNPCExclusions/CustomNPCExclusions.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomNPCExclusions.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods/[0] CORES/ConsoleCommands/ConsoleCommands.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    BirbCore (from Mods/[0] CORES/BirbCore/BirbCore.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly BirbCore.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Haley Russian Wedding Dress (from Mods/[CP] Haley Russian Wedding Dress (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Kent Does The Dishes (from Mods/[CP] Kent Does The Dishes) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Platonic Relationships (from Mods/PlatonicRelationships/PlatonicRelationships.dll)...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed loading PDB for 'PlatonicRelationships.dll'. Technical details:
Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModLoading\AssemblyLoader.cs:line 281
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PlatonicRelationships.dll.
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Saph's New Introductions (from Mods/[CP] Saph's New Introductions) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Divorce Dialogue Overhaul (from Mods/[CP] Divorce Dialogue Overhaul v1.0.1) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis/[CP] Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Penny & Sam/[CP] Life Cycle - Penny & Sam) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Penny & Sam/[MFM] Life Cycle - Penny & Sam) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Haley & Leah/[CP] Life Cycle - Haley & Leah) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Haley & Leah/[MFM] Life Cycle - Haley & Leah) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Craftables (from Mods/Life Cycle/[CP] Life Cycle - Craftables) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian/[CP] Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian/[MFM] Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey/[CP] Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey/[MFM] Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint (from Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Emily & Clint/[CP] Life Cycle - Emily & Clint) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Unique Jealousy Responses (from Mods/[CP] Unique Jealousy Responses) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    sqbr's Dialogue Edits (from Mods/[CP] Sqbr's Dialogue Edits) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event (from Mods/[CP] Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Shane's New Job by Ran (from Mods/[CP] Shane's New Job by Ran 1.1.0) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Family Approval (from Mods/[CP] Family Approval) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Don't Date Relatives (from Mods/[CP] Don't Date Relatives) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    KuPu NDC Shane (from Mods/[CP]KuPu_NDC_Shane) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response (from Mods/[CP]UniqueDatingResponses) [content pack]...
[18:44:01 TRACE SMAPI]    Anniversary on Calendar (from Mods/CalendarAnniversary/CalendarAnniversary.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CalendarAnniversary.dll to fix Farmer.isMarried method, Game1.getCharacterFromName method, Game1.playSound method, IClickableMenu.drawHoverText method, Utility.getAllCharacters method, Utility.isFestivalDay method, WorldDate.get_Season method, WorldDate.set_Season method...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote CalendarAnniversary.dll to fix Game1.currentSeason (field => property)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CalendarAnniversary.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations (from Mods/NPCMapLocations/NPCMapLocations.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote NPCMapLocations.dll to fix Utility.ForEachCharacter (added missing optional parameters)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom (from Mods/[CP] Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Kelly's Flower Dance Attire (from Mods/[CP] Kelly's Flower Dance Attire) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah (from Mods/[1] Vanilla/[CP] [Leah] Butch Vanilla Leah by Ashbrass) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Plump Abigail Mod (from Mods/[1] Vanilla/Plump Abigail Mod) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    EmilyEdit (from Mods/[1] Vanilla/CP Emily Edit) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Jodi's Hair Fix (from Mods/[1] Vanilla/Jodi Hair Fix) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Sebastian Dutch-Romanian or Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfits (from Mods/[CP] Sebastian Dutch-Romanian Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfit (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle (from Mods/[1] Vanilla/[CP] Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance [1.0.1]) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Spouses React To Player Death (from Mods/[CP] SpousesReactToDeath) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    OmniSwing (from Mods/OmniSwing/OmniSwing.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote OmniSwing.dll for OS...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote OmniSwing.dll to fix MeleeWeapon.isScythe method...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote OmniSwing.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Kelly's Flower Dancing (from Mods/FlowerDancing/FlowerDancing.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FlowerDancing.dll for OS...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FlowerDancing.dll to fix Farmer.changeShoeColor method, NetFieldBase`2.op_Implicit method...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FlowerDancing.dll to fix Harmony 1.x...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FlowerDancing.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Tolerable Pierre (from Mods/[CP] Tolerable Pierre) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations Extra Config (from Mods/NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig/NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig/NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Hippie Trailer Trader (from Mods/[CP] Hippie Trailer Trader) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Birthday (from Mods/[CP] Please, Remember My Birthday) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Leah Polish Wedding Outfits (from Mods/[CP] Leah Polish Wedding Outfits (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Immersive Festival Dialogue (from Mods/ImmersiveFestivalDialogue) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion (from Mods/[CP] Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Immersive Spouses (from Mods/[CP] Immersive Spouses) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit (from Mods/[CP] Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends (from Mods/[CP] Bachelors Stay Friends) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Shane Georgian Wedding Suit (from Mods/[CP] Shane Georgain Wedding Outfit (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Harvey Hungarian Wedding Suit (from Mods/[CP] Harvey Hungarian Wedding Outfit (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Add Berry Seasons to Calendar (from Mods/[CP] Add Berry Seasons to Calendar) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Unique Winter Star (from Mods/[CP] Unique Winter Star) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Alex Jewish Wedding Suit (from Mods/[CP] Alex Jewish Wedding Suit (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Penny Irish Wedding Dress (from Mods/[CP] Penny Irish Wedding Dress (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 (from Mods/ResetTerrainFeatures_NET6/ResetTerrainFeatures_NET6.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures (from Mods/[0] TMXLoader) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Junimo Woods - All Season (from Mods/Junimo Woods -  All Seasons/[CP] Junimo Woods) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    KuPu NDC Elliot (from Mods/[CP]KuPu_NDC_Elliot) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Short-Nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement (from Mods/[CP] Short-nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    AutoGate (from Mods/AutoGate/AutoGate.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Hugs and Kisses Continued (from Mods/HugsAndKisses/HugsAndKisses.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly HugsAndKisses.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Clint Rewritten (from Mods/[CP] Clint Rewritten) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    BetterFestivalNotifications (from Mods/BetterFestivalNotifications/BetterFestivalNotifications.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    LoveLetters (from Mods/[CP] LoveLetters) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt (from Mods/[CP] Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Professional Morris (from Mods/[CP] Professional Morris) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Romanced NPCs in CC Ceremony (from Mods/[CP] CC Reactions) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Farm Loader (from Mods/Custom Farm Loader/Custom Farm Loader.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly Custom Farm Loader.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Easy Farm Switcher (from Mods/Easy Farm Switcher/Easy Farm Switcher.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly Easy Farm Switcher.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage (from Mods/[CP] Please, Remember My Marriage) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Abigail Welsh-Spanish Wedding Dress (from Mods/[CP] [1.1.5] Abigail Welsh- Spanish Wedding Dress - Seasonal) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Mx. Qi (from Mods/[CP] Mx. Qi) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Customize Wedding Attire (from Mods/CustomizeWeddingAttire/CustomizeWeddingAttire.dll)...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly CustomizeWeddingAttire.dll.
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress (from Mods/[CP] Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Emyn's Alternate Festivals (from Mods/[CP] Emyn's Alternate Festivals) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Tolerable Demetrius (from Mods/[CP] Tolerable Demetrius) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Sam Norwegian Wedding Suit (from Mods/[CP] Sam Norwegian Wedding Suit (1.1.5)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia (from Mods/[CP] Elliott Festival Scottish Regalia (1.1.1)) [content pack]...
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 28 mods:
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Anniversary on Calendar 1.2.5 by greentodd | Adds wedding anniversary & children's birthdays to the game calendar (+ see future months)
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    AntiSocial NPCs 1.0.6 by Super Aardvark | Allows modders to create NPCs that the player can't befriend.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    AutoGate 1.3.3 by Teban100 | Makes passing through gates automatic.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    BetterFestivalNotifications 1.1.0 by drbirbdev | Customize notifications when a festival starts and ends.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    BirbCore 1.0.2 by drbirbdev | Core Functionality for drbirbdev mods
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 4.0.4 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.0.2 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Farm Loader 2.0.7 by DeLiXx | Improves farm related UI, loads custom farms, manages farm specific features and fixes vanilla bugs.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom NPC Exclusions 1.6.0 by Esca | Allows modders to exclude custom NPCs from quests and events via Content Patcher.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Customize Wedding Attire 2.1.0 by violetlizabet | Adds options for what to wear at a wedding.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Easy Farm Switcher 2.0.1 by DeLiXx
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.2-alpha.20240225 by Cherry | A condition checking system designed for use by other mods, in the format of event preconditions
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.12.0 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Hugs and Kisses Continued 2.0.0 by JoXW, aedenthorn | Hugs and kisses.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.11.4 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Kelly's Flower Dancing 1.3.0 by kelly2892 | Make the farmer actually dance at the flower festival
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod 1.16.1 by Digus | Utility classes to send mail in the game.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 3.0.1 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations Extra Config 1.0.0 by trashcan9 | Adds more config options for NPCMapLocations.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    OmniSwing 0.1.2 by Alejandro Akbal | Automatically swing your weapon.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Platonic Relationships 1.4.7-alpha.20240225 by Cherry | Allows you to reach 10 hearts with everyone
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features for NET 6 1.4.0-unofficial-Lake1059 by MabelSyrup | Allows you to regenerate terrain features from the map - useful for when you change a map during a game
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    SAAT.API 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted by ZeroMeters | Audio API for SMAPI
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    SAAT.Mod 1.1.3-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted by ZeroMeters | Custom Audio Loader & Management for SMAPI
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 4.0.4 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.21.2 by spacechase0 | A framework mod used by some of my other mods.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    SpritesInDetail 0.5.0 by BleakCodex | Higher pixel sprites
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Unique Response Core 2.1.4 by MissCoriel | Primary Core for use in Unique Courtship response.

[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 65 content packs:
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom 1.1.0 by Asterisk555 | for Content Patcher | Changes spouseroom and sometimes the starter farmhouse
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Hippie Trailer Trader 1.4.0 by birdb, JazzMinK | for Content Patcher | Hippie Trailer Trader for Content Patcher
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Kelly's Flower Dance Attire 1.3.0 by kelly2892 | for Content Patcher | Make the farmer wear a dress or suit to the dance
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Abigail and Sebastian version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Craftables 4.0.3 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Adds wedding arch and flowers.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Emily and Clint version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Haley and Leah version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Marnie and Lewis version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Maru and Harvey version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam 4.0.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that makes Stardew Valley NPCs more lively | Penny and Sam version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures 1.2.0 by MIDI | for Content Patcher | MIDI's retextures, convert by KAYA
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Birthday 1.0.7 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that gives new birthday schedules for each NPC.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.0.1 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that adds dialogue lines after the farmer gets married.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail 4.0.3 by nraittanna | for Mail Framework Mod | Mail for Abigail and Sebastian married version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail 4.0.3 by nraittanna | for Mail Framework Mod | Mail for Haley and Leah married version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail 4.0.3 by nraittanna | for Mail Framework Mod | Mail for Maru and Harvey married version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail 4.0.3 by nraittanna | for Mail Framework Mod | Mail for Sam and Penny married version.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Abigail Welsh-Spanish Wedding Dress 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Abigail's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Spanish and/or Welsh wedding customs.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Add Berry Seasons to Calendar 1.1.0 by Inmognito | for Content Patcher | Adds berry icons to the calendar for salmonberry and blackberry harvesting days, and shell icons for the summer
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Alex Jewish Wedding Suit 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Alex's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Jewish wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends 1.0.0 by MissMarlot | for Content Patcher | Preserves bachelors' and bachelorettes' friendships even at higher heart levels
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 2.2.0 by gizzymo (dialogue), paradigmnomad (coding) | for Content Patcher | Adds about 2600 new lines of dialogue across all 34 characters who have a heart level
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Clint Rewritten 1.2.0 by Agent Lyoko | for Content Patcher | Rewrites Clint's dialogue to make him less weird toward Emily and players.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Divorce Dialogue Overhaul 1.0.1 by kettuluv | for Content Patcher | Pick how your divorce goes- will you be friends with your ex, or will you be foe?
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Don't Date Relatives 1.0.1 by Airyn | for Content Patcher | Changes Haley, Emily, Maru & Sebastian to non-datable if you're dating their sibling.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah 3.0.0 by DSV Team | for Content Patcher | Adds a butch variant of vanilla Leah, by Ashbrass and the DSV Team.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event 1.0.0 by Pebble | for Content Patcher | This mod makes it so that Sam's three heart event can be seen no matter the year, but also changes the event to reflect Kent's coming home if it is triggered past Y1.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle 1.0.1 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes base-game character sprites and portraits to incorporate traditional cultural clothing, hairstyles, and flowers to the Flower Dance Festival.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia 1.1.1 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Elliott's festival sprites to include traditional Scottish regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Elliott's wedding sprite to traditional Scottish wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Emily's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Ukrainian wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    EmilyEdit 1.5.6 by daftpatience | for Content Patcher | makes Emily's portrait and sprite a little bit trendier
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Emyn's Alternate Festivals 1.1.0 by Emyn | for Content Patcher | Redesigns and redecorates the Luau, Egg Festival, Spirit's Eve and Feast of the Winter Star
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Family Approval 1.0.2 by Airyn | for Content Patcher | Changes dating requirements so that you can't date someone if you're not friends with their friends and family.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Haley Russian Wedding Dress 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Haley's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Russian wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Harvey Hungarian Wedding Suit 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Harvey's wedding sprite to traditional Hungarian wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Immersive Festival Dialogue 1.0.1 by tangeriney | for Content Patcher | Changes character dialogue during festivals based on relationship status.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Immersive Spouses 0.5.0 by someguy363 | for Content Patcher | Updates schedules for spouses to more reflect their original schedules and personality.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Jodi's Hair Fix 1.3.0 by Maelchi | for Content Patcher | Jodi's Hair Fix converted to Content Patcher by XNB2CP-Web
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Junimo Woods - All Season 1.1.0 by Draylon | for Content Patcher | Adds Junimos to the Secret Woods
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Kent Does The Dishes 1.2.0 by sqbr | for Content Patcher | Kent helps Jodi out around the house, making them both a little happier.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit 1.2.1 by Airyn | for Content Patcher | Edits Kent's 3 heart event to be more poignant and have a more satisfying conclusion.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    KuPu NDC Elliot 0.0.1 by KuroPurple | for Content Patcher | Choose between alcohol and no alcohol
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    KuPu NDC Shane 0.0.1 by KuroPurple | for Content Patcher | Choose between alcohol and no alcohol
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Leah Polish Wedding Outfits 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Leah's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Polish wedding regalia to either masculine or feminine versions, based on player configuration.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    LoveLetters 1.0.0 by applesauce | for Content Patcher | Replaces both bouquets with handwritten letters!
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Maru's wedding sprite to incorporate both traditional Dutch and Xhosa wedding customs.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response 5.0.1 by MissCoriel | for Content Patcher | Adds unique dialogue to static dialogue.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Mx. Qi 1.0.0 by Isi | for Content Patcher | Changes Mr. Qi's prefix to the gender neutral Mx.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Penny Irish Wedding Dress 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Penny's wedding sprite to incorporate traditional Irish wedding customs.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Plump Abigail Mod 1.0.0 by Dizor | for Content Patcher | Plump Abigail Mod converted to Content Patcher by XNB2CP-Web
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Professional Morris 1.1.1 by Airyn | for Content Patcher | Changes Morris's portraits and sprites to be less cartoonishly evil-looking.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Romanced NPCs in CC Ceremony 1.3.1 by cptnmatruz | for Content Patcher | Paramours take part in CC Ceremony
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Sam Norwegian Wedding Suit 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Sam's wedding sprite to traditional Norwegian wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Saph's New Introductions 1.0.5 by sapphicsaph | for Content Patcher | A mod that rewrites the vanilla game's character introduction dialogue.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Sebastian Dutch-Romanian or Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfits 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Sebastian's wedding sprite to incorporate a combination of either traditional Dutch and Romanian wedding regalia or Dutch and Vietnamese wedding regalia, depending on player configuration.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Shane Georgian Wedding Suit 1.1.5 by Elaho | for Content Patcher | Changes Shane's wedding sprite to traditional Georgian wedding regalia.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Shane's New Job by Ran 1.1.0 by Ran | for Content Patcher | Give Shane a new job after Joja
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Short-Nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement 1.0.0 by StardewSpoonie | for Content Patcher | Shortens the goblin henchman's nose and adds two alternative color schemes.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Spouses React To Player Death 1.1.0 by CasualInvidia | for Content Patcher | Cutscenes with worried spouses when HP reaches 0.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    sqbr's Dialogue Edits 1.0.0 by sqbr | for Content Patcher | Various dialogue edits.
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Tolerable Demetrius 1.0.0 by DaisyNiko | for Content Patcher | dialogue tweaks to make demetrius more likeable
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Tolerable Pierre 1.0.0 by Lavender | for Content Patcher | dialogue tweaks to make pierre more likeable
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Unique Jealousy Responses 1.3.0 by minervamaga | for Content Patcher | Changes the jealousy dialogue to be unique for each marriagable NPC and provides a framework for other NPC mods to do the same
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Unique Winter Star 2.0.0 by Agent Lyoko | for Content Patcher | Gifters and giftees receive unique dialogue at the Winter Star!

[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI] Found 29 mods with warnings:
[18:44:02 WARN  SMAPI]    Changed save serializer
[18:44:02 WARN  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[18:44:02 WARN  SMAPI]       These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if
[18:44:02 WARN  SMAPI]       you uninstall these mods.

[18:44:02 WARN  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore

[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Anniversary on Calendar
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - AntiSocial NPCs
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - BirbCore
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom Farm Loader
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Custom NPC Exclusions
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Customize Wedding Attire
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Easy Farm Switcher
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Hugs and Kisses Continued
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Json Assets
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Kelly's Flower Dancing
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Mail Framework Mod
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - NPC Map Locations Extra Config
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - Platonic Relationships
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[18:44:02 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpritesInDetail

[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - EmilyEdit
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Jodi's Hair Fix
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - LoveLetters
[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Plump Abigail Mod

[18:44:02 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[18:44:02 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker).
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers trigger type: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed.
[18:44:03 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers trigger type: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten.
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])!
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9)
[18:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)!
[18:44:04 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api).
[18:44:04 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SAAT.API.AudioManager).
[18:44:04 DEBUG AntiSocial NPCs] AntiSocial Mod performing stand-alone setup.
[18:44:04 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today.
[18:44:04 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching getRandomTownNPC...
[18:44:04 TRACE AntiSocial NPCs] Patching loadQuestInfo...
[18:44:04 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (MailFrameworkMod.Api.MailFrameworkModApi).
[18:44:04 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.SetupIslandSchedules()".
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_IslandVisit": prefixing SDV method "IslandSouth.CanVisitIslandToday(NPC)".
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieInvitation": transpiling SDV method "NPC.tryToReceiveActiveObject(Farmer, bool)".
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Greetings": prefixing SDV method "NPC.sayHiTo(Character)".
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom NPC Exclusions] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_Fix_NullSoldItems": prefixing SDV method "Game1.UpdateShopPlayerItemInventory(string, HashSet<NPC>)".
[18:44:04 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 0 events ===
[18:44:04 TRACE Platonic Relationships] Transpile patching SocialPage.drawNPCSlotHeart
[18:44:04 TRACE Platonic Relationships] Postfix patching Utility.GetMaximumHeartsForCharacter
[18:44:04 DEBUG Kelly's Flower Dancing] Kelly's Flower Dancing started using Harmony.
[18:44:04 ERROR NPC Map Locations Extra Config] Failed to apply patches; some features may not work correctly. Technical details:
System.Exception: Cannot assign method return type NPCMapLocations.Framework.Models.VillagerVisibility to __result type System.Int32 for method NPCMapLocations.Framework.Models.VillagerVisibility NPCMapLocations.Framework.Models.PlayerConfig::get_ImmersionOption()
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.EmitCallParameter(MethodInfo patch, Dictionary`2 variables, LocalBuilder runOriginalVariable, Boolean allowFirsParamPassthrough, LocalBuilder& tmpObjectVar, List`1 tmpBoxVars)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.<>c__DisplayClass37_0.<AddPostfixes>b__1(MethodInfo fix)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.AddPostfixes(Dictionary`2 variables, LocalBuilder runOriginalVariable, Boolean passthroughPatches)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement(Dictionary`2& finalInstructions)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch()
   at NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig.NPCMapLocationsExtraConfig.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\Users\Albert\StardewDev\NPCMapLocations.ExtraConfig\NPCMapLocationsExtraConfig.cs:line 33
[18:44:04 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (HugsAndKisses.KissingAPI).
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom Farm Loader] Generating FarmTypeCache, this might take a while initially
[18:44:04 TRACE Custom Farm Loader] Read 0 Savefiles
[18:44:05 TRACE Customize Wedding Attire] Applying Harmony patch to postfix IsOverridingPants in Farmer.cs
[18:44:05 TRACE Customize Wedding Attire] Applying Harmony patch to postfix IsOverridingShirt in Farmer.cs
[18:44:05 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions loaded asset 'Data/CustomNPCExclusions'.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:44:06 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:44:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 91 mods...
[18:44:06 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[18:44:06 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[18:44:06 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[18:44:06 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[18:44:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'.
[18:44:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[18:44:06 TRACE SAAT.Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (SAAT.API.AudioManager) for SAAT.API.
[18:44:06 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[18:44:06 TRACE SpritesInDetail] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE SpritesInDetail] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[18:44:06 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility.
[18:44:06 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[18:44:06 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets.
[18:44:06 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 1 events ===
[18:44:06 TRACE BetterFestivalNotifications] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE Kelly's Flower Dancing] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] kelly2892.flower.dancing.harmony (registering for kelly2892.flower.dancing.harmony) is using deprecated code (RegisterModConfig) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[18:44:06 TRACE NPC Map Locations Extra Config] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing audio path: /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/HugsAndKisses/assets/dwop.wav
[18:44:06 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hug audio path: /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/HugsAndKisses/assets/dwop.wav.wav
[18:44:06 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hug audio not found at path: /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/HugsAndKisses/assets/dwop.wav.wav
[18:44:06 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE Custom Farm Loader] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE Customize Wedding Attire] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:06 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 2 events ===
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   (CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   SAAT.Mod: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Tolerable Pierre: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
   Unique Jealousy Responses: Found no Nexus mod with this ID.
[18:44:06 TRACE SMAPI]    All mods up to date.
[18:44:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added 25 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.JsonAssets/': BigCraftableId, BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, BigCraftableSpriteX, BigCraftableSpriteY, ClothingId, CropId, CropSpriteTilesheet, CropSpriteX, CropSpriteY, FruitTreeId, FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, FruitTreeSpriteX, FruitTreeSpriteY, HatId, HatSpriteTilesheet, HatSpriteX, HatSpriteY, ObjectId, ObjectSpriteTilesheet, ObjectSpriteX, ObjectSpriteY, WeaponId, WeaponSpriteTilesheet, WeaponSpriteX, WeaponSpriteY.
[18:44:07 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked.
[18:44:07 INFO  Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.

Affected content packs:
- (CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom
- (CP) Hippie Trailer Trader
- (CP) Kelly's Flower Dance Attire
- (CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian
- (CP) Life Cycle - Craftables
- (CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint
- (CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah
- (CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis
- (CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey
- (CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam
- (CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures
- (CP) Please, Remember My Birthday
- (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage
- Abigail Welsh-Spanish Wedding Dress
- Add Berry Seasons to Calendar
- Alex Jewish Wedding Suit
- Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends
- Divorce Dialogue Overhaul
- DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah
- Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event
- Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle
- Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia
- Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt
- Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress
- EmilyEdit
- Emyn's Alternate Festivals
- Haley Russian Wedding Dress
- Harvey Hungarian Wedding Suit
- Immersive Festival Dialogue
- Immersive Spouses
- Jodi's Hair Fix
- Junimo Woods - All Season
- KuPu NDC Elliot
- KuPu NDC Shane
- Leah Polish Wedding Outfits
- LoveLetters
- Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress
- Mx. Qi
- Penny Irish Wedding Dress
- Plump Abigail Mod
- Sam Norwegian Wedding Suit
- Sebastian Dutch-Romanian or Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfits
- Shane Georgian Wedding Suit
- Shane's New Job by Ran
- Short-Nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement
- Spouses React To Player Death
- sqbr's Dialogue Edits
- Tolerable Demetrius
- Tolerable Pierre
- Unique Jealousy Responses

For mod authors, see how to update a mod:
[18:44:07 TRACE game] Registered Data/Triggers action: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds
[18:44:07 WARN  Content Patcher] Ignored Unique Winter Star > Fallback, Marriage Candidates - Best Friends, Winter Star > assets/PlatonicRelationships/bestfriend.json > Shane - Winter Star, Best Friends, IC Shane Override: the When field is invalid: 'ICShanetoOverride' can't be used as a token because that token could not be found.
[18:44:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/1_6_Strings (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 6 asset names (Data/Characters, Data/Furniture, Data/Objects, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/springobjects, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles).
Propagated 6 core assets (Data/Characters, Data/Furniture, Data/Objects, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/springobjects, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles).
[18:44:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Sqbr.KentDoesTheDishes
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of kettuluv.divorcedialogue
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCycleMarnieLewis
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCyclePennySam
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCycleHaleyLeah
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCycleAbigailSebastian
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCycleMaruHarvey
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nraittanna.LifeCycleEmilyClint
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of minervamaga.CP.JealousyResponses
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Sqbr.DialogueEdits
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Airyn.FamilyApproval
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of misscoriel.courtship
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Asterisk555.CP.BathroomReplacesSpouseroom
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of DSVTeam.AddOnPack.AshbrassLeah
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elaho.SebastianDutchRomanianOrDutchVietnameseWeddingOutfits
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elaho.ElahosCulturalFlowerDanceVanilla
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of CasualInvidia.SpousesReactToDeath
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elaho.LeahPolishWeddingOutfits
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of iss.immersivespouses
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of missmarlot.bachelorsstayfriends
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of agentlyoko.uniquewinterstar
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of MIDI.SeasonalWedding
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of StardewSpoonie.ShortNosedGoblinHenchmanReplacement
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of agentlyoko.rewrittenclint
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of cptnmatruz.communitycenter
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elaho.AbigailSpanishWeddingDress
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of gwenynnefydd.festivaldecoredits
[18:44:08 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elaho.ElliottScottishFestivalRegalia
[18:44:08 INFO  Json Assets] Loading content packs...
[18:44:08 TRACE Json Assets] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Crops.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/FruitTrees.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Weapons.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CraftingRecipes.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CookingRecipes.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Objects.
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 9 asset names (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FruitTrees, Data/hats, Data/Objects, Data/Weapons).
Propagated 9 core assets (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FruitTrees, Data/hats, Data/Objects, Data/Weapons).
[18:44:08 TRACE Json Assets] Event: ItemsRegistered
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 3 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 4 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 5 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 6 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 7 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 8 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE BirbCore] === Running Priority 9 events ===
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'.
[18:44:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:44:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:44:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:44:09 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success
[18:44:09 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in
[18:44:09 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on
[18:44:10 TRACE game] Successfully set GOG Galaxy profile name.
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:20 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task...
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Furniture (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Boots.
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/hats.
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Farm Loader edited Data/AdditionalFarms.
[18:44:22 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Farm Loader edited Strings/UI.
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:26 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[18:44:26 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing...
[18:44:26 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('BucketList_334016274')
[18:44:26 TRACE game] regular stream detected...
[18:44:26 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Deserialize' task...
[18:44:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/Characters (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:44:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/Characters (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:44:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:44:29 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/NpcExtensionData'.
[18:44:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/NPCNames (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:44:29 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:44:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:29 TRACE SMAPI] AntiSocial NPCs loaded asset 'Data/AntiSocialNPCs'.
[18:44:30 WARN  Content Patcher] Error loading patch 'Immersive Spouses > Include assets/{{spouse}}/GiftTastes.json': file 'assets/Krobus/GiftTastes.json' doesn't exist..
[18:44:30 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures' content pack).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors).
Propagated 2 core assets (Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors).
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_LoadForNewGame' task...
[18:44:30 TRACE Json Assets] Loading stuff early (really super early)
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData'.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[18:44:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/furniture (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Woods (for the 'Junimo Woods - All Season' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/MoviesReactions (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FurnitureExtensionData'.
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FarmExtensionData'.
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Farmer' task...
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:44:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Locations' task...
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/A5_SpouseBaths_8' (for the '(CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spouseRooms (for the '(CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/A5_SpouseBaths_8' (for the '(CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom' content pack).
[18:44:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/George (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Emily (for the 'EmilyEdit' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Emily (for the 'EmilyEdit' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jodi' (for the 'Jodi's Hair Fix' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Kent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Clint (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pierre (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Caroline (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Abigail' (for the 'Plump Abigail Mod' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Abigail' (for the 'Plump Abigail Mod' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Gus (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Robin (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Demetrius (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Marnie (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Willy (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/LeoMainland.
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/LeoMainland (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/LeoMainland (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:38 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:44:38 TRACE Json Assets] Fixing IDs
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:44:38 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:44:38 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[18:44:38 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:12.8311274'
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/FarmHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/FarmHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done.
[18:44:39 TRACE Json Assets] Adding default recipes
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueKrobus.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueKrobus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'BucketList_334016274', starting summer 24 Y6, locale set to . Single-player.
[18:44:39 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Penny & Sam/[MFM] Life Cycle - Penny & Sam
[18:44:39 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Haley & Leah/[MFM] Life Cycle - Haley & Leah
[18:44:39 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian/[MFM] Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian
[18:44:39 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey/[MFM] Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations loaded asset 'Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/NPCs'.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations loaded asset 'Mods/Bouhm.NPCMapLocations/Locations'.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:44:39 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/mail'.
[18:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:44:39 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[18:44:39 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 1 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 2 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 3 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 4 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 5 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 6 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 7 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 8 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 9 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 10 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 11 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 12 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 13 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 14 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 15 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 16 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 17 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 18 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 19 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 20 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 21 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 22 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 23 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 24 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 25 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 26 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 27 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 28 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 29 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 30 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 31 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 32 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 33 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 34 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 35 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 36 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 37 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 38 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 39 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[18:44:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 40 out of 40 verified!
[18:44:39 INFO  Unique Response Core] CORE Dialog has been verified!
 If you have no UCR dialog after this, please run a patch export of the npc in question:
 example: patch export Characters/Dialogue/Haley
 Also prepare a log at and Contact MissCoriel through Discord!
[18:44:39 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Unknown locations: LewisBasement
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:44:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:41 ERROR Anniversary on Calendar] Failed in Postfix_draw:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at CalendarAnniversary.Framework.CalendarPatch.Postfix_draw(SpriteBatch b, Billboard __instance) in C:\Users\Will\Source\Repos\CalendarAnniversary\CalendarAnniversary\CalendarPatch.cs:line 264
[18:44:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre.
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pierre (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin.
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Robin (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy.
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:44:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Willy (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus.
[18:45:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:45:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:45:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:03 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[18:45:03 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[18:45:03 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Henchman' (for the 'Short-Nosed Goblin Henchman Replacement' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Framework Mod edited Data/mail.
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Spouses React To Player Death' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:08 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CropExtensionData'.
[18:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:45:13 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:45:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 21 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Krobus, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Jodi, Characters/schedules/Kent, Characters/schedules/Lewis, Characters/schedules/Marnie, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/spouseRooms, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 4 core assets (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Context: returning to title
[18:45:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:45:13 TRACE game] Disconnected: ExitedToMainMenu
[18:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:16 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task...
[18:45:16 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:19 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[18:45:19 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing...
[18:45:19 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('BucketList_334016274')
[18:45:19 TRACE game] regular stream detected...
[18:45:19 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Deserialize' task...
[18:45:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:19 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:19 WARN  Content Patcher] Error loading patch 'Immersive Spouses > Include assets/{{spouse}}/GiftTastes.json': file 'assets/Krobus/GiftTastes.json' doesn't exist..
[18:45:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 4 asset names (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 4 core assets (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
[18:45:20 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_LoadForNewGame' task...
[18:45:20 TRACE Json Assets] Loading stuff early (really super early)
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Woods (for the 'Junimo Woods - All Season' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Farmer' task...
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Locations' task...
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spouseRooms (for the '(CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:45:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:27 TRACE Json Assets] Fixing IDs
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:45:27 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:45:27 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[18:45:27 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:08.0229867'
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done.
[18:45:27 TRACE Json Assets] Adding default recipes
[18:45:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'BucketList_334016274', starting summer 24 Y6, locale set to . Single-player.
[18:45:27 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Penny & Sam/[MFM] Life Cycle - Penny & Sam
[18:45:27 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Haley & Leah/[MFM] Life Cycle - Haley & Leah
[18:45:27 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian/[MFM] Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian
[18:45:27 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey/[MFM] Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:27 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/mail'.
[18:45:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/mail).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[18:45:27 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[18:45:27 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 41 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 42 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 43 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 44 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 45 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 46 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 47 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 48 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 49 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 50 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 51 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 52 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 53 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 54 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 55 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 56 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 57 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 58 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 59 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 60 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 61 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 62 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 63 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 64 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 65 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 66 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 67 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 68 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 69 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 70 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 71 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 72 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 73 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 74 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 75 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 76 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 77 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 78 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 79 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[18:45:27 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 80 out of 40 verified!
[18:45:27 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Unknown locations: LewisBasement
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus.
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy.
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:45:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:38 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus.
[18:45:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:45:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:45:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:41 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[18:45:41 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[18:45:41 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Framework Mod edited Data/mail.
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Spouses React To Player Death' content pack).
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:45:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:46 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449!
[18:45:49 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452!
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[18:45:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 21 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Gus, Characters/Dialogue/Krobus, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Jodi, Characters/schedules/Kent, Characters/schedules/Lewis, Characters/schedules/Marnie, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/spouseRooms, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 4 core assets (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Context: returning to title
[18:45:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:45:49 TRACE game] Disconnected: ExitedToMainMenu
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task...
[18:45:51 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:45:54 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing...
[18:45:54 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('BucketList_334016274')
[18:45:54 TRACE game] regular stream detected...
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Deserialize' task...
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:45:54 WARN  Content Patcher] Error loading patch 'Immersive Spouses > Include assets/{{spouse}}/GiftTastes.json': file 'assets/Krobus/GiftTastes.json' doesn't exist..
[18:45:54 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures' content pack).
[18:45:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 4 asset names (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 4 core assets (Characters/Leah, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
[18:45:55 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_LoadForNewGame' task...
[18:45:55 TRACE Json Assets] Loading stuff early (really super early)
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Woods (for the 'Junimo Woods - All Season' content pack).
[18:46:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Farmer' task...
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:46:01 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Locations' task...
[18:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spouseRooms (for the '(CP) Asters Bathroom Replaces Spouseroom' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[18:46:02 TRACE Json Assets] Fixing IDs
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 633
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 632
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 628
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 629
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 630
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 631
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 69
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Fruit tree ID: 835
[18:46:02 INFO  Json Assets] Best guess: 
[18:46:02 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[18:46:02 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:08.1903064'
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done.
[18:46:02 TRACE Json Assets] Adding default recipes
[18:46:02 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'BucketList_334016274', starting summer 24 Y6, locale set to . Single-player.
[18:46:02 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Penny & Sam/[MFM] Life Cycle - Penny & Sam
[18:46:02 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Haley & Leah/[MFM] Life Cycle - Haley & Leah
[18:46:02 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian/[MFM] Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian
[18:46:02 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: (MFM) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey Wedding Mail 4.0.3 from /run/media/deck/7a9d0ec9-64b1-40de-8f7f-3c4b067b1ac9/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods/Life Cycle/Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey/[MFM] Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[18:46:02 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/mail'.
[18:46:02 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/mail).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[18:46:02 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[18:46:02 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 81 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 82 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 83 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 84 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 85 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 86 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 87 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 88 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 89 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 90 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 91 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 92 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 93 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 94 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 95 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 96 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 97 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 98 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 99 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 100 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 101 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 102 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 103 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 104 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 105 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 106 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 107 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 108 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 109 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 110 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 111 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 112 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 113 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 114 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 115 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 116 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 117 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 118 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 119 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[18:46:02 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 120 out of 40 verified!
[18:46:02 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Unknown locations: LewisBasement
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus.
[18:46:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:46:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Krobus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lewis (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Caroline (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Mister Qi.
[18:46:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Mister Qi (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:46:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:17 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[18:46:17 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[18:46:17 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus.
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gus (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam.
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:46:28 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/Farm.
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Farm (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Farm (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Farm (for the 'Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Framework Mod edited Data/mail.
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Spouses React To Player Death' content pack).
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'LoveLetters' content pack).
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[18:46:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/mail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:46:35 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[18:46:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:36 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:46:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/George.
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/George (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn.
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the 'Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance - Vanilla Bundle' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Evelyn (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus.
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:46:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:46:47 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:46:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:48 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:46:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:48 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:46:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:46:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:46:50 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[18:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:46:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:47:05 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:47:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:47:06 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:47:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:47:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:47:06 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent.
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the 'Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Kent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Dwarf.
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Dwarf (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Dwarf (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi.
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jodi (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Wizard.
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Wizard (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Wizard (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:47:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Wizard (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent.
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie.
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:48:45 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[18:48:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:48:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas.
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:14 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[18:49:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:49:28 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[18:49:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:49:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:49:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:49:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:49:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:49:31 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:49:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:49:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:49:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:49:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:49:34 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[18:49:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:49:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:49:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:49:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:50:02 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:50:06 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:50:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:50:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:50:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:50:14 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[18:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:50:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:50:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:50:23 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:50:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:50:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:50:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:50:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:50:39 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[18:50:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:50:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:50:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:50:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:50:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:51:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:51:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:51:54 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:51:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:51:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:51:54 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:51:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:52:00 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[18:52:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:52:01 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:52:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:01 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:52:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:52:07 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[18:52:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:52:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:52:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:52:47 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[18:52:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:52:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:52:50 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:52:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:52:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:52:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:52:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:52:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:52:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:53:49 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[18:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:53:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:53:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:53:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:53:56 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[18:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:54:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:54:25 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[18:54:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:54:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:54:59 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:55:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:55:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:55:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:55:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:55:13 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[18:55:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:55:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:55:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:14 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:55:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:55:18 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[18:55:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:55:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[18:55:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[18:55:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[18:55:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:55:23 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[18:55:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:55:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:55:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[18:55:34 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[18:55:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[18:55:34 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/Mountain.
[18:55:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Mountain (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[18:55:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Mountain (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[18:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:55:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:56:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:56:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:58:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[18:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:02:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:04:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/Locations (for the 'Mx. Qi' content pack).
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:11:13 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:11:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:11:24 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:11:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:11:51 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:11:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:11:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:11:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:11:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:11:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:13:32 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:13:32 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:13:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:13:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:13:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:13:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:13:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:13:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:13:36 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:13:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:13:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:13:50 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[19:13:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:13:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:13:51 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:13:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:13:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:13:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:14:04 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:14:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:14:31 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:14:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:14:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[19:14:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:14:34 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:14:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:14:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:14:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:14:40 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:14:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:14:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:14:51 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:14:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:14:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:14:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:14:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:14:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:14:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:16:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:16:52 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[19:16:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[19:16:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[19:16:53 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[19:16:53 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[19:16:53 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[19:16:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[19:17:00 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[19:17:00 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[19:17:00 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[19:17:03 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[19:17:03 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 25 Y6.
[19:17:06 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[19:17:06 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 121 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 122 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 123 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 124 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 125 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 126 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 127 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 128 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 129 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 130 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 131 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 132 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 133 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 134 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 135 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 136 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 137 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 138 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 139 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 140 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 141 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 142 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 143 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 144 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 145 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 146 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 147 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 148 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 149 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 150 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 151 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 152 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 153 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 154 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 155 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 156 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 157 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 158 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 159 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[19:17:06 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 160 out of 40 verified!
[19:17:06 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 22 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Data/Characters).
Propagated 22 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Data/Characters).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leo.
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leo (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leo (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:17:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leo (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:17:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:17:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:29 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[19:18:29 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[19:18:29 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[19:18:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:18:47 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:18:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:18:47 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:18:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:18:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:18:47 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:18:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:19:06 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[19:19:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:19:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:19:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:19:17 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:19:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:19:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:19:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:19:28 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[19:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:19:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:19:38 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:19:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:19:38 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:19:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:19:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:19:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:21:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:21:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:21:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:21:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:21:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:21:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:21:45 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[19:21:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:21:46 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:21:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:21:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:21:46 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:22:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:22:03 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:22:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:22:04 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:22:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:04 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:22:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:22:17 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[19:22:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:22:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:22:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:22:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:22:38 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:22:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:22:39 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:22:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:22:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:22:41 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[19:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:22:42 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:22:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:22:57 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:22:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:22:58 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:22:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:22:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:23:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:24:07 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[19:24:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:24:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:24:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:24:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:24:10 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:24:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:24:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:24:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:24:11 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:24:20 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:24:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:24:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:24:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:24:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:24:27 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[19:24:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:24:49 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[19:24:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Emily_Beach (for the 'EmilyEdit' content pack).
[19:25:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:25:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:26:07 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:26:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:26:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:26:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:26:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:26:24 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[19:26:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:26:25 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:26:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:26:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:26:31 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:26:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:26:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:26:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:26:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:26:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:27:22 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:27:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:27:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:27:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:27:27 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[19:27:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:27:41 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[19:27:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:27:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:27:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:28:06 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:28:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:28:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:28:13 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:28:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:28:22 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:28:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:28:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[19:28:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:28:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:28:25 TRACE game] Warping to Blacksmith
[19:28:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:28:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:28:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:28:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:28:55 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[19:28:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:28:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:28:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[19:28:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:28:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:29:12 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:29:12 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/Beach.
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Beach (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Beach (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Beach (for the 'Dynamic Sam Three Heart Event' content pack).
[19:29:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:29:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:29:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:29:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:30:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:31:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:31:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:32:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:33:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:34:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:35:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:36:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:37:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:38:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:39:15 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[19:39:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:39:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:39:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[19:39:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:40 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/ShopExtensionData'.
[19:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:40 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects for shop IDs 'AnyOrNone', 'Bookseller'.
[19:39:40 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[19:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:40:26 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:40:27 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:40:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[19:40:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:40:34 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:40:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:02 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:41:02 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:41:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:41:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:41:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:41:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:41:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:44 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[19:41:45 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/rainy.
[19:41:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/rainy (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:41:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/rainy (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[19:41:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[19:41:45 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[19:41:45 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[19:41:45 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[19:41:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[19:41:53 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[19:41:53 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[19:41:53 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[19:41:54 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[19:41:54 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 26 Y6.
[19:41:57 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[19:41:57 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 161 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 162 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 163 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 164 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 165 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 166 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 167 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 168 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 169 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 170 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 171 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 172 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 173 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 174 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 175 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 176 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 177 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 178 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 179 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 180 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 181 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 182 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 183 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 184 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 185 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 186 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 187 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 188 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 189 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 190 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 191 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 192 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 193 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 194 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 195 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 196 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 197 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 198 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 199 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[19:41:57 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 200 out of 40 verified!
[19:41:57 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 28 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 27 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Portraits/Leah).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[19:41:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[19:42:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[19:42:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[19:42:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:42:19 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:42:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:42:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:42:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:42:26 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[19:42:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:42:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:42:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:42:39 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:42:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:42:39 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:42:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:42:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:42:41 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[19:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:42:42 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:42:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:42:59 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:42:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:42:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:42:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:42:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:43:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:45:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:45:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:45:48 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[19:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:45:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:45:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:45:50 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:45:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:45:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:45:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:45:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:45:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:45:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:00 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[19:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:01 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:01 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:14 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:46:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:17 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[19:46:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:35 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:46:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:39 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:46:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:43 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[19:46:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:43 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:43 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:47 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:46:51 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:46:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:46:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:46:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:47:29 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[19:47:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:47:30 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:47:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:47:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:47:39 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:47:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:47:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:47:49 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:47:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:47:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:47:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:47:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:47:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:48:49 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:48:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:48:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:48:52 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:48:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:48:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:48:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:48:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:48:54 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:48:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:48:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:48:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:48:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:48:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:49:05 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:49:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:49:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:49:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:49:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:49:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:49:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:50:01 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[19:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:50:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:50:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 1 core assets (Portraits/Leah).
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:50:16 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[19:50:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:50:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:50:20 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:50:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:50:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:50:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:50:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:50:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:50:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:50:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:52:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:53:10 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:53:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:53:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:53:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:53:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:53:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:53:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:53:48 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:53:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:53:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:54:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:54:01 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/Forest.
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Forest (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Forest (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Forest (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[19:54:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Forest (for the 'KuPu NDC Shane' content pack).
[19:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:12 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects for shop IDs 'AnyOrNone', 'Traveler'.
[19:54:12 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[19:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:54:37 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:54:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:54:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:54:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:54:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:56:06 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[19:56:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:56:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:56:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:56:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:56:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:56:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:56:10 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[19:56:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:56:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:56:28 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[19:56:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:56:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:30 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:57:30 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[19:57:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:57:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:57:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:57:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:57:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:57:41 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[19:57:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:57:50 TRACE game] Warping to Mine
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/Mine.
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Mine (for the 'Spouses React To Player Death' content pack).
[19:57:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[19:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:57:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:58:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[19:58:54 TRACE game] Warping to UndergroundMine100
[19:58:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[19:58:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:58:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:58:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:58:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[19:59:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[19:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:00:15 TRACE game] Warping to Mine
[20:00:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:00:19 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:00:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:00:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:00:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:00:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:00:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:00:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:00:35 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[20:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:00:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:05:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:07:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:08:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:08:20 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:08:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:08:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:08:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:08:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:08:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:08:31 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:08:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:08:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:08:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:08:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:08:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:08:56 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:08:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:09:23 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:09:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:09:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:09:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:09:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:09:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:09:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:09:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 1 core assets (Portraits/Leah).
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:11:17 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:11:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:11:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:11:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:11:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:11:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:11:45 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:11:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:11:46 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:11:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:11:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:11:46 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:26 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[20:12:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:12:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:12:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[20:12:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[20:12:27 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[20:12:27 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[20:12:27 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[20:12:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[20:12:35 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[20:12:35 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[20:12:35 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[20:12:36 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[20:12:36 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[20:12:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue.
[20:12:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:12:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:39 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 27 Y6.
[20:12:39 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[20:12:39 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 201 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 202 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 203 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 204 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 205 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 206 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 207 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 208 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 209 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 210 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 211 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 212 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 213 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 214 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 215 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 216 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 217 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 218 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 219 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 220 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 221 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 222 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 223 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 224 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 225 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 226 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 227 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 228 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 229 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 230 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 231 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 232 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 233 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 234 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 235 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 236 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 237 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 238 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 239 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[20:12:39 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 240 out of 40 verified!
[20:12:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 28 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters, Data/Events/Mine, Data/Festivals/summer28).
Propagated 25 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:12:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:12:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer11 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:51 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[20:13:51 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[20:13:51 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:13:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:14:11 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:14:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:14:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:14:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:14:18 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[20:14:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:14:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:14:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:30 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:14:30 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:14:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:14:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:14:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:14:33 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:14:33 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[20:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:14:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:46 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:14:46 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:14:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:14:46 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:14:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:14:46 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:14:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:14:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:15:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:16:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:16:37 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[20:16:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:16:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:16:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:16:38 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:16:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:16:39 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:16:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:16:41 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:16:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:16:42 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:16:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:16:42 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:16:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:16:43 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:43 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:16:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:16:55 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:16:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:16:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:16:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:16:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:10 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:17:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:13 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:17:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:15 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:23 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:17:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:38 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:17:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:38 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:46 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:46 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[20:17:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:47 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:47 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:17:48 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:17:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:17:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:17:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:17:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:17:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:18:03 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:18:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:18:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:18:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:18:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:18:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:18:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:18:49 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:18:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:18:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:18:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:18:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:18:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:19:04 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:19:04 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:19:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:19:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:19:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:19:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:19:20 TRACE game] Warping to MasteryCave
[20:19:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:19:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:19:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:19:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:19:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:19:50 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:19:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:19:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:19:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:19:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:19:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:19:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:38 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:20:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:20:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 1 core assets (Portraits/Leah).
[20:20:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:20:39 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:20:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:20:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:20:55 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:20:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:20:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:20:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:20:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:20:59 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:21:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:21:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:21:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:21:16 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:21:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:21:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:21:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:32 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:21:32 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:21:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:21:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:21:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:21:33 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:21:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:21:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:21:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:22:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:22:26 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[20:22:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:22:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:22:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:22:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:22:36 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:22:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:22:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:22:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:22:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:22:39 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[20:22:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:22:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:22:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:22:47 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:22:52 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:22:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:22:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:22:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:23:07 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:23:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:23:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:23:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:23:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:24:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:24:35 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[20:24:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:24:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:24:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:25:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:35 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:25:48 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:25:48 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:25:48 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:25:55 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:25:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:26:46 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:26:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:27:40 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[20:27:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:27:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:27:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:27:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:28:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:29:40 TRACE game] Warping to Railroad
[20:29:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:29:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Railroad (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[20:29:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:29:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:29:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:30:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:30:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:30:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:30:07 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[20:30:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:30:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:30:11 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[20:30:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:30:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:30:23 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[20:30:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:30:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:30:35 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:30:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:30:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:02 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:31:02 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:31:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:31:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:31:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:31:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:31:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:10 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[20:32:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[20:32:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[20:32:10 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[20:32:10 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[20:32:10 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[20:32:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[20:32:18 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[20:32:18 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[20:32:18 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[20:32:19 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[20:32:19 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue.
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting summer 28 Y6.
[20:32:23 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[20:32:23 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 241 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 242 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 243 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 244 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 245 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 246 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 247 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 248 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 249 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 250 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 251 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 252 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 253 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 254 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 255 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 256 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 257 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 258 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 259 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 260 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 261 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 262 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 263 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 264 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 265 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 266 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 267 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 268 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 269 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 270 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 271 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 272 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 273 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 274 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 275 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 276 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 277 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 278 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 279 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[20:32:23 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 280 out of 40 verified!
[20:32:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 24 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 24 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Portraits/Leah).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:32:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[20:32:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:32:49 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:32:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:32:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:32:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:32:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:32:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:32:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:32:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:32:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:32:58 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:32:58 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[20:32:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:32:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:32:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:32:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:32:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:33:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:33:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:33:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:33:10 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:33:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:33:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:33:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:33:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:33:13 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[20:33:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:33:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:33:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:33:27 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:33:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:33:27 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:33:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:33:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:33:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:34:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:34:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[20:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:34:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[20:35:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:35:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:32 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:35:32 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:35:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:35:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:35:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:35:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects for shop IDs 'AnyOrNone', 'Traveler'.
[20:35:50 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:35:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:36:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:36:18 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:36:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:36:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:36:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:36:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:36:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:36:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:36:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:36:52 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[20:36:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:36:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:36:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:36:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:36:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:36:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:36:54 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:36:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:36:54 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:36:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:36:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:37:15 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[20:37:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:37:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:37:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:37:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:37:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:37:45 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:37:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:37:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:37:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:37:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:37:55 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:37:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:37:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:37:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:37:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:37:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:37:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:37:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:38:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:38:18 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:38:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:38:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:38:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:21 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:38:21 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[20:38:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:38:22 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:38:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:38:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:38:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:38:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:38:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:38:40 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:38:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:38:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:38:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:41 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:38:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:38:52 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[20:38:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:38:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:38:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:38:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:38:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:38:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:38:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:38:57 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:38:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:38:58 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:38:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:38:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:39:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:39:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:39:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:39:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:39:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:39:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:39:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:39:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:39:05 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:39:06 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:39:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:39:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:31 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[20:39:31 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[20:39:31 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:39:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:40:34 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:40:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:40:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:40:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:40:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:40:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:40:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:40:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:40:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:40:47 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:40:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:11 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:21 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:41:21 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:41:22 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:41:23 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:41:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:41:26 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:41:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:41:27 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:41:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:41:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:41:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:41:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:41:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:41:35 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[20:41:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:41:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:41:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:41:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:41:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:41:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[20:41:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:41:43 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:41:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:41:44 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:41:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:41:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:41:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:41:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:41:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:41:52 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:41:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:41:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:41:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:41:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:41:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:41:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:41:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:42:03 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:42:15 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:42:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:42:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:42:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:42:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:42:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:42:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:42:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:42:54 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:42:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:42:56 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:42:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:43:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:43:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:43:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:28 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Abigail
[20:43:28 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Abigail
[20:43:28 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Abigail
[20:43:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:43:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:44:03 TRACE game] Warping to AnimalShop
[20:44:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:44:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/AnimalShop (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[20:44:04 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:44:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:44:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:44:04 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:44:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:44:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:44:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:16 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Shane
[20:44:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:44:18 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:44:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:44:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:44:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:44:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:44:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:44:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:44:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:44:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:44:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:44:38 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:44:39 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:44:39 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:44:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:44:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:44:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:44:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:44:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:45:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:45:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:45:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:46:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:46:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:00 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[20:47:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:47:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:47:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:47:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:47:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:10 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/ScienceHouse.
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/ScienceHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/ScienceHouse (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:47:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:13 TRACE game] Warping to SebastianRoom
[20:47:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:47:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:47:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:47:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:47:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:35 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[20:47:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:38 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[20:47:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:38 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:47:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:47:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:47:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:47:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:47:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:47:39 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[20:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:47:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:47:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:54 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Penny
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:47:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:48:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:48:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:48:11 TRACE game] Warping to SebastianRoom
[20:48:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:48:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:48:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:48:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:48:25 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[20:48:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:48:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:48:29 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[20:48:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:48:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:48:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:48:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:48:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:48:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:48:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:48:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:48:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:48:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:48:55 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:48:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:48:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:48:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:48:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:49:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:49:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:49:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:49:12 TRACE game] Warping to Saloon
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/SpeechBubbles (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Saloon (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Saloon (for the 'KuPu NDC Elliot' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Saloon (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:49:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:49:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:49:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:49:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:49:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:49:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:49:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:49:53 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:49:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:49:54 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:49:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:49:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:49:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:49:54 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:50:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:50:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:50:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:50:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:50:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:50:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:35 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Leah
[20:50:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[20:50:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:50:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:54:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:54:17 TRACE game] Warping to Forest
[20:54:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:54:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:54:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:54:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:54:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:54:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:54:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:54:28 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:54:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:54:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:54:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:54:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:55:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:55:11 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:55:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:55:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:55:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:55:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:55:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:55:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:56:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:56:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:56:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:56:27 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:56:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:56:28 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:56:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:28 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:56:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:56:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:56:44 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[20:56:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:56:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:56:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:56:48 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:56:48 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[20:56:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:56:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:56:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:56:54 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[20:56:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:56:58 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:56:58 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[20:56:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:56:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:56:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:56:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[20:57:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:57:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:57:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:57:02 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:57:02 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[20:57:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:57:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:57:08 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[20:57:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:57:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:57:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[20:57:09 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:57:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[20:57:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[20:57:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[20:57:24 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Elliott (for the 'Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Elliott (for the 'Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[20:57:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 5 asset names (Characters/Elliott, Characters/Leah, Portraits/Elliott, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 5 core assets (Characters/Elliott, Characters/Leah, Portraits/Elliott, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[20:57:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:57:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects for shop IDs 'AnyOrNone', 'Festival_DanceOfTheMoonlightJellies_Pierre'.
[20:57:38 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:57:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:58:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[20:59:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:00:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:02:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:02:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:02:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:02:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:02:08 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[21:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:03:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnEventFinished
[21:03:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:03:51 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:03:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:03:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:03:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:03:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:03:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 4 asset names (Characters/Elliott, Characters/Leah, Portraits/Elliott, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 4 core assets (Characters/Elliott, Characters/Leah, Portraits/Elliott, Portraits/Leah).
[21:03:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:03:52 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:03:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:03:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:03:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:03:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:03:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:03:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:04:00 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:04:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:04:01 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:04:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:04:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:04:01 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:04:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:05:35 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:05:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:05:36 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:05:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:05:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:05:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:05:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:05:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:05:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:05:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:05:43 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[21:05:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:05:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:05:50 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[21:05:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:05:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:05:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:05:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/summer28 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:05:58 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[21:05:59 DEBUG game] DebugOutput: Quality Sprinkler was destroyed
[21:05:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[21:05:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[21:05:59 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[21:05:59 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:05:59 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[21:05:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[21:06:07 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[21:06:07 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[21:06:07 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[21:06:08 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:06:08 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting fall 1 Y6.
[21:06:12 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[21:06:12 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 281 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 282 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 283 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 284 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 285 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 286 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 287 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 288 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 289 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 290 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 291 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 292 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 293 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 294 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 295 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 296 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 297 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 298 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 299 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 300 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 301 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 302 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 303 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 304 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 305 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 306 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 307 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 308 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 309 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 310 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 311 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 312 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 313 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 314 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 315 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 316 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 317 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 318 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 319 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[21:06:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 320 out of 40 verified!
[21:06:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) MIDI's Seasonal Wedding Retextures' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Professional Morris' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 26 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Data/Characters, Data/Events/Town, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 25 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, Portraits/Leah).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:06:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:06:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Festivals/summer28).
Propagated 0 core assets ().
[21:06:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[21:06:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:06:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:06:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall27 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:06:54 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:06:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:06:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:06:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:06:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:06:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:06:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:07:10 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[21:07:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:07:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:07:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:07:12 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:07:12 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:07:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:07:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:07:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:13 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:07:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:07:14 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[21:07:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:07:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:07:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:07:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:07:15 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:07:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:07:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:07:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:07:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:07:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnItemEaten
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:08:19 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:08:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:08:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:08:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:08:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:08:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:08:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:08:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:08:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:08:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:08:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:08:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:08:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:09:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:09:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:09:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:09:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:10:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:10:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:10:05 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:10:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:10:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:12:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:12:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:12:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnItemEaten
[21:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:13:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:17 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:15:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:16:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:16:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:17:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:17:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:18:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:05 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:19:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:19:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:15 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnItemEaten
[21:20:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:20:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:21:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:21:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:21:43 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:21:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:21:43 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:21:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:21:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:21:43 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:21:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:22:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:22:26 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:22:27 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:22:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:22:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:23:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:21 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:23:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:23:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:24:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:24:34 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:24:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:24:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:24:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:24:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:24:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:24:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:24:39 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[21:24:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:24:41 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:24:41 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[21:24:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:24:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:05 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[21:25:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[21:25:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[21:25:05 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[21:25:05 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:25:05 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[21:25:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[21:25:05 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[21:25:05 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[21:25:05 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[21:25:06 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:25:06 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting fall 2 Y6.
[21:25:08 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[21:25:08 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 321 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 322 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 323 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 324 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 325 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 326 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 327 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 328 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 329 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 330 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 331 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 332 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 333 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 334 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 335 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 336 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 337 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 338 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 339 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 340 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 341 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 342 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 343 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 344 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 345 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 346 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 347 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 348 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 349 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 350 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 351 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 352 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 353 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 354 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 355 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 356 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 357 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 358 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 359 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[21:25:08 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 360 out of 40 verified!
[21:25:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 26 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent).
Propagated 25 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:25:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:25:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[21:25:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:25:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:25:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall27 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:25:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:34 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[21:25:34 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[21:25:34 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[21:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:25:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:25:42 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:25:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:29 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:26:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:30 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:34 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:26:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:40 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:41 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:26:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:44 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[21:26:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:26:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:56 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:26:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:57 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:26:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:26:59 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[21:26:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:26:59 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:26:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:59 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:26:59 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:27:19 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:27:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:27:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:27:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:27:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:27:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:27:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:27:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:28:06 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[21:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:28:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:28:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:28:10 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:28:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:28:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:28:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:28:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:28:15 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:28:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:28:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:28:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:21 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:28:21 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:28:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:28:22 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:28:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:28:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:26 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:28:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:28:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:28:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:28:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:29:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:30:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:30:26 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[21:30:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:30:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:30:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:30:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:30:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:30:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:30:28 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:30:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:30:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:30:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:30:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:30:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:30:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:30:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:31:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:31:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:31:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is a Scythe.
[21:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:31:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:31:16 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:31:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:31:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:31:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:31:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:31:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:31:43 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:31:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:31:44 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:31:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:31:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:31:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:31:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:31:59 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[21:32:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:00 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:32:00 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:32:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:01 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:01 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:32:08 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[21:32:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:32:22 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:32:26 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[21:32:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:32:57 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:32:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:32:58 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:32:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:32:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:32:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:33:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:33:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:34:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:34:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:34:56 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[21:34:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:34:57 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:34:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:34:57 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:34:57 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:35:02 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:35:02 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:35:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:35:02 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:35:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:02 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:35:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:35:10 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:35:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:35:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:35:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:46 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:35:46 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:35:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:35:47 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:35:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:35:47 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:35:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:36:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:36:52 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[21:36:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:36:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:36:57 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Tolerable Pierre' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Town (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:36:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:37:03 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/animationDescriptions (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:37:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:37:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:37:43 TRACE game] Warping to HaleyHouse
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Platonic Relationships edited Data/Events/HaleyHouse.
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/HaleyHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[21:37:44 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:37:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:37:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:37:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:37:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:37:54 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:37:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:37:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:37:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:37:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:37:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:37:55 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:37:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:37:59 TRACE game] Warping to SamHouse
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/SamHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/SamHouse (for the 'Kent Gets Therapy - 3 Heart Event Edit' content pack).
[21:38:00 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:38:00 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:38:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:38:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:38:10 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:38:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:38:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:38:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:38:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:38:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:38:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:38:13 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:38:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:38:55 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[21:38:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:38:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:38:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:39:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:05 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:39:05 TRACE game] Warping to ElliottHouse
[21:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:39:06 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:39:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnEventFinished
[21:40:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:40:45 TRACE game] Warping to ElliottHouse
[21:40:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:40:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:40:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:40:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:41:15 TRACE game] Warping to Beach
[21:41:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:41:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:41:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:41:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:41:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:41:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:41:20 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:41:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:41:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:41:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:41:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:41:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:41:29 TRACE game] Warping to Saloon
[21:41:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:41:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:41:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:41:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:41:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:41:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:41:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:41:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:41:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:41:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:41:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:00 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Leah
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:09 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Emily
[21:42:09 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Emily
[21:42:09 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Emily
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:19 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Harvey
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:42:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:42:51 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:42:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:42:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:42:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:42:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:42:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:42:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:42:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:42:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:43:13 TRACE game] Warping to Saloon
[21:43:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:43:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:43:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:43:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:43:14 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:43:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:43:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:52 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:43:52 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:43:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:43:53 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:43:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:43:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:43:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:43:53 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:43:54 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:43:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:10 TRACE game] Warping to JoshHouse
[21:44:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:44:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/JoshHouse (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:44:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:44:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:44:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:44:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:44:26 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Alex
[21:44:26 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Alex
[21:44:26 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Alex
[21:44:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:31 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:44:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:44:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:44:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:44:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:44:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:47 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[21:44:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:44:47 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:44:47 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[21:44:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:51 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[21:44:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:44:51 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:44:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:44:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:44:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:54 TRACE game] Warping to SebastianRoom
[21:44:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:44:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:44:57 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[21:44:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:05 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Maru
[21:45:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:45:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:45:23 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[21:45:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:45:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:45:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:45:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:45:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:45:29 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:45:29 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[21:45:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:45:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:45:38 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:45:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:45:46 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:45:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:46:20 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:46:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:46:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:46:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:46:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:46:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:46:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:46:24 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[21:46:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:46:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:46:59 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[21:47:00 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:47:03 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:47:03 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:47:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:47:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:47:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:47:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:47:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:47:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:47:43 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:47:43 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:47:43 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:47:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:47:47 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[21:47:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:33 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:48:33 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[21:48:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:48:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:48:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:48:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:49:10 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:49:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:49:19 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:49:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:49:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:49:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:49:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:36 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[21:49:36 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'Mail_Penny_10heart' with actions [AddMail Current pennySpa].
[21:49:36 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'Mail_Penny_10heart' with actions [AddMail Current pennySpa].
[21:49:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[21:49:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[21:49:36 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[21:49:36 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:49:36 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[21:49:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[21:49:44 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[21:49:44 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[21:49:44 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[21:49:45 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:49:45 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue.
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting fall 3 Y6.
[21:49:48 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[21:49:48 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 361 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 362 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 363 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 364 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 365 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 366 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 367 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 368 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 369 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 370 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 371 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 372 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 373 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 374 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 375 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 376 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 377 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 378 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 379 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 380 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 381 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 382 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 383 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 384 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 385 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 386 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 387 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 388 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 389 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 390 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 391 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 392 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 393 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 394 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 395 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 396 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 397 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 398 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 399 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[21:49:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 400 out of 40 verified!
[21:49:48 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Kent Does The Dishes' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Family Approval' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Custom NPC Exclusions edited Data/Characters.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 29 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 28 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/Leah, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Jas, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Maru, Characters/schedules/Penny, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane, Characters/schedules/Vincent, Data/Characters, Portraits/Leah).
[21:49:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:49:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Billboard (for the 'Add Berry Seasons to Calendar' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall16 (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall27 (for the 'Immersive Festival Dialogue' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/fall27 (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:49:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:07 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah kissing Krobus
[21:50:07 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can kiss/hug Krobus
[21:50:07 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing Krobus
[21:50:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:50:15 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:50:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:50:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:50:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:50:31 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[21:50:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:50:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:50:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:39 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:50:43 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:50:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:50:43 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:50:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:43 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:50:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:50:45 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[21:50:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:50:46 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:50:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:50:46 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:50:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[21:50:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:50:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:51:01 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:51:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:51:02 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:51:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:51:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:51:02 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:51:04 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:51:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:51:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:51:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:52:37 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:49 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:52:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:53:07 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:53:08 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:08 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:53:09 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:53:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:53:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:10 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:53:20 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[21:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:53:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:53:22 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:53:22 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[21:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:47 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:53:47 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:53:47 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:53:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:54:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:55:23 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:55:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:55:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:55:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:55:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:55:24 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:55:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:22 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:56:22 TRACE game] Warping to Shedeea72a44-aeac-4d5e-b86d-eed5caf1748b
[21:56:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:56:23 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:56:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:23 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:56:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:56:42 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:56:42 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:42 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:56:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:56:51 TRACE game] Warping to Greenhouse
[21:56:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:56:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:56:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:56:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:06 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:57:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:57:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:16 TRACE game] Warping to FarmCave
[21:57:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:57:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:17 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:57:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:18 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:57:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:18 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:27 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[21:57:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:28 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:57:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:28 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:35 TRACE game] Warping to Cellar
[21:57:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:46 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:46 TRACE game] Warping to Farmhouse
[21:57:47 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:50 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:57:50 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[21:57:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:57:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:57:51 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:57:51 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:57:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:57:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:09 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[21:58:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:18 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:18 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[21:58:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:24 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[21:58:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:25 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:58:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:58:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:58:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:58:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:37 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:37 TRACE game] Warping to SebastianRoom
[21:58:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:58:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:42 TRACE game] Warping to ScienceHouse
[21:58:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:45 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:58:45 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[21:58:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:58:46 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:58:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:58:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[21:58:46 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[21:59:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:59:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:59:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Sebastian
[21:59:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Sebastian
[21:59:15 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Sebastian
[21:59:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeReceiveObject
[21:59:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: AfterGiftGiven
[21:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[21:59:55 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[21:59:55 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[21:59:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[21:59:56 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:59:56 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[21:59:56 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:00:34 TRACE game] Warping to Hospital
[22:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Hospital (for the 'Spouses React To Player Death' content pack).
[22:00:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:00:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:00:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:00:40 TRACE game] Warping to HarveyRoom
[22:00:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:00:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/HarveyRoom (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:00:46 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:00:46 TRACE game] Warping to Hospital
[22:00:46 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:00:51 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:00:51 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:00:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:00:52 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:00:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:00:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:00:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:00:52 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:00:53 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:00:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:13 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:19 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Harvey
[22:01:24 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:01:31 TRACE game] Warping to HaleyHouse
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:01:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:42 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Haley
[22:01:42 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Haley
[22:01:42 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Haley
[22:01:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:01:44 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:01:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:01:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:01:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:01:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:01:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:01:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:01:46 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:01:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:27 TRACE game] Warping to ArchaeologyHouse
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/ArchaeologyHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/ArchaeologyHouse (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:02:28 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:28 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:02:30 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:30 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:02:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:02:30 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:34 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:34 TRACE game] Warping to ArchaeologyHouse
[22:02:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:02:35 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:02:35 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:44 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Abigail
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:02:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:02 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:03:02 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:03:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:03:03 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:03:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:03:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:03 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:03 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:03:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:03:19 TRACE game] Warping to Saloon
[22:03:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:03:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:03:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:20 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:38 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:03:38 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:03:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:03:38 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:03:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:03:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:38 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:03:38 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:03:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:03:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:03:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:00 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:08 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:21 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Bekah hugging Leah
[22:04:21 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Can hug Leah
[22:04:21 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Hugging Leah
[22:04:25 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:04:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:04:43 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[22:04:44 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:04:44 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:04:44 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:04:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:05:07 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:07 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:05:08 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:14 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:14 TRACE game] Warping to Coop813ff840-89eb-47fb-bf6c-3dde6e65008a
[22:05:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:05:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:16 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:05:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:05:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:19 TRACE game] Warping to Barn45c843c0-627c-4308-8f75-5727158578e4
[22:05:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:05:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:20 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:05:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:21 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:21 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:05:24 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:24 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:05:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:05:25 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:05:25 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:05:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:05:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:01 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:06:01 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:06:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:06:02 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:06:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:06:02 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:06:02 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:06:06 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:06:10 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[22:06:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:06:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:06:19 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[22:06:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:06:23 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:06:23 TRACE game] Warping to Railroad
[22:06:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:06:56 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:06:56 TRACE game] Warping to Saloon
[22:06:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:06:58 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:06:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:06:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:06:58 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Clint 19 23 3' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '3', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Emily 18 22 2' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '2', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Marnie 7 22 3' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '3', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Pam 7 18 1' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '1', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Lewis 8 22 1' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '1', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Pierre 4 22 2' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '2', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Demetrius 3 23 1' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '1', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Gus 16 18 2' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '2', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:06:58 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp farmer 20 19 3' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '3', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:35 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Marnie 119 122 3' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '3', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:35 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp farmer 120 119 3' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '3', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:35 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Lewis 118 122 1' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '1', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:35 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Pierre 114 122 2' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '2', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:35 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Demetrius 113 123 1' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '1', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:51 ERROR game] Event '59020010' has command 'warp Pam 110 20 0' which couldn't be parsed: optional index 4 has value '0', which can't be parsed as a boolean.
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:07:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnEventFinished
[22:08:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:08:17 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:08:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:08:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:08:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Craftables' content pack).
[22:08:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:08:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:08:17 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 3 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah, TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:08:19 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:08:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:08:49 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[22:08:50 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:08:50 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:08:50 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (TileSheets/Craftables).
Propagated 1 core assets (TileSheets/Craftables).
[22:08:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:08:57 TRACE game] Warping to Railroad
[22:08:58 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:09:04 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:09:04 TRACE game] Warping to BathHouse_Entry
[22:09:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:09:04 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:09:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:09:04 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:09:04 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:09:06 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:09:06 TRACE game] Warping to BathHouse_WomensLocker
[22:09:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:09:07 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:09:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:09:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:09:07 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:09:17 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:09:17 TRACE game] Warping to BathHouse_Pool
[22:09:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:09:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:10:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnEventFinished
[22:10:20 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:20 TRACE game] Warping to BathHouse_WomensLocker
[22:10:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:10:33 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:33 TRACE game] Warping to BathHouse_Entry
[22:10:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:10:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:10:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:10:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:10:33 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:10:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:35 TRACE game] Warping to Railroad
[22:10:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:10:36 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:10:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:10:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:10:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:10:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:40 TRACE game] Warping to Mountain
[22:10:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:10:44 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:44 TRACE game] Warping to Backwoods
[22:10:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:10:53 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:10:53 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:10:54 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:35 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:36 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:11:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:12 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:31 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:54 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:55 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:56 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:57 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:58 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:12:59 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:00 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:01 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:02 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:03 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:04 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:05 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:06 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:07 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:08 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:11 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:14 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:15 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:16 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:17 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:18 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:19 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:20 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:21 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:22 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:23 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:24 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:25 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:26 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:27 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:28 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:29 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:30 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:32 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:33 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:34 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:37 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:38 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:39 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:40 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:41 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:42 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:43 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:44 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:45 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:46 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:47 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:48 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:49 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:13:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Current tool is not a melee weapon.
[22:14:09 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:09 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:10 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:25 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:14:25 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:14:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:14:26 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:14:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:14:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:14:26 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 2 asset names (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
Propagated 2 core assets (Characters/Leah, Portraits/Leah).
[22:14:35 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:14:35 TRACE game] Warping to FarmHouse
[22:14:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:14:35 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'NewDay' task...
[22:14:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ChooseNightlyFarmEvent
[22:14:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ShowNightEndMenus
[22:14:36 DEBUG SpaceCore] Doing skill menus
[22:14:36 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[22:14:36 TRACE SMAPI] Context: before save.
[22:14:36 TRACE SpaceCore] Saving custom data
[22:14:44 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() called.
[22:14:44 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Save' task...
[22:14:44 TRACE game] Saving without compression...
[22:14:45 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[22:14:45 TRACE game] SaveGame.Save() completed without exceptions.
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue.
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogue (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Context: after save, starting fall 4 Y6.
[22:14:48 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking CORE Dialog
[22:14:48 DEBUG Unique Response Core] Checking 40 dialog entries
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3962!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersA#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersA# [Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3962 verified! 401 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3963!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 give_flowersB#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_flowersB# [Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3963 verified! 402 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3980!
 Should be: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 give_pendant#?!...#$r 10001 0 give_pendant# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3980 verified! 403 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4001!
 Should be: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
 Is: $q 10001 stardrop_gift#?!...#$r 10001 0 stardrop_gift# Is this for me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4001 verified! 404 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3956!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCA#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCA#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3956 verified! 405 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3957!
 Should be: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 rejectNPCB#?!...#$r 10001 0 rejectNPCB#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3957 verified! 406 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3958!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3958 verified! 407 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3959!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_two_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_two_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3959 verified! 408 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3960!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartA#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartA#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3960 verified! 409 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3961!
 Should be: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
 Is: $q 10001 reject_four_heartB#?!...#$r 10001 0 reject_four_heartB#[Give Bouquet]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3961 verified! 410 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3965!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageA#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageA# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3965 verified! 411 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3966!
 Should be: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 engageB#?!...#$r 10001 0 engageB# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3966 verified! 412 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3967!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedA#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedA# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3967 verified! 413 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3968!
 Should be: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 marriedB#?!...#$r 10001 0 marriedB# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3968 verified! 414 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3970!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsA# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3970 verified! 415 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3971!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_no_heartsB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_no_heartsB# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3971 verified! 416 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3972!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownA# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3972 verified! 417 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3973!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_knownB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_knownB# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3973 verified! 418 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3974!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherA#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherA# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3974 verified! 419 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3975!
 Should be: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
 Is: $q 10001 refusal_botherB#?!...#$r 10001 0 refusal_botherB# Will you marry me?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3975 verified! 420 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4274!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveA# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4274 verified! 421 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4275!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLoveB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLoveB# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4275 verified! 422 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4276!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4276 verified! 423 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4277!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayLikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayLikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4277 verified! 424 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4278!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeA# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4278 verified! 425 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4279!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayDislikeB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayDislikeB# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4279 verified! 426 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4280!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralA#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralA# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4280 verified! 427 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4281!
 Should be: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
 Is: $q 10001 birthdayNeutralB#...#$r 10001 0 birthdayNeutralB# [Happy Birthday]
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4281 verified! 428 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.3985!
 Should be: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
 Is: @, I heard that you gave {0} a gift today...#$b#$q 798999999 giftquestion_yes#Is this true?#$r 798999999 50 giftquestion_yes#Yes, I gave a friendly gift.#$r 798999998 0 giftquestion_lie#What? Me? No...(Lie)
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.3985 verified! 429 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4439!
 Should be: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 baby_anxiety#...#r 10001 0 baby_anxiety#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4439 verified! 430 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4440!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedA#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedA#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4440 verified! 431 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4441!
 Should be: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 adopt_excitedB#...#r 10001 0 adopt_excitedB#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4441 verified! 432 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4442!
 Should be: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 morningsick#...#r 10001 0 morningsick#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4442 verified! 433 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4443!
 Should be: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 moodyPregnant#...#r 10001 0 moodyPregnant#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4443 verified! 434 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4444!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyA#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyA#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4444 verified! 435 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4445!
 Should be: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 informPregnancyB#...#r 10001 0 informPregnancyB#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4445 verified! 436 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4447!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantA#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantA#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4447 verified! 437 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4448!
 Should be: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 yourePregnantB#...#r 10001 0 yourePregnantB#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4448 verified! 438 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4449!
 Should be: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 annoyedParent#...#r 10001 0 annoyedParent#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4449 verified! 439 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] Verifying NPC.cs.4452!
 Should be: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
 Is: $q 10001 aloneTime#...#r 10001 0 aloneTime#What's wrong dear?
[22:14:48 TRACE Unique Response Core] NPC.cs.4452 verified! 440 out of 40 verified!
[22:14:48 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:48 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Birthday' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 23 asset names (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Clint, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane).
Propagated 23 core assets (Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, Characters/Dialogue/Alex, Characters/Dialogue/Clint, Characters/Dialogue/Elliott, Characters/Dialogue/Emily, Characters/Dialogue/Haley, Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, Characters/Dialogue/Leah, Characters/Dialogue/Maru, Characters/Dialogue/Penny, Characters/Dialogue/Sam, Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian, Characters/Dialogue/Shane, Characters/schedules/Abigail, Characters/schedules/Alex, Characters/schedules/Elliott, Characters/schedules/Emily, Characters/schedules/Haley, Characters/schedules/Harvey, Characters/schedules/Leah, Characters/schedules/Sam, Characters/schedules/Sebastian, Characters/schedules/Shane).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alex (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Haley (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Emily (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sam (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Emily & Clint' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the 'Clint Rewritten' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Clint (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Emyn's Alternate Festivals' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Harvey (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Elliott (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Maru (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Bachelors and Bachelorettes stay friends' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sebastian (for the 'Tolerable Demetrius' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Marnie & Lewis' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Abigail & Sebastian' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Shane's New Job by Ran' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shane (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Leah (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny.
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Saph's New Introductions' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Divorce Dialogue Overhaul' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Penny & Sam' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Haley & Leah' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Life Cycle - Maru & Harvey' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Jealousy Responses' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'sqbr's Dialogue Edits' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'MissCoriel's NPC Unique Courtship Response' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the 'Unique Winter Star' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Penny (for the '(CP) Please, Remember My Marriage' content pack).
[22:14:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Leah_Beach (for the 'DSV Add-On Pack - Butch Vanilla Leah' content pack).
[22:14:50 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1280 Height:800}
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:50 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:51 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:52 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE OmniSwing] Player is not free to act!
[22:14:53 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame
[22:14:53 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing...
[22:14:53 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.
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