SMAPI log parser
Log info
Stardew Valley: | 1.6.15 build 24356 on Unix |
SMAPI: | 4.1.10 |
Folder: | /mnt/NVME4/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley |
Log started: | 2025-02-07 07:49 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time) |
game 1.6.15 build 24356 | 2 errors | ||
SMAPI 4.1.10 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Better Ranching 2.0.5 | Urbanyeti | no errors | |
Bigger Backpack 7.3.0 | spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc | no errors | |
Chests Anywhere 1.25.3 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Console Commands 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Content Patcher 2.5.1
+ (CP) Shop Items Expanded 1.2.0
(+ 13 content packs)
+ Elle's New Barn Animals 1.1.3 + Elle's New Coop Animals 1.1.5 + Elle's New Horses 1.1.5 + Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.3.5 + Elle's Town Animals 1.4.2 + Goth Haley Rooms 1.0.2-r + Goth Haley Seasonal Revised 1.0.6 + Grampleton Fields 1.15.0 + Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.15.8 + No More Bowlegs 1.1.0 + Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 + Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 |
+ oZIONo
+ Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + Elle/Junimods + JefGrizli + stanloona420 + Poltergeister + JefGrizli + FlashShifter + FlashShifter (Original Author: zanderb14) + Chrysanthe + Poltergeister with assets by various artists + FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Experience Bars 1.4.5 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Farm Type Manager 1.24.0
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 1.15.8 |
+ FlashShifter
+ FlashShifter |
no errors | |
Friends Forever 1.2.3 | Isaac S. | no errors | |
Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Night Owl 1.12.0 | Alpha_Omegasis | no errors | |
NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 | Bouhm | no errors | |
Portraiture 1.12.1-alpha.20240304 | Platonymous | no errors | |
Save Backup 4.1.10 | SMAPI | no errors | |
Sit For Stamina 1.0.1 | Entoarox | no errors | |
SpaceCore 1.27.0 | spacechase0 | no errors | |
Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 | FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | no errors | |
StardewHack 7.4.0 | bcmpinc | no errors | |
Tractor Mod 4.21.0 | Pathoschild | no errors | |
Unique Response Core 2.1.5 | MissCoriel | no errors | |
Unlockable Bundles 3.7.3 | DeLiXx | no errors | |
Visible Fish 0.4.2 | shekurika | no errors | |
Wear More Rings 7.7.0 | bcmpinc | no errors |
[00:49:04 INFO SMAPI] SMAPI 4.1.10 with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 build 24356 on Unix [00:49:04 INFO SMAPI] Mods go here: /mnt/NVME4/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods [00:49:04 TRACE SMAPI] Log started at 2025-02-07T07:49:04 UTC [00:49:06 DEBUG SMAPI] Waiting for game to launch... [00:49:06 TRACE game] Instance_Initialize() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.3058848' [00:49:06 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mod metadata... [00:49:06 DEBUG SMAPI] Loading mods... [00:49:06 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu (from Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/GenericModConfigMenu.dll, ID: spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu, assembly version: 1.14.1)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected direct console access (System.Console type) in assembly GenericModConfigMenu.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] StardewHack (from Mods/StardewHack/StardewHack.dll, ID: bcmpinc.StardewHack, assembly version: 7.4.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly StardewHack.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Wear More Rings (from Mods/WearMoreRings/WearMoreRings.dll, ID: bcmpinc.WearMoreRings, assembly version: 7.7.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly WearMoreRings.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher (from Mods/ContentPatcher/ContentPatcher.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ContentPatcher, assembly version: 2.5.1)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore (from Mods/SpaceCore/SpaceCore.dll, ID: spacechase0.SpaceCore, assembly version: 1.27.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Parser.dll'... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.Content.Engine.dll'... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected possible save serializer change (StardewValley.SaveGame.farmerSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.locationSerializer field, StardewValley.SaveGame.serializer field) in assembly SpaceCore.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Loading assembly 'SpaceCore.dll'... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Chests Anywhere (from Mods/ChestsAnywhere/ChestsAnywhere.dll, ID: Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere, assembly version: 1.25.3)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Farm Type Manager (from Mods/FarmTypeManager/FarmTypeManager.dll, ID: Esca.FarmTypeManager, assembly version: 1.24.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly FarmTypeManager.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager (from Mods/[FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-FTM) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Code (from Mods/Stardew Valley Expanded Code/StardewValleyExpanded.dll, ID: FlashShifter.SVECode, assembly version: 1.15.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote StardewValleyExpanded.dll to fix Stats.specificMonstersKilled field... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly StardewValleyExpanded.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded (from Mods/[CP] Stardew Valley Expanded, ID: FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters (from Mods/[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters, ID: Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod (from Mods/TractorMod/TractorMod.dll, ID: Pathoschild.TractorMod, assembly version: 4.21.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Goth Haley Seasonal Revised (from Mods/[CP] Goth Haley Seasonal Revised, ID: JefGrizli.GothHaley) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Coop Animals (from Mods/[CP] Elle's New Coop Animals, ID: Elle.NewCoopAnimals) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Goth Haley Rooms (from Mods/[CP] Goth Haley Rooms, ID: JefGrizli.GothHaleyRooms) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] (CP) Shop Items Expanded (from Mods/{CP] Shop Items Expanded, ID: oziono.shopitemsexpanded) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Visible Fish (from Mods/VisibleFish/showFishInWater.dll, ID: shekurika.WaterFish, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote showFishInWater.dll to fix ArgUtility.TryGet method, ArgUtility.TryGetFloat method, ArgUtility.TryGetInt method, ItemQueryContext..ctor method... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly showFishInWater.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Horses (from Mods/[CP] Elle's New Horses, ID: Elle.NewHorses) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 (from Mods/[FTM] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered, ID: FlashShifter.SVE-IF2R-FTM) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Buildings (from Mods/[CP] Elle's Seasonal Buildings, ID: Elle.SeasonalBuildings) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's Town Animals (from Mods/[CP] Elle's Town Animals, ID: Elle.TownAnimals) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Console Commands (from Mods/ConsoleCommands/ConsoleCommands.dll, ID: SMAPI.ConsoleCommands, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] NPC Map Locations (from Mods/NPCMapLocations/NPCMapLocations.dll, ID: Bouhm.NPCMapLocations, assembly version: 3.3.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] No More Bowlegs (from Mods/[CP] No More Bowlegs, ID: Chrysanthe.NoMoreBowlegs) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Save Backup (from Mods/SaveBackup/SaveBackup.dll, ID: SMAPI.SaveBackup, assembly version: 4.1.10)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (from Mods/[CP] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered, ID: flashshifter.immersivefarm2remastered) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Friends Forever (from Mods/FriendsForever/FriendsForever.dll, ID: IsaacS.FriendsForever, assembly version: 0.0.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll for OS... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix Utility.getAllCharacters method... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote FriendsForever.dll to fix 32-bit architecture... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Experience Bars (from Mods/ExperienceBars/ExperienceBars.dll, ID: spacechase0.ExperienceBars, assembly version: 1.4.5)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Better Ranching (from Mods/BetterRanching/BetterRanching.dll, ID: BetterRanching, assembly version: 0.0.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Sit For Stamina (from Mods/SitForStaminaMod/SitForStamina.dll, ID: Entoarox.SitForStamina, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SitForStamina.dll for OS... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SitForStamina.dll to fix StardewValley.ModDataDictionary type... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SitForStamina.dll to fix Character.modData (field => property)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote SitForStamina.dll to fix 32-bit architecture... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Night Owl (from Mods/NightOwl/NightOwl.dll, ID: Omegasis.NightOwl, assembly version: 1.11.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles (from Mods/Unlockable Bundles/Unlockable Bundles.dll, ID: DLX.Bundles, assembly version: 1.0.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly Unlockable Bundles.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Elle's New Barn Animals (from Mods/[CP] Elle's New Barn Animals, ID: Elle.NewBarnAnimals) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Portraiture (from Mods/Portraiture/Portraiture.dll, ID: Platonymous.Portraiture, assembly version: 1.12.1)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Rewrote Portraiture.dll to fix Game1.getCharacterFromName method... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly Portraiture.dll. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core (from Mods/ResponseCore/ResponseCore.dll, ID: misscoriel.UCRFix, assembly version: 1.1.10)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Grampleton Fields (from Mods/GrampletonFields, ID: flashshifter.GrampletonFields) [content pack]... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Bigger Backpack (from Mods/BiggerBackpack/BiggerBackpack.dll, ID: spacechase0.BiggerBackpack, assembly version: 7.3.0)... [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Detected game patcher in assembly BiggerBackpack.dll. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 22 mods: [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Better Ranching 2.0.5 by Urbanyeti | Prevents failed milk/shear attempts and displays when animals can be milked/sheared and petted. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Bigger Backpack 7.3.0 by spacechase0, yoseiri, bcmpinc | Adds another backpack size. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Chests Anywhere 1.25.3 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organize them your way. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Console Commands 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Content Patcher 2.5.1 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Experience Bars 1.4.5 by spacechase0 | Shows experience bars in the top-left corner. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Farm Type Manager 1.24.0 by Esca | Allows custom spawning of content from each farm type: forage, large objects, ore, and monsters [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Friends Forever 1.2.3 by Isaac S. | Makes it so friendship levels never decay! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu 1.14.1 by spacechase0 | Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options (for mods which support it). [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Night Owl 1.12.0 by Alpha_Omegasis | Lets you stay up all night. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] NPC Map Locations 3.3.0 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on a modified map page for accurate tracking. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Portraiture 1.12.1-alpha.20240304 by Platonymous | Helper Mod for Portraits. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Save Backup 4.1.10 by SMAPI | Automatically backs up all your saves once per day into its folder. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Sit For Stamina 1.0.1 by Entoarox | Passively regen stamina while sitting. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] SpaceCore 1.27.0 by spacechase0 | The space-iest of cores. (Framework mod) [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Code 1.15.8 by FlashShifter, Esca, super-aardvark, and kittycatcasey | Adds coded elements to the game [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] StardewHack 7.4.0 by bcmpinc | Transpilation library used by my other mods. Doesn't do much on its own. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Tractor Mod 4.21.0 by Pathoschild | Lets you buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Unique Response Core 2.1.5 by MissCoriel | Primary Core for use in Unique Courtship response. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles 3.7.3 by DeLiXx | Framework for custom bundles [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Visible Fish 0.4.2 by shekurika | Shows fish in the water [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Wear More Rings 7.7.0 by bcmpinc | Adds additional ring slots to your inventory. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Loaded 15 content packs: [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] (CP) Shop Items Expanded 1.2.0 by oZIONo | for Content Patcher | A mod to add more items for sale in various shops. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Barn Animals 1.1.3 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your barn animals! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Coop Animals 1.1.5 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for all your coop animals! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Elle's New Horses 1.1.5 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A CP replacement for your horse! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.3.5 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | A replacement for all buildings on your farm for each season! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Elle's Town Animals 1.4.2 by Elle/Junimods | for Content Patcher | Replaces most animals throughout Stardew Valley! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Goth Haley Rooms 1.0.2-r by JefGrizli | for Content Patcher | Redesign of Haley's room and spouse room to better reflect her goth style. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Goth Haley Seasonal Revised 1.0.6 by stanloona420 + Poltergeister + JefGrizli | for Content Patcher | Gives Haley seasonal gothic portraits and sprites. Intended for SCC. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Grampleton Fields 1.15.0 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | Adds Grampleton Fields to the game, expansive flatlands residing between Pelican Town and the city of Grampleton. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered 1.15.8 by FlashShifter (Original Author: zanderb14) | for Content Patcher | FlashShifter's remastered version of Zander's Immersive Farm 2 map [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] No More Bowlegs 1.1.0 by Chrysanthe | for Content Patcher | Removes bow-leggedness on Abigail, Leah, Maru and Emily's sprites. No more gaps between their legs. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Seasonal Cute Characters 6.0.1 by Poltergeister with assets by various artists | for Content Patcher | Seasonal outfits with the slightly cuter character aesthetic. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Content Patcher | An expansive fanmade mod for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for SVE! [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2 1.15.8 by FlashShifter | for Farm Type Manager | This FTM pack is for IF2R. Only useable if playing with SVE! [00:49:07 WARN SMAPI] Changed save serializer [00:49:07 WARN SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [00:49:07 WARN SMAPI] These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [00:49:07 WARN SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [00:49:07 WARN SMAPI] - SpaceCore [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] Patched game code [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Bigger Backpack [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Farm Type Manager [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Portraiture [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - SpaceCore [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Stardew Valley Expanded Code [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - StardewHack [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Unlockable Bundles [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Visible Fish [00:49:07 INFO SMAPI] - Wear More Rings [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Direct console access [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] These mods access the SMAPI console window directly. This is more fragile, and their output may not [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] be logged by SMAPI. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] - Generic Mod Config Menu [00:49:07 DEBUG SMAPI] Launching mods... [00:49:07 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu_OpenModConfig'. [00:49:07 INFO StardewHack] Loaded StardewHack library v7.4.0 using Harmony v2.2.2.0. [00:49:07 DEBUG Wear More Rings] Applying bytecode patches for bcmpinc.WearMoreRings. [00:49:07 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch ForgeMenu_CreateButtons to Void _CreateButtons() in StardewValley.Menus.ForgeMenu. [00:49:07 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_receiveLeftClick to Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:07 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_performHoverAction to Void performHoverAction(Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:07 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:07 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:07 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI). [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlaySound'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ShowHudMessage'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_PlayEvent'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_DamageCurrentFarmer'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ApplyBuff'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_OpenGuidebook'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: damageFarmer [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: giveHat [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: setDating [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: setEngaged [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: totemWarpEffect [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: setActorScale [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: cycleActorColors [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: flash [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: setRaining [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: screenShake [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: setZoom [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: smoothZoom [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: switchEventFull [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: reSetUpCharacters [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemUsed. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger type for Data/Triggers: spacechase0.SpaceCore_OnItemEaten. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_TriggerSpawnGroup'. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'spacechase0.SpaceCore_ClearSetPiecesFromSpawnable'. [00:49:08 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:08 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_receiveLeftClick to Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:08 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 36 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 42 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting mul at 47 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 139 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing Color.White at 277 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: inserting vec2 mul at 303 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.draw: replacing SpriteBatch.Draw at 324 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Color.White at 283 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: inserting vec2 mul/add at 308 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] NPC.DrawBreathing: replacing Draw at 329 [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])! [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Found first ldloc.s for ClickableTextureComponent in Void layoutRecipes(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]); storing potential override w/ recipeLocal=StardewValley.CraftingRecipe (9) [00:49:08 TRACE SpaceCore] Found crafting recipe constructor in System.String createDescription(System.String)! [00:49:08 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api). [00:49:08 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (Pathoschild.Stardew.ChestsAnywhere.Framework.ChestsAnywhereApi). [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DisableFurniturePickup": postfixing 3 implementations of SDV method "Furniture.canBeRemoved(Farmer)". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_InstantKillImmunity": prefixing SDV method "HungryFrogCompanion.tongueReachedMonster". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "GameLocation.isCollidingPosition". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": prefixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_OptimizeMonsterCode": postfixing SDV method "Monster.findPlayer". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_StunImmunity": prefixing SDV method "DebuffingProjectile.behaviorOnCollisionWithMonster". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_ToggleExtraLoot": postfixing 12 implementations of SDV method "Monster.getExtraDropitems()". [00:49:08 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UpdateCursorOverPlacedItem": postfixing SDV method "Utility.canGrabSomethingFromHere(int, int, Farmer)". [00:49:08 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Starting Installation Checker... [00:49:08 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code] (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe) [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of dependencies to check: 5 [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking SMAPI... [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] SMAPI is loaded and up to date. [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Content Patcher... [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Content Patcher is loaded and up to date. [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking Farm Type Manager (FTM)... [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Farm Type Manager (FTM) is loaded and up to date. [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded... [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] InstallationChecker checking [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded... [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] [FTM] Stardew Valley Expanded is loaded and up to date. [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of missing mods: 0 [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Number of out of date mods: 0 [00:49:08 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Installation check completed. Everything seems fine! [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Replacing sound cue "AmbientLocationSounds.engine" with a wrapper for volume control. [00:49:08 TRACE game] Registered event command: SVE_BadlandsDeath [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "DisableShadowAttacks": postfixing SDV method "AdventureGuild.killListLine(string, int, int)". [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony Patch: HarmonyPatch_Mountain [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomFishPondColors": postfixing SDV method "FishPond.doFishSpecificWaterColoring()". [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCrops()". [00:49:08 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalCropsReadyForHarvest()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalUnwateredCrops()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalOpenHoeDirt()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FarmComputerLocations": postfixing SDV method "Farm.getTotalGreenhouseCropsReadyForHarvest()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_PiggyBank": postfixing SDV method "Object_checkForAction(Farmer, bool)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixDesertBusWarp": transpiling SDV method "Desert.resetLocalState()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertSecretNoteTile": prefixing SDV method "Desert.checkForBuriedItem(int, int, bool, bool, Farmer)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DesertFishingItems": postfixing SDV method "Desert.getFish". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": prefixing SDV method "Event.initiateGrangeJudging()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_CustomGrangeJudging": postfixing SDV method "Event.interpretGrangeResults()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": postfixing SDV method "MovieTheater.checkAction(Location, Rectangle, Farmer)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs": transpiling SDV method "Utility.CheckForCharacterAtTile(Vector2, Farmer)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_DestroyableBushesSVE": postfixing SDV method "Bush.isDestroyable(GameLocation, Vector2)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_TMXLLoadMapFacingDirection": prefixing SDV method "Game1.warpFarmer(LocationRequest, int, int, int)". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_UntimedSpecialOrders": postfixing SDV method "SpecialOrders.IsTimedQuest()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Forest.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts()". [00:49:09 TRACE Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Applying Harmony patch "HarmonyPatch_FixCommunityShortcuts": transpiling SDV method "Beach.showCommunityUpgradeShortcuts(GameLocation, bool)". [00:49:09 TRACE Tractor Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Buildings'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [00:49:09 TRACE Tractor Mod] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/AudioChanges'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 0 cache entries. [00:49:09 TRACE Save Backup] Already backed up today. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (ExperienceBars.Api). [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (BetterRanching.BetterRanchingApi). [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (Omegasis.NightOwl.Framework.NightOwlAPI). [00:49:09 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'UB_ResetDigSpot'. [00:49:09 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'UB_AddCurrency'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles loaded asset 'UnlockableBundles/UI/BundleDiscoveredAnimation'. [00:49:09 TRACE game] Registered event command: UB_ApplyPatch [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles loaded asset 'UnlockableBundles/UI/BundleOverviewIcon'. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_performHoverAction to Void performHoverAction(Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_receiveLeftClick to Void receiveLeftClick(Int32, Int32, Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles loaded asset 'UnlockableBundles/UI/BundleBook'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles loaded asset 'UnlockableBundles/UI/BundleOverviewBG'. [00:49:09 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'UB_PlaceBundle'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Found mod-provided API (Unlockable_Bundles.API.UnlockableBundlesAPI). [00:49:09 DEBUG Bigger Backpack] Applying bytecode patches for spacechase0.BiggerBackpack. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch JunimoNoteMenu_setUpMenu to Void setUpMenu(Int32, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Boolean[]]) in StardewValley.Menus.JunimoNoteMenu. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShippingMenu_ctor to Void .ctor(highlightThisItem, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, StardewValley.Menus.ItemExitBehavior, Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.MenuWithInventory. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_drawCurrency to Void drawCurrency(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch ShopMenu_Initialize to Void Initialize(Int32, OnPurchaseDelegate, System.Func`2[StardewValley.ISalable,System.Boolean], Boolean) in StardewValley.Menus.ShopMenu. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch CraftingPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[StardewValley.Inventories.IInventory]) in StardewValley.Menus.CraftingPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Wear More Rings] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch InventoryPage_ctor to Void .ctor(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) in StardewValley.Menus.InventoryPage. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_answerDialogueAction to Boolean answerDialogueAction(System.String, System.String[]) in StardewValley.GameLocation. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch GameLocation_performAction to Boolean performAction(System.String[], StardewValley.Farmer, xTile.Dimensions.Location) in StardewValley.GameLocation. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SpecialItem_getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp to StardewValley.TemporaryAnimatedSprite getTemporarySpriteForHoldingUp(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2) in StardewValley.Objects.SpecialItem. [00:49:09 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Applying patch SeedShop_draw to Void draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch) in StardewValley.Locations.SeedShop. [00:49:09 DEBUG SMAPI] Mods loaded and ready! [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates... [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings. [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452! [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/Dungeons'. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/AudioChanges. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles edited Data/AudioChanges. [00:49:09 TRACE game] setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' ) [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449! [00:49:09 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452! [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] SMAPI okay. [00:49:09 TRACE game] Instance_LoadContent() finished, elapsed = '00:00:03.1643929' [00:49:09 TRACE SMAPI] Checking for updates to 35 mods... [00:49:09 TRACE game] Steam logged on: True [00:49:09 TRACE game] Initializing GalaxySDK [00:49:09 TRACE game] Requesting Steam app ticket [00:49:09 ERROR game] Error initializing the Galaxy API. TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE' threw an exception. ---> TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SWIGExceptionHelper' threw an exception. ---> DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'GalaxyCSharpGlue' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libGalaxyCSharpGlue: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper.SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_GalaxyInstance(ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate, ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate, ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate, ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate, ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate, ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate, ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate, ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate, ExceptionDelegate systemExceptionDelegate) at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..ctor() at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstancePINVOKE.new_InitParams__SWIG_3(String jarg1, String jarg2, String jarg3) at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamHelper.Initialize() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\1\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamHelper.cs:line 90 [00:49:09 INFO SMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage [00:49:10 TRACE Wear More Rings] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ExperienceBars.Api) for Experience Bars. [00:49:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (SpaceCore.Api) for SpaceCore. [00:49:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE SpaceCore] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] Got update-check errors for some mods: Grampleton Fields: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded Code: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded Farm Type Manager: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations - Immersive Farm 2: The value '???' isn't a valid Nexus mod ID, must be an integer ID. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] All mods up to date. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TextureOverrides'. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CraftingRecipeOverrides'. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/CookingRecipeOverrides'. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/VirtualCurrencyData'. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/WearableData'. [00:49:10 TRACE SMAPI] SpaceCore loaded asset 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData'. [00:49:10 TRACE Chests Anywhere] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API found: Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM). [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Expanded Preconditions Utility (EPU). [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API not found: Dynamic Game Assets (DGA). [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] API found: Content Patcher (CP). [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Mod not found: Monsters The Framework (MTF). [00:49:10 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Optional API not found: Item Extensions. [00:49:10 TRACE Tractor Mod] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Visible Fish] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE NPC Map Locations] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Experience Bars] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Better Ranching] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Unlockable Bundles] Accessed mod-provided API (ContentPatcher.Framework.ContentPatcherAPI) for Content Patcher. [00:49:10 TRACE Unlockable Bundles] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE Bigger Backpack] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:10 TRACE game] Signing into GalaxySDK [00:49:10 ERROR game] Galaxy SignInSteam failed with an exception: TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance' threw an exception. ---> TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'CustomExceptionHelper' threw an exception. ---> DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'GalaxyCSharpGlue' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libGalaxyCSharpGlue: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper.CustomExceptionRegisterCallback(CustomExceptionDelegate customCallback) at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.CustomExceptionHelper..ctor() at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance.User() at StardewValley.SDKs.Steam.SteamHelper.onEncryptedAppTicketResponse(EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t response, Boolean ioFailure) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\1\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\SDKs\Steam\SteamHelper.cs:line 251 [00:49:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Unlockable Bundles added 8 custom tokens with prefix 'DLX.Bundles/': CollectiveCurrency, CollectiveCurrencyTotal, DaysSincePurchase, Discovered, PersonalCurrency, PersonalCurrencyTotal, PrizeMachineLevel, Purchased. [00:49:10 TRACE Content Patcher] Farm Type Manager added a custom token with prefix 'Esca.FarmTypeManager/': NumberOfMonsters. [00:49:10 TRACE Content Patcher] SpaceCore added 4 custom tokens with prefix 'spacechase0.SpaceCore/': BooksellerInTown, CurrentEventId, CurrentlyInEvent, QuestionsAsked. [00:49:10 INFO Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - Elle's New Barn Animals - Elle's New Coop Animals - Elle's New Horses - Elle's Town Animals - No More Bowlegs For mod authors, see how to update a mod: [00:49:10 TRACE game] Registered trigger action handler 'Pathoschild.ContentPatcher_MigrateIds'. [00:49:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for all assets matching a predicate. [00:49:11 TRACE game] Successfully loaded ContentHashes.json containing 3560 file(s); [00:49:11 TRACE game] EnsureManifestInitialized() finished, elapsed = '00:00:00.0050709' [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/birds (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Horses' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Immersive Farm 2 Remastered' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited LooseSprites/Cursors2 (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's New Coop Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Maps/springobjects (for the 'Elle's New Barn Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited TileSheets/Craftables (for the 'Elle's Seasonal Buildings' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Minigames/TitleButtons (for the 'Elle's Town Animals' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/BigCraftables (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Objects (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Crops (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Seasonal Cute Characters' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Characters (for the 'Goth Haley Seasonal Revised' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Weapons (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/Buildings. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Buildings (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FarmAnimals (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/FruitTrees (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Immersive Farm 2 Remastered' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Grampleton Fields' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/LocationContexts (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/NPCGiftTastes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CraftingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/CookingRecipes (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/JukeboxTracks (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449! [00:49:11 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452! [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Tractor Mod edited Data/AudioChanges. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Unlockable Bundles edited Data/AudioChanges. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/AudioChanges (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 25 asset names (Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/TriggerActions, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/Craftables). Propagated 25 core assets (Data/AudioChanges, Data/BigCraftables, Data/Boots, Data/Buildings, Data/Characters, Data/CookingRecipes, Data/CraftingRecipes, Data/Crops, Data/FarmAnimals, Data/FruitTrees, Data/Furniture, Data/JukeboxTracks, Data/LocationContexts, Data/Locations, Data/NPCGiftTastes, Data/Objects, Data/TriggerActions, Data/Weapons, LooseSprites/birds, LooseSprites/Cursors, LooseSprites/Cursors2, Maps/springobjects, Minigames/TitleButtons, Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, TileSheets/Craftables). [00:49:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Requested cache invalidation for 'Data/Locations'. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations. [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Immersive Farm 2 Remastered' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Locations (for the 'Grampleton Fields' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names (Data/Locations). Propagated 1 core assets (Data/Locations). [00:49:11 TRACE Content Patcher] Accessed mod-provided API (GenericModConfigMenu.Framework.Api) for Generic Mod Config Menu. [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Poltergeister.SeasonalCuteCharacters [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of JefGrizli.GothHaley [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.NewCoopAnimals [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of JefGrizli.GothHaleyRooms [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of oziono.shopitemsexpanded [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.NewHorses [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.SeasonalBuildings [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.TownAnimals [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of flashshifter.immersivefarm2remastered [00:49:11 TRACE Generic Mod Config Menu] Pathoschild.ContentPatcher is registering on behalf of Elle.NewBarnAnimals [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/TriggerActions (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:11 TRACE SMAPI] Generic Mod Config Menu loaded asset 'Mods/GenericModConfigMenu/ConfigButton'. [00:49:12 TRACE game] Window_ClientSizeChanged(); Window.ClientBounds={X:3840 Y:559 Width:5120 Height:1440} [00:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3962! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3963! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3980! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4001! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3956! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3957! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3958! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3959! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3960! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3961! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3965! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3966! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3967! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3968! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3970! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3971! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3972! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3973! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3974! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3975! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4274! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4275! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4276! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4277! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4278! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4279! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4280! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4281! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.3985! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4439! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4440! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4441! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4442! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4443! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4444! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4445! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4447! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4448! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4449! [00:49:12 TRACE Unique Response Core] Edited NPC.cs.4452! [00:49:12 TRACE SMAPI] Unique Response Core edited Strings/StringsFromCSFiles.view parsed log | download