SMAPI log parser
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-03-22 15:21 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | 2 errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | 6 errors | |
Automate 2.3.3 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.0.8 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ Coii's Hats Pack 1.4.0
(+ 4 content packs)
+ Elle's Cuter Barn Animals 1.0.1 + Elle's Cuter Coop Animals 1.0.2 + Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0 |
+ Coii
+ Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + misatse1019 |
no errors | |
Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 | Cherry | no errors | |
Experience Bars 1.4.5 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Fashion Sense 7.0.2
+ (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1
(+ 1 content packs)
+ Wabi
no errors | |
Health Bars 1.9.2-unofficial.3-JoXW | Maurício Gomes (Speeder) | no errors | |
Json Assets 1.11.9
+ BB Shirts for JsonAssets 1.0.0
(+ 1 content packs)
+ BB
no errors | |
LadderLocator 1.5.2 | ChaosEnergy | no errors | |
Lookup Anything 1.49.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 | Bouhm | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.0.8 | SMAPI | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 | Annosz | no errors |
[15:21:57 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro [15:21:57 INFO SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods [15:21:57 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-03-22T15:21:57 UTC [15:22:09 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch... [15:22:11 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:01.0208483' [15:22:11 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata... [15:22:11 ERROR SMAPI] Detected mod files directly inside the 'Mods' folder. These will be ignored. Each mod must have its own subfolder instead. [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] Ignored loose files: content.json, female_bottoms.png, hairstyles.xnb, manifest.json, read me.txt, shirts.xnb, 읽어주세요.txt [15:22:11 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods... [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] assets (from Mods\assets, ID: <unknown>)... [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] Failed: it's an empty folder. [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] UI Info Suite (from Mods\UI Info Suite\UIInfoSuite.dll, ID: Cdaragorn.UiInfoSuite, assembly version: 2.0.0)... [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] Failed: marked 'assume broken' in SMAPI's internal compatibility list for versions up to 2.0.0: causes lag, errors, or crashes in-game. [15:22:11 TRACE SMAPI] Automate (from Mods\Automate\Automate.dll, ID: Pathoschild.Automate, assembly version: 2.3.3)... [15:22:12 TRACE SMAPI] Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.0.8)... [15:22:12 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote ConsoleCommands.dll to fix FishPondReward.ItemId field, NetBool.op_Implicit method... [15:22:12 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote ConsoleCommands.dll to fix Game1.enterMine (added missing optional parameters)... [15:22:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Expanded Preconditions Utility (from Mods\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility\ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll, ID: Cherry.ExpandedPreconditionsUtility, assembly version: 1.1.0)... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Failed loading PDB for 'ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.dll'. Technical details: Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ModLoading/AssemblyLoader.cs:line 280 [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Experience Bars (from Mods\ExperienceBars\ExperienceBars.dll, ID: spacechase0.ExperienceBars, assembly version: 1.4.5)... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly ExperienceBars.dll. [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense (from Mods\FashionSense\FashionSense.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense, assembly version: 7.0.2)... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly FashionSense.dll. [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll'... [15:22:13 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets (from Mods\JsonAssets\JsonAssets.dll, ID: spacechase0.JsonAssets, assembly version: 1.11.9)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly JsonAssets.dll. [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] LadderLocator (from Mods\LadderLocator\LadderLocator.dll, ID: ChaosEnergy.LadderLocator, assembly version: 1.5.2)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote LadderLocator.dll to fix 32-bit architecture... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Lookup Anything (from Mods\LookupAnything\LookupAnything.dll, ID: Pathoschild.LookupAnything, assembly version: 1.49.0)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations (from Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll, ID: Bouhm.NPCMapLocations, assembly version: 3.3.0)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.0.8)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Health Bars (from Mods\SMAPIHealthBarMod\SMAPIHealthBarMod.dll, ID: Speeder.HealthBars, assembly version: 0.0.0)... [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Failed loading PDB for 'SMAPIHealthBarMod.dll'. Technical details: Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters) at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters) at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.AssemblyLoader.GetReferencedLocalAssemblies(FileInfo file, HashSet`1 visitedAssemblyNames, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver)+MoveNext() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/ModLoading/AssemblyLoader.cs:line 280 [15:22:14 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SMAPIHealthBarMod.dll to fix Stats.specificMonstersKilled field... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] UI Info Suite 2 (from Mods\UIInfoSuite2\UIInfoSuite2.dll, ID: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2, assembly version: 2.3.7)... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Coii's Hats Pack (from Mods\[CP] Coii's Hats Pack, ID: Coii.Hats) [content pack]... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Cuter Barn Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Barn Animals, ID: Elle.CuterBarnAnimals) [content pack]... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Cuter Coop Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Coop Animals, ID: Elle.CuterCoopAnimals) [content pack]... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Hats Won't Mess Up Hair (from Mods\[CP] Hats Won't Mess Up Hair, ID: misatse1019.HatsWontMessUpHair) [content pack]... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe (from Mods\[FS] Wabi's Wardrobe, ID: wabi.wabiswardrobe) [content pack]... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] BB Shirts for JsonAssets (from Mods\[JA] BB Shirts Mod for JsonAssets, ID: bb.shirtsmodja) [content pack]... [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 14 mods: [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Automate 2.3.3 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Console Commands 4.0.8 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.1.0 by Cherry | A condition checking system designed for use by other mods, in the format of event preconditions [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Experience Bars 1.4.5 by spacechase0 | Shows experience bars in the top-left corner. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Fashion Sense 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which adds hair animation and more into Stardew Valley. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Health Bars 1.9.2-unofficial.3-JoXW by Maurício Gomes (Speeder) | Add health bars to monsters. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Json Assets 1.11.9 by spacechase0 | Lets content packs add custom content to the game. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] LadderLocator 1.5.2 by ChaosEnergy | Finds ladders and ores in the mines. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Lookup Anything 1.49.0 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Save Backup 4.0.8 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod) [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 by Annosz | Adds a useful information to the user interface. Based on Cdaragorn's excellent UI Info Suite. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 6 content packs: [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi | for Fashion Sense | Adds clothing for FS. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] BB Shirts for JsonAssets 1.0.0 by BB | for Json Assets | Adds 64 unisex farmer shirts to the game [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Coii's Hats Pack 1.4.0 by Coii | for Content Patcher | Replaces to farmer's hats. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Cuter Barn Animals 1.0.1 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins for all your barn animals! [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Cuter Coop Animals 1.0.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins for all your coop animals! [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0 by misatse1019 | for Content Patcher | Hats won't mess up your hair anymore. [15:22:15 ERROR SMAPI] Skipped mods [15:22:15 ERROR SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [15:22:15 ERROR SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game. [15:22:15 ERROR SMAPI] - assets because it's an empty folder. [15:22:15 ERROR SMAPI] - UI Info Suite 2.0.0 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a newer version at or [15:22:15 WARN SMAPI] Changed save serializer [15:22:15 WARN SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [15:22:15 WARN SMAPI] These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [15:22:15 WARN SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [15:22:15 WARN SMAPI] - SpaceCore [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] Patched game code [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] - Fashion Sense [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] - Json Assets [15:22:15 INFO SMAPI] - SpaceCore [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Direct console access [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] be logged by SMAPI. [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] - Experience Bars [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] No update keys [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem. [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] - BB Shirts for JsonAssets [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] - Coii's Hats Pack [15:22:15 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods... [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.Automate.Framework.AutomateAPI). [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI). [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker). [15:22:15 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ExperienceBars.Api). [15:22:16 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api). [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'. [15:22:17 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'. [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308 [15:22:18 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329 [15:22:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])! [15:22:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9) [15:22:19 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)! [15:22:20 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api). [15:22:20 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api). [15:22:21 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today. [15:22:21 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready! [15:22:21 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts... [15:22:21 TRACE SMAPI] None found! [15:22:21 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates... [15:22:21 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Pants. [15:22:21 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Shirts. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] SMAPI okay. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates to 19 mods... [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods: Automate: The CurseForge mod with ID '992857' has no valid versions. Content Patcher: The CurseForge mod with ID '309243' has no valid versions. UI Info Suite: Found no Nexus mod with this ID. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] All mods up to date. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Boots. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/hats. [15:22:22 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/Dungeons'. [15:22:22 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' ) [15:22:23 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 [15:22:23 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:11.9402608' [15:22:23 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True [15:22:23 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK [15:22:23 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket [15:22:24 INFO SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage [15:22:24 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [15:22:25 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher. [15:22:25 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense created dynamic content pack 'FS - Local Pack' (unique ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense.LocalPack, path: FashionSense\Framework\Assets\Local Pack). [15:22:25 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack [15:22:25 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: (FS) Wabi's Wardrobe 2.0.1 by Wabi [15:22:26 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack [15:22:26 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.2 by PeacefulEnd [15:22:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ExperienceBars.Api) for Experience Bars. [15:22:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [15:22:26 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/VirtualCurrencyData'. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/WearableData'. [15:22:27 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData'. [15:22:27 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ExpandedPreconditionsUtility.Framework.ConditionsChecker) for Expanded Preconditions Utility. [15:22:27 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [15:22:27 TRACE Json Assets] Accessed mod-provided API (JsonAssets.Api) for Json Assets. [15:22:27 WARN LadderLocator] Failed to access GMCM API. Is the Generic Mod Config Menu installed? [15:22:27 TRACE Lookup Anything] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [15:22:27 TRACE UI Info Suite 2] Registered Sound: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2.sounds.LevelUp [15:22:27 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK [15:22:28 TRACE Content Patcher] Fashion Sense added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.FashionSense/': Appearance. [15:22:28 TRACE Content Patcher] Json Assets added 36 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.JsonAssets/': BigCraftableId, BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, BigCraftableSpriteX, BigCraftableSpriteY, BootsId, BootsSpriteTilesheet, BootsSpriteX, BootsSpriteY, CropId, CropSpriteTilesheet, CropSpriteX, CropSpriteY, FruitTreeId, FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, FruitTreeSpriteX, FruitTreeSpriteY, HatId, HatSpriteTilesheet, HatSpriteX, HatSpriteY, ObjectId, ObjectSpriteTilesheet, ObjectSpriteX, ObjectSpriteY, PantsId, PantsSpriteTilesheet, PantsSpriteX, PantsSpriteY, ShirtsId, ShirtsSpriteTilesheet, ShirtsSpriteX, ShirtsSpriteY, WeaponId, WeaponSpriteTilesheet, WeaponSpriteX, WeaponSpriteY. [15:22:28 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked. [15:22:28 INFO Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - Coii's Hats Pack For mod authors, see how to update a mod: [15:22:28 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'. [15:22:29 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [15:22:29 TRACE game] Successfully loaded ContentHashes.json containing 3560 file(s); [15:22:29 TRACE game] EnsureManifestInitialized() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.0595639' [15:22:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cuter Barn Animals' content pack). [15:22:29 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Cuter Barn Animals' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/hats' (for the 'Coii's Hats Pack' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Elle's Cuter Barn Animals' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack). [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 5 asset names (Characters/Farmer/hats, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/hats, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/springobjects). Propagated 5 core assets (Characters/Farmer/hats, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/hats, LooseSprites/Cursors, Maps/springobjects). [15:22:30 INFO Json Assets] Loading content packs... [15:22:30 INFO Json Assets] BB Shirts for JsonAssets 1.0.0 by BB - Adds 64 unisex farmer shirts to the game [15:22:30 TRACE Json Assets] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/BigCraftables. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Objects. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Crops. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Pants. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Pants. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Shirts. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Shirts. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Weapons. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/FruitTrees. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CraftingRecipes. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/CookingRecipes. [15:22:30 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 10 asset names (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Objects, Data/Pants, Data/Shirts, Data/Weapons). Propagated 10 core assets (Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Objects, Data/Pants, Data/Shirts, Data/Weapons). [15:22:30 TRACE Json Assets] Event: ItemsRegistered [15:22:30 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success [15:22:30 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in [15:22:30 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on [15:22:30 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1600 Height:900} [15:22:31 TRACE game] Successfully set GOG Galaxy profile name. [15:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Farm_SpaceCheck' task... [15:22:42 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:22:43 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task... [15:22:43 TRACE SpaceCore] Reinitializing serializers for 1 mod types... [15:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Boots. [15:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/Boots. [15:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/hats. [15:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/hats (for the 'Hats Won't Mess Up Hair' content pack). [15:22:53 TRACE SMAPI] Json Assets edited Data/hats. [15:22:54 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:22:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1600 Height:900} [15:22:58 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1600 Height:900} [15:23:16 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Farm_SpaceCheck' task... [15:23:16 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:23:17 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task... [15:23:17 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:23:18 TRACE game] Receiving friend lobby data... Owner: Mel farmName = Galaxy farmType = 4 date = 195 protocolVersion = 1.6.15 farmhands = 200286754042771993 newFarmhands = True [15:23:19 TRACE game] Starting client. Protocol version: 1.6.15 [15:23:19 TRACE game] Resolving Steam host via Steam lobby 109775241842168885 [15:23:20 TRACE game] Found Steam host 76561199072940001 [15:23:20 TRACE game] Client connecting to server 76561199072940001 [15:23:21 TRACE game] Client connected to server 76561199072940001 [15:23:21 ERROR game] An error occurred in the base update loop: InvalidOperationException: Failed reading Character (Farmer) field 'Character (Farmer): friendshipData' ---> ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) at Netcode.NetDictionary`5.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetDictionary.cs:line 618 at Netcode.NetFields.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetFields.cs:line 234 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Netcode.NetFields.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetFields.cs:line 238 at StardewValley.Network.Client.receiveAvailableFarmhands(BinaryReader msg) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\Client.cs:line 122 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SMultiplayer.OnClientProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action`1 sendMessage, Action resume) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SMultiplayer.cs:line 336 at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamNetClient.receiveMessagesImpl() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamNetClient.cs:line 406 at StardewValley.Network.Client.receiveMessages() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\Client.cs:line 68 at StardewValley.Menus.FarmhandMenu.update(GameTime time) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\FarmhandMenu.cs:line 302 at StardewValley.Menus.TitleMenu.update(GameTime time) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\TitleMenu.cs:line 2008 at StardewValley.Game1.updateActiveMenu(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 5079 at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4376 at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 3454 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs:line 1094 [15:23:21 WARN game] WARNING: Mismatched UI Mode Push/Pop counts. Correcting. [15:23:26 TRACE game] Disconnected: ExitedToMainMenu_FromFarmhandSelect [15:23:26 TRACE game] Client disconnecting from server 76561199072940001 [15:23:26 TRACE game] Client disconnected from server 76561199072940001 [15:23:26 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task... [15:23:26 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:23:26 TRACE game] Receiving friend lobby data... Owner: Mel farmName = Galaxy farmType = 4 date = 195 protocolVersion = 1.6.15 farmhands = 200286754042771993 newFarmhands = True [15:23:26 TRACE game] Starting client. Protocol version: 1.6.15 [15:23:26 TRACE game] Resolving Steam host via Steam lobby 109775241842168885 [15:23:27 TRACE game] Found Steam host 76561199072940001 [15:23:27 TRACE game] Client connecting to server 76561199072940001 [15:23:28 TRACE game] Client connected to server 76561199072940001 [15:23:28 ERROR game] An error occurred in the base update loop: InvalidOperationException: Failed reading Character (Farmer) field 'Character (Farmer): friendshipData' ---> ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) at Netcode.NetDictionary`5.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetDictionary.cs:line 618 at Netcode.NetFields.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetFields.cs:line 234 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Netcode.NetFields.ReadFull(BinaryReader reader, NetVersion version) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetFields.cs:line 238 at StardewValley.Network.Client.receiveAvailableFarmhands(BinaryReader msg) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\Client.cs:line 122 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SMultiplayer.OnClientProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action`1 sendMessage, Action resume) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SMultiplayer.cs:line 336 at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamNetClient.receiveMessagesImpl() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamNetClient.cs:line 406 at StardewValley.Network.Client.receiveMessages() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\Client.cs:line 68 at StardewValley.Menus.FarmhandMenu.update(GameTime time) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\FarmhandMenu.cs:line 302 at StardewValley.Menus.TitleMenu.update(GameTime time) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\TitleMenu.cs:line 2008 at StardewValley.Game1.updateActiveMenu(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 5079 at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4376 at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 3454 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate) in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs:line 1094 [15:23:28 WARN game] WARNING: Mismatched UI Mode Push/Pop counts. Correcting. [15:23:29 TRACE game] Disconnected: ExitedToMainMenu_FromFarmhandSelect [15:23:29 TRACE game] Client disconnecting from server 76561199072940001 [15:23:29 TRACE game] Client disconnected from server 76561199072940001 [15:23:29 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task... [15:23:29 TRACE SMAPI] task complete. [15:23:29 TRACE game] Receiving friend lobby data... Owner: Mel farmName = Galaxy farmType = 4 date = 195 protocolVersion = 1.6.15 farmhands = 200286754042771993 newFarmhands = True [15:23:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1600 Height:900} [15:23:33 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:0 Y:0 Width:1600 Height:900} [15:23:36 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame [15:23:36 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing... [15:23:36 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.view parsed log | download