SMAPI log parser
Suggested fixes
Consider updating these mods to fix problems:
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 → 1.3.0
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | C:\Steam Library 2\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-03-23 07:52 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | no errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Becoming Familiar 1.0.3 | Krutonium | no errors | |
Better Friendship 1.1.3 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2 | CJBok and Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.3.0
(+ 11 content packs)
+ Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.7 + Frontier Farm 1.15.9 + Immersive Spouses 0.8.0 + OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods 1.6.4 + Papaya's Custom NPC Mod 1.2.1 + Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17 + Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits 1.1.3 + Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 + Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 |
+ ApryllForever
+ gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding) + FlashShifter + someguy363 + OhoDavi + Papaya + Rafseazz + Rafseazz + Poltergeister with assets by various artists + Poltergeister + FlashShifter |
2 errors | |
Custom Companions 5.0.0
+ Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Rafseazz
no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.9
(+ 3 content packs)
+ Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17 + Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.10 |
+ FlashShifter
+ Rafseazz + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Love 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.3.0 | ApryllForever | no errors | |
PyTK Lite 1.24.0 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 | Rafseazz | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Self Serve 1.0.1 | NeverToxic | no errors | |
SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 | lestoph | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 | FlashShifter, Esca, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
The Return of Immersive Scarecrows 1.0.7 | lucaskfreitas | no errors | |
UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 | Annosz | no errors |
[02:52:07 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home [02:52:07 INFO SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Steam Library 2\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods [02:52:07 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-03-23T07:52:07 UTC [02:52:11 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch... [02:52:12 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.3977167' [02:52:12 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata... [02:52:12 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods... [02:52:12 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\-Stardew Valley Expanded--3753-1-15-10-1741988350\Stardew Valley Expanded\Stardew Valley Expanded Code\StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.9)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll. [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher (from Mods\Content Patcher 2.5.3-1915-2-5-3-1739065140\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods\Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1-5098-1-14-1-1732498016\GenericModConfigMenu\GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.14.1)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly GenericModConfigMenu.dll. [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Farm Type Manager (from Mods\Farm Type Manager v1.24.0-3231-1-24-0-1732227130\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll. [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods\-Stardew Valley Expanded--3753-1-15-10-1741988350\Stardew Valley Expanded\[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\-Stardew Valley Expanded--3753-1-15-10-1741988350\Stardew Valley Expanded\[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Better Friendship (from Mods\BetterFriendship-10287-1-1-3-1731468275\BetterFriendship\BetterFriendship.dll, ID: BetterFriendship, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll'... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll'... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'System.Runtime.Caching.dll'... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'BetterFriendship.dll'... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion (from Mods\Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion-2544-3-0-7-1741965480\[CP] Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion, ID: gizzymo.canonfriendlyexpansion) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu (from Mods\CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0-4-1-38-0-1736653454\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll, ID: CJBok.CheatsMenu, assembly version: 1.38.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner (from Mods\CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2-93-2-5-2-1736653508\CJBItemSpawner\CJBItemSpawner.dll, ID: CJBok.ItemSpawner, assembly version: 2.5.2)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods (from Mods\CP Portrait Anime Mods OhoDavi-1839-1-6-2-1738854166\[CP] Portrait Anime Mods OhoDavi, ID: OhoDavi.SDVAnimeP) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions (from Mods\Custom Companions 5.0.0-8626-5-0-0-1730747837\CustomCompanions\CustomCompanions.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.CustomCompanions, assembly version: 5.0.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly CustomCompanions.dll. [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Frontier Farm (from Mods\Frontier Farm-3753-1-15-9-1741985426\Frontier Farm\[CP] Frontier Farm, ID: flashshifter.FrontierFarm) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Frontier Farm Forage Locations (from Mods\Frontier Farm-3753-1-15-9-1741985426\Frontier Farm\[FTM] Frontier Farm, ID: FlashShifter.FrontierFarmFTM) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Immersive Spouses (from Mods\Immersive-Spouses-0-9-beta-22538-Beta-0-9-1728505861\[CP] Immersive Spouses, ID: iss.immersivespouses) [content pack]... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Lookup Anything (from Mods\Lookup Anything 1.49.0-541-1-49-0-1740624009\LookupAnything\LookupAnything.dll, ID: Pathoschild.LookupAnything, assembly version: 1.49.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore 1.27.0-1348-1-27-0-1732497893\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'... [02:52:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll'... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Bed (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetBed\PolyamorySweetBed.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetBed.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Kiss (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetKiss\PolyamorySweetKiss.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetKiss, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetKiss.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetLove\PolyamorySweetLove.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetLove, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetLove.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Rooms (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetRooms\PolyamorySweetRooms.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetRooms, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetRooms.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetWedding\PolyamorySweetWedding.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetWedding.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] (CP) Polyamory Sweet! (from Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\[CP] Polyamory Sweet, ID: ApryllForever.CPPolyamorySweet) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] PyTK Lite (from Mods\PyTK Lite-1726-1-24-0-1679359654\C_PyTKLite\PyTKLite.dll, ID: Platonymous.Toolkit, assembly version: 1.24.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly PyTKLite.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) (from Mods\Ridgeside Village 2.5.17-7286-2-5-17-1731446698\Ridgeside Village\RidgesideVillage\RidgesideVillage.dll, ID: Rafseazz.RidgesideVillage, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly RidgesideVillage.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) (from Mods\Ridgeside Village 2.5.17-7286-2-5-17-1731446698\Ridgeside Village\[CC] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVCC) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) (from Mods\Ridgeside Village 2.5.17-7286-2-5-17-1731446698\Ridgeside Village\[FTM] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVFTM) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) (from Mods\Ridgeside Village 2.5.17-7286-2-5-17-1731446698\Ridgeside Village\[CP] Ridgeside Village, ID: Rafseazz.RSVCP) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters (from Mods\Seasonal Cute Characters-5450-6-0-1-1715712237\[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE (from Mods\Seasonal Cute Characters- SVE-5969-3-0-0-1715713453\[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteSpritesSVE) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits (from Mods\Seasonal Outfits for Ridgeside Village-18202-1-1-3-1717733406\[CP] RSV Seasonal Outfits, ID: Rafseazz.RSVSeasonalOutfits) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Self Serve (from Mods\Self Serve 1.0.1-20985-1-0-1-1711351816\SelfServe\SelfServe.dll, ID: NeverToxic.SelfServe, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SelfServe.dll to fix ArgUtility.TryGet method, Game1.getCharacterFromName method... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly SelfServe.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Papaya's Custom NPC Mod (from Mods\shikonpc\[CP] Shiko NPC, ID: Papaya.ShikoTakahashi) [content pack]... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator (from Mods\SkullCavernElevator-963-1-6-2-1730921454\SkullCavernElevator\SkullCavernElevator.dll, ID: SkullCavernElevator, assembly version: 1.6.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] The Return of Immersive Scarecrows (from Mods\The Return of Immersive Scarecrows-20701-1-0-7-1711550658\ImmersiveScarecrows\ImmersiveScarecrows.dll, ID: lucaskfreitas.ImmersiveScarecrows, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote ImmersiveScarecrows.dll to fix GameLocation.getTileIndexAt method... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly ImmersiveScarecrows.dll. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Becoming Familiar (from Mods\TheLessCreepyUpdate-21949-1-0-3-1714518509\Becoming Familiar\Becoming Familiar.dll, ID: ca.krutonium.becomingfamiliar, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] UI Info Suite 2 (from Mods\UI Info Suite 2 v2.3.7-7098-v2-3-7-1731439440\UIInfoSuite2\UIInfoSuite2.dll, ID: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2, assembly version: 2.3.7)... [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 24 mods: [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Becoming Familiar 1.0.3 by Krutonium | Increase Friendship with the villagers by being near to them. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Better Friendship 1.1.3 by Urbanyeti | Adds thought bubbles over villagers to indicate their favorite gifts from your inventory and when they'd like to talk. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu 1.38.0 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game cheats menu! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] CJB Item Spawner 2.5.2 by CJBok and Pathoschild | Simple in-game item spawner! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Custom Companions 5.0.0 by PeacefulEnd | Framework for creating custom entities that can be spawned on maps or follow you around in Stardew Valley. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it). [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Lookup Anything 1.49.0 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.5 by ApryllForever | Bed part of the Polyamory Sweet! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love 1.3.0 by ApryllForever | Love part of the Polyamory Sweet! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.3.0 by ApryllForever | Wedding part of the Polyamory Sweet! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.3.0 by ApryllForever | Polyamory Affection! Hugs and kisses! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.3.0 by ApryllForever | Rooms! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] PyTK Lite 1.24.0 by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit (Lite Version) [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | Ridgeside Village SMAPI and Harmony Component [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Self Serve 1.0.1 by NeverToxic | Shops don't close. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] SkullCavernElevator 1.6.2 by lestoph | Elevator for the Skull Cavern [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod) [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 by FlashShifter, Esca, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] The Return of Immersive Scarecrows 1.0.7 by lucaskfreitas | Immersive Scarecrows (originally by aedenthorn) made compatible with Stardew Valley 1.6 [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 by Annosz | Adds a useful information to the user interface. Based on Cdaragorn's excellent UI Info Suite. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 15 content packs: [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.3.0 by ApryllForever | for Content Patcher | Polyamory Stuff! [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion 3.0.7 by gizzymo (dialogue), WitchWeed (coding) | for Content Patcher | Adds about 4200 new lines of dialogue across all 34 characters who have a heart level [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Frontier Farm 1.15.9 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | A massive custom farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.9 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | Frontier Farm FTM Data. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Immersive Spouses 0.8.0 by someguy363 | for Content Patcher | Updates schedules for spouses to more reflect their original schedules and personality. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods 1.6.4 by OhoDavi | for Content Patcher | Replaces the Vanilla Portraits with OhoDavi's Anime-like Portraits. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Papaya's Custom NPC Mod 1.2.1 by Papaya | for Content Patcher | A mod that adds in a custom NPC named Shiko [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Content Patcher | Adds Ridgeside Village to the game. A Stardew Valley Expansion mod. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Custom Companions | Custom Companions pack for Ridgeside Village. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz | for Farm Type Manager | Adds forage and monsters to Ridgeside Village. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits 1.1.3 by Rafseazz | for Content Patcher [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 by Poltergeister with assets by various artists | for Content Patcher | Seasonal outfits with the slightly cuter character aesthetic. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE 3.0.0 by Poltergeister | for Content Patcher | Makes the characters of Stardew Valley Expanded slightly cuter and gives them seasonal outfits. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.10 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.10 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE! [02:52:14 WARN SMAPI] Changed save serializer [02:52:14 WARN SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [02:52:14 WARN SMAPI] These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [02:52:14 WARN SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [02:52:14 WARN SMAPI] - SpaceCore [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] Patched game code [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Custom Companions [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Farm Type Manager [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Polyamory Sweet Bed [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Polyamory Sweet Love [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Polyamory Sweet Wedding [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - PolyamorySweet Kiss [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - PolyamorySweet Rooms [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - PyTK Lite [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Self Serve [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - SpaceCore [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - Stardew Valley Expanded [02:52:14 INFO SMAPI] - The Return of Immersive Scarecrows [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] Direct console access [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] be logged by SMAPI. [02:52:14 TRACE SMAPI] - Generic Mod Config Menu [02:52:14 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods... [02:52:14 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] Starting Installation Checker... [02:52:14 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe) [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of dependencies to check: 5 [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI... [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] SMAPI is loaded and up to date. [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher... [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date. [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)... [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date. [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded... [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded... [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of missing mods: 0 [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Number of out of date mods: 0 [02:52:14 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine! [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control. [02:52:14 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()". [02:52:14 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)". [02:52:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI). [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu_OpenModConfig'. [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()". [02:52:15 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)". [02:52:15 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Started with menu key P. [02:52:15 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Started with menu key I. [02:52:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (CustomCompanions.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api). [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'. [02:52:15 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'. [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308 [02:52:15 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329 [02:52:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])! [02:52:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9) [02:52:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)! [02:52:16 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api). [02:52:16 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetBed.PolyamorySweetBedAPI). [02:52:16 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetKiss.KissingAPI). [02:52:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] got string! [02:52:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] got int! [02:52:16 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetLove.PolyamorySweetLoveAPI). [02:52:17 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetRooms.SweetRoomsAPI). [02:52:17 INFO PyTK Lite] Using PyTK Lite [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of dependencies to check: 5 [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI... [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SMAPI is out of date: False [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SMAPI is loaded and up to date. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher... [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Content Patcher: Local version (2.5.3) is older than required version (2.0.0): False [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking SpaceCore... [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SpaceCore: Local version (1.27.0) is older than required version (1.19.0): False [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] SpaceCore is loaded and up to date. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Custom Companions... [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Custom Companions: Local version (5.0.0) is older than required version (4.1.1): False [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Custom Companions is loaded and up to date. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)... [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Farm Type Manager (FTM): Local version (1.24.0) is older than required version (1.17.0): False [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of missing mods: 0 [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Number of out of date mods: 0 [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Animations". [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Backgrounds". [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Dateables. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "GameMenu_ChangeTab_PostFix. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Rings. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch from "SummitFarm". [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch from "TreasureItems". [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "UntimedSO" prefixing SDV method. [02:52:17 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Applying Harmony Patch "Music". [02:52:17 TRACE Save Backup] Backed up to C:\Steam Library 2\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\save-backups\2025-03-23 - SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley [02:52:17 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready! [02:52:17 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts... [02:52:17 TRACE SMAPI] None found! [02:52:17 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates... [02:52:18 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h" [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] SMAPI okay. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates to 37 mods... [02:52:18 TRACE SpaceCore] PyTK is installed, but we couldn't notify it about serializer changes. PyTK serialization might not work correctly. Technical details: couldn't fetch its mod instance. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/Dungeons'. [02:52:18 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' ) [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods: Content Patcher: The CurseForge mod with ID '309243' has no valid versions. Frontier Farm Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component): The value '-1' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component): The value '-1' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component): The value '-1' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. [02:52:18 ALERT SMAPI] You can update 1 mod: [02:52:18 ALERT SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.3.0: (you have 1.2.5) [02:52:18 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h" [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:18 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 [02:52:18 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:05.9079756' [02:52:18 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True [02:52:18 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK [02:52:18 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket [02:52:19 INFO SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM). [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU). [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA). [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP). [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF). [02:52:19 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API not found: Item Extensions. [02:52:19 TRACE Better Friendship] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE CJB Cheats Menu] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE CJB Item Spawner] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Custom Companions] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [02:52:19 DEBUG Custom Companions] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher. [02:52:19 DEBUG Custom Companions] Loading companions from pack: Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.17 by Rafseazz [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.BrownChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.BrownCow' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.FarmKiwi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.MistFox' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.MistFoxRing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.RingSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Spirit4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.SpiritFox' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.SpiritFoxRing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WanderingChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WhiteChicken' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.WhiteCow' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:19 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [02:52:19 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [02:52:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/VirtualCurrencyData'. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/WearableData'. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData'. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Bed] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 INFO Generic Mod Config Menu] ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed (registering for ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed) is using deprecated code (AddNumberOption(IManifest mod, Func<int> getValue, Action<int> setValue, Func<string> name = null, Func<string> tooltip = null, int? min = null, int? max = null, int? interval = null, string fieldId = null)) that will break in a future version of GMCM. [02:52:19 TRACE PolyamorySweet Kiss] Kissing audio path: C:\Steam Library 2\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\PolyamorySweet-20599-1-3-0-1741343188\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetKiss\assets\kiss.wav [02:52:19 TRACE PolyamorySweet Kiss] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetKiss.KissingAPI) for PolyamorySweet Kiss. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetBed.PolyamorySweetBedAPI) for Polyamory Sweet Bed. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetRooms.SweetRoomsAPI) for PolyamorySweet Rooms. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Kiss API loaded [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Bed API loaded [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Rooms API loaded [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [02:52:19 TRACE PolyamorySweet Rooms] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [02:52:19 TRACE SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Rooms loaded asset 'ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetRooms/dict'. [02:52:19 TRACE PolyamorySweet Rooms] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetLove.PolyamorySweetLoveAPI) for Polyamory Sweet Love. [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] PolyamorySweetLove API loaded [02:52:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 INFO Generic Mod Config Menu] ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding (registering for ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding) is using deprecated code (AddNumberOption(IManifest mod, Func<int> getValue, Action<int> setValue, Func<string> name = null, Func<string> tooltip = null, int? min = null, int? max = null, int? interval = null, string fieldId = null)) that will break in a future version of GMCM. [02:52:19 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [02:52:19 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [02:52:19 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE game] Registered event command: RSVShowImage [02:52:19 TRACE game] Registered event command: RSVStopShowImage [02:52:19 TRACE game] Registered precondition: rsvRidingHorse [02:52:19 TRACE Self Serve] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE SkullCavernElevator] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE The Return of Immersive Scarecrows] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE Becoming Familiar] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 TRACE UI Info Suite 2] Registered Sound: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2.sounds.LevelUp [02:52:19 TRACE UI Info Suite 2] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:19 INFO UI Info Suite 2] Loaded API for mod spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu [02:52:19 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK [02:52:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Polyamory Sweet Love added a custom token with prefix 'ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetLove/': PlayerSpouses. [02:52:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Farm Type Manager added a custom token with prefix 'Esca.FarmTypeManager/': NumberOfMonsters. [02:52:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Custom Companions added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.CustomCompanions/': Companions. [02:52:20 TRACE Content Patcher] Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) added 22 custom tokens with prefix 'Rafseazz.RidgesideVillage/': BryleWeeklyVisitDays, Celebrant, CelebrantDisplayName, EasyIntroduction, EnableBetterBusStop, EnableOtherNPCsInCableCar, EnableRidgesideMusic, EnableTouristNPCs, ExpandedFestivalMaps, FoxbloomDay, FoxbloomSpawned, IreneTraveling, PoleAtBackwoods, ProgressiveStory, RepeatCableCarCutscene, RSVInstallDay, RSVNPCSAttendFestivals, SeasonalRSVMap, ShirtNameFromId, ShowVillagersOnMap, SpouseGender, ZayneWeeklyVisitDays. [02:52:20 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked. [02:52:20 INFO Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - Immersive Spouses - OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods - Seasonal Cute Characters SVE For mod authors, see how to update a mod: [02:52:20 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'. [02:52:24 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.FarmKiwi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.FarmKiwi (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE game] Successfully loaded ContentHashes.json containing 3560 file(s); [02:52:24 TRACE game] EnsureManifestInitialized() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.0064772' [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/emojis (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/BigCraftables (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Crops (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Crops (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Shirts (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Weapons (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Weapons (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Buildings (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Buildings (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FruitTrees (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FruitTrees (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations. [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/LocationContexts (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/LocationContexts (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CraftingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CraftingRecipes (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CookingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CookingRecipes (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/JukeboxTracks (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h" [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AudioChanges (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AudioChanges (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 35 asset names (CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.FarmKiwi, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy, Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/hats, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Shirts, Data/TriggerActions, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/emojis, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles). Propagated 23 core assets (Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/hats, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Shirts, Data/TriggerActions, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/emojis, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles). [02:52:36 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'. [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations. [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations). Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Locations). [02:52:36 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of gizzymo.canonfriendlyexpansion [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of OhoDavi.SDVAnimeP [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of flashshifter.FrontierFarm [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of iss.immersivespouses [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of ApryllForever.CPPolyamorySweet [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteSpritesSVE [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Rafseazz.RSVSeasonalOutfits [02:52:36 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Papaya.ShikoTakahashi [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/TriggerActions (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/TriggerActions (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success [02:52:36 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in [02:52:36 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'. [02:52:36 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080} [02:52:36 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h" [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:36 TRACE game] Successfully set GOG Galaxy profile name. [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Furniture (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Furniture (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Boots (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Boots (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/hats (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/Objects (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:52:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Machines (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:52:57 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task... [02:52:57 TRACE SpaceCore] Reinitializing serializers for 4 mod types... [02:53:01 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Checking for extra spouses in 2 friends [02:53:01 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] reloaded 0 spouses for Dylan -5371770454566330128 [02:53:01 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [02:53:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/UI (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/UI (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:01 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080} [02:53:01 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_base (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:15 TRACE game] gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'. [02:53:15 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader synchronizing... [02:53:15 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator('KingRanch_402391718') [02:53:15 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_ReadSave' task... [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:17 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Checking for extra spouses in 0 friends [02:53:17 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] reloaded 0 spouses for 481221527137355612 [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/farmhouse_tiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FurnitureExtensionData'. [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/NpcExtensionData'. [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gil (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Bundles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Mods/FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP/SVEFruitTrees' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:18 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [02:53:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Shirts (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/ChairTiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gil (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gil (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h" [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 18 asset names (CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest1, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest10, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest2, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest3, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest4, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest5, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest6, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest7, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest8, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Guest9, CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.Howdy, Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, Maps/townInterior, Portraits/Gil, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/ChairTiles). Propagated 7 core assets (Data/Characters, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, Maps/townInterior, Portraits/Gil, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/ChairTiles). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AdditionalFarms (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_LoadForNewGame' task... [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData'. [02:53:19 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited spacechase0.SpaceCore/ObjectExtensionData (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_SVE_Tilesheet2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_z_extras' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_z_extras (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_SVEbuildingShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Town' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_SVE_Tilesheet2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_z_extras' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_z_extras (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_SVEbuildingShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaFurniture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaWallsAndFloors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JoshHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaFurniture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaWallsAndFloors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HaleyHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SamHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaCraftables' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaSpringObjects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Blacksmith' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaCraftables' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaSpringObjects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ManorHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SeedShop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Arcade_Couch' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Saloon' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Arcade_Couch' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Trailer' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Hospital' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HarveyRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Beach' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Fish (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Fish (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Beach-NightMarket' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/night_market_tilesheet_objects (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:20 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Mountain' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mountain (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ScienceHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SebastianRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zGrandpasFarm_CanopyShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zGrandpasFarm_UnderCanopyShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Forest' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Forest (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zGrandpasFarm_CanopyShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zGrandpasFarm_UnderCanopyShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_WizardTowerLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/WizardHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WizardHouse (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_WizardTowerLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_FireLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AnimalShop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_FireLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/LeahHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/BusStop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/BusStop (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgesidebuildings' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/BusStop (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgesidebuildings' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Mine' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Desert' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/desert_festival_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Club' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SandyHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ArchaeologyHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ArchaeologyHouse (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/WizardHouseBasement' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AdventureGuild' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_RedBaneberry_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Woods' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_RedBaneberry_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Railroad' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Railroad (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WitchSwamp (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WitchHut (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/WitchWarpCave (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Summit' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/FishShop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JojaMart' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/SkullCave (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Backwoods' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Backwoods (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvcablecar' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Backwoods (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvcablecar' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Trailer_big' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/submarine_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/MovieTheater' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/MoviesReactions (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/MoviesReactions (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/MoviesReactions (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_S_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Island_S (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_S_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_SE_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Island_SE (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_SE_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_W_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Island_W (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_Island_W_CoralReefs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/volcano_dungeon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_CalderaLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Caldera (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Mines/volcano_dungeon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_CalderaLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/MasteryCave' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Desert-Festival' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AuroraVineyardRefurbished' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AuroraVineyardCellarRefurbished' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrandpasShedRuins' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrandpasShed' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_TownEast' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_CrimsonLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_Shadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_WarpLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FakeEnchantedGrove' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_CrimsonLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_Shadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_WarpLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_Colors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FakeEnchantedGrove2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EnchantedGrove_Colors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_WillyRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_MarnieShed' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AndyHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AndyCellar' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SusanHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/BathroomTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_JenkinsHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/BathroomTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_OliviaCellar' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SophiaHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SophiaCellar' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CrimsonBadlandsMap' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_CrimsonBadlandsMap' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CrimsonBadlandsMap' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_MovieTheaterScreen_ClaireEvent' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_CastleVillage_DayEnd_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AuroraVineyardPicture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/AuroraVineyardPicture (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AuroraVineyardPictureMap' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AuroraVineyardPicture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/AuroraVineyardPicture (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/StardustFarmPicture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/StardustFarmPicture (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_StardustFarmPictureMap' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/StardustFarmPicture' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/StardustFarmPicture (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CastleVillage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GaldoranVoid' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CastleVillage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Claire_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Martin_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Camilla_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Alesia_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Isaac_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Lance_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Jadu_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Apples_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Peaches_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Charlie_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Morgan_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Scarlett_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Sandy_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ApplesRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GunthersRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Countryside_BusStop_Bus' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Countryside_BusStop_NoBus' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Countryside_ClaireHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ClaireHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_JojaEmporium' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_JojaEmporium (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_mine' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GuntherExpedition1' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_mine' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/GuntherExpedition2_Shadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GuntherExpedition2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/GuntherExpedition2_Shadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonFields_Small' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_BusStop_NoBus' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SakuraVineyardCottageInterior' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaCursors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/VanillaCursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Highway' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaCursors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/VanillaCursors (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Sawyer_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Jolyne_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Edmund_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Gale_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Gertrude_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Brock_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Cordelia_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Freya_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Cassandra_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Emin_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Brianna_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Drake_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HighlandsDwarf_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_MorrisHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:23 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_MorrisHouse (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForestWest_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ForestWestOld' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForestWest_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_LanceSecretWarp' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/summer_z_extras' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_z_extras (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Krobus_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VoidDen_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_VoidDen' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VoidDen_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_GrampletonSuburbsTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_GrampletonSuburbsTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ScarlettHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_GrampletonSuburbsTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_GrampletonSuburbsTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HanksGarage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HanksGarage' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HanksGarage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_WoodsCompat' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_ValleyBackdrop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_VictorSummit' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_ValleyBackdrop' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AuroraVineyard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Copper' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Copper (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Gems' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Gems (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Gold' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Gold (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Iron' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Iron (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Shadow' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FrontierFarm_HiddenCave' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Copper' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Copper (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Gems' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Gems (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Gold' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Gold (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Iron' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/HiddenCave_Iron (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HiddenCave_Shadow' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FrontierFarm_UndergroundTunnel' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_z_extras' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/spring_z_extras (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_z_Waterfalls' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FerngillRepublicFrontier_HotSpring' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_z_Waterfalls' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FerngillRepublicFrontier_Cave' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_DayEnd_WarpRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheetRuins' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheet_MaskEffect' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Atlantis' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheetRuins' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/AtlantisTilesheet_MaskEffect' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RailwayTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_DesertRailway' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RailwayTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_EnchantedGrove' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_EnchantedGrove (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/FirstSlashGuildBuilding' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/FirstSlashGuildBuilding (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FirstSlashGuestRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/FirstSlashGuildBuilding' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/FirstSlashGuildBuilding (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Lighthouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonCoast' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Lighthouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/GrampletonTrainStationTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/GrampletonTrainStationTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonTrainStation' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/GrampletonTrainStationTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/GrampletonTrainStationTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrenvilleFalls' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:24 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_LightingTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_OreTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_ShadowTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HighlandsCavernPrison' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_LightingTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_OreTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsCavern_ShadowTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HighlandsCavernPrisonEvent' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/IridiumQuarry' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/IridiumQuarry_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_IridiumQuarry' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/IridiumQuarry' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/IridiumQuarry_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JojaPetStore' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_JojaPetStore' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JojaPetStore' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SakuraVineyardTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SakuraVineyard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SakuraVineyardTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SakuraVineyardCellar' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SakuraVineyardCottage' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SakuraVineyardDiningRoomTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/SakuraVineyardDiningRoomTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SakuraVineyardDiningRoom' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SakuraVineyardDiningRoomTilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/SakuraVineyardDiningRoomTilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SpriteSpringCave_Effects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SpriteSpringCave' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SpriteSpringCave_Effects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_TreasureCave' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_TreasureCave (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Void' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:25 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Entrance_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_Entrance_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_Entrance' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Entrance_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_Entrance_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_FoodCourt_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_FoodCourt_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_FoodCourt' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_FoodCourt_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_FoodCourt_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_MainHall_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_MainHall' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_MainHall_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Stage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_Stage' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Stage_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_VendorFloor_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_VendorFloor_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_VendorFloor' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_VendorFloor_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZCCC_VendorFloor_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZuzuCityStreet_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZuzuCityStreet_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZuzuCityStreet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZuzuCityStreet_Tilesheet' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/ZuzuCityStreet_Tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HighlandsOutpost' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_HighlandsOutpost (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Outpost_CrimsonLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_CastleVillageOutpost' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_CastleVillageOutpost (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Outpost_CrimsonLight' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FirstSlashGuild' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_FirstSlashGuild (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FirstSlashHallway' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_FirstSlashHallway (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_WizardBasementLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_WizardBasement' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_WizardBasementLights' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CherryBlossomPetals' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Courtyard_NPCs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ZCCC_Courtyard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/CherryBlossomPetals' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ZCCC_Courtyard_NPCs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SVESummit' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_AdventurerSummit' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_AdventurerSummit (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_BlueMoonVineyard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForbiddenMaze_Darkness' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForbiddenMaze_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ForbiddenMaze' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_ForbiddenMaze (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:26 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForbiddenMaze_Darkness' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ForbiddenMaze_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HenchmanBackyard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_HenchmanBackyard (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HenchmanHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/summer_SVE_Tilesheet2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/summer_z_extras' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/summer_z_extras (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_DinoIsland_South' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/summer_SVE_Tilesheet2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/DinoIsland_North_Mask' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_DinoIsland_North' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/DinoIsland_North_Mask' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_CastleVillage' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RedEyes' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_CrimsonBadlands' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_CastleVillage' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RedEyes' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FableReef' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_FableReef (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaFloors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrandpasShedGreenhouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/VanillaFloors' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ForestWest' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_ForestWest (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Garden' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Garden (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonSuburbs' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_GrampletonSuburbs (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:27 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonSuburbsTrainStation' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrampletonSuburbsOutskirts' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GoGoatRanch' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GoGoatRanch_Interior' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_GrandpasShedOutside' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_GrandpasShedOutside (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Highlands_CanopyTreeShadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Highlands' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Highlands (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Highlands_CanopyTreeShadows' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_HighlandsCavern' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_DiamondCavern' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JunimoWoods_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_JunimoWoods' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/JunimoWoods_Shadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_MorrisModernHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_MorrisProperty' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_MorrisModernHouse' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ShearwaterBridgeConeBarricade' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_ShearwaterBridge' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/ShearwaterBridgeConeBarricade' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SpriteSpring_Effects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_SpriteSpring2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/SpriteSpring_Effects' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_SVE_Tilesheet2' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_SVEbuildingShadow' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_FerngillRepublicFrontier' (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:28 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_FerngillRepublicFrontier (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvcliffhouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvwideview' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvshadows' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvinterior' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCliff_AlissaDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvcliffhouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvwideview' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvshadows' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvinterior' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RafNPCSheet' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvfestivals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCliff_FayeDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RafNPCSheet' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvfestivals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvCorineDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgetiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCorineDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvCorineDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgetiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Festivals (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RVanimals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgeside' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zridgesideCraftables' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspecialeffects' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspiritrealm' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage_Event' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RVanimals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zridgeside' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zridgesideCraftables' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspecialeffects' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspiritrealm' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage_CookOff' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zridgesidefurniture' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage_Fashion' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zridgesidefurniture' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvcolorlights' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge_KennethDate_OFF' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvcolorlights' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvwallsfloorcopy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVEvacuationCenter' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvwallsfloorcopy' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge_KennethDate_ON' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/farmhouse_tiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PurpleMansion_Ball' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AmethyneCorp' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AmethyneJewelry' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvAmethyneCave' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvAmethyneCrystals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AmethyneMine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvAmethyneCave' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvAmethyneCrystals' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCave' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCave (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EzekielPicFinal' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EzekielPic' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EzekielPic (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/EzekielPicFinal' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/FreddieShedItems' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LolaShed' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LolaShed (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/FreddieShedItems' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvSpacerockTiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_TortsRealm' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_TortsRealm (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvSpacerockTiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVAbandonedHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVAbandonedHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/pirates_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/fire' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_JuneNPC_ResortDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/pirates_tilesheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/fire' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MovieTheater_TileSheet (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PrincessVilleDate' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PrincessVilleDate (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVVerdeView' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVWestCliff' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVVerdeView' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvgarden' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse1 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_rsvgarden' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspiritrealm_corrupt' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse2 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvspiritrealm_corrupt' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvscene1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheRide' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheRide (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvscene1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheRide_static' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_WeddingReception' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_WeddingReception_Temp' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_Ballroom' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_Birthday' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_Birthday (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/DesertTiles (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall_NightParty' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RSVBonfire' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/winter_zridgesidebuildings' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EmberNight' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EmberNight (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/RSVBonfire' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/fall_zridgeside' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/fall_zridgesidebuildings' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/fall_town (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvgatheringtiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGathering' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGathering (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsvgatheringtiles' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarBasement' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarBasement (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarLab' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarLab (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AlissaHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AlissaHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AlissaShed' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AlissaShed (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BertHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BertHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BertHouse2ndFloor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BertHouse2ndFloor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EzekielHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_EzekielHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_FreddieHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_FreddieHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_IanHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_IanHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_JericHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_JericHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_KennethHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_KennethHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LennyHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LennyHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotel2ndFloor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotel2ndFloor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotel3rdFloor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotel3rdFloor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotelLobby' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinHotelLobby (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MaddieHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MaddieHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PikaHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PikaHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVNinjaHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVNinjaHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_ShiroHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_ShiroHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_LogCabinEventHall (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BlairHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_BlairHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_FayeHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_FayeHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PurpleMansion' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PurpleMansion (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PurpleMansion2ndFloor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PurpleMansion2ndFloor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsv3brosInterior' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_3Bros' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_3Bros (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zrsv3brosInterior' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_3Bros2ndFloor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_3Bros2ndFloor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSewers' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PaulaClinic' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_PaulaClinic (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSummitHouse' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSummitHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSummitHouseNew' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSummitHouseNew (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSummitShed' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls1 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls2 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_MysticFalls3 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/summer_zridgeside' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgePond' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgePond (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeFalls' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeFalls (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvwideviewnight' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCableCar' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCableCar (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zrsvwideviewnight' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCliff' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVCliff (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheHike' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheHike (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_SummitFarm' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_SummitFarm (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVRoad' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVHiddenWarp' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVHiddenWarp (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVHiddenWarp2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVHiddenWarp2 (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zRSVbg' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RSVspousePic' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/z_RSVspousePic (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_WeddingReceptionPic' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/spring_zRSVbg' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/z_RSVspousePic' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/z_RSVspousePic (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zKiarraPickDesign' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_KiarraPick' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zKiarraPickDesign' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVOldKids' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_OldRSVKids' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVOldKids' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVSkyGazing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSkyGazing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVSkyGazing' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVZuzuCableCarView' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_ZuzuCableCarView' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/zRSVZuzuCableCarView' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCaveFixed' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCaveFixed_alt' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/FarmExtensionData'. [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/townInterior (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SpaceCore] Event: OnBlankSave [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Farmer' task... [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [02:53:31 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Load_Locations' task... [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/ChairTiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:31 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/ChairTiles (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/MorrisTod' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/MorrisTod (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/MorrisTod' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/MorrisTod (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/MorrisTod' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/MorrisTod (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Evelyn_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Evelyn_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Evelyn (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/George_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/George_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/George (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Alex_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Alex_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alex (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Emily_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Emily_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Emily (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Haley_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Haley_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Haley (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jodi_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jodi_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jodi (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sam_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sam_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sam (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Vincent_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Vincent_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Vincent (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Clint_Spring_Work' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Clint_Spring_Work' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Clint (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Lewis_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Lewis_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lewis (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Abigail_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Abigail_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Abigail (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Caroline_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Caroline_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Caroline (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Pierre_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Pierre_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pierre (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Gus_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Gus_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Gus (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Shiko' (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Shiko' (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Shiko' (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shiko (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Pam_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Pam_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pam (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Penny_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Penny_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Penny (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Harvey_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Harvey_Spring (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Harvey_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Harvey (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Elliott_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Elliott_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Elliott (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Demetrius_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Demetrius_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Demetrius (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Maru_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Maru_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maru (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Robin_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Robin_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Robin (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sebastian_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sebastian_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sebastian (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Linus_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Linus_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Linus (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Wizard (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Wizard (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Wizard (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Wizard (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Wizard (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Wizard' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Wizard (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jas_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jas_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jas (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Marnie_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Marnie_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Marnie (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Shane_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Shane_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shane (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Leah_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Leah_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Leah (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Dwarf (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dwarf (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Krobus (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Krobus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Krobus (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Krobus' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/MrQi (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/MrQi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/MrQi (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sandy_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sandy_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sandy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sandy (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sandy (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Bouncer (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Bouncer (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Bouncer (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gunther (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 ERROR Content Patcher] Can't apply image patch "Seasonal Cute Characters SVE > Gunther Vanilla Portait" to Portraits/Gunther: target area (X:0, Y:0, Width:128, Height:192) extends past the right edge of the image (Width:64), which isn't allowed. Patches can only extend the tilesheet downwards. [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Gunther (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Gunther (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/GuntherSilvian' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/GuntherSilvian (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/GuntherSilvian' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/GuntherSilvian (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/GuntherSilvian (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/GuntherSilvian' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/GuntherSilvian (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/GuntherSilvian' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/GuntherSilvian (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Marlon (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Marlon (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/MarlonFay' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/MarlonFay (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/MarlonFay' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/MarlonFay (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/MarlonFay' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/MarlonFay (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Henchman (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Henchman (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Willy_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Willy_Spring' (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Willy (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Birdie (for the 'OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Birdie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Birdie (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Andy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Andy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Andy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Andy (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Andy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Andy (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Andy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Andy (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Susan' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Susan (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Susan' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Susan (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Susan' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Susan (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Victor' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Victor (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Victor' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Victor (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Victor' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Victor (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Victor' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Victor (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Olivia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 ERROR Content Patcher] Can't apply image patch "Seasonal Cute Characters SVE > Portraits regular season (Portraits/Olivia)" to Portraits/Olivia: target area (X:0, Y:0, Width:128, Height:320) extends past the right edge of the image (Width:64), which isn't allowed. Patches can only extend the tilesheet downwards. [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Olivia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Olivia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Olivia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Olivia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Olivia (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Olivia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Olivia (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sophia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Sophia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sophia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Sophia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sophia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sophia (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Sophia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sophia (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Claire' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Claire (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Claire' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Claire (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Claire' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Claire (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Claire' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Claire (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Martin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Martin (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Martin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Martin (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Martin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Martin (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Martin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Martin (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Camilla' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Camilla (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Camilla' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Camilla (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Camilla' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Alesia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Alesia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Alesia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Alesia (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Alesia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Isaac' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Isaac (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Isaac' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Isaac (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Isaac' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jadu' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jadu (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jadu' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jadu (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Jadu' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jadu (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Peaches' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Peaches' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Peaches' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/ScarlettFake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/ScarlettFake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/ScarlettFake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sawyer' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sawyer' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sawyer' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Sawyer' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sawyer (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Edmund' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Edmund' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Edmund' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Gertrude' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Gertrude' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Gertrude' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Brock' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Brock' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Brock' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Cordelia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Cordelia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Cordelia' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Freya' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Freya' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Freya' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Cassandra' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Cassandra' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Cassandra' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Emin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Emin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Emin' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/HighlandsDwarf' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/HighlandsDwarf' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/HighlandsDwarf' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/HankSVE' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/HankSVE' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/HankSVE' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/HankSVE' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/HankSVE (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Treyvon' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Treyvon' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Treyvon' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Treyvon' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Treyvon (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jolyne' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jolyne (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jolyne' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jolyne (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Jolyne' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Jolyne' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jolyne (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Brianna' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Brianna' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Brianna' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Brianna' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Brianna (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Drake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Drake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Drake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Drake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Drake (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Gale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Gale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Gale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Gale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Gale (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Undreya_1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Undreya_1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Undreya' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Undreya (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Aguar_2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Aguar_2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Aguar' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Aguar (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Alissa_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Alissa_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Alissa' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Alissa (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Trinnie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Trinnie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Trinnie' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Trinnie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Olga_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Olga_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Olga' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Olga (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Bert_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Bert_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Bert' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Bert (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Corine_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Corine_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Corine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Corine (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Ezekiel_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Ezekiel_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Ezekiel' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Ezekiel (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Freddie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Freddie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Freddie' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Freddie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Lola_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Lola_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Lola' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lola (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Ian_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Ian_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Ian' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:32 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Ian (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Ian' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Ian (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sean_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sean_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sean' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sean (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Sean' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sean (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jeric_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jeric_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Jeric' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jeric (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Kenneth_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Kenneth_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Kenneth' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kenneth (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Lenny_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Lenny_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Lenny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lenny (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Ysabelle_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Ysabelle_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Ysabelle' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Ysabelle (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Flor_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Flor_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Flor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Flor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Philip_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Philip_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Philip' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Philip (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Richard_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Richard_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Richard' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Richard (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Maddie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Maddie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Maddie' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maddie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Pika_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Pika_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Pika' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pika (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Keahi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Keahi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Keahi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Keahi (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Jio_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Portraits/Jio_spring (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Jio_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Jio_spring (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Jio' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Jio (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Shiro_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Shiro_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Shiro' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shiro (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Yuuma_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Yuuma_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Yuuma' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Yuuma (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Carmen_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Carmen_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Carmen' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Carmen (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Blair_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Blair_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Blair' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Blair (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Faye_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Faye_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Faye' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Faye (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sonny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sonny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sonny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sonny (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Irene_Chef' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Irene_Chef' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Irene' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Irene (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Maive_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Maive_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Maive' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Maive (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Ariah_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Ariah_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Ariah' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Ariah (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Louie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Louie_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Louie' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Louie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Lorenzo_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Lorenzo_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Lorenzo' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lorenzo (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Anton_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Anton_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Anton' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Anton (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Kiarra_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Kiarra_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Kiarra' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kiarra (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Shanice_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Shanice_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Shanice' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Shanice (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Paula_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Paula_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Paula' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Paula (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Torts' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Torts' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Torts' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Torts (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Althea' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Althea' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Althea' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Althea (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Lorraine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Lorraine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Lorraine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Lorraine (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Nadaline' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Nadaline' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Nadaline' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Nadaline (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Zachary' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Zachary' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Zachary' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Zachary (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Kiwi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Kiwi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Kiwi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kiwi (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/TreehouseGirl' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/TreehouseGirl' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/TreehouseGirl' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/TreehouseGirl (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/RelicSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/RelicSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/RelicSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/RelicSpirit (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Bryle_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Bryle_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Bryle' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Bryle (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Bryle' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Bryle (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Naomi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Naomi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Naomi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Naomi (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Zayne_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Zayne_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Zayne' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Zayne (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Zayne' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Zayne (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Malaya_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Malaya_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Malaya' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Malaya (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Kimpoi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Kimpoi_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Kimpoi' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Kimpoi (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Belinda' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Belinda' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Belinda' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Belinda (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Raeriyala' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Raeriyala' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Raeriyala' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Raeriyala (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Sari' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Sari' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Sari' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Sari (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Pipo' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Pipo' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Pipo' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Pipo (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Acorn' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Acorn' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Acorn' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Acorn (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Helen' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Helen' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Helen' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Helen (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Daia_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Daia_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Daia' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Daia (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/Bliss' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Bliss' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/Bliss' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/Bliss (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/June_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/June_spring' (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/June' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/schedules/June (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Portraits/MermaidLantana' (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/MermaidLantana' (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/schedules/MermaidLantana' (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [02:53:33 TRACE game] gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'. [02:53:33 TRACE game] getLoadEnumerator() exited, elapsed = '00:00:17.8446958' [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/FarmHouse (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Events/FarmHouse (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Custom Companions loaded asset 'CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.RingSpirit' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.RingSpirit (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (CustomCompanions/Companions/Rafseazz.RSVCC.RingSpirit). Propagated 0 core assets (). [02:53:33 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'playingGameMode (3)' ) [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Game loader done. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'SVE_ChallengingBadlands' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE_ChallengingBadlands received]. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'SVE_ChallengingMarshlands' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE_ChallengingMarshlands received]. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern received]. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'SVE_LowMemoryBadlands' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE_LowMemoryBadlands received]. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'SVE_LowMemoryHighlands' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE_LowMemoryHighlands received]. [02:53:33 TRACE game] Applied trigger action 'FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP_LanceRiceRemove' with actions [RemoveMail Current SVE.LanceRice]. [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Festivals/FestivalDates (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1920 Height:1080} [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/farmer_base (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Context: loaded save 'KingRanch_402391718', starting spring 1 Y1, locale set to . Single-player. [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Ridgeside Village Seasonal Outfits' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Checking for extra spouses in 2 friends [02:53:33 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] reloaded 0 spouses for Dylan -5371770454566330128 [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding loaded asset 'ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding/dictionary'. [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Adding pedestals [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'LooseSprites/RSVIcon' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/RSVIcon (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV: No fridge found. Creating new chest to be Summit House fridge. [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV: Added 15 pieces of furniture [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] dailies Done: [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV: Greenhouse Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCaveTemporary could not be found [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV: Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse1 set to greenhouse [02:53:33 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV: Custom_Ridgeside_RSVGreenhouse2 set to greenhouse [02:53:33 INFO UI Info Suite 2] Setting up icon sheet [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Maps/HighlandsBackground' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Checking for extra spouses in 2 friends [02:53:34 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] reloaded 0 spouses for Dylan -5371770454566330128 [02:53:34 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] no spouses [02:53:34 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Removed all repeatable events [02:53:34 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day is starting. Loading config data. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning file loading process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Other mod condition(s) found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod check successful: "FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP" does exist. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The OtherMods list matches the player's mods. File allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Content pack loaded successfully. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from content pack: Frontier Farm Forage Locations [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from content pack: Frontier Farm Forage Locations [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for content pack: Frontier Farm Forage Locations [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Farm type condition(s) found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Farm type did NOT match any settings. File disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Content pack loaded successfully. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All available content packs checked. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Loading files from FarmTypeManager/data [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validating data from FarmTypeManager/data [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for duplicate UniqueAreaIDs... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Assigning new UniqueAreaIDs to any blanks or duplicates... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Validation complete for data from FarmTypeManager/data [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking file conditions... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] FarmTypeManager/data farm data loaded successfully. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking for saved objects that went missing overnight. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Missing objects: 0. Respawned: 0. Not respawned due to obstructions: 0. Skipped due to missing maps: 0. Skipped due to missing item types: 0. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Diamond Wand Chest" (Custom_HighlandsOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Monster Splitter Chest" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:anyPlayer|contains=LegendaryTrioSlayed". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Heavy Shield Chest" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:anyPlayer|contains=LegendaryTrioSlayed". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Galdoran Vendor Schedule Chest Spawn" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CastleVillageOutpost: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Galdoran Vendor Schedule Chest Spawn" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Farm Cave SVE fruit spawns" (FarmCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: FarmCave". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Extra Spring Onion Spawns 1" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Forest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Extra Spring Onion Spawns 1" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Extra Spring Onion Spawns 2" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Extra Spring Onion Spawns 3" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Pelican Town" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Joja Pelican Town" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:anyPlayer|contains=5553210". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Bus Stop" (BusStop) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Backwoods" (Backwoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Forest" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Joja Forest" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:anyPlayer|contains=5553210". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Mountain" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Joja Mountain" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:anyPlayer|contains=5553210". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Adventurer Summit" (Custom_AdventurerSummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Highlands" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Highlands" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Artifact Spawn Increase - Garden" (Custom_Garden) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Tide Pool Spawns" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 2. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_FableReef: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Tide Pool Spawns" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Diamond Cavern flower spawns" (Custom_DiamondCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_DiamondCavern: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Diamond Cavern flower spawns" (Custom_DiamondCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach Spawns" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_FableReef: 10 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Beach Spawns" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Gold Ocean Flower Spawn" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_FableReef: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Gold Ocean Flower Spawn" (Custom_FableReef) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Dried Sand Dollar spawns" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Big Conch spawns" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Beach: 0 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Big Conch spawns" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach forage area 2" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Beach forage area 3" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Beach: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Beach forage area 3" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest forage area 1" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Forest: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest forage area 1" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest forage area 3" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Desert forage spawns" (Desert) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 2. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Desert: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Desert forage spawns" (Desert) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "BackWoods forage area 1" (BackWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at BackWoods: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "BackWoods forage area 1" (BackWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "SVESummit forage area 1" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SVESummit: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "SVESummit forage area 1" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Thistle flower SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SVESummit: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Thistle flower SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Goldenrod SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Ferngill Primrose SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SVESummit: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Ferngill Primrose SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Winter Star Rose SVEsummit spawns" (Custom_SVESummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 2" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Summit: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Summit forage area 2" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 3" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Summit: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Summit forage area 3" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 4" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 5" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Summit: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Summit forage area 5" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Summit forage area 6" (Summit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mountain forage area 1" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Mountain: 0 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Mountain forage area 1" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mountain forage area 2" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RailRoad forage area 1" (RailRoad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at RailRoad: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RailRoad forage area 1" (RailRoad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "BlueMoonVineyard forage area 1" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_BlueMoonVineyard: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "BlueMoonVineyard forage area 1" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Garden forage area 1" (Custom_Garden) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Garden: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Garden forage area 1" (Custom_Garden) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 1" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 4 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 1" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 2" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 8 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 2" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 3" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 6 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 3" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 4" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 4" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 5" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 6" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 4. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 19 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "JunimoWoods forage area 6" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Lucky Four Leaf Clover Forest West spawns" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Lucky Four Leaf Clover Forest West spawns" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Mushroom Colony Forest West spawns" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] This area's forage list is null or empty. This generally means the springIndexList contains no valid items. Skipping to the next forage area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 1" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 4. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 11 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 1" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 2" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 2" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 3" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 3" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 4" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 4" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 5" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 5" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 6" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 6" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 7" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 7" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 8" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 8" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 9" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 3. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 9" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest West forage area 10" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest West forage area 10" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Extra forage in expanded secret woods" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Woods: 0 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Extra forage in expanded secret woods" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Extra fiddlehead fern forage in expanded secret woods during summer" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] This area's forage list is null or empty. This generally means the springIndexList contains no valid items. Skipping to the next forage area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Bearberrys Spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Woods forage area 1" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Woods forage area 2" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Ancient Ferns Spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Woods: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Ancient Ferns Spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Salal Berry Spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Smelly Rafflesia spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Poison berry spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] This area's forage list is null or empty. This generally means the springIndexList contains no valid items. Skipping to the next forage area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "poison mushroom spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "mushroom colony spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Lucky Four Leaf Clover spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Woods: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Lucky Four Leaf Clover spawns" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 2" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage area 3" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring forage - Crocus spawns" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring Flower Spawns" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 2. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SpriteSpring2: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring Flower Spawns" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring Cave mushroom forage" (Custom_SpriteSpringCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SpriteSpringCave: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring Cave mushroom forage" (Custom_SpriteSpringCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring Cave ancient fruit" (Custom_SpriteSpringCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SpriteSpringCave: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring Cave ancient fruit" (Custom_SpriteSpringCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Doll" (Custom_AuroraVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_AuroraVineyard: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Doll" (Custom_AuroraVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Newspaper" (Custom_AuroraVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_AuroraVineyard: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Aurora Vineyard Newspaper" (Custom_AuroraVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Treasure Chest in Suburbs" (Custom_GrampletonSuburbs) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_GrampletonSuburbs: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Treasure Chest in Suburbs" (Custom_GrampletonSuburbs) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Secret Woods sweet gem berry seed" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Woods: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Secret Woods sweet gem berry seed" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern mineral spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 11. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 29 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern mineral spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern mineral spawns - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern rare prismatic shard spawn" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern rare prismatic shard spawn - double chance to spawn with challenging config" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Fern and mushroom spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 8 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Fern and mushroom spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Mountain Forage Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 45 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Highlands Mountain Forage Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forbidden Maze swamp forage Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 7. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 94 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forbidden Maze swamp forage Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forbidden Maze swamp forage Extra Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forbidden Maze Swamp Flower Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 50 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forbidden Maze Swamp Flower Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forbidden Maze Swamp Flower Extra Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Slime Egg Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 15 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Highlands Slime Egg Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Sapling Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 12. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Highlands Sapling Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highlands Ornate Treasure Chest Spawn" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Highlands Ornate Treasure Chest Spawn" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Highland Caverns Void Root spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "ShearwaterBridge forage area 1" (Custom_ShearwaterBridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 5. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ShearwaterBridge: 3 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "ShearwaterBridge forage area 1" (Custom_ShearwaterBridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Treasure Chest Spawns" (Custom_TreasureCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 8. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_TreasureCave: 8 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Treasure Chest Spawns" (Custom_TreasureCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Void Soul spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 12 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Void Soul spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Void Soul extra spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Red Slime Egg Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 9 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Red Slime Egg Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Red Slime Egg Extra Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Weapon Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 22 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Weapon Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Forest Sword Spawn" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Forest Sword Spawn" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Rapier Spawn" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Year conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current year matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Railroad: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Rapier Spawn" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands bones" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 3. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 12 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands bones" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Swirl Stone" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Swirl Stone" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Swirl Stone - 33% chance of an extra spawn" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Swirl Stone - 33% chance of an extra spawn again on Challenging config" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Enchanted Grove Dewdrop Berry spawns" (Custom_EnchantedGrove) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_EnchantedGrove: 1 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Enchanted Grove Dewdrop Berry spawns" (Custom_EnchantedGrove) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Junimo Woods Junimo Noises" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 50 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Junimo Woods Junimo Noises" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "Sprite Spring Junimo Noises" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_SpriteSpring2: 50 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "Sprite Spring Junimo Noises" (Custom_SpriteSpring2) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Forage generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Hike Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheHike) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheHike: 16 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Hike Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVTheHike) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Village Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 4. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage: 11 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Village Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgesideVillage) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge: 6 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Falls Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeFalls) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 4. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeFalls: 7 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Falls Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeFalls) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 6. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 25 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV RidgeForest Mid-Tier Treasures" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV RidgeForest Good-Tier Treasures" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV RidgeForest God-Tier Treasures" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Mistbloom" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Yellow Wood Sculpture" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Silver Fish Bones" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Silver Fish Bones" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Inked Fossil" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Inked Fossil" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Nightblack Diamond" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Retrieving list of forage types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage types found: 1. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 2 [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Nightblack Diamond" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Shell Bracelet" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Aguar Fruit Cave" (Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasDialogueAnswer". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Aguar Flower Cave" (Custom_Ridgeside_AguarCave) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasDialogueAnswer". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking forage settings for this area: "RSV Summit Farm Forage" (Custom_Ridgeside_SummitFarm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Forage generation complete for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting forage generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/KingRanch_402391718.json [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Forage generation is disabled for this file. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Forage generation process complete. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Junimo Woods Meteor Spawn" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Day conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current day matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_JunimoWoods: 8. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Junimo Woods Meteor Spawn" (Custom_JunimoWoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Grandpas Shed Logs" (Custom_GrandpasShedOutside) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 2. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_GrandpasShedOutside: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Grandpas Shed Logs" (Custom_GrandpasShedOutside) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Iridium Quarry Meteor Spawn" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 5. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Iridium Quarry Meteor Spawn" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Log Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 7. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 7. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Log Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Stump Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 20. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Stump Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Forest West Log" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForestWest: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Forest West Log" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Boulder Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 17. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 17. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Boulder Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 1" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 1" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 2" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 2" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 3" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 3" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 4" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Boulder Spawn 4" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Large object generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking large object settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Log" (Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 1. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Checking map's support for large objects... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Current map supports large objects. Checking the Find Existing Objects setting... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Find Existing Objects disabled. Skipping. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Log" (Custom_Ridgeside_Ridge) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Large object generation complete for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting large object generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/KingRanch_402391718.json [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Large object generation is disabled for this file. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Large object generation process complete. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Copper Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 60. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Copper Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Iron Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 70. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Iron Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Gold Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 80. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Gold Ore Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Mystic Stone Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Mystic Stone Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Stone + Geode Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 300. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Stone + Geode Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Stone + Geode Spawns - Low Memory" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area (Custom_HighlandsCavern). Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Prison Stone Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 8. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Prison Stone Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Diamond Cavern Ore Spawns" (Custom_DiamondCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_DiamondCavern: 8. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Diamond Cavern Ore Spawns" (Custom_DiamondCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "Iridium Quarry Ore Spawns" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 42. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "Iridium Quarry Ore Spawns" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Ore generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Ore" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Determining spawn chances for ore... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn chances complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 26. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Ore" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking ore settings for this area: "RSV Summit Farm Ore Area" (Custom_Ridgeside_SummitFarm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area (Custom_Ridgeside_SummitFarm). Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Ore generation complete for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting ore generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/KingRanch_402391718.json [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Ore generation is disabled for this file. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Ore spawn process complete. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Secret Wood slime spawns 1" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "green slime" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Woods: 15. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Secret Wood slime spawns 1" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Secret Wood slime spawns 2" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Secret Wood slime spawns 3" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Secret Wood slime spawns 4" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Flower Crab Spawns - Entire Map" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Truffle Crab" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 7. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Swamp Flower Crab Spawns - Entire Map" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Flower Crab Spawns (swamp flower map areas)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Truffle Crab" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Swamp Flower Crab Spawns (swamp flower map areas)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "The Legendary Purple Mushroom Crab - Only one appears per day anywhere in the maze." (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1337930". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Wilderness Golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 59. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "iridium golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 24. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns - iridium golem behavior - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Swamp Golem Spawns - 15% chance of a double spawn" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble timed Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Ghost" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 40. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Toxic Bubble timed Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble timed Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Putrid Swamp Ghost Spawns - after crimson badlands treasure cave event" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1925178". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Putrid Swamp Ghost Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Timed Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Haunted Skull" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 29. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Timed Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Timed Spawns - more spawn after treasure cave event" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1925178". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Timed Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (1)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (2)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (3)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (4)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (5)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (6)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (7)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (8)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (9)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (10)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (11)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (12)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (13)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (14)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (15)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (16)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Swarm Spawns - 10% chance (17)" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Toxic Bubble Haunted Skull Rare Swarm" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingMarshlands, HasSeenEvent:anyPlayer|contains=1337731". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Poltergeist Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 17. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Poltergeist Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Poltergeist Void Mayo Spawn" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Poltergeist Void Mayo Spawn" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Poltergeist radioactive ore Spawn" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Poltergeist radioactive ore Spawn" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Forbidden Maze Swamp Lurker Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_ForbiddenMaze: 21. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Forbidden Maze Swamp Lurker Spawns" (Custom_ForbiddenMaze) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Castle Village Outpost Spawns" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CastleVillageOutpost: 35. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Castle Village Outpost Spawns" (Custom_CastleVillageOutpost) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Boneyard Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 22. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Boneyard Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Serpent Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 30. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Serpent Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Shadow Shaman Sentries For The 'Incredible' Intimidating Factor" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 38. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Shadow Shaman Sentries For The 'Incredible' Intimidating Factor" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Mummy Cave Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 18. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Mummy Cave Guards" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Mummy Cave Guards - Void Delight" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard - Void Delight" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard - In Cave" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 4. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Corrupt Mummy Guard - In Cave" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Male Zombie Adventurers" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 3. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Male Zombie Adventurers" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Female Zombie Adventurer spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 3. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Female Zombie Adventurer spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Female Zombie Adventurers" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 3. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Female Zombie Adventurers" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns - Static - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - across entire map sides (not corners) - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Spawns - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns - Low Memory - Void Salmon Sushi" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Red Slime Aggro Timed Spawns - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns Starting Area - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Boneyard Guards - Low Memory" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 29. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - Weaker variants" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 53. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - Weaker variants" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - across entire map sides (not corners)" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 24. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - across entire map sides (not corners)" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Aggros - across entire map sides (not corners) - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Swarm Aggros" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 17. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Timed Serpent Swarm Aggros" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Timed Serpent Swarm Aggros - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Guard Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 6. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Guard Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Large Badlands Serpent Guard Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 1" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 35. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 1" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 1 - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 2" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 35. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 2" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 2 - timed spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 3" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 21. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 3" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens timed - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 25. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens timed - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens battlefield - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens battlefield - iridium golem behavior" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 4" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 4" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 5" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 5" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 6" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Sand Scorpion Dens 6" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Legendary Diamond Sand Scorpion" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1337930". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns - Void Salmon Sushi" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Guards - Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Guards - Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Serpent Timed Spawns - Challenging - Void Salmon Sushi" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Ghosts at iridium quarry" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Carbon Ghost" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 5. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Ghosts at iridium quarry" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Ghost Wave Spawns" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Carbon Ghost" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 25. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Ghost Wave Spawns" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Ghost Wave Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Mummy's at iridium quarry" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 16. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Mummy's at iridium quarry" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Corrupt Mummy's at iridium quarry - Void Delight" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_IridiumQuarry: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Corrupt Mummy's at iridium quarry - Void Delight" (Custom_IridiumQuarry) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Legendary Slime Spawn" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1337930". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 80. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - shadow mobs" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 80. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - shadow mobs" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - shadow mobs - low memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - shadow mobs - betrayed" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Night Spawns - shadow mobs - betrayed - low memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Spring" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 30. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Spring" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Summer" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Fall" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Winter" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Spring - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Summer - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Fall - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Haunted Chocolatier Homeage Spawns - Winter - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Spring" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 130. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Spring" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Summer" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Primary Highlands Spawns Fall" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Winter" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Spring - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_LowMemoryHighlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Summer - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Primary Highlands Spawns Fall - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Primary Spawns Winter - Low Memory" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Rare Event Spawn - Spring" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=55134263". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Rare Event Spawn - Summer" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Rare Event Spawn - Fall" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Rare Event Spawn - Winter" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Ruins Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 2. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Ruins Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Custom_Highlands monster area 5" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Mushroom green mushrooms - rain drop" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Today's weather did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 1" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 3. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 1" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 2" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 2" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 3" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 5. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 3" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 4" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 4. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Mushroom Monster Spawns 4" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Forest Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 24. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Forest Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Forest Ambush [SUMMER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Forest Ambush [FALL]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Forest Ambush [WINTER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Ruins Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 23. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Ruins Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Ruins Ambush [SUMMER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Ruins Ambush [FALL]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Ruins Ambush [WINTER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 32. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Mountain Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Ambush [SUMMER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Ambush [FALL]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Ambush [WINTER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Peek Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 23. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Mountain Peek Ambush [SPRING]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Peek Ambush [SUMMER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Peek Ambush [FALL]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Mountain Peek Ambush [WINTER]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 120. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Aggro" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 30. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Aggro" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - betrayed" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Custom_HighlandsCavern monster area 1" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Aggro - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Betrayed - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Betrayed - Aggros - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Default static spawns near entrance" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 20. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Shadow Monster Spawns - Default static spawns near entrance" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Default static spawns near entrance" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "iridium golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Stone Golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 31. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Default static spawns near entrance" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "iridium golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Stone Golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 160. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Aggro" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "iridium golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Stone Golem" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 30. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Aggro" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Primary Monster Spawns - Aggro - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 40. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 1" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 2" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 3" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 4" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 5" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 6" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 7" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 8" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 9" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 10" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 11" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 12" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 13" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Bat Swarm 14" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingHighlandsCavern". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Prison Monster Guard Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Limited Number Of Spawns condition found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] No save data found for this area; creating new counter. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawns remaining (including today): 8. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 8. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Prison Monster Guard Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Copper Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Rock Crab" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Copper Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Iron Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Rock Crab" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Iron Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Gold Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "Rock Crab" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 10. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Gold Crab Spawns" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 40. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns 2" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 30. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns 2" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Bomb drops" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 40. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Bomb drops" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Bomb drops - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Rare Prismatic Shard Drop" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All game state query (GSQ) strings were invalid. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns - Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 200. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns - Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns - Timed Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 120. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Spawns - Timed Static" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Crimson Badlands Primary Timed Spawns - Specific Coordinates - Challenging" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_ChallengingBadlands". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Monster Seeds" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_HighlandsCavern: 34. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Cavern Monster Seeds" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Cavern Monster Seeds - betrayed" (Custom_HighlandsCavern) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Ruins Seed Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 14. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Ruins Seed Spawns" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Fungus Seed - winter" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Slime Berry and Monster Fruit seeds [Spring]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season matched a setting. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 35. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Slime Berry and Monster Fruit seeds [Spring]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Slime Berry and Monster Fruit seeds [Summer]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Slime Berry and Monster Fruit seeds [Fall]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Slime Berry and Monster Fruit seeds [Winter]" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Season conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The current season did NOT match any settings. Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Highlands Boss" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions all currently match. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Highlands: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Highlands Boss" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Custom_Highlands monster area 1" (Custom_Highlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=55134259". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Apophis Boss Monster" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_CrimsonBadlands: 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "Apophis Boss Monster" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Apophis Boss Monster - Rare Boss Rush Event where players are not meant to survive" (Custom_CrimsonBadlands) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasSeenEvent:AnyPlayer|contains=1925178". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Town" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Town" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Town" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Town - betrayed" (Town) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Backwoods" (Backwoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Backwoods" (Backwoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Backwoods" (Backwoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Backwoods - betrayed" (Backwoods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Mountain" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Mountain" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Mountain" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Mountain - betrayed" (Mountain) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Railroad" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Railroad" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Railroad" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Railroad - betrayed" (Railroad) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Adventurer Summit" (Custom_AdventurerSummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Adventurer Summit" (Custom_AdventurerSummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Adventurer Summit" (Custom_AdventurerSummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Adventurer Summit - betrayed" (Custom_AdventurerSummit) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Forest" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Forest" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Forest" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Forest - betrayed" (Forest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Beach" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Beach" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Beach" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Beach - betrayed" (Beach) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Bus Stop" (BusStop) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Bus Stop" (BusStop) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Bus Stop" (BusStop) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Bus Stop - betrayed" (BusStop) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Blue Moon Vineyard" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Squid Monsters - Blue Moon Vineyard" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Blue Moon Vineyard" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Blue Moon Vineyard" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Blue Moon Vineyard - betrayed" (Custom_BlueMoonVineyard) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Forest West" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Forest West" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Forest West" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Forest West - betrayed" (Custom_ForestWest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Flyer Monsters - Woods" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Grounded Monsters - Woods" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Woods" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "Dark Shrine of Invasion - Shadow Monsters - Woods - betrayed" (Woods) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: HasFlag:|contains=SVE_BetrayalShrineActivated, HasFlag:|contains=SVE_InvasionShrineActivated, HasSeenEvent:|contains=1090508". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Monster generation complete for this content pack: Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is enabled. Starting generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Corrupted Spirit" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 43. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Corrupted Spirit" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV RidgeForest Wraith" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 34. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV RidgeForest Wraith" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Viperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "pepper rex" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 7. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Viperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV RidgeForest Extra Viperials" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] CP conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one CP condition does not currently match: "conditions don't match: SkillLevel:Combat". Spawn disabled. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Extra conditions prevent spawning in this area. Next area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Serpentine Beasts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 50. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Serpentine Beasts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Serperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "royal serpent" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 6. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Serperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Vanilla Ghosts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 21. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Vanilla Ghosts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Vanilla Grounded Monsters" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest: 95. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Ridge Forest Vanilla Grounded Monsters" (Custom_Ridgeside_RidgeForest) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Corrupted Spirit" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm: 15. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Corrupted Spirit" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Wraith" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm: 13. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Wraith" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Viperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "pepper rex" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm: 5. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Viperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Serpentine Beasts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm: 34. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Serpentine Beasts" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking monster settings for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Serperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Checking extra conditions for this area... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] GSQ conditions found. Checking... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] At least one game state query (GSQ) string was valid. Spawn allowed. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All extra conditions met. Validating list of monster types... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] The "DodgeChance" setting for monster type "royal serpent" is 0. Setting it to 1. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster type validation complete. Beginning generation process... [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Potential spawns at Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm: 5. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster spawn process complete for this area: "RSV Spirit Realm Serperial" (Custom_Ridgeside_RSVSpiritRealm) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All areas checked. Monster generation complete for this content pack: Ridgeside Village (Farm Type Manager component) [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Starting monster generation for this file: FarmTypeManager/data/KingRanch_402391718.json [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Monster generation is disabled for this file. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] All files and content packs checked. Monster generation process complete. [02:53:34 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 600... [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/RSVBeast1' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/RSVBeast3' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/RSVBeast2' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/RSVViperial' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/Apophis' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/BullyRex' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/WildernessGolemSpring' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/DustSpiritDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/ShadowBruteDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/ShadowShamanDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/EvilMummy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SkeletonDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SkeletonMageDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/GoldCrab' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/IronCrab' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/CopperCrab' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/StoneGolemDangerous' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/DangerousMetalHead' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/CorruptMummy' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/CorruptSpirit' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/CorruptSerpent' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SandScorpion' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/FallenAdventurerFemale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Monsters/FallenAdventurerFemale (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/FallenAdventurerMale' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Monsters/FallenAdventurerMale (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters SVE' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/BadlandsSerpent' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SwampLurk' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/Poltergeist' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SwampGolem' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:34 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Monsters/SwampFlowerCrab' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 2358. [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/SpecialOrders (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/SpecialOrders (for the 'Frontier Farm' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/SpecialOrders (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Refreshed RSV SpecialOrders [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Gus, [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Evelyn, [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] QiChallenge5, Qi [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] QiChallenge8, Qi [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV.UntimedSpecialOrder.LinkedFishes, RSVNinjaSO [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV.SpecialOrder.SlayViperial, RSVNinjaSO [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV.SpecialOrder.PikaDeliver, RSVTownSO [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV.SpecialOrder.MorningDrinks, RSVTownSO [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Player has done following quests: [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] RSV questfactory rolled 0.3234114364364238 [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited data/quests (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited data/quests (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] 30 candidates for daily Quest [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] chose 72861007 [02:53:35 TRACE Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)] Trying to load quest 72861007 [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:35 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Quests (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/MorrisTod' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MorrisTod (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Abigail (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Shiko' (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shiko (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Linus (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Marnie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/MarlonFay' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/MarlonFay (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Susan' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Susan (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/ScarlettFake' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/ScarlettFake (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Brock' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Brock (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/HighlandsDwarf' (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/HighlandsDwarf (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Undreya' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Undreya (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Aguar' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Aguar (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Data/animationDescriptions. [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Immersive Spouses' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/animationDescriptions (for the 'Papaya's Custom NPC Mod' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Alissa' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Alissa (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Bert' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Bert (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Corine' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Corine (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Ezekiel' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Ezekiel (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Jeric' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jeric (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Lenny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Lenny (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Flor' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Flor (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Philip' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Philip (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Richard' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Richard (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Pika' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Pika (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Jio' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Jio (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Yuuma' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Yuuma (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Carmen' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Carmen (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Sonny' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Sonny (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Louie' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Louie (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Shanice' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Shanice (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Torts' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Torts (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/Acorn' (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Dialogue/Acorn (for the 'Ridgeside Village (Content Patcher component)' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Dialogue/MermaidLantana' (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack). [02:53:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawning objects set to appear at time: 610... [02:53:41 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 610. Total objects spawned: 0. [02:53:57 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame [02:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing... [02:53:57 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.view parsed log | download