SMAPI log parser

Suggested fixes

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Professionnel
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
Log started: 2025-03-04 02:17 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.15 build 24356 1 error
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild 4 errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ (CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.6.4
+ (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.1.0
+ (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.2.8
+ (CP) Soft Slow Seasons 1.6.3-beta
+ (CP) Suguru Geto NPC 3.0.0
+ ChosoJJkNPC 2.1.5
+ Coii's Girls Sets Pack 1.4.0
+ Elle's Cuter Cats 1.0.0
+ Elle's Cuter Coop Animals 1.0.2
+ Elle's Cuter Dogs 1.0.1
+ Elle's Cuter Horses 1.0.0
+ Elle's Cuter Trinkets 1.0.1
+ Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0
+ Industrial Furniture Set 1.8.0
+ Industrial Kitchen Interior 1.7.0
+ Overgrown Fairy Buildings 1.5.0
+ Rustic Country Town Interior 1.7.0
+ Rustic Country Walls and Floors 1.1.0
+ Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture 1.0.0
+ SatoruGojoNPC 2.0.5
+ Seasonal Floorings 1.5.0
+ Way Back PT 2.0.0
(+ 22 content packs)
+ Maraluna & Mae
+ nraittanna
+ ApryllForever
+ nuupon
+ kryptonimus
+ OurpleKay
+ Coii
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ Elle/Junimods
+ misatse1019
+ DustBeauty
+ DustBeauty
+ naeldeus
+ DustBeauty
+ DustBeauty
+ Cursedcure
+ Cursedcure
+ DustBeauty
+ Gweniaczek
no errors
Fashion Sense 7.0.1
(+ 2 content packs)
+ billi
+ billi
no errors
Friends Forever 1.2.3 Isaac S. no errors
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 spacechase0 no errors
Gift Taste Helper Continued x2 1.2.5 JoXW, Isi0, tstaples (aka catman) no errors
Hugs and Kisses Continued 2.0.4 JoXW, aedenthorn no errors
Longer Days 1.0.0 Stuyk no errors
Longer Seasons 1.2.0 aedenthorn, FlyingTNT no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.8 ApryllForever no errors
Polyamory Sweet Love 1.2.8 ApryllForever no errors
Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.2.8 ApryllForever no errors
PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.2.8 ApryllForever no errors
PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.2.8 ApryllForever no errors
PyTK Lite 1.24.0 Platonymous no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
SpaceCore 1.27.0 spacechase0 no errors
Visible Fish 0.4.2 shekurika no errors
[21:17:02 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Microsoft Windows 11 Professionnel
[21:17:02 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
[21:17:02 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-03-04T02:17:02 UTC
[21:17:05 WARN  SMAPI] Some of the game's content files were modified or corrupted. This may cause game crashes, errors, or other issues.
See for help fixing this.

Affected assets:
   - TileSheets/furniture.xnb
[21:17:07 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[21:17:08 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.4193254'
[21:17:08 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[21:17:08 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[21:17:08 TRACE SMAPI]    TMXL Map Toolkit (from Mods\TMXLoader\TMXLoader.dll, ID: Platonymous.TMXLoader, assembly version: 1.24.1)...
[21:17:08 TRACE SMAPI]       Failed: marked 'assume broken' in SMAPI's internal compatibility list for versions up to 1.24.3-alpha.20240226: Harmony patches fail at runtime.
[21:17:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[21:17:08 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)...
[21:17:08 TRACE SMAPI]    PyTK Lite (from Mods\C_PyTKLite\PyTKLite.dll, ID: Platonymous.Toolkit, assembly version: 1.24.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PyTKLite.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Fashion Sense (from Mods\FashionSense\FashionSense.dll, ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense, assembly version: 7.0.1)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FashionSense.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Friends Forever (from Mods\FriendsForever\FriendsForever.dll, ID: IsaacS.FriendsForever, assembly version: 1.0.7095.43007)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FriendsForever.dll for OS...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix Utility.getAllCharacters method...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix 32-bit architecture...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods\GenericModConfigMenu\GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.14.1)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly GenericModConfigMenu.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Gift Taste Helper Continued x2 (from Mods\GiftTasteHelper\GiftTasteHelper.dll, ID: JoXW.GiftTasteHelper, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Hugs and Kisses Continued (from Mods\HugsAndKisses\HugsAndKisses.dll, ID: JoXW.HugsAndKisses, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly HugsAndKisses.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Longer Days (from Mods\LongerDays\LongerDays.dll, ID: Stuyk.LongerDays, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote LongerDays.dll to fix Utility.getAllCharacters method...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Longer Seasons (from Mods\LongerSeasons\LongerSeasons.dll, ID: FlyingTNT.LongerSeasons, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly LongerSeasons.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations (from Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll, ID: Bouhm.NPCMapLocations, assembly version: 3.3.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    SpaceCore (from Mods\SpaceCore\SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll'...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Bed (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetBed\PolyamorySweetBed.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetBed.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Kiss (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetKiss\PolyamorySweetKiss.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetKiss, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetKiss.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Love (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetLove\PolyamorySweetLove.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetLove, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetLove.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Rooms (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetRooms\PolyamorySweetRooms.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetRooms, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetRooms.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Wedding (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetWedding\PolyamorySweetWedding.dll, ID: ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly PolyamorySweetWedding.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Polyamory Sweet! (from Mods\PolyamorySweet\[CP] Polyamory Sweet, ID: ApryllForever.CPPolyamorySweet) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    < RURAL COMESTICS < (from Mods\Rural Outfitters\Rural Cosmetics, ID: ruralcosmetics) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    = RURAL OUTFITTERS = (from Mods\Rural Outfitters\Rural Outfitters, ID: ruraloutfitters) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Visible Fish (from Mods\VisibleFish\showFishInWater.dll, ID: shekurika.WaterFish, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote showFishInWater.dll to fix ArgUtility.TryGet method, ArgUtility.TryGetFloat method, ArgUtility.TryGetInt method, ItemQueryContext..ctor method...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly showFishInWater.dll.
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    ChosoJJkNPC (from Mods\[CP] Choso JJK NPC, ID: OurpleKay.ChosoJJkNPC) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Coii's Girls Sets Pack (from Mods\[CP] Coii's Girls Sets Pack, ID: Coii.Girls) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Cats (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Cats, ID: Elle.CuterCats) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Coop Animals (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Coop Animals, ID: Elle.CuterCoopAnimals) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Dogs (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Dogs, ID: Elle.CuterDogs) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Horses (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Horses, ID: Elle.CuterHorses) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Trinkets (from Mods\[CP] Elle's Cuter Trinkets, ID: Elle.CuterTrinkets) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Hats Won't Mess Up Hair (from Mods\[CP] Hats Won't Mess Up Hair, ID: misatse1019.HatsWontMessUpHair) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Rustic Country Town Interior (from Mods\[CP] Rustic Country Town Interior, ID: Hesper.RusticCountrysideTownInterior) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Industrial Furniture Set (from Mods\[CP] Industrial Furniture Set, ID: DustBeauty.IndustrialFurnitureSet) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Industrial Kitchen Interior (from Mods\[CP] Industrial Kitchen and Interior, ID: DustBeauty.IndustrialKitchen) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Overgrown Fairy Buildings (from Mods\[CP] Overgrown Fairy Buildings, ID: nael.overgrown) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface (from Mods\[CP] Overgrown Flowery Interface, ID: Maraluna.OvergrownFloweryInterface) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage (from Mods\[CP] Please, Remember My Marriage, ID: nraittanna.RememberMyMarriage) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Rustic Country Walls and Floors (from Mods\[CP] Rustic Country Walls and Floors, ID: RusticCountry.wallsandfloors) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture (from Mods\[CP] Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture, ID: Cursedcure.SatoruGojoKidsRetexture) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    SatoruGojoNPC (from Mods\[CP] Satoru Gojo NPC, ID: Cursedcure.SatoruGojoNPC) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Floorings (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Floorings, ID: Hesper.SeasonalFlooring) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Soft Slow Seasons (from Mods\[CP] Soft Slow Seasons, ID: nuupon.sss) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    (CP) Suguru Geto NPC (from Mods\[CP] Suguru Geto NPC, ID: krypt.SuguruNPC) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Way Back PT (from Mods\[CP] Way Back Pelican Town, ID: Gweniaczek.WayBackPT) [content pack]...
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 19 mods:
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Fashion Sense 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd | Framework which adds hair animation and more into Stardew Valley.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Friends Forever 1.2.3 by Isaac S. | Makes it so friendship levels never decay!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it).
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Gift Taste Helper Continued x2 1.2.5 by JoXW, Isi0, tstaples (aka catman) | Displays NPC gift tastes in a handy tooltip.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Hugs and Kisses Continued 2.0.4 by JoXW, aedenthorn | Hugs and kisses.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Longer Days 1.0.0 by Stuyk | Increases day length by 2x
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Longer Seasons 1.2.0 by aedenthorn, FlyingTNT | Lets you change the number of days in a month and number of months in a season.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | Bed part of the Polyamory Sweet!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Love 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | Love part of the Polyamory Sweet!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | Wedding part of the Polyamory Sweet!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | Polyamory Affection! Hugs and kisses!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | Rooms!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    PyTK Lite 1.24.0 by Platonymous | Platonymous Toolkit (Lite Version)
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod)
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Visible Fish 0.4.2 by shekurika | Shows fish in the water

[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 24 content packs:
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface 1.6.4 by Maraluna & Mae | for Content Patcher | Fresh vines, dreamy petals and floral romance on your interface.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Please, Remember My Marriage 1.1.0 by nraittanna | for Content Patcher | A mod that adds dialogue lines after the farmer gets married.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.2.8 by ApryllForever | for Content Patcher | Polyamory Stuff!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Soft Slow Seasons 1.6.3-beta by nuupon | for Content Patcher | Soft colored slow changing seasons
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    (CP) Suguru Geto NPC 3.0.0 by kryptonimus | for Content Patcher | The mod for the ultimate Suguru stans
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi | for Fashion Sense | Adds makeup as accessories via Fashion Sense.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi | for Fashion Sense | Adds shirts, accessories, hats, and pants via fashion sense.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    ChosoJJkNPC 2.1.5 by OurpleKay | for Content Patcher | Adds Choso as an additional NPC in Stardew Valley.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Coii's Girls Sets Pack 1.4.0 by Coii | for Content Patcher | Replaces to farmer girl's hairstyles, shirts and skirt.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Cats 1.0.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins/breeds for your cats!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Coop Animals 1.0.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins for all your coop animals!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Dogs 1.0.1 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins/breeds for your dogs!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Horses 1.0.0 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new skins for your horse!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Elle's Cuter Trinkets 1.0.1 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Adds new sprites for all of your trinket companions!
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.5.0 by misatse1019 | for Content Patcher | Hats won't mess up your hair anymore.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Industrial Furniture Set 1.8.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Industrial Style furniture set. Use it with country furniture set and cozy firplace.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Industrial Kitchen Interior 1.7.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Industrial Style Kitchen, TV and Farmhouse Interior
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Overgrown Fairy Buildings 1.5.0 by naeldeus | for Content Patcher | CP Conversion and update of Ali's Overgrown Fairy Buildings
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Rustic Country Town Interior 1.7.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Rustic country style is trending in Stardew Valley. A new interior designer was hired to do a home makeover for all the townsfolk.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Rustic Country Walls and Floors 1.1.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Rustic Country Walls and Floors
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture 1.0.0 by Cursedcure | for Content Patcher | Kids that looks like Satoru Gojo
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    SatoruGojoNPC 2.0.5 by Cursedcure | for Content Patcher | Adds Satoru Gojo as an NPC in Stardew Valley.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Floorings 1.5.0 by DustBeauty | for Content Patcher | Seasonal floorings and path objects.
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Way Back PT 2.0.0 by Gweniaczek | for Content Patcher | Town buildings and structures retexture

[21:17:09 ERROR SMAPI]    Skipped mods
[21:17:09 ERROR SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:17:09 ERROR SMAPI]       These mods could not be added to your game.

[21:17:09 ERROR SMAPI]       - TMXL Map Toolkit 1.24.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a version newer than 1.24.3-alpha.20240226 at or

[21:17:09 WARN  SMAPI]    Changed save serializer
[21:17:09 WARN  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:17:09 WARN  SMAPI]       These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if
[21:17:09 WARN  SMAPI]       you uninstall these mods.

[21:17:09 WARN  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore

[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Fashion Sense
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Hugs and Kisses Continued
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Longer Seasons
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Polyamory Sweet Bed
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Polyamory Sweet Love
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Polyamory Sweet Wedding
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - PolyamorySweet Kiss
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - PolyamorySweet Rooms
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - PyTK Lite
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - SpaceCore
[21:17:09 INFO  SMAPI]       - Visible Fish

[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Direct console access
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       be logged by SMAPI.

[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]       - Generic Mod Config Menu

[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI]    No update keys
[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI]       These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI]       mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.

[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI]       - Coii's Girls Sets Pack

[21:17:09 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[21:17:09 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[21:17:09 INFO  PyTK Lite] Using PyTK Lite
[21:17:10 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (FashionSense.Framework.Interfaces.API.Api).
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu_OpenModConfig'.
[21:17:10 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (HugsAndKisses.Framework.KissingAPI).
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Found StardewValley.Game1+<_newDayAfterFade>d__784
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Transpiling Game1._newDayAfterFade
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Changing days per month
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Changing conditions for changing the season
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Making the quest board update after the 22nd
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Transpiling SDate()
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Avoiding SMAPI DaysInSeason 28
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Transpiling Utility.getDateStringFor
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Changing days per month
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Changing days per month
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Changing days per month
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Transpiling Billboard.ctor
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Mapping the day for events
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Transpiling Billboard.draw
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Removing greyed out date covering greater
[21:17:10 TRACE Longer Seasons] Removing greyed out date covering equal
[21:17:10 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (LongerSeasons.LongerSeasonsAPI).
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'.
[21:17:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'.
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308
[21:17:10 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329
[21:17:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])!
[21:17:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9)
[21:17:11 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)!
[21:17:11 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api).
[21:17:11 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetBed.PolyamorySweetBedAPI).
[21:17:11 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetKiss.KissingAPI).
[21:17:12 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] got string!
[21:17:12 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] got int!
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetLove.PolyamorySweetLoveAPI).
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetRooms.SweetRoomsAPI).
[21:17:12 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today.
[21:17:12 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts...
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI]    None found!
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Longer Seasons edited Data/Characters.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Pants.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Shirts.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 42 mods...
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   (CP) Suguru Geto NPC: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Content Patcher: The CurseForge mod with ID '309243' has no valid versions.
   Satoru Gojo Kids Retexture: The value '????' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   TMXL Map Toolkit: The CurseForge mod with ID '877235' has no valid versions.

[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI] You can update 7 mods:
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    (CP) Polyamory Sweet! 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Bed 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Love 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    Polyamory Sweet Wedding 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Kiss 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    PolyamorySweet Rooms 1.2.9: (you have 1.2.8)
[21:17:12 ALERT SMAPI]    TMXL Map Toolkit 1.24.3-alpha.20240226: (you have 1.24.1)
[21:17:12 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h"
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/Boots.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/hats.
[21:17:12 TRACE SpaceCore] PyTK is installed, but we couldn't notify it about serializer changes. PyTK serialization might not work correctly.
Technical details: couldn't fetch its mod instance.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/Dungeons'.
[21:17:12 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[21:17:12 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h"
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:12 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:13 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2
[21:17:13 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:04.8254294'
[21:17:13 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True
[21:17:13 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK
[21:17:13 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket
[21:17:15 INFO  SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:17:15 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:15 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Successfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu.
[21:17:15 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense created dynamic content pack 'FS - Local Pack' (unique ID: PeacefulEnd.FashionSense.LocalPack, path: FashionSense\Framework\Assets\Local Pack).
[21:17:15 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack < RURAL COMESTICS <
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: < RURAL COMESTICS < 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Accessory.AccessoryContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Hat.HatContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shirt.ShirtContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Pants.PantsContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Sleeves folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shoes folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Bodies folder found for the content pack = RURAL OUTFITTERS =
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: = RURAL OUTFITTERS = 1.1.0 by billi
[21:17:15 DEBUG Fashion Sense] Loading data from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hairstyles from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hairs folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading accessories from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Accessories folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading hats from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Hats folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shirts from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Shirts folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading pants from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] No Pants folder found for the content pack FS - Local Pack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading sleeves from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Sleeves.SleevesContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading shoes from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Shoes.ShoesContentPack
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading bodies from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:15 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:17:16 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:17:16 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:17:16 TRACE Fashion Sense] FashionSense.Framework.Models.Appearances.Body.BodyContentPack
[21:17:16 TRACE Fashion Sense] Loading outfit presets from pack: FS - Local Pack 7.0.1 by PeacefulEnd
[21:17:16 TRACE Gift Taste Helper Continued x2] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Kissing audio path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\HugsAndKisses\assets\kiss.wav
[21:17:16 TRACE Hugs and Kisses Continued] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Longer Days] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Longer Seasons] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Longer Seasons] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:17:16 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[21:17:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/VirtualCurrencyData'.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/WearableData'.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData'.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Bed] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed (registering for ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetBed) is using deprecated code (AddNumberOption(IManifest mod, Func<int> getValue, Action<int> setValue, Func<string> name = null, Func<string> tooltip = null, int? min = null, int? max = null, int? interval = null, string fieldId = null)) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[21:17:16 TRACE PolyamorySweet Kiss] Kissing audio path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\PolyamorySweet\PolyamorySweetKiss\assets\kiss.wav
[21:17:16 TRACE PolyamorySweet Kiss] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetKiss.KissingAPI) for PolyamorySweet Kiss.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetBed.PolyamorySweetBedAPI) for Polyamory Sweet Bed.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetRooms.SweetRoomsAPI) for PolyamorySweet Rooms.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Kiss API loaded
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Bed API loaded
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Polyamory Sweet Rooms API loaded
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher.
[21:17:16 TRACE PolyamorySweet Rooms] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore.
[21:17:16 TRACE SMAPI] PolyamorySweet Rooms loaded asset 'ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetRooms/dict'.
[21:17:16 TRACE PolyamorySweet Rooms] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] Accessed mod-provided API (PolyamorySweetLove.PolyamorySweetLoveAPI) for Polyamory Sweet Love.
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] PolyamorySweetLove API loaded
[21:17:16 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Wedding] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 INFO  Generic Mod Config Menu] ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding (registering for ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetWedding) is using deprecated code (AddNumberOption(IManifest mod, Func<int> getValue, Action<int> setValue, Func<string> name = null, Func<string> tooltip = null, int? min = null, int? max = null, int? interval = null, string fieldId = null)) that will break in a future version of GMCM.
[21:17:16 TRACE Visible Fish] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:16 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK
[21:17:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Polyamory Sweet Love added a custom token with prefix 'ApryllForever.PolyamorySweetLove/': PlayerSpouses.
[21:17:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Longer Seasons added 3 custom tokens with prefix 'FlyingTNT.LongerSeasons/': CurrentSeasonMonth, DaysPerMonth, MonthsInCurrentSeason.
[21:17:16 TRACE Content Patcher] Fashion Sense added a custom token with prefix 'PeacefulEnd.FashionSense/': Appearance.
[21:17:16 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked.
[21:17:16 INFO  Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.

Affected content packs:
- Coii's Girls Sets Pack
- Industrial Furniture Set
- Industrial Kitchen Interior
- Overgrown Fairy Buildings
- Rustic Country Town Interior
- Rustic Country Walls and Floors
- Seasonal Floorings

For mod authors, see how to update a mod:
[21:17:16 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'.
[21:17:17 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate.
[21:17:17 TRACE game] Successfully loaded ContentHashes.json containing 3560 file(s);
[21:17:17 TRACE game] EnsureManifestInitialized() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.0066240'
[21:17:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/daybg (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/nightbg (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:17 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTiles (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/MenuTilesUncolored (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:17:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Cuter Horses' content pack).
[21:17:18 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Rustic Country Town Interior' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Way Back PT' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the '(CP) Soft Slow Seasons' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Industrial Kitchen Interior' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Way Back PT' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6 (for the 'Way Back PT' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/ControllerMaps (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's Cuter Horses' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Seasonal Floorings' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Objects_2 (for the '(CP) Soft Slow Seasons' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/emotes (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/BuffsIcons (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/hairstyles' (for the 'Coii's Girls Sets Pack' content pack).
[21:17:21 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/shirts' (for the 'Coii's Girls Sets Pack' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher loaded asset 'Characters/Farmer/pants' (for the 'Coii's Girls Sets Pack' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Characters/Farmer/hats (for the 'Way Back PT' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/ChairTiles (for the 'Rustic Country Town Interior' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/ChairTiles (for the 'Way Back PT' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_bold (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/font_colored (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the '(CP) Overgrown Flowery Interface' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Crops (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'ChosoJJkNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'SatoruGojoNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the '(CP) Suguru Geto NPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Longer Seasons edited Data/Characters.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Elle's Cuter Coop Animals' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Pets (for the 'Elle's Cuter Cats' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Pets (for the 'Elle's Cuter Dogs' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'ChosoJJkNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'SatoruGojoNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the '(CP) Suguru Geto NPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h"
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'SatoruGojoNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AudioChanges (for the 'SatoruGojoNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 31 asset names (Characters/Farmer/hairstyles, Characters/Farmer/hats, Characters/Farmer/pants, Characters/Farmer/shirts, Data/AudioChanges, Data/Characters, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/hats, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Pets, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/ChairTiles, TileSheets/emotes, TileSheets/Objects_2).
Propagated 31 core assets (Characters/Farmer/hairstyles, Characters/Farmer/hats, Characters/Farmer/pants, Characters/Farmer/shirts, Data/AudioChanges, Data/Characters, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/hats, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/Pets, LooseSprites/ControllerMaps, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, LooseSprites/Cursors_1_6, LooseSprites/daybg, LooseSprites/font_bold, LooseSprites/font_colored, LooseSprites/nightbg, LooseSprites/PlayerStatusList, Maps/MenuTiles, Maps/MenuTilesUncolored, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/BuffsIcons, TileSheets/ChairTiles, TileSheets/emotes, TileSheets/Objects_2).
[21:17:22 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu.
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of ApryllForever.CPPolyamorySweet
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.CuterCats
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.CuterCoopAnimals
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.CuterDogs
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.CuterHorses
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.CuterTrinkets
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Hesper.RusticCountrysideTownInterior
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of DustBeauty.IndustrialFurnitureSet
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of DustBeauty.IndustrialKitchen
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nael.overgrown
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Maraluna.OvergrownFloweryInterface
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Hesper.SeasonalFlooring
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of nuupon.sss
[21:17:22 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Gweniaczek.WayBackPT
[21:17:22 TRACE game] Galaxy auth success
[21:17:22 TRACE game] Galaxy signed in
[21:17:22 TRACE game] Galaxy logged on
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'.
[21:17:22 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:320 Y:180 Width:1280 Height:720}
[21:17:22 TRACE Polyamory Sweet Love] NPC.cs.3985 is set to "So...I heard you secretly gave {0} a gift today$n#$b#$c 0.5#Wonderful!$h#Thank you!$h"
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Love edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Polyamory Sweet Wedding edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the '(CP) Polyamory Sweet!' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'SatoruGojoNPC' content pack).
[21:17:22 TRACE game] Successfully set GOG Galaxy profile name.
[21:17:39 TRACE SMAPI] Synchronizing 'Find Save Games' task...
[21:17:39 TRACE SpaceCore] Reinitializing serializers for 4 mod types...
[21:17:43 TRACE SMAPI] Fashion Sense edited Data/hats.
[21:17:43 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/hats (for the 'Hats Won't Mess Up Hair' content pack).
[21:17:43 ERROR game] Exception occurred trying to access file 'C:\Users\chris\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves\Luvy_400381334\SaveGameInfo'
InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 105018).
 ---> InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 105018).
 ---> ArgumentException: Can't parse '4' as a season key. (Parameter 'value')
   at StardewValley.WorldDate.set_SeasonKey(String value) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\WorldDate.cs:line 71
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderFriendship.Read171_WorldDate(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderFriendship.Read252_Friendship(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderFriendship.Read253_Friendship()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
   at StardewValley.SerializableDictionary`2.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SerializableDictionary.cs:line 205
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader.ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, Boolean wrappedAny)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader.ReadSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderFarmer.Read173_Farmer(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderFarmer.Read251_Farmer()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(Stream stream)
   at StardewValley.SaveSerialization.SaveSerializer.Deserialize[T](Stream stream) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SaveSerialization\SaveSerializer.cs:line 100
   at StardewValley.Menus.LoadGameMenu.<FindSaveGames>g__TryReadFile|45_0[TData](String path, Exception& loadError, Func`2 load) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\LoadGameMenu.cs:line 682
[21:17:43 TRACE SMAPI]    task complete.
[21:17:43 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:544 Y:203 Width:1280 Height:720}
[21:17:48 TRACE game] Disconnected: ClosedGame
[21:17:48 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing...
[21:17:48 TRACE SMAPI] Disposing the content coordinator. Content managers will no longer be usable after this point.
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