SMAPI log parser

Suggested fixes

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.4.2 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
SMAPI: 3.0.1
Folder: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2019-12-08 04:01 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.4.2 no errors
SMAPI 3.0.1 Pathoschild 11 errors
AutoAnimalDoors 2.3.0 Aaron Taggart no errors
Automate 1.14.0 Pathoschild no errors
Better Artisan Good Icons 1.5.0
+ PPJA Better Artisan Goods Default Icon Pack 1.2.0
+ PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.2.0
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets
no errors
Better Hay 3.0.0 Cat no errors
Bigger Backpack 2.3.0 spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc no errors
Build Endurance 1.8.2 Alpha_Omegasis no errors
Chests Anywhere 1.17.1 Pathoschild no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.21.0 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
CJB Item Spawner 1.11.5 CJBok and Pathoschild no errors
Combat Controls 1.1.5 DJ-STLN no errors
Console Commands 3.0.1 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 1.10.1
+ Fruits & Veggies Legacy for Content Patcher 1.0.2
+ Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.7.10
+ Karmylla's Immersive Maps 3.0.3
+ Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher 2.0.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.7.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC 1.7.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC 1.7.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC 1.7.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC 1.7.10
(+ 9 content packs)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ FlashShifter (Original Author: zanderb14)
+ Karmylla
+ Tanpoponoko (Art) Paradigmnomad (Coding) & Various Contributors
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Convenient Chests 1.1.2-unofficial.1-Strobe aEnigma no errors
Cooking Skill 1.1.5 spacechase0 no errors
Custom Farming Automate Bridge 2.12.7 Platonymous no errors
Custom Farming Redux 2.12.7
+ Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR) 2.0.6
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
no errors
Custom NPC Fixes 1.2.1 spacechase0 no errors
CustomMusic 1.5.3
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Custom Music 1.7.10
(+ 1 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Deep Woods 1.6.1-unofficial.2-mizzion Max Vollmer no errors
Deluxe Auto-Grabber 2.5.2-unofficial.3-mizzion stokastic no errors
Entoarox Framework 2.4.11 Entoarox no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.8.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations 1.7.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 1.7.9
(+ 2 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Fast Animations 1.7.2 Pathoschild no errors
Friends Forever 1.2.3 Isaac S. no errors
Gift Taste Helper 2.9.1 tstaples (aka catman) no errors
Harvest With Scythe 2.3.0 bcmpinc no errors
Instant Grow Trees 1.5.2 cantorsdust no errors
Json Assets 1.5.1
+ Artisan Valley Machine Goods 2.0.6
+ Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets 1.5.3
+ Even More Recipes for JsonAssets 1.5.3
+ Fantasy Crops 1.4.2
+ Fresh Meat 2.0.2
+ Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets 2.0.4
+ Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets 1.6.2
+ More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets 1.9.1
+ More Trees for JsonAssets 1.6.2
+ New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.7.10
(+ 10 content packs)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ ParadigmNomad - Port & MizuJakkaru - Sprites
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ ParadigmNomad & Eemie (Port) & Mizu (Sprites)
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ FlashShifter
no errors
LadderLocator 1.2.1-unofficial.1-Strobe ChaosEnergy no errors
Lookup Anything 1.23.0 Pathoschild no errors
Luck Skill 0.1.11 spacechase0 no errors
Mail Framework Mod 1.5.1
+ [MFM] Even More Recipes 1.0.0
+ [MFM] Fresh Meat 1.0.0
+ [MFM] Fruits and Veggies 1.0.1
+ [MFM] Mizu's Flowers 1.0.0
+ [MFM] More Recipes 1.0.0
+ [MFM] More Trees 1.0.1
(+ 6 content packs)
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
+ Project Populate Json Assets
no errors
No Fence Decay 1.5.0 Cat no errors
No Soil Decay Redux 1.5.6 Platonymous no errors
Prismatic Tools 1.7.1-unofficial.1-Drake1427 stokastic 3 errors
PyTK 1.12.14-unofficial.1-minervamaga Platonymous 1 error
Remote Fridge Storage 1.6.0 EternalSoap no errors
Reset Terrain Features 1.0.2 MabelSyrup no errors
Safe Lightning 1.5.1-unofficial.1-Strobe Cat no errors
Save Backup 3.0.1 SMAPI no errors
Simple Crop Label 5.5.3 TheMusketeer no errors
Skip Intro 1.8.3 Pathoschild no errors
SkullCavernElevator 1.2.5 lestoph no errors
SpaceCore 1.3.1 spacechase0 no errors
StardewHack 2.3.0 bcmpinc no errors
TMXLoader 1.10.6
+ Stardew Valley Expanded - PyTK 1.7.10
+ SVE Spouse Rooms and Festival Spots 1.7.10
+ TMX Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.7.10
(+ 3 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
no errors
UI Info Suite 1.8.4 Cdaragorn no errors
Wear More Rings 2.2.0 bcmpinc no errors
WinterGrass 2.0.0 Cat no errors
[22:01:19 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 3.0.1 with Stardew Valley 1.4.2 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
[22:01:19 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
[22:01:19 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2019-12-08T04:01:19 UTC
[22:01:20 DEBUG SMAPI] Starting game...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI] Loading mods...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]    15x15 Greenhouse with an underground space\Maps (from Mods\15x15 Greenhouse with an underground space\Maps)...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]    Bathroom after 2nd Houseupgrade 'for 1.1'-299-1-4\Content (from Mods\Bathroom after 2nd Houseupgrade 'for 1.1'-299-1-4\Content)...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]    Easy Fishing v2.0-1114-2-0 (from Mods\Easy Fishing v2.0-1114-2-0)...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]    ArtifactSystemFixed (from Mods\ArtifactSystemFixed\ArtifactSystemFixed.dll)...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in ArtifactSystemFixed.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.archaeologyFound (field returns StardewValley.NetIntIntArrayDictionary, not StardewValley.SerializableDictionary`2<System.Int32,System.Int32[]>).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in ArtifactSystemFixed.dll: reference to StardewValley.Game1.createItemDebris (no such method).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ArtifactSystemFixed.dll.
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in ArtifactSystemFixed.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.mineralsFound (field returns StardewValley.Network.NetIntDictionary`2<System.Int32,Netcode.NetInt>, not StardewValley.SerializableDictionary`2<System.Int32,System.Int32>).
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ArtifactSystemFixed.dll...
[22:01:22 TRACE SMAPI]    AutoAnimalDoors (from Mods\AutoAnimalDoors-1019-2-3-0-1559095416\AutoAnimalDoors\AutoAnimalDoors.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Automate (from Mods\Automate 1.14-1063-1-14-0-1574792892\Automate\Automate.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Artisan Good Icons (from Mods\BetterArtisanGoodIcons\BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading BetterArtisanGoodIcons.dll (rewritten in memory)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Better Hay (from Mods\BetterHay\BetterHay.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly BetterHay.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading BetterHay.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    StardewHack (from Mods\StardewHack\StardewHack.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting StardewHack.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly StardewHack.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Bigger Backpack (from Mods\Bigger Backpack-1845-2-3-1575160684\BiggerBackpack\BiggerBackpack.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting BiggerBackpack.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Build Endurance (from Mods\Build Endurance-445-1-8-2-1574901464\BuildEndurance\BuildEndurance.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    PyTK (from Mods\PyTK\PyTK.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading MoonSharp.Interpreter.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading NCalc.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TMXTile.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading DotNetZip.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly PyTK.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading PyTK.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Farming Redux (from Mods\CustomFarmingRedux\CustomFarmingRedux.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom Farming Automate Bridge (from Mods\CFAutomate\CFAutomate.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere (from Mods\ChestsAnywhere\ChestsAnywhere.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner (from Mods\CJB Item Spawner 1.11.5-93-1-11-5-1574815326\CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu (from Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Combat Controls (from Mods\CombatControls\CombatControls.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Convenient Chests (from Mods\ConvenientChests\ConvenientChests.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting ConvenientChests.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly ConvenientChests.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading ConvenientChests.dll (rewritten in memory)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TiledNet.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading SpaceCore.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Cooking Skill (from Mods\CookingSkill\CookingSkill.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    CustomMusic (from Mods\CustomMusic\CustomMusic.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading Ogg2XNA.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly CustomMusic.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading CustomMusic.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    TMXLoader (from Mods\TMX Loader-1820-1-10-6-1574796869\TMXLoader\TMXLoader.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field) in assembly TMXLoader.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly TMXLoader.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Custom NPC Fixes (from Mods\CustomNPCFixes\CustomNPCFixes.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Deep Woods (from Mods\DeepWoodsMod\DeepWoods.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading MaxVollmer.StardewValley.DeepWoodsMod.API.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading DeepWoods.dll...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Deluxe Auto-Grabber (from Mods\DeluxeGrabber\DeluxeGrabber.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Entoarox Framework (from Mods\EntoaroxFramework\EntoaroxFramework.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field) in assembly EntoaroxFramework.dll.
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods\Farm Type Manager v1.8.0-3231-1-8-0-1574791851\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Fast Animations (from Mods\Fast Animations 1.7.2-1089-1-7-2-1574795505\FastAnimations\FastAnimations.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Friends Forever (from Mods\Friends Forever 1.2.3-1738-1-2-3-1559801839\FriendsForever\FriendsForever.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting FriendsForever.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Gift Taste Helper (from Mods\GiftTasteHelper 2.9.1-229-2-9-1-1553470804\GiftTasteHelper\GiftTasteHelper.dll)...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting GiftTasteHelper.dll for OS...
[22:01:23 TRACE SMAPI]    Happy Birthday (from Mods\Happy Birthday 1.9.1-520-1-9-1-1562545495\HappyBirthday\HappyBirthday.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in HappyBirthday.dll: reference to StardewValley.Menus.IClickableMenu.drawHoverText (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in HappyBirthday.dll: reference to StardewValley.Game1.createItemDebris (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in HappyBirthday.dll: reference to StardewValley.Game1.drawDialogueBox (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in HappyBirthday.dll: reference to StardewValley.Menus.ClickableTextureComponent.draw (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Harvest With Scythe (from Mods\Harvest With Scythe-2731-2-3-1575167324\HarvestWithScythe\HarvestWithScythe.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting HarvestWithScythe.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Instant Grow Trees (from Mods\Instant Grow Trees 1.5.2-173-1-5-2-1574825026\InstantGrowTrees\InstantGrowTrees.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Json Assets (from Mods\JsonAssets\JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly JsonAssets.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading JsonAssets.dll...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    LadderLocator (from Mods\LadderLocator\LadderLocator.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Lookup Anything (from Mods\Lookup Anything 1.23-541-1-23-0-1574795667\LookupAnything\LookupAnything.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Luck Skill (from Mods\LuckSkill\LuckSkill.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod (from Mods\MailFrameworkMod\MailFrameworkMod.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly MailFrameworkMod.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Mod Update Menu (from Mods\Mod Update Menu-2536-1-4-1-1553929293\ModUpdateMenu\ModUpdateMenu.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting ModUpdateMenu.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in ModUpdateMenu.dll: reference to StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.SpriteText.drawString (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in ModUpdateMenu.dll: reference to missing assembly 'StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    No Fence Decay (from Mods\No Fence Decay-1180-1-5-0-1551775538\NoFenceDecay\NoFenceDecay.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    No Soil Decay Redux (from Mods\No Soil Decay Redux-1084-1-5-6-1574796603\NoSoilDecayRedux\NoSoilDecayRedux.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Prismatic Tools (from Mods\PrismaticTools\PrismaticTools.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly PrismaticTools.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Remote Fridge Storage (from Mods\RemoteFridgeStorage\RemoteFridgeStorage.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features (from Mods\ResetTerrainFeatures-4715-1-0-2-1574783879\ResetTerrainFeatures\ResetTerrainFeatures.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Safe Lightning (from Mods\SafeLightning\SafeLightning.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting SafeLightning.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly SafeLightning.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Anywhere (from Mods\Save Anywhere-444-2-11-0-1547502552\SaveAnywhere\SaveAnywhere.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in SaveAnywhere.dll: reference to StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.SparklingText..ctor (no matching constructor).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in SaveAnywhere.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farm.shippingBin (no such field).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Simple Crop Label (from Mods\SimpleCropLabel\SimpleCropLabel.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Skip Intro (from Mods\Skip Intro 1.8.3-533-1-8-3-1574796061\SkipIntro\SkipIntro.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    SkullCavernElevator (from Mods\SkullCavernElevator-963-1-2-5-1574879478\SkullCavernElevator\SkullCavernElevator.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Teh's Fishing Overhaul (from Mods\TehsFishingOverhaul 2.1.4-866-2-1-4-1551485382\TehPers.FishingOverhaul\TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TehPers.Core.Api.dll...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly TehPers.Core.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TehPers.Core.dll...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TehPers.FishingOverhaul.Api.dll...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TehPers.Core.Json.dll...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.SparklingText..ctor (no matching constructor).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.fishCaught (field returns StardewValley.NetIntIntArrayDictionary, not StardewValley.SerializableDictionary`2<System.Int32,System.Int32[]>).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.Game1.dailyLuck (no such field).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.GameLocation.getFish (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.Tools.FishingRod.pullFishFromWater (no such method).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Broken code in TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll: reference to StardewValley.Farmer.archaeologyFound (field returns StardewValley.NetIntIntArrayDictionary, not StardewValley.SerializableDictionary`2<System.Int32,System.Int32[]>).
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll to fix SpriteBatch methods...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading TehPers.FishingOverhaul.dll (rewritten in memory)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    UI Info Suite (from Mods\Ui Info Suite-1150-1-8-4-1574866936\UI Info Suite\UIInfoSuite.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Wear More Rings (from Mods\WearMoreRings-3214-2-2-1574969254\WearMoreRings\WearMoreRings.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting WearMoreRings.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    WinterGrass (from Mods\Winter Grass-1601-2-0-0-1558848658\WinterGrass\WinterGrass.dll)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewriting WinterGrass.dll for OS...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher (Harmony.HarmonyInstance type) in assembly WinterGrass.dll.
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading WinterGrass.dll (rewritten in memory)...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    PPJA Better Artisan Goods Default Icon Pack (from Mods\[BAGI] PPJA - Default Icon Pack) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack (from Mods\[BAGI] PPJA Icon Pack) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (from Mods\[CP] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Karmylla's Immersive Maps (from Mods\[CP] Karmylla's Immersive Maps) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Villager Outfits) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - PyTK (from Mods\[TMX] Stardew Valley Expanded Locations) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 (from Mods\[FTM] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations (from Mods\[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Fantasy Crops (from Mods\[JA] Fantasy Crops) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\[JA] Stardew Valley Expanded) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] Fruits and Veggies\[JA] Fruits and Veggies) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    More Trees for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] More Trees\[JA] More Trees (Fruits and Veggies)) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] Mizus Flowers\[JA] Mizus Flowers) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] More Recipes\[JA] More Recipes (Fruits and Veggies)) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Artisan Valley Machine Goods (from Mods\[PPJA] Artisan Valley\[JA] Artisan Valley Machine Goods) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR) (from Mods\[PPJA] Artisan Valley\[CFR] Artisan Valley) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Even More Recipes for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] Even More Recipes\[JA] Even More Recipes) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Fresh Meat (from Mods\[PPJA] Fresh Meat\[JA] Fresh Meat) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets (from Mods\[PPJA] Even More Recipes\[JA] Even More Recipes - Meat) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] Even More Recipes (from Mods\[PPJA] Even More Recipes\[MFM] Even More Recipes) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] Fresh Meat (from Mods\[PPJA] Fresh Meat\[MFM] Fresh Meat) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Fruits & Veggies Legacy for Content Patcher (from Mods\[PPJA] Fruits and Veggies\[CP] Fruits and Veggies - Legacy Sprites) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] Fruits and Veggies (from Mods\[PPJA] Fruits and Veggies\[MFM] Fruits and Veggies) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] Mizu's Flowers (from Mods\[PPJA] Mizus Flowers\[MFM] Mizus Flowers) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] More Recipes (from Mods\[PPJA] More Recipes\[MFM] More Recipes) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    [MFM] More Trees (from Mods\[PPJA] More Trees\[MFM] More Trees) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC (from Mods\[SVE] Andy) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Custom Music (from Mods\[SVE] Custom Music) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC (from Mods\[SVE] Olivia) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC (from Mods\[SVE] Susan) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC (from Mods\[SVE] Victor) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    TMX Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (from Mods\[TMX] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    SVE Spouse Rooms and Festival Spots (from Mods\[TMX] SVE NPCs) [content pack]...
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 49 mods:
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    AutoAnimalDoors 2.3.0 by Aaron Taggart | Open and close the doors automatically for your animals.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Automate 1.14.0 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Artisan Good Icons 1.5.0 by Cat | Makes jelly, pickles, wine, juice, and honey icons be based on the fruit, vegetable, or flower used to make them.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Better Hay 3.0.0 by Cat | You get hay from scything grass regardless of whether you have silos, and can always remove hay from hoppers.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Bigger Backpack 2.3.0 by spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc | Adds another backpack size.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Build Endurance 1.8.2 by Alpha_Omegasis | Increase your health as you play.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Chests Anywhere 1.17.1 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organize them your way.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Cheats Menu 1.21.0 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game cheats menu!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    CJB Item Spawner 1.11.5 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Combat Controls 1.1.5 by DJ-STLN | A fix to the game controls that turns the character in the direction of your MouseClick.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 3.0.1 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 1.10.1 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Convenient Chests 1.1.2-unofficial.1-Strobe by aEnigma | Makes your life easier: Allows crafting from and auto-stashing to nearby chests.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Cooking Skill 1.1.5 by spacechase0 | Adds a cooking skill.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Farming Automate Bridge 2.12.7 by Platonymous | Allows Custom Farming to work with Automate
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom Farming Redux 2.12.7 by Platonymous | Mod for Custom Machine creation.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Custom NPC Fixes 1.2.1 by spacechase0 | Fixes for Custom NPCs.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    CustomMusic 1.5.3 by Platonymous | Changes the games music
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Deep Woods 1.6.1-unofficial.2-mizzion by Max Vollmer | Adds an explorable forest to the secret woods. How deep does it go?
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Deluxe Auto-Grabber 2.5.2-unofficial.3-mizzion by stokastic | Allows use of autograbber for coops, crops, and forage
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Entoarox Framework 2.4.11 by Entoarox | A collection of APIs to make modding easier.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.8.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Fast Animations 1.7.2 by Pathoschild | Speeds up many animations in the game (configurable).
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Friends Forever 1.2.3 by Isaac S. | Makes it so friendship levels never decay!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Gift Taste Helper 2.9.1 by tstaples (aka catman) | Displays NPC gift tastes in a handy tooltip.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Harvest With Scythe 2.3.0 by bcmpinc | Allows you to harvest all crops and forage using the scythe. They can also still be plucked.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Instant Grow Trees 1.5.2 by cantorsdust | Makes trees grow instantly overnight if they have enough space.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Json Assets 1.5.1 by spacechase0 | Allow custom stuff.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    LadderLocator 1.2.1-unofficial.1-Strobe by ChaosEnergy | Finds ladders in the mines.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Lookup Anything 1.23.0 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Luck Skill 0.1.11 by spacechase0 | Adds ways of getting the vanilla luck skill.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Mail Framework Mod 1.5.1 by Digus | Utility classes to send mail in the game.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    No Fence Decay 1.5.0 by Cat | Makes all fences and gates last forever.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    No Soil Decay Redux 1.5.6 by Platonymous | Stops soil from decaying
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Prismatic Tools 1.7.1-unofficial.1-Drake1427 by stokastic | Adds prismatic tools and sprinklers to the game.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    PyTK 1.12.14-unofficial.1-minervamaga by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Remote Fridge Storage 1.6.0 by EternalSoap | Allows you to use ingredients inside chests while cooking
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Reset Terrain Features 1.0.2 by MabelSyrup | Allows you to regenerate terrain features from the map - useful for when you change a map during a game
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Safe Lightning 1.5.1-unofficial.1-Strobe by Cat | Lightning won't harm your farm.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 3.0.1 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Simple Crop Label 5.5.3 by TheMusketeer | Identify crops and trees on farm
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Skip Intro 1.8.3 by Pathoschild | Skips the game's loading intro.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    SkullCavernElevator 1.2.5 by lestoph | Elevator for the Skull Cavern
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.3.1 by spacechase0 | Required by a few mods.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    StardewHack 2.3.0 by bcmpinc | Transpilation library used by my other mods. Doesn't do much on its own.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    TMXLoader 1.10.6 by Platonymous | Load TMX Maps into the Game
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 1.8.4 by Cdaragorn | Adds a lot of useful information to the user interface. This is based on Demiacle's excellent UIModSuite.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Wear More Rings 2.2.0 by bcmpinc | Adds 4 additional ring slots to your inventory.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    WinterGrass 2.0.0 by Cat | Grass will stay around in winter.

[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 34 content packs:
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] Even More Recipes 1.0.0 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] Fresh Meat 1.0.0 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] Fruits and Veggies 1.0.1 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] Mizu's Flowers 1.0.0 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] More Recipes 1.0.0 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    [MFM] More Trees 1.0.1 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Mail Framework Mod | Allows recipes to be mailed to the player.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Artisan Valley Machine Goods 2.0.6 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Json Assets | Adds new items to the game via CFR machines. Requires CFR and JA to work properly.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR) 2.0.6 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Custom Farming Redux | Artisan Valley CustomFarmingRedux component.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets 1.5.3 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Json Assets | Adds even more new recipes for JsonAssets. Requires Fresh Meat to work.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Even More Recipes for JsonAssets 1.5.3 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Json Assets | Adds even more new recipes for JsonAssets
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Fantasy Crops 1.4.2 by ParadigmNomad - Port & MizuJakkaru - Sprites | for Json Assets | A port of Mizu's sprites for JsonAssets
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Fresh Meat 2.0.2 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Json Assets | MEEEEEEAT - for those who wish to have meat in their game.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Fruits & Veggies Legacy for Content Patcher 1.0.2 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Content Patcher | Replaces the Green Tea, Tea Leaf product/crop, and Rice product/crop with the sprites by Mizu.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets 2.0.4 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Json Assets | A port of Mizu's crops for JsonAssets.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.7.10 by FlashShifter (Original Author: zanderb14) | for Content Patcher | FlashShifter's remastered version of Zander's Immersive Farm 2 map
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Karmylla's Immersive Maps 3.0.3 by Karmylla | for Content Patcher | Enjoy a more immersive SDV with more detailed maps and Dusty!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets 1.6.2 by ParadigmNomad & Eemie (Port) & Mizu (Sprites) | for Json Assets | A port of Mizu's sprites for JsonAssets.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets 1.9.1 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Json Assets | A port of Mizu's recipe sprites for JsonAssets
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    More Trees for JsonAssets 1.6.2 by Project Populate JsonAssets | for Json Assets | A collection of new trees for JsonAssets
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Json Assets | Adds new fish, potions, objects, and weapons
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    PPJA Better Artisan Goods Default Icon Pack 1.2.0 by Project Populate Json Assets | for Better Artisan Good Icons | A collection of default artisan good sprites that pair with the PPJA collection.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.2.0 by ProjectPopulateJsonAssets | for Better Artisan Good Icons | A collection of artisan good sprites that pair with the PPJA collection.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher 2.0.10 by Tanpoponoko (Art) Paradigmnomad (Coding) & Various Contributors | for Content Patcher | Changes what the villagers wear to match the season.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Remasters all maps, adds 21 new maps, adds 4 new NPCs, adds over 600 location messages, adds 100 new events and more!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Adds Andy to Stardew Valley Expanded
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Adds Olivia to Stardew Valley Expanded
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - PyTK 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for TMXLoader | Adds many new areas to the game.
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Adds Susan to Stardew Valley Expanded
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Adds Victor to Stardew Valley Expanded
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Custom Music 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for CustomMusic | Octopath Traveler Muisc
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 1.7.9 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for IF2R. Only useable if playing with SVE!
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    SVE Spouse Rooms and Festival Spots 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for TMXLoader | Adds festival locations and spouse rooms
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    TMX Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.7.10 by FlashShifter | for TMXLoader | TMXL Fixes For IF2R

[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI] Found 33 mods with warnings:
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]    Skipped mods
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       These mods could not be added to your game.

[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - 15x15 Greenhouse with an underground space\Maps because it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - ArtifactSystemFixed 1.0.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Bathroom after 2nd Houseupgrade 'for 1.1'-299-1-4\Content because it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Easy Fishing v2.0-1114-2-0 because it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Happy Birthday 1.9.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Mod Update Menu 1.4.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Save Anywhere 2.11.0 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at
[22:01:24 ERROR SMAPI]       - Teh's Fishing Overhaul 2.1.4 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at

[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]    Changed save serializer
[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]       These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if
[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]       you uninstall these mods.

[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]       - TMXLoader
[22:01:24 WARN  SMAPI]       - Entoarox Framework

[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Artisan Good Icons
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Better Hay
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - StardewHack
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - PyTK
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Convenient Chests
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - CustomMusic
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - TMXLoader
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Json Assets
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Mail Framework Mod
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Prismatic Tools
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - Safe Lightning
[22:01:24 INFO  SMAPI]       - WinterGrass

[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - PPJA Better Artisan Goods Default Icon Pack
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR)
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] Even More Recipes
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] Fresh Meat
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Fruits & Veggies Legacy for Content Patcher
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] Fruits and Veggies
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] Mizu's Flowers
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] More Recipes
[22:01:24 DEBUG SMAPI]       - [MFM] More Trees

[22:01:24 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI).
[22:01:24 INFO  StardewHack] Loaded StardewHack library v2.3.0 using Harmony v1.2.0.1.
[22:01:24 DEBUG Bigger Backpack] Applying bytecode patches for spacechase0.BiggerBackpack.
[22:01:24 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SeedShop_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Locations.SeedShop.
[22:01:24 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SpecialItem_getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp to StardewValley.TemporaryAnimatedSprite getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2) in StardewValley.Objects.SpecialItem.
[22:01:25 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:25 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_answerDialogueAction to Boolean answerDialogueAction(System.String, System.String[]) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:25 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:25 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:25 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch CraftingPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[StardewValley.Objects.Chest]) in StardewValley.Menus.CraftingPage.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_ctor to Void .ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[StardewValley.ISalable], Int32, System.String, System.Func`4[StardewValley.ISalable,StardewValley.Farmer,System.Int32,System.Boolean], System.Func`2[StardewValley.ISalable,System.Boolean], System.String) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_drawCurrency to Void drawCurrency(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShippingMenu_ctor to Void .ctor(highlightThisItem, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.MenuWithInventory.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch JunimoNoteMenu_setUpMenu to Void setUpMenu(Int32, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Boolean[]]) in StardewValley.Menus.JunimoNoteMenu.
[22:01:26 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch JunimoNoteMenu_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.JunimoNoteMenu.
[22:01:26 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[22:01:27 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PyTK.APIs.PyTKAPI).
[22:01:27 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (CustomFarmingRedux.CustomFarmingReduxAPI).
[22:01:27 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I.
[22:01:27 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Started with menu key P.
[22:01:27 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ConvenientChests.ModAPI).
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] showEndOfNightStuff: Void <showEndOfNightStuff>b__618_0()
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void dayUpdate(StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt, StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2)...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent pickFarmEvent():Void Postfix(StardewValley.Events.FarmEvent ByRef)...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing transpiler patch Void <showEndOfNightStuff>b__618_0():System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction] Transpiler(System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator, System.Reflection.MethodBase, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction])...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void doneEating():Void Postfix(StardewValley.Farmer)...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void drawDuringUse(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean):Boolean Prefix(Int32, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.Farmer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Boolean)...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void processIncomingMessage(StardewValley.Network.IncomingMessage):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Multiplayer, StardewValley.Network.IncomingMessage)...
[22:01:27 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.GameLocation, System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location)...
[22:01:28 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String, StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void performTouchAction(System.String, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.GameLocation, System.String, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void sendServerIntroduction(Int64):Void Postfix(StardewValley.Network.GameServer, Int64)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void receiveGift(StardewValley.Object, StardewValley.Farmer, Boolean, Single, Boolean):Void Postfix(StardewValley.NPC, StardewValley.Object, StardewValley.Farmer, Boolean, Single, Boolean)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Void loadForNewGame(Boolean):Void Postfix(Boolean)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void warpFarmer(StardewValley.LocationRequest, Int32, Int32, Int32):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.LocationRequest ByRef, Int32, Int32, Int32)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing postfix patch Int32 getTabNumberFromName(System.String):Void Postfix(SpaceCore.Overrides.GameMenuTabNameHook, System.String, Int32 ByRef)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle], Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single):Void Prefix1(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle] ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle], Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color):Void Prefix2(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle] ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle], Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single):Void Prefix3(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle] ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle], Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single):Void Prefix4(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle] ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Single, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects, Single)...
[22:01:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Doing prefix patch Void Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle], Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color):Void Prefix5(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle] ByRef, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color)...
[22:01:28 INFO  CustomMusic] Loading Sunlands.wav ...
[22:01:28 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (DeepWoodsMod.API.Impl.DeepWoodsAPI).
[22:01:28 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (DeluxeGrabber.ModAPI).
[22:01:28 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (Entoarox.Framework.EntoaroxFrameworkAPI).
[22:01:28 DEBUG Harvest With Scythe] Applying bytecode patches for bcmpinc.HarvestWithScythe.
[22:01:28 TRACE CustomMusic] Sunlands.wav Loaded
[22:01:28 INFO  CustomMusic] Loading DarkCaverns.wav ...
[22:01:28 TRACE CustomMusic] DarkCaverns.wav Loaded
[22:01:28 INFO  CustomMusic] Loading PrimroseTheDancer.wav ...
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch Crop_harvest to Boolean harvest(Int32, Int32, StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt, StardewValley.Characters.JunimoHarvester) in StardewValley.Crop.
[22:01:28 TRACE CustomMusic] PrimroseTheDancer.wav Loaded
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch HoeDirt_performToolAction to Boolean performToolAction(StardewValley.Tool, Int32, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.GameLocation) in StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt.
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch HoeDirt_performUseAction to Boolean performUseAction(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, StardewValley.GameLocation) in StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.HoeDirt.
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch Object_performToolAction to Boolean performToolAction(StardewValley.Tool, StardewValley.GameLocation) in StardewValley.Object.
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch GameLocation_checkAction to Boolean checkAction(xTile.Dimensions.Location, xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle, StardewValley.Farmer) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:28 TRACE Harvest With Scythe] Applying patch GameLocation_checkAction_Chain to Boolean <checkAction>b__0() in StardewValley.GameLocation+<>c__DisplayClass234_0.
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch Boolean canBePlacedHere(StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Object, StardewValley.GameLocation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2, Boolean ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch Boolean checkForAction(StardewValley.Farmer, Boolean):Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Object)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch System.String loadDisplayName():Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Object, System.String ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch System.String getCategoryName():Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Object, System.String ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color getCategoryColor():Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Object, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing postfix patch Boolean isIndexOkForBasicShippedCategory(Int32):Void Postfix(Int32, Boolean ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch Boolean loadDisplayFields():Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Objects.Ring, Boolean ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing prefix patch Boolean isPaddyCrop():Boolean Prefix(StardewValley.Crop, Boolean ByRef)...
[22:01:29 TRACE Json Assets] Doing transpiler patch Void newDay(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, StardewValley.GameLocation):System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction] Transpiler(System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator, System.Reflection.MethodBase, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Harmony.CodeInstruction])...
[22:01:29 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api).
[22:01:29 INFO  Luck Skill] All Professions not found.
[22:01:29 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PrismaticTools.Framework.PrismaticAPI).
[22:01:29 INFO  Remote Fridge Storage] Convenient chests detected, moving icon location.
[22:01:29 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (RemoteFridgeStorage.API.RemoteFridgeApi).
[22:01:29 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SafeLightning.API.SafeLightningApi).
[22:01:29 DEBUG UI Info Suite] starting.
[22:01:29 DEBUG Wear More Rings] Applying bytecode patches for bcmpinc.WearMoreRings.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch Farmer_farmerInit to Void farmerInit() in StardewValley.Farmer.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch Farmer_isWearingRing to Boolean isWearingRing(Int32) in StardewValley.Farmer.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch Farmer_updateCommon to Void updateCommon(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime, StardewValley.GameLocation) in StardewValley.Farmer.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch GameLocation_cleanupBeforePlayerExit to Void cleanupBeforePlayerExit() in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch GameLocation_resetLocalState to Void resetLocalState() in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch GameLocation_damageMonster to Boolean damageMonster(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Single, Int32, Single, Single, Boolean, StardewValley.Farmer) in StardewValley.GameLocation.
[22:01:29 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:29 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:29 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Could not find instruction sequence (failed to match line 7: "ldstr "Hat""):
  ldfld System.String name
  ldstr "Hat"
   at StardewHack.InstructionRange..ctor(List`1 insts, InstructionMatcher[] contains, Int32 start, Int32 step)
   at StardewHack.WearMoreRings.ModEntry.InventoryPage_draw()
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_performHoverAction to Void performHoverAction(Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Could not find instruction sequence (failed to match line 4: "ldstr "Hat""):
  ldfld System.String name
  ldstr "Hat"
   at StardewHack.InstructionRange..ctor(List`1 insts, InstructionMatcher[] contains, Int32 start, Int32 step)
   at StardewHack.WearMoreRings.ModEntry.InventoryPage_performHoverAction()
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_receiveLeftClick to Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage.
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Could not find instruction sequence (failed to match line 4: "ldstr "Hat""):
  ldfld System.String name
  ldstr "Hat"
   at StardewHack.InstructionRange..ctor(List`1 insts, InstructionMatcher[] contains, Int32 start, Int32 step)
   at StardewHack.WearMoreRings.ModEntry.InventoryPage_receiveLeftClick()
[22:01:30 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch Ring_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32) in StardewValley.Objects.Ring.
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (StardewHack.WearMoreRings.RingsImplementation).
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cached assets for new editors & loaders...
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\CraftingRecipes.
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Maps\springobjects.
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:01:30 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[22:01:30 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[22:01:30 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[22:01:30 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 86 mods...
[22:01:31 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Detecting common issues...
[22:01:31 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK edited Data\BigCraftablesInformation.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: Data\BigCraftablesInformation. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.0
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.1
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.2
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.3
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.4
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.5
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.6
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.7
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.8
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.9
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.10
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.11
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.12
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.13
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.14
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.15
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.16
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.17
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.19
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.21
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.22
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.23
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] Added:[CFR] Artisan Valley.Artisan Valley.json.24
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Redux] 1 Content Packs with 23 machines found.
[22:01:31 TRACE Custom Farming Automate Bridge] Accessed mod-provided API for Automate.
[22:01:31 TRACE Automate] Adding automation factory: CFAutomate.Framework.CustomFarmingAutomationFactory, CFAutomate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 INFO  PyTK] ContentPath:D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'spring_z_extras'.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'zcompactbathroom_tiles'.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Craftables'.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'furniture'.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'z_RailwayTilesheet'.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'BigCloud'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'SmallClouds'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\springobjects'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Maps\springobjects.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: Maps\springobjects. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'springobjects'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'fall_z_extras'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Stadium'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Cursors'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'CavernObjects'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'spring_houses'.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:32 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Accessed mod-provided API for Json Assets.
[22:01:34 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   Immersive Farm 2 Remastered: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - PyTK: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Custom Music: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   SVE Spouse Rooms and Festival Spots: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   TMX Immersive Farm 2 Remastered: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.

[22:01:34 ALERT SMAPI] You can update 2 mods:
[22:01:34 ALERT SMAPI]    Convenient Chests 1.2.0:
[22:01:34 ALERT SMAPI]    LadderLocator 1.2.1:
[22:01:34 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API for Content Patcher.
[22:01:34 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API for Json Assets.
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added a token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponId
[22:01:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added custom token: spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponId
[22:01:34 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API for Json Assets.
[22:01:34 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API for Custom Farming Redux.
[22:01:34 TRACE Luck Skill] Experience Bars API not found
[22:01:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:34 WARN  Remote Fridge Storage] Could not load CookingSkill API, mods might not work correctly.
[22:01:34 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:320 Y:192 Width:1280 Height:720}
[22:01:34 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset loaders...
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:01:37 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited TileSheets\weapons.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets\weapons.
[22:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names: Data\NPCGiftTastes, Data\weapons, TileSheets\weapons. Reloaded 2 core assets.
[22:01:37 INFO  Json Assets] Loading content packs...
[22:01:37 INFO  Json Assets] 	Fantasy Crops 1.4.2 by ParadigmNomad - Port & MizuJakkaru - Sprites - A port of Mizu's sprites for JsonAssets
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Coal Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Copper Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Gold Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Iridium Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Iron Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Doubloon Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 INFO  Json Assets] 	New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.7.10 by FlashShifter - Adds new fish, potions, objects, and weapons
[22:01:37 INFO  Json Assets] 	Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets 2.0.4 by Project Populate JsonAssets - A port of Mizu's crops for JsonAssets.
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Adzuki Bean Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Aloe Pod:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Asparagus Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Bamboo Cutting:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Barley Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Basil Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Bell Pepper Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blackberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blue Agave Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Broccoli Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Butternut Squash Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cabbage Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cactus Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Carrot Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cassava Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Celery Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chickpea Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chive Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cotton Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Cucumber Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Durum Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Elderberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Fennel Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Ginger Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Gooseberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Green Pea Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Habanero Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Jalapeno Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Juniper Berry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Kidney Bean Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Kiwi Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Lettuce Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Licorice Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Maguey Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Mint Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z fall
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Muskmelon Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Navy Bean Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Oat Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Okra Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Onion Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Oregano Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Paddy Taro Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Parsley Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Passion Fruit Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Peanut Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pineapple Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Quinoa Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rapeseed Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Raspberry Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Red Onion Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rosemary Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sage Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Shallot Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Shiitake Mushroom Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z winter
[22:01:37 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Soybean Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Spinach Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sugar Beet Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sugar Cane Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sulfur Shelf Mushroom Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sweet Canary Melon Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sweet Potato Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Tabasco Pepper Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Thyme Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Wasabi Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Watermelon Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Zucchini Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	More Trees for JsonAssets 1.6.2 by Project Populate JsonAssets - A collection of new trees for JsonAssets
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets 1.6.2 by ParadigmNomad & Eemie (Port) & Mizu (Sprites) - A port of Mizu's sprites for JsonAssets.
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Bee Balm Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Blue Mist Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chamomile Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Clary Sage Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Fairy Duster Pod:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Fall Rose Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Fragrant Lilac Pod:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Herbal Lavender Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Honeysuckle Starter:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Passion Flower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pink Cat Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Pitcher Plant Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Purple Coneflower Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rafflesia Seeds:
        New season requirements: z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rose Starter:
        New season requirements: z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Shaded Violet Seeds:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Spring Rose Starter:
        New season requirements: z summer/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Summer Rose Starter:
        New season requirements: z spring/z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Sweet Jasmine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z summer/z winter
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets 1.9.1 by Project Populate Json Assets - A port of Mizu's recipe sprites for JsonAssets
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	Artisan Valley Machine Goods 2.0.6 by Project Populate JsonAssets - Adds new items to the game via CFR machines. Requires CFR and JA to work properly.
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	Even More Recipes for JsonAssets 1.5.3 by Project Populate JsonAssets - Adds even more new recipes for JsonAssets
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	Fresh Meat 2.0.2 by Project Populate Json Assets - MEEEEEEAT - for those who wish to have meat in their game.
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Beefvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chevonvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Chickenvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Duckvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Muttonvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Porkvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z spring/z winter
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets]         Adding season requirements for Rabbitvine Seeds:
        New season requirements: z fall/z winter
[22:01:38 INFO  Json Assets] 	Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets 1.5.3 by Project Populate Json Assets - Adds even more new recipes for JsonAssets. Requires Fresh Meat to work.
[22:01:38 TRACE Json Assets] Event: ItemsRegistered
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:320 Y:192 Width:1264 Height:681}
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:320 Y:192 Width:1280 Height:720}
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:01:38 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:02:09 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing...
[22:02:09 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('Senth_171252718')
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\weapons.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\weapons.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:09 DEBUG Json Assets] Loading stuff early (loading)
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Resetting max shirt/pants value
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Event: IdsAssigned
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidating cache entries for new asset editors...
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1600
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1600
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1632
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1632
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1664
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1664
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1696
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1696
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1728
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1728
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1760
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1760
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1792
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1792
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1824
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1824
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1856
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1856
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1888
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1888
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1920
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1920
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1952
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1952
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1984
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1984
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2016
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2016
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2048
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2048
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2080
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2080
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2112
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2112
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2144
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2144
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2176
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2176
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2208
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2208
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2240
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2240
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2272
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2272
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2304
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2304
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2336
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2336
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2368
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2368
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2400
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2400
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2432
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2432
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2464
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2464
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2496
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2496
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2528
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2528
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2560
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2560
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2592
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2592
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2624
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2624
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2656
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2656
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2688
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2688
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2720
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2720
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2752
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2752
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2784
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2784
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2816
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2816
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2848
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2848
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2880
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2880
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2912
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2912
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2944
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2944
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2976
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2976
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3008
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3008
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3040
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3040
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3072
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3072
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3104
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3104
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3136
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3136
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited TileSheets\crops.
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 800
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 880
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 960
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1040
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1120
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1200
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1280
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1360
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1440
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1520
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1600
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1680
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1760
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1840
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 1920
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2000
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2080
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2160
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2240
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2320
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2400
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2480
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2560
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2640
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2720
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2800
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2880
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 2960
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3040
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3120
[22:02:09 TRACE SpaceCore] Tilesheet target:0 3200
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited TileSheets\fruitTrees.
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Shirts are now (256, 4096)
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Characters\Farmer\shirts.
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Pants are now (1920, 4096)
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Characters\Farmer\pants.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\CraftingRecipes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\CraftingRecipes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\CookingRecipes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\springobjects'.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Maps\springobjects.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Maps\springobjects.
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Big craftables are now (128, 4096)
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited TileSheets\Craftables.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ClothingInformation.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectContextTags.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK edited Data\BigCraftablesInformation.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\BigCraftablesInformation.
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Hats are now (240, 4096)
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Characters\Farmer\hats.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited TileSheets\weapons.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets\weapons.
[22:02:09 TRACE Json Assets] Weapons are now (128, 4096)
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited TileSheets\weapons.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\NPCGiftTastes.
[22:02:09 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 17 asset names: Characters\Farmer\hats, Characters\Farmer\pants, Characters\Farmer\shirts, Data\BigCraftablesInformation, Data\ClothingInformation, Data\CookingRecipes, Data\CraftingRecipes, Data\hats, Data\NPCGiftTastes, Data\ObjectContextTags, Data\ObjectInformation, Data\weapons, Maps\springobjects, TileSheets\Craftables, TileSheets\crops, TileSheets\fruitTrees, TileSheets\weapons. Reloaded 15 core assets.
[22:02:09 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\Farm.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\spring_extras.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\spring_extras'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Farm'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Farm.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\spring_extras.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\spring_extras'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Town.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded spring_Dusty.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'spring_Dusty'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Town'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Town.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\spring_Dusty.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\spring_Dusty'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\JoshHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\JoshHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\HaleyHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\HaleyHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\SamHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\SamHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Blacksmith.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Blacksmith'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\ManorHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\ManorHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\SeedShop.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\SeedShop'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Saloon.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Saloon'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Trailer.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Trailer'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Hospital.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Hospital'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\HarveyRoom.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\HarveyRoom'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Beach.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\ElliottHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\ElliottHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Mountain.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\ScienceHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\ScienceHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\SebastianRoom.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\SebastianRoom'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Forest.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\spring_z_extras'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\WizardHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\WizardHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\AnimalShop.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\AnimalShop'.
[22:02:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\LeahHouse.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\LeahHouse'.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\BusStop.
[22:02:10 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Mine.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Desert.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Club.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Club'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\SandyHouse.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\SandyHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\ArchaeologyHouse.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\ArchaeologyHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\WizardHouseBasement.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\WizardHouseBasement'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'spring_z_extras'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\AdventureGuild'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AdventureGuild.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded loaded Characters\Marlon.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Marlon'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded loaded Portraits\Marlon.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits\Marlon'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Railroad.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\WitchHut.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\WitchHut'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Summit.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\BigCloud'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\SmallClouds'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\FishShop.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\FishShop'.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\JojaMart.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\JojaMart'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\SkullCave.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\SkullCave.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Backwoods.
[22:02:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\Trailer_big.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Trailer_big'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Beach-NightMarket.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:BlueMoonVineyard
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\BlueMoonVineyard'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:BlueMoonVineyard
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:TownEast
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\TownEast'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\TownEast.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:TownEast
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:ShearwaterBridge
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\ShearwaterBridge'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:ShearwaterBridge
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:ForestWest
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\ForestWest'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\ForestWest.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\ForestWest.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:ForestWest
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:AuroraVineyard
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\AuroraVineyard'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\zcompactbathroom_tiles'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:AuroraVineyard
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:SpriteSpring
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\SpriteSpring'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:SpriteSpring
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:LostWoods
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\LostWoods'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:LostWoods
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:Void
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\Void'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:Void
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:MarnieShed
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\MarnieShed'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:MarnieShed
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:AndyHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\AndyHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\AndyHouse.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:AndyHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:SusanHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\SusanHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\Craftables'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\furniture'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:SusanHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:JenkinsHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\JenkinsHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:JenkinsHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:SophiaHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\SophiaHouse'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:SophiaHouse
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:SophiaCellar
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\SophiaCellar'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:SophiaCellar
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:OliviaCellar
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\OliviaCellar'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:OliviaCellar
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:CrimsonBadlands
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\CrimsonBadlands'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:CrimsonBadlands
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:TreasureCave
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\TreasureCave'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:TreasureCave
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:DesertRailway
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\DesertRailway'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\z_RailwayTilesheet'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:DesertRailway
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:FarmShed
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\FarmShed'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:FarmShed
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Adding:DeepCave
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\DeepCave'.
[22:02:11 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\CavernObjects'.
[22:02:11 TRACE TMXLoader] Successfully added:DeepCave
[22:02:12 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\ObjectContextTags.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\ObjectContextTags.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectContextTags.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Buildings\houses.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Buildings\houses.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\NPCDispositions.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\FarmCave.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\FarmCave'.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Maps\BusStop.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps\BusStop.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\BusStop.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\Greenhouse.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Greenhouse'.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\George.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\George.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Alex.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Alex.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Emily.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Emily.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Haley.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Haley.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Jodi.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Jodi.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sam.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sam.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Vincent.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Vincent.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Clint.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Clint.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Abigail.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Abigail.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Pierre.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Pierre.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Gus.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Gus.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Pam.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Pam.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Harvey.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Harvey.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Elliott.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Elliott.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Maru.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Maru.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Robin.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Robin.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Demetrius.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Demetrius.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Linus.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Linus.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Marnie.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Marnie.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Jas.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Jas.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Willy.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Willy.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Abigail.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Abigail.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Alex.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Alex.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Emily.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Emily.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Kent.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Kent.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Vincent.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Vincent.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Jodi.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Jodi.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Clint.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Clint.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Pierre.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Pierre.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Gus.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Gus.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Pam.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Pam.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Harvey.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Harvey.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Elliott.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Elliott.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Maru.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Maru.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Linus.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Linus.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Marnie.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Marnie.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Jas.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Jas.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Gunther.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Gunther.
[22:02:12 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Willy.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Willy.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 64 asset names: Buildings\houses, Characters\Abigail, Characters\Alex, Characters\Caroline, Characters\Clint, Characters\Demetrius, Characters\Elliott, Characters\Emily, Characters\Evelyn, Characters\George, Characters\Gus, Characters\Haley, Characters\Harvey, Characters\Jas, Characters\Jodi, Characters\Leah, Characters\Lewis, Characters\Linus, Characters\Marnie, Characters\Maru, Characters\Pam, Characters\Penny, Characters\Pierre, Characters\Robin, Characters\Sam, Characters\Sebastian, Characters\Shane, Characters\Vincent, Characters\Willy, Data\Locations, Data\NPCDispositions, Data\ObjectContextTags, Maps\BusStop, Maps\FarmCave, Maps\Greenhouse, Portraits\Abigail, Portraits\Alex, Portraits\Caroline, Portraits\Clint, Portraits\Demetrius, Portraits\Elliott, Portraits\Emily, Portraits\Evelyn, Portraits\George, Portraits\Gunther, Portraits\Gus, Portraits\Haley, Portraits\Harvey, Portraits\Jas, Portraits\Jodi, Portraits\Leah, Portraits\Lewis, Portraits\Linus, Portraits\Marnie, Portraits\Maru, Portraits\Pam, Portraits\Penny, Portraits\Pierre, Portraits\Robin, Portraits\Sam, Portraits\Sebastian, Portraits\Shane, Portraits\Vincent, Portraits\Willy. Reloaded 92 core assets.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\FarmHouse2_marriage.
[22:02:12 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\FarmHouse2_marriage.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Abigail.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Abigail.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Evelyn.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Evelyn.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Alex.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Alex.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\George.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\George.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Kent.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Kent.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Kent.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Kent.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Clint.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Clint.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Lewis.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Lewis.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Caroline.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Caroline.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Pierre.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Pierre.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Gus.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Gus.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Penny.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Penny.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Sebastian.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Sebastian.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Linus.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Linus.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Marnie.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Marnie.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Leah.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Leah.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\schedules\Willy.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\schedules\Willy.
[22:02:13 DEBUG Json Assets] Fixing IDs
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\Crops.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\fruitTrees.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\hats.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\weapons.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\weapons.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\weapons.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\summer_extras.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\summer_extras'.
[22:02:13 TRACE Content Patcher] Karmylla's Immersive Maps loaded Maps\summer_Dusty.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\summer_Dusty'.
[22:02:13 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK loaded asset 'Maps\summer_z_extras'.
[22:02:14 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC loaded Characters\Andy.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Andy'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC loaded Portraits\Andy.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits\Andy'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC loaded Characters\Olivia.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Olivia'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC loaded Portraits\Olivia.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits\Olivia'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC loaded Characters\Susan.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Susan'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC loaded Portraits\Susan.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits\Susan'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC loaded Characters\Victor.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Victor'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC loaded Portraits\Victor.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits\Victor'.
[22:02:14 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:05.1985411'
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done.
[22:02:14 DEBUG Json Assets] Adding default recipes
[22:02:14 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080}
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited TileSheets\tools.
[22:02:14 WARN  SpaceCore] No experience bars API? Turning off
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'Senth_171252718', starting summer 7 Y2, locale set to en. Single-player.
[22:02:14 TRACE Convenient Chests] Register
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: BlueMoonVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: TownEast
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: ShearwaterBridge
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: ForestWest
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: AuroraVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: SpriteSpring
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: LostWoods
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: Void
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: MarnieShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: AndyHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: SusanHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: JenkinsHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: SophiaHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: SophiaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: OliviaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: CrimsonBadlands
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: TreasureCave
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: DesertRailway
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: FarmShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Add Location: DeepCave
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: BlueMoonVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: TownEast
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: ShearwaterBridge
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: ForestWest
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: AuroraVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: SpriteSpring
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: LostWoods
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: Void
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: MarnieShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: AndyHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: SusanHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: JenkinsHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: SophiaHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: SophiaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: OliviaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: CrimsonBadlands
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: TreasureCave
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: DesertRailway
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: FarmShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location: DeepCave
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: BlueMoonVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\Locations.
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\Locations.
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: TownEast
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: ShearwaterBridge
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: ForestWest
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: AuroraVineyard
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: SpriteSpring
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: LostWoods
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: Void
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: MarnieShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: AndyHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: SusanHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: JenkinsHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: SophiaHouse
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: SophiaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: OliviaCellar
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: CrimsonBadlands
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: TreasureCave
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: DesertRailway
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: FarmShed
[22:02:14 TRACE TMXLoader] Restore Location objects: DeepCave
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] SaveEvents_AfterLoad
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] InitGameIfNecessary(False)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] DeepWoodsSettings.DoLoad()
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] DeepWoodsSettings.DoLoad: Loading settings.
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] Settings loaded successfully.
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] DeepWoodsSettings.DoLoad: Done.
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] DeepWoodsManager.Add()
[22:02:14 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods loaded asset 'Maps\deepWoodsLakeTilesheet'.
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.RestoreAllEasterEggsInGame()
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(FarmHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Farm, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Deluxe Coop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Deluxe Coop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Deluxe Barn, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(FarmCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Town, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(JoshHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(HaleyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SamHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Blacksmith, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ManorHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SeedShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Saloon, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Trailer, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Hospital, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(HarveyRoom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Beach, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ElliottHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Mountain, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ScienceHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SebastianRoom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Tent, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Forest, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(WizardHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(AnimalShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(LeahHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BusStop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Mine, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Sewer, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BugLand, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Desert, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Club, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SandyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ArchaeologyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(WizardHouseBasement, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(AdventureGuild, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Woods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Railroad, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(WitchSwamp, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(WitchHut, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(WitchWarpCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Summit, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(FishShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BathHouse_Entry, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BathHouse_MensLocker, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BathHouse_WomensLocker, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BathHouse_Pool, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(CommunityCenter, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(JojaMart, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Greenhouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SkullCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Backwoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Tunnel, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Trailer_Big, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Cellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Cellar2, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Cellar3, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Cellar4, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BeachNightMarket, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(MermaidHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Submarine, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(AbandonedJojaMart, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(MovieTheater, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Sunroom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(BlueMoonVineyard, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(TownEast, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ShearwaterBridge, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(ForestWest, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(AuroraVineyard, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SpriteSpring, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(LostWoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(Void, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(MarnieShed, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(AndyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SusanHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(JenkinsHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SophiaHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(SophiaCellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(OliviaCellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(CrimsonBadlands, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(TreasureCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(DesertRailway, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(FarmShed, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(DeepCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] EasterEggFunctions.ProcessLocation(DeepWoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.RestoreAllInGame()
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(FarmHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Farm, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Deluxe Coop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Deluxe Coop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Deluxe Barn, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(FarmCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Town, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(JoshHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(HaleyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SamHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Blacksmith, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ManorHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SeedShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Saloon, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Trailer, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Hospital, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(HarveyRoom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Beach, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ElliottHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Mountain, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ScienceHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SebastianRoom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Tent, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Forest, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(WizardHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(AnimalShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(LeahHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BusStop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Mine, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Sewer, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BugLand, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Desert, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Club, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SandyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ArchaeologyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(WizardHouseBasement, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(AdventureGuild, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Woods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Railroad, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(WitchSwamp, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(WitchHut, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(WitchWarpCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Summit, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(FishShop, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BathHouse_Entry, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BathHouse_MensLocker, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BathHouse_WomensLocker, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BathHouse_Pool, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(CommunityCenter, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(JojaMart, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Greenhouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SkullCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Backwoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Tunnel, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Trailer_Big, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Cellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Cellar2, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Cellar3, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Cellar4, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BeachNightMarket, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(MermaidHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Submarine, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(AbandonedJojaMart, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(MovieTheater, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Sunroom, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(BlueMoonVineyard, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(TownEast, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ShearwaterBridge, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(ForestWest, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(AuroraVineyard, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SpriteSpring, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(LostWoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(Void, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(MarnieShed, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(AndyHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SusanHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(JenkinsHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SophiaHouse, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(SophiaCellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(OliviaCellar, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(CrimsonBadlands, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(TreasureCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(DesertRailway, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(FarmShed, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(DeepCave, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Deep Woods] WoodsObelisk.ProcessAllInLocation(DeepWoods, Restore)
[22:02:14 TRACE Entoarox Framework] Unpacking custom objects...
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] Even More Recipes 1.0.0 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] Even More Recipes\[MFM] Even More Recipes
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] Fresh Meat 1.0.0 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] Fresh Meat\[MFM] Fresh Meat
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] Fruits and Veggies 1.0.1 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] Fruits and Veggies\[MFM] Fruits and Veggies
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] Mizu's Flowers 1.0.0 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] Mizus Flowers\[MFM] Mizus Flowers
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] More Recipes 1.0.0 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] More Recipes\[MFM] More Recipes
[22:02:15 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Reading content pack: [MFM] More Trees 1.0.1 from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[PPJA] More Trees\[MFM] More Trees
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Prismatic Tools edited Data\ObjectInformation.
[22:02:15 TRACE Wear More Rings] Loaded extra rings save data.
[22:02:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC loaded Characters\schedules\Andy.
[22:02:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\schedules\Andy'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC loaded Characters\Dialogue\Andy.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Dialogue\Andy'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\animationDescriptions.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC loaded Characters\schedules\Susan.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\schedules\Susan'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC loaded Characters\schedules\Olivia.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\schedules\Olivia'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC loaded Characters\Dialogue\Olivia.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Dialogue\Olivia'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC loaded Characters\schedules\Victor.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\schedules\Victor'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC loaded Characters\Dialogue\Victor.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Dialogue\Victor'.
[22:02:16 ERROR PyTK] This mod failed in the GameLoop.DayStarted event. Technical details: 
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.<>c.<Entry>b__22_0(Object s, DayStartedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Courtney\Documents\Stardew\Modding\Stardew-Valley-Mods-master-Routine\Stardew-Valley-Mods-master\PyTK\PyTKMod.cs:line 82
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Events\ManagedEvent.cs:line 88
[22:02:16 TRACE PyTK] InvokeTileAction:EntryAction
[22:02:16 TRACE Deep Woods] TimeEvents_AfterDayStarted
[22:02:16 TRACE Deep Woods] InitGameIfNecessary(True)
[22:02:16 TRACE Deluxe Auto-Grabber] Searching Deluxe Coop at <89,21> for auto-grabber
[22:02:16 TRACE Deluxe Auto-Grabber]   Grabber found  at {X:4 Y:8}
[22:02:16 TRACE Deluxe Auto-Grabber] Searching Deluxe Coop at <95,21> for auto-grabber
[22:02:16 TRACE Deluxe Auto-Grabber]   Grabber found  at {X:4 Y:8}
[22:02:16 TRACE Deluxe Auto-Grabber] No auto-grabber at Desert: <6, 35>
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Data folder archive successful.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Farm type condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Farm type matched a setting. File allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Other mod condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod check successful: "flashshifter.immersivefarm2remastered" does exist.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The OtherMods list matches the player's mods. File allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Content pack loaded successfully.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Data folder archive successful.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Other mod condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod check successful: "FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP" does exist.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The OtherMods list matches the player's mods. File allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Content pack loaded successfully.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is enabled. Starting generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Farm forage area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Farm: 2.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Farm forage area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mushroom spawns at stump area" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Farm: 4.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Mushroom spawns at stump area" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Geode Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at DeepCave: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Geode Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "DeepCave forage area 1" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 10. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at DeepCave: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Frozen Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at DeepCave: 0.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Frozen Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Frozen Geode Mineral Spawns 2" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at DeepCave: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Frozen Geode Mineral Spawns 2" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Magma Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 4. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at DeepCave: 0.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Magma Geode Mineral Spawns" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Magma Geode Mineral Spawns 2" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Prismatic Shard Spawn" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "DeepCave forage area 2" (DeepCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Forage generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is enabled. Starting generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach forage area 1" (Beach)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 2. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Beach: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Beach forage area 1" (Beach)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach forage area 2" (Beach)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Beach: 3.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Beach forage area 2" (Beach)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach forage area 3" (Beach)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest forage area 1" (Forest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Forest: 2.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest forage area 1" (Forest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest forage area 2" (Forest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest forage area 3" (Forest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "BackWoods forage area 1" (BackWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Backwoods: 0.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "BackWoods forage area 1" (BackWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 1" (Summit)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Summit: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Summit forage area 1" (Summit)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 2" (Summit)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mountain forage area 1" (Mountain)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Mountain: 2.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Mountain forage area 1" (Mountain)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mountain forage area 2" (Mountain)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Mountain: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Mountain forage area 2" (Mountain)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RailRoad forage area 1" (RailRoad)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Railroad: 4.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RailRoad forage area 1" (RailRoad)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "BlueMoonVineyard forage area 1" (BlueMoonVineyard)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at BlueMoonVineyard: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "BlueMoonVineyard forage area 1" (BlueMoonVineyard)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "TownEast forage area 1" (TownEast)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at TownEast: 0.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "TownEast forage area 1" (TownEast)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 1" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 2" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 3" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 4" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 5" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "LostWoods forage area 6" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at LostWoods: 12.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "LostWoods forage area 6" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 1" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at ForestWest: 5.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 1" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 2" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at ForestWest: 5.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 2" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 3" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 4" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 5" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 6" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at ForestWest: 3.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 6" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 7" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 8" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 9" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 10" (ForestWest)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 1" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at SpriteSpring: 10.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 1" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 2" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 3" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 5" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at SpriteSpring: 3.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 5" (SpriteSpring)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Doll" (AuroraVineyard)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Newspaper" (AuroraVineyard)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Junimo Ancient Fruit Spawns" (AuroraVineyard)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Years condition(s) found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "ShearwaterBridge forage area 1" (ShearwaterBridge)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at ShearwaterBridge: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "ShearwaterBridge forage area 1" (ShearwaterBridge)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Golden Relic Spawn" (DesertRailway)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Treasure Chest Spawns" (TreasureCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Sava data found for this area; checking spawn days counter...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 0. Spawn disabled.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "TreasureCave Recurring Spawn" (TreasureCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at TreasureCave: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "TreasureCave Recurring Spawn" (TreasureCave)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Coconut and Catus Fruit" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 2. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 12.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Coconut and Catus Fruit" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands bones" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 15.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands bones" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Lost Woods Junimo Noises" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at LostWoods: 41.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Lost Woods Junimo Noises" (LostWoods)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Forage generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/Senth_171252718.json
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is enabled. Starting generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Farm large object area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Farm: 8.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Farm large object area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Large object generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this content pack.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/Senth_171252718.json
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is enabled. Starting generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Farm ore area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Farm: 11.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Farm ore area 1" (Farm)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Ore generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this content pack.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/Senth_171252718.json
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this content pack.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is enabled. Starting generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 500.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Bone Yard Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 25.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Bone Yard Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Serpent Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 25.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Serpent Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Shadow Shaman Sentries" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 38.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Shadow Shaman Sentries" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Mummy Cave Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded loaded Characters\Monsters\CorruptMummy.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Monsters\CorruptMummy'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 15.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Mummy Cave Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 8.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Serpent Aggros" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 2.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Serpent Aggros" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Serpent Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded loaded Characters\Monsters\CorruptSerpent.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Monsters\CorruptSerpent'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 5.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Serpent Guards" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Apophis Boss Monster" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Index parsed from "Void Shard" into ID: 2016
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded loaded Characters\Monsters\Apophis.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Monsters\Apophis'.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process...
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at CrimsonBadlands: 1.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Apophis Boss Monster" (CrimsonBadlands)
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Monster generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/Senth_171252718.json
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file.
[22:02:16 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete.
[22:02:16 TRACE Mail Framework Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data\mail'.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Abigail.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Abigail.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Alex.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Alex.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Clint.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Clint.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Linus.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Linus.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Alex.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Alex.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Clint.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Clint.
[22:02:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Linus.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Linus.
[22:02:16 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 7 asset names: Characters\Alex, Characters\Clint, Characters\Linus, Portraits\Abigail, Portraits\Alex, Portraits\Clint, Portraits\Linus. Reloaded 7 core assets.
[22:02:17 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: , to: FarmHouse
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Sam.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Sam.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Clint.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Clint.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Maru.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Maru.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Leah.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Leah.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Dwarf.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Dwarf.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Willy.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Willy.
[22:02:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC loaded Characters\Dialogue\Susan.
[22:02:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters\Dialogue\Susan'.
[22:02:32 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:32 TRACE game] Warping to Farm
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Data\Events\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\Events\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\Events\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Susan NPC edited Data\Events\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\Events\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: FarmHouse, to: Farm
[22:02:32 TRACE PyTK] InvokeTileAction:EntryAction
[22:02:32 TRACE TMXLoader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\Farm'.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps\summer_outdoorsTileSheet.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\summer_extras.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\summer_extras'.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Farm'.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Farm.
[22:02:32 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: Maps\Farm. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:02:32 TRACE TMXLoader] Requested cache invalidation for 'Maps\Farm'.
[22:02:32 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered loaded Maps\Farm.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps\Farm'.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] TMXLoader edited Maps\Farm.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: Maps\Farm. Reloaded 1 core assets.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited LooseSprites\font_bold.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites\font_bold.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:02:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:02:33 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 20 asset names: Characters\Caroline, Characters\Evelyn, Characters\Leah, Characters\Lewis, Characters\Penny, Characters\Sebastian, Characters\Shane, LooseSprites\font_bold, Portraits\Caroline, Portraits\Demetrius, Portraits\Evelyn, Portraits\George, Portraits\Haley, Portraits\Leah, Portraits\Lewis, Portraits\Penny, Portraits\Robin, Portraits\Sam, Portraits\Sebastian, Portraits\Shane. Reloaded 20 core assets.
[22:02:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:40 TRACE game] Warping to BusStop
[22:02:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Data\Events\BusStop.
[22:02:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\Events\BusStop.
[22:02:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\Events\BusStop.
[22:02:40 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: Farm, to: BusStop
[22:02:40 TRACE PyTK] InvokeTileAction:EntryAction
[22:02:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:02:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:02:40 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:40 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:02:40 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 3 asset names: Characters\Evelyn, LooseSprites\font_bold, Portraits\Evelyn. Reloaded 3 core assets.
[22:02:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Haley.
[22:02:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Haley.
[22:02:41 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Marnie.
[22:02:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Marnie.
[22:02:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Vincent.
[22:02:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Vincent.
[22:02:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Jodi.
[22:02:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Jodi.
[22:02:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Elliott.
[22:02:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Elliott.
[22:02:49 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Linus.
[22:02:49 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Linus.
[22:02:49 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:02:54 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:02:54 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:02:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\Events\Town.
[22:02:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Andy NPC edited Data\Events\Town.
[22:02:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Olivia NPC edited Data\Events\Town.
[22:02:55 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded - Victor NPC edited Data\Events\Town.
[22:02:55 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\Events\Town.
[22:02:55 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: BusStop, to: Town
[22:02:59 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Demetrius.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Demetrius.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Evelyn.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Evelyn.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Lewis.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Lewis.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Pierre.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Pierre.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Harvey.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Harvey.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Shane.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Shane.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered edited Characters\Dialogue\Robin.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Robin.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Emily.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Emily.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Alex.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Alex.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Kent.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Kent.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Gus.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Gus.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Jas.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Jas.
[22:03:05 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Caroline.
[22:03:05 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Caroline.
[22:03:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:03:13 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:03:13 TRACE game] Warping to Blacksmith
[22:03:14 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: Town, to: Blacksmith
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:03:14 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:03:14 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 19 asset names: Characters\Caroline, Characters\Evelyn, Characters\Leah, Characters\Lewis, Characters\Penny, Characters\Sebastian, Characters\Shane, Portraits\Caroline, Portraits\Demetrius, Portraits\Evelyn, Portraits\George, Portraits\Haley, Portraits\Leah, Portraits\Lewis, Portraits\Penny, Portraits\Robin, Portraits\Sam, Portraits\Sebastian, Portraits\Shane. Reloaded 19 core assets.
[22:03:15 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:03:15 TRACE game] Warping to Town
[22:03:15 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: Blacksmith, to: Town
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:03:15 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:03:15 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 19 asset names: Characters\Caroline, Characters\Evelyn, Characters\Leah, Characters\Lewis, Characters\Penny, Characters\Sebastian, Characters\Shane, Portraits\Caroline, Portraits\Demetrius, Portraits\Evelyn, Portraits\George, Portraits\Haley, Portraits\Leah, Portraits\Lewis, Portraits\Penny, Portraits\Robin, Portraits\Sam, Portraits\Sebastian, Portraits\Shane. Reloaded 19 core assets.
[22:03:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Characters\Dialogue\Sandy.
[22:03:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Dialogue\Sandy.
[22:05:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:05:28 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: BeforeWarp
[22:05:28 TRACE game] Warping to Blacksmith
[22:05:29 TRACE Deep Woods] PlayerWarped from: Town, to: Blacksmith
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Penny.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Leah.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Evelyn.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Lewis.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Caroline.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Sebastian.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters\Shane.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Robin.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Penny.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Leah.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\George.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Evelyn.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Haley.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sam.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Lewis.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Caroline.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Demetrius.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Sebastian.
[22:05:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Seasonal Villager Outfits for ContentPatcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits\Shane.
[22:05:29 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 19 asset names: Characters\Caroline, Characters\Evelyn, Characters\Leah, Characters\Lewis, Characters\Penny, Characters\Sebastian, Characters\Shane, Portraits\Caroline, Portraits\Demetrius, Portraits\Evelyn, Portraits\George, Portraits\Haley, Portraits\Leah, Portraits\Lewis, Portraits\Penny, Portraits\Robin, Portraits\Sam, Portraits\Sebastian, Portraits\Shane. Reloaded 19 core assets.
[22:05:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:05:32 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects to Clint's shop
[22:05:32 TRACE Json Assets] 	Adding Coal Seeds
[22:05:32 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[22:05:32 ERROR Prismatic Tools] This mod failed in the Display.MenuChanged event. Technical details: 
System.InvalidCastException: Can't convert the StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu::forSale field from System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.ISalable, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.Item, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection.ReflectedField`1.GetValue() in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Reflection\ReflectedField.cs:line 67
   at PrismaticTools.Framework.BlacksmithInitializer.OnMenuChanged(Object sender, MenuChangedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Xavier\source\repos\PrismaticTools-d22e5fad3c44fa653fc8e7e127f1a84882ce7c49\PrismaticTools\Framework\Blacksmith.cs:line 34
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Events\ManagedEvent.cs:line 88
[22:05:40 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:05:41 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects to Clint's shop
[22:05:41 TRACE Json Assets] 	Adding Coal Seeds
[22:05:41 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[22:05:41 ERROR Prismatic Tools] This mod failed in the Display.MenuChanged event. Technical details: 
System.InvalidCastException: Can't convert the StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu::forSale field from System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.ISalable, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.Item, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection.ReflectedField`1.GetValue() in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Reflection\ReflectedField.cs:line 67
   at PrismaticTools.Framework.BlacksmithInitializer.OnMenuChanged(Object sender, MenuChangedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Xavier\source\repos\PrismaticTools-d22e5fad3c44fa653fc8e7e127f1a84882ce7c49\PrismaticTools\Framework\Blacksmith.cs:line 34
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Events\ManagedEvent.cs:line 88
[22:05:42 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: ActionActivated
[22:05:42 TRACE Json Assets] Adding objects to Clint's shop
[22:05:42 TRACE Json Assets] 	Adding Coal Seeds
[22:05:42 TRACE Json Assets] Event: AddedItemsToShop
[22:05:42 ERROR Prismatic Tools] This mod failed in the Display.MenuChanged event. Technical details: 
System.InvalidCastException: Can't convert the StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu::forSale field from System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.ISalable, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[StardewValley.Item, Stardew Valley, Version=1.3.7278.674, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection.ReflectedField`1.GetValue() in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Reflection\ReflectedField.cs:line 67
   at PrismaticTools.Framework.BlacksmithInitializer.OnMenuChanged(Object sender, MenuChangedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Xavier\source\repos\PrismaticTools-d22e5fad3c44fa653fc8e7e127f1a84882ce7c49\PrismaticTools\Framework\Blacksmith.cs:line 34
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Events\ManagedEvent.cs:line 88
[22:05:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited LooseSprites\map.
[22:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites\map.
[22:05:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited TileSheets\SecretNotesImages.
[22:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets\SecretNotesImages.
[22:05:45 TRACE Content Patcher] Stardew Valley Expanded edited Data\mail.
[22:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data\mail.
[22:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Deep Woods edited Data\mail.
[22:05:45 TRACE SMAPI] Mail Framework Mod edited Data\mail.
[22:05:47 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame
[22:05:47 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing...
[22:05:47 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.
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