SMAPI log parser

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.6.15 build 24354 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
SMAPI: 4.1.10
Folder: C:\XboxGames\Stardew Valley\Content
Log started: 2025-02-16 16:42 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods:
game 1.6.15 build 24354 1 error
SMAPI 4.1.10 Pathoschild no errors
Console Commands 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 2.5.3
+ Frontier Farm 1.15.8
+ Grandpa's Farm 1.15.8
+ Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1
+ Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8
(+ 4 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ Poltergeister with assets by various artists
+ FlashShifter
no errors
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8
+ Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 3 content packs)
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter
no errors
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 Bouhm no errors
Save Backup 4.1.10 SMAPI no errors
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey no errors
Tractor Mod 4.22.1 Pathoschild no errors
UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 Annosz no errors
Visible Fish 0.4.2 shekurika no errors
[13:42:33 INFO  SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24354 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
[13:42:33 INFO  SMAPI] Mods go here: C:\XboxGames\Stardew Valley\Content\Mods
[13:42:33 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-02-16T16:42:33 UTC
[13:42:41 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch...
[13:42:42 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.7279260'
[13:42:42 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata...
[13:42:42 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods...
[13:42:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Console Commands (from Mods\ConsoleCommands\ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[13:42:42 TRACE SMAPI]    Content Patcher (from Mods\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.3)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager (from Mods\FarmTypeManager\FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll.
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\Stardew Valley Expanded Code\StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.0)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Stats.specificMonstersKilled field...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll.
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods\Stardew Valley Expanded\[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Frontier Farm (from Mods\Frontier Farm\[CP] Frontier Farm, ID: flashshifter.FrontierFarm) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Frontier Farm Forage Locations (from Mods\Frontier Farm\[FTM] Frontier Farm, ID: FlashShifter.FrontierFarmFTM) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations (from Mods\Grandpa's Farm\[FTM] Grandpa's Farm, ID: FlashShifter.GrandpasFarmFTM) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm (from Mods\Grandpa's Farm\[CP] Grandpa's Farm, ID: flashshifter.GrandpasFarm) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations (from Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll, ID: Bouhm.NPCMapLocations, assembly version: 3.3.0)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Save Backup (from Mods\SaveBackup\SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly SaveBackup.dll.
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Tractor Mod (from Mods\TractorMod\TractorMod.dll, ID: Pathoschild.TractorMod, assembly version: 4.22.1)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 (from Mods\UIInfoSuite2\UIInfoSuite2.dll, ID: Annosz.UiInfoSuite2, assembly version: 2.3.7)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Visible Fish (from Mods\VisibleFish\showFishInWater.dll, ID: shekurika.WaterFish, assembly version: 1.0.0)...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Rewrote showFishInWater.dll to fix ArgUtility.TryGet method, ArgUtility.TryGetFloat method, ArgUtility.TryGetInt method, ItemQueryContext..ctor method...
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       Detected game patcher in assembly showFishInWater.dll.
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters (from Mods\[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters) [content pack]...
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 9 mods:
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Content Patcher 2.5.3 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 by FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Tractor Mod 4.22.1 by Pathoschild | Lets you buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    UI Info Suite 2 2.3.7 by Annosz | Adds a useful information to the user interface. Based on Cdaragorn's excellent UI Info Suite.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Visible Fish 0.4.2 by shekurika | Shows fish in the water

[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded 7 content packs:
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Frontier Farm 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | A massive custom farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Frontier Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | Frontier Farm FTM Data.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | A medium sized farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | A farm map for Stardew Valley Expanded.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 by Poltergeister with assets by various artists | for Content Patcher | Seasonal outfits with the slightly cuter character aesthetic.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley.
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE!

[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    Patched game code
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]       These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]       your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.

[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Farm Type Manager
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Stardew Valley Expanded Code
[13:42:43 INFO  SMAPI]       - Visible Fish

[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    Direct console access
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not
[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       be logged by SMAPI.

[13:42:43 TRACE SMAPI]       - Save Backup

[13:42:43 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods...
[13:42:44 TRACE SMAPI]    Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI).
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)".
[13:42:44 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Starting Installation Checker...
[13:42:44 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe)
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of dependencies to check: 5
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI...
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] SMAPI is loaded and up to date.
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher...
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date.
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)...
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date.
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded...
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date.
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of missing mods: 0
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of out of date mods: 0
[13:42:44 INFO  Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine!
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control.
[13:42:44 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomFishPondColors": postfixing SDV method "FishPond.doFishSpecificWaterColoring()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()".
[13:42:44 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)".
[13:42:45 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today.
[13:42:45 TRACE Tractor Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'.
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[13:42:45 TRACE Tractor Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/AudioChanges'.
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries.
[13:42:45 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready!
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for known software conflicts...
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI]    None found!
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates...
[13:42:45 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings.
[13:42:46 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/AudioChanges.
[13:42:46 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
[13:42:46 TRACE SMAPI] Running on GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2
[13:42:46 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:04.1836322'
[13:42:46 ERROR game] The game failed to launch: Failed loading type '': DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'XGamingRuntimeThunks' or one of its dependencies: No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado. (0x8007007E)
   at XGamingRuntime.Interop.XGRInterop.XGameRuntimeInitialize()
   at XGamingRuntime.SDK.XGameRuntimeInitialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\2\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\MicrosoftGdk\XGamingRuntime\SDK.cs:line 13
   at StardewValley.SDKs.MicrosoftGdk.GDKHelper.Initialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\2\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\MicrosoftGdk\GDKHelper.cs:line 82
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\2\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 944
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\2\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\MonoGame.Desktop\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 465
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.RunInteractively() in /home/pathoschild/git/SMAPI/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs:line 315
[13:42:46 INFO  SMAPI] Game has ended. Press any key to exit.
[13:42:49 TRACE SMAPI]    SMAPI okay.
[13:42:49 TRACE SMAPI]    Checking for updates to 14 mods...
[13:42:50 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods:
   Content Patcher: The CurseForge mod with ID '309243' has no valid versions.
   Frontier Farm Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Grandpa's Farm Forage Locations: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Code: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
   Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID.
[13:42:50 TRACE SMAPI]    All mods up to date.
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